How can I fetch data from multiple tables and place it in an XML file using Spring Batch? - spring

I have been trying to fetch details from multiple tables in a database and provide the output in the form of XML file using Spring batch. Is there any working code to do the above task or any idea to do so?

Following links should guide you.
If simple then xml then:
For complex xml using spring, refer to these threads;
Complex XML using Spring Batch; StaxEventItemWriter ; Jaxb2Marshaller
Build non trivial XML file with StaxEventItemWriter


spring batch probleme importing a csv file to database

How to import CSV data to PostgreSQL Database using Spring Batch Job
Spring Batch is a powerful module to implement a batch process for tons of data conveniently.
You can find a lot of example on google or you can look at this post:
To me, the best reference that helped me in a simple way to understand how spring batch works with examples is tutorialspoint/spring-batch. Try this.

Spring Batch and ElasticSearch

Here is my scenario..
I need to read csv file and store output to ElasticSearch. I am using Spring Batch to read csv file. can anyone give me example how to save in elasticsearch using Spring Batch or Spring Batch Extension?
Its an old question and probably you might have found answer by now but here it goes...
To work with ElasticSearch, you need Spring Data and you simply write items from your writer as you normally do but with a repository instance like - where list is a List of items passed from Spring Batch processor to writer.
Where repository is basically a ElasticsearchRepository from Spring Data. You need to define repositories for your items.
You need to provide your ElasticsearchRepository definitions to ElasticSearch instance definitions by editing - #EnableElasticsearchRepositories in and you define persistent layer as done here. Edit #EnableElasticsearchRepositories to actual repository package location of your project.
Hope it helps !!
Actually, I worked with a similar project but instead of importing data from a CSV file, I imported it from a relational database MySQL, reading and filtering data with the spring batch and write it into elasticsearch , this is the link of the project in the GitHub read carefully the file you will find all the required configuration :
the github project link

Spring batch uses relational database to store job metadata

I am aware of spring batch metadata tables are written to Relational database tables say MySQL,H2 etc. But my question is whether spring batch metadata tables can be written to elasticsearch . If so how to proceed further?
have you checked the Spring Batch Extensions module? This module provides an ItemReader and an ItemWriter for interacting with Elasticsearch. Hope it helps.

Is there a way to spring batch read the field set configuration from database?

We are trying to develop a framework on top of spring batch, basically it has to read the data from database like fields, fields order, file location..etc..
Is there any existing frameworks to achieve this, otherwise please shed some light on this...
I don't think there is any such extension available over the framework. You might have to write your own customizations to achieve a database driven configuration for Spring Batch.
What do you want Spring Batch to read in? Have you looked at ItemReaders?
In your ItemReader constructor you can read in whatever configuration you require.
And see:
Reading Records From a Database in Spring Batch

How to Write into multiple files with Spring Batch using writer

How to Write into multiple files with Spring Batch using writer, Multiple files depends on data return from Database. Any better solution to implement in Spring Batch
Use a ClassifierCompositeItemWriter
Calls one of a collection of ItemWriters for each item, based on a router pattern implemented through the provided Classifier.
