In figma, I have 5 "frames". Each one has a spot where I can click and see the next screen. I used smart animation to move some of the elements around.
What I would like to do is export this animation into a gif so I can use it on a webpage as a demo. Is that possible, and if it is - how?
File> exporting - but there are no options to select from, so it just exports 5 png files.
Yes, you can export a GIF from Figma. To do this, simply select the frame you want to export as a GIF in the timeline and click on the Export button in the top bar.
In the Export window that pops up, select GIF as the file format and choose your desired settings.
I'm a Unity nob, so please don't flame me for this question.
I'm trying to change a simple UI button to look like a Play button (via simple Play PNG image), I see that the Button have a Source Image under the Image script, but as far as I can see I must select a Sprite.
How can I create a Sprite from a PNG Image?
Unity's sprite is a kind of Texture.
Import your PNG by drag your file to the Project panel, Unity will automatically generate texture for you.
Click on that file, The Inspector panel will show texture's Import setting.
In Inspector, Choose texture type as Sprite (2D and UI), Hit Apply at the bottom.
In Project Panel, Drag this texture to your Source Image under Image Script
Im using Slick Slider and the Slider Syncing option. Is it possible to scroll the "thumbnails" (.slider-nav in the example) without changing the main image (.slider-for in the example)?
I only want the main image to change when you click on a thumbnail. This way you can scroll through all the thumbnails and when click on the one that you want.
It looks like there is no option for this on the slick slider docs but there is jsfiddle example that works for me:
I want to export certain shapes in powerpoint as images. For that I am using the following code:
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3).Export "C:\dink_template\created_files\testimg.jpg", ppShapeFormatJPG
I also tried with other image formats:
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3).Export "C:\dink_template\created_files\testimg.png", ppShapeFormatPNG
and I get this image:
Here you cannot notice because the white peace that appears in the image button (and also a bit in the top) is mixing with the page but if you make inspect element on the photo you will see it.
As you can see in this other image in powerpoint the shape fix perfectly and it is not bigger that the image:
Why is appearing this white peace in the top and in the button? How can I export the image without them?
I know when it is happening. Because I try with other ones and sometimes they where not appearing and sometime it was. The problem is that when the text you write in the shape is so close to the border and you export it as image it export with this white space. Now the question is... how can I solve this?
One option would be to adjust the size of your shape and/or the size of the text accordingly to the total text length, before exporting it as an image, in order to make sure that your text will never be too close to the border...
Something else: have you checked the margins properties of your shape? Putting them to 0 might help a bit.
I want to implement an animation which is like the sync animation of evernote app on Max OS X.
The button looks like:
When the animation runs, only is the white arrow rotating.
I tried to use Core Animation, and the steps are following:
1 I dragged a NSButton to the tool bar and set it to an outlet aBtn. I set the blue blackground image to the aBtn.
2 I created a CALayer instance variable aLayer and add it to the aBtn. So it can look like the button above.
3 when aBtn was clicked, I add the rotation animation the aLayer. It run perfectly well.
The problem is when I want to customize the tool bar, the aBtn shown in the tool bar palette didn't have the aLayer and only had the blue background image.
Then I tried to find the event or notification for the showing or closing of the tool bar palette. As a result I can reset the image of the aBtn before the tool bar palette was shown or hidden.However, I couldn't be notified when the tool bar palette was closed.
Could any one give any suggestion?
If you have good idea about how to implement this animation, please let me know.
I create a gif to store the animation, and create an NSImageView for the gif. Then I use -[NSToolBarItem setView:].
Using gif is an easier way than implementing it with Core Animation.
My graphic artist gave me a .PNG file, then the same file as a .GIF. When I save it, the transparent background pixels actually get set to white pixels. At one time I thought VS could do transparent colors with this little pink/salmon retro-tv looking icon in the color palette, but it's not showing up any more.
Anybody have any ideas?
Open the file gif/png with the Visual Studio Editor
In the properties window select a format that supports the alpha channel i.e. 32bpp BGRA
Using the eraser tool now will set those pixels to transparent.
In Visual Studio 2015 image editor, I found an easy way to do this with the eraser tool.
First fill the background which you want to make transparent with an adequately unique color(not really necessary I think, after some trials.. It's up to you to try) that is not in the picture.
Then select the tool used to 'select an area of similar color'.
Then click on the background you filled with new color. Only the area you need to make transparent will be selected.
Now use the eraser tool with as much size(erase width in properties) as you want to easily erase the opaque background. The eraser won't erase the picture you need.
Then click outside the picture to clear the selection and you get the picture with the transparent background! This method just takes seconds to finish, as compared to using just the eraser tool. Just sometimes, you may need to touch up the picture, as some minor part of required image may be cleared.
NOTE: You must set the format to '32bpp BGRA' to do this.
EDIT: I found that you don't even need an eraser tool. After step 3, press delete, and the background is gone!
In the VS 2013 image editor, the following works for me:
Select View-Toolbars-Image Editor so that you can see the toolbar
Select the eraser from the toolbar. Set the erase width in the property window to 1
Now clicking ("erasing") a pixel will set it to transparent
The VS eraser tool was working but taking way too long for my image. This tool automatically made my white background transparent when I uploaded the png version.
Drag and Drop image on page (then the page does some processing to
the image)
Click green download button on bottom right and select .png
(transparent background)
Super fast
Online tool so nothing to download
Image needs to be at least 100 x 100px
I'm just using it for an intranet web app so I didn't need to put much time in or make it great quality.
In the VS2019 image editor you can also use the "M" key on the keyboard to select an area of an image based on color, and then use the delete key.
If you have access to Microsoft Visio you can Import/Create the graphic object that you want to have some transparent pixels, make some or no changes to it and then Save As Type .png file.
After you hit Save As a PNG Output Options pop-up appears.
It gives you a Tick box to select the Transparency color (ie color you want to make transparent).