Get reservation/menu URL from Google Places API - google-places-api

I am looking for an automated way to get a place's reservation/menu URL to use in my service. However, I am having a hard time finding this in their docs. Is this not possible via the Google Places API? If so, is there an alternative I could use?


How to retrieve posts from Google Currents using the Google API?

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to retrieve all the posts of a community of Google Currents using the Google API, in order to store them automatically somewhere else. Unfortunately, I've found nothing that allows me to achieve that so far.
Do you know any way to do that? Google API related, or not.
So far, I've looked in the Google API docs but haven't found anything truly usefull. I might need to develop a script that retrieves on its own the posts. Seems like a lot of work.

How to get Google's Last Crawl Date for a given URL of mine via the API

Given any URL of a site I "own", in Google Search Console I can see this information:
I am particularly interested in the "last crawl date".
How do I get the same information with the API (Search Console API or Webmaster Tools API)?
You cannot. Not via the Google Search Console API, the Webmaster Tools API, or any other Google API for that matter. How Google can design their APIs so poorly is beyond me. Providing access to 100% of the features that you can access through the UI of the same service, is the #1 most basic requirement of an API, and they fail even at that.
There's this workaround (requesting<YOUR_URL>... and scraping the response contents), but you'll start getting "429 too many requests" pretty soon, so it's basically useless unless you only need to make, I don't know, maybe a request every few days.
In practice, there doesn't seem to be any other way than logging the crawler's visits yourself (recognizing it from the user-agent string, validating the IP maybe with a reverse lookup or just against a list).

Google geocoding API security

I am asking this question after extensively reading Google's recommended approach, but I do have a problem with all these approaches, let me explain the situation.
I use combination of geolocation and geocoding API to know the approximate state location and then display relevant content. The geolocation API needs to be called obviously from the browser to get appropriate geolocation of the user. Google provides HTTP Referrer based restriction for this API. I know someone can easily spoof the referrer and make calls with the same API key. I do not see a huge advantage even though Google recommends this.
On the other hand Google does not allow HTTP Referrer for geocoding API, but it does allow that for the MAPS JavaScript API. But again if you are not using Google maps then using that API is violation of Google's terms. Now google recommends to move the code that uses geocoding web services API to be on the back-end so that your key will be protected. But since ultimately I need to deliver the result to a front-end web application that is publicly accessible and I can only make a browser based Ajax call to first get the geolocation to feed to geocoding, I ultimately need to make an Ajax call to get my geocoding information. Then someone can easily just latch onto my end-point to piggy back on and call the geocoding API as much as they want. So for situations like this I want to know what is the ideal and secured way to deal with. May be there are other APIs that might be an ideal situation for this.
In my case, I am not doing any maps so it's all purely server-side to get latitudes, longitudes and driving distance between two points. This today from Google support which might help and if you're using maps, then the links may provide further insight.
Regarding API restrictions, please note that HTTP referrers will not
work on Geocoding API since HTTP referrers can only be used for client
side services. In other words, Geocoding is a web service API and
should only be used on server-side implementation. IP address
restrictions should be used for web service APIs. However, if you are
using the Geocoding API in a website, IP address restriction would not
work. Please check the suitable restrictions for each API in the
following link:
To make this work, you should create a separate key and use the new
one in your Geocoding API request URL. You may add a restriction to
this key by using an "API restriction", and restrict it to Geocoding
API only. If you don't want to create another key, you may keep using
your current one but make sure to change your implementation and use
the client side Geocoding service from the Maps JavaScript API. In
that case, please refer to this documentation:
Another suggestion would be to get a static IP address from your ISP,
especially if you are planning to use it on a public website. For
development purposes, a sound solution would be to get three separate
keys: one for the staging and tests, another for server-side requests
and a third one for client-side requests. That way, you are making
sure your API key is protected.

Is there any Google api to search

I've visited Google custom search engine. It seems it is for the sites included in the custom search engine. This is not what we want. So, I'm asking.
We need this api, even it is paid service.
I would like to answer this question by myself.
No API to access Google images.

Google Places API Email/Website

Is there a way to get Email/Website of a particular place using Google Places API? If this is not possible is there a way other than using Google API?
To retrieve a places website address using Google Places API, you could perform a Places Autocomplete Request with the input parameter value set to the name of the place: e.g.input=Amoeba
Then using the reference from the response you could perform a Places Details Request: e.g.
This would return the details for Amoeba including if available, the parameter website which would contain the places website address.
Google Places API provides Details requests and responses using your API key.
The tag allows for the google places url for that places
If you wish to harvest website, fax and opening hours information, it can only be done here.
There is no direct api in the Google Places API that will provide that info.
Just as addressComponents are part of the Details response, i assume tags will be added to the Place Details responses from the API to address this problem.
I have been trying to use Google Places API, and I have successful queries, fetching Places details, which has all the address information for the place I want to find, but ironically, there is NO WEBSITE attribute in the returned JSON!
The first version of Local search was MUCH better, and always accurate for searches when you know the business name.
