c# ZPL Binary Kits License - zpl

Hello, I am developing a program for my company.
In this project, we need to implement a feature that previews zebra's zpl in C#.
Therefore, I want to use an external library (Nuget), but the famous Labelary not only has restrictions on continuous use, but the company does not want security information to be passed on.
Therefore, I want to use a Nuget package called Binary Kits, but this package also seemed to support how to use Labelary and its own viewer module.
If I use Binary Kits' own viewer module, I wonder if there will be any problems such as my data being
transferred to another place, or there being a limit on the number of preview uses.
enter image description here
I installed BinaryKits.Zpl.Viewer and these packages were downloaded automatically.


what is the development tool of this GUI

I have a light/simple app (Winodws GUI), I want to know what is the development tool of this app? most of the app's files are as bellow.
I am newer to app development, I expected to know like "this app is developed by WPF&C#, Electron&Js, Qt&C++" this message. I am not sure if this message could be idenfied from the files shown
btw, there is an .exe with them
It is impossible to say exactly because these libraries are pretty common.
msvcp140 implies that the base is C++ developed with Visual Studio 2015 or later.
d3d* means something there is using Direct3D as well (could be Chromium). EGL/GLES is more graphics stuff, probably used by Chromium.
The presence of Chrome* means it is either using Chromium to display some web content or the entire app is HTML/Javascript based like Electron.
You should inspect the .exe in a hex editor. And a strings tool.
Use something like WinSpy to inspect the main application window. What is the class name?

Parsing graphical interfaces of Windows based executables

I want to parse the graphical interfaces that pop up during the execution of Windows based installers.
I want to retrieve the information that gets displayed on the pop up windows without of course taking up a subpar solution like OCR.
Are there any well known APIs provided by Microsoft or other open source solutions?

Win32: Get info on statically linked libraries

Assuming you only have access to the final product (i.e. in form of the exe file), how would you go about finding out which libraries/components the developer used to create the application?
In my specific case the question is about an application developed in VC++ using a few third party components and I'm curious which those are.
But I think the question is generally valid, e.g. when it should be proven if a developer is in line with license requirements of a specific library.
So, what you're saying is that if I suspect that a binary is using a certain library, I could try to map the respective function calls and see if I get a result. But there is no shortcut to this and unless I am willing to try out hundreds of mappings or the dev left some information in some strings or other resources, I have little chance of finding this out. Yes?
There is small shortcut, here's what I'd do:
check executable for strings and constants, and try to find out what library is that.
IF used libraries are open-source, compile them on my own and create FLAIR signatures (IDA Pro).
Use generated flair signatures on target executable.
In some situations, that can really work like a charm and can let you distinguish actual code from used libraries.
The IDA Pro Book - Ch 12. Library Recognition Using FLIRT Signatures

Inserting libraries or plug-ins into Microsoft Office apps for Mac

I'm trying to write a plugin for Office on Mac to match some functionality I have on Windows. I've been working with Word 2011 for Mac to create a PoC. I can get my library loaded into Word in various ways, but I'd really like something clean and (at least somewhat) supported.
I've discovered a WordPDE.plugin inside the app bundle, but DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES reveals that the plugin is never loaded under typical operation (Start app, create doc, type content, save doc, quit app.) I placed a dummy plugin beside WordPDE.plugin only to have it ignored by Word.
I also see that the Office apps include a MicrosoftComponentPlugin.framework but the information reported by class-dump doesn't help determine how to write a "Microsoft Component Plugin" nor how it might actually get loaded.
Ultimately, I can get my library into Word by asking dyld to do it, or by modifying load commands in the executable, but I'd much prefer going a cleaner route with some kind of plugin. Is there anyone with any information about how Word for Mac loads and uses this plugin and/or the mentioned framework?

Develop application for windows without any depedendency

I need to create an application for all versions of windows (XP, Vista, 7) without the need to install .NET or other 3rd party tools.
The application needs to download files asynchronous which are received in a json format and display a html page which can communicate with the application using javascript.
Is there a way to do that using an advanced IDE like Visual Studio but without requiring anything besides the application exe?
Are there any open source alternatives?
Thank you.
Look into the WebBrowser control. It's basically an Internet Explorer control you can embed in your application, and it has an interface that allows all sorts of manipulations. And given Internet Explorer is always a part of windows, it'll always be available without further installations.
Using the control requires some work. You can start by looking at Using the WebBrowser control, simplified. It uses MFC, but you can use the control with plain C++ as well.
The way I'd use it is push as many complicated tasks as possible to the browser control, and run them using JavaScript. A-synchronously downloading JSON is a pain in C++, but a no-brainer in JS. So you can basically divide your logic between C++ and JavaScript, and figure out some interface (by using, say, the DOM).
