how to implement the NSToolbarItem Animation like evernote - cocoa

I want to implement an animation which is like the sync animation of evernote app on Max OS X.
The button looks like:
When the animation runs, only is the white arrow rotating.
I tried to use Core Animation, and the steps are following:
1 I dragged a NSButton to the tool bar and set it to an outlet aBtn. I set the blue blackground image to the aBtn.
2 I created a CALayer instance variable aLayer and add it to the aBtn. So it can look like the button above.
3 when aBtn was clicked, I add the rotation animation the aLayer. It run perfectly well.
The problem is when I want to customize the tool bar, the aBtn shown in the tool bar palette didn't have the aLayer and only had the blue background image.
Then I tried to find the event or notification for the showing or closing of the tool bar palette. As a result I can reset the image of the aBtn before the tool bar palette was shown or hidden.However, I couldn't be notified when the tool bar palette was closed.
Could any one give any suggestion?
If you have good idea about how to implement this animation, please let me know.

I create a gif to store the animation, and create an NSImageView for the gif. Then I use -[NSToolBarItem setView:].
Using gif is an easier way than implementing it with Core Animation.


Custom Button in Swift and MacOS

In MacOS there is a simple App called Calculator, that I would like to recreate using Swift for learning purposes. A button like the plus button on the calculator has two images associated with it, one when the button is up and one when the button is down, as seen on the images below.
As you can see, when the + button is pressed down, its image changes to a darker orange color and the text gets a dark grey color. My question is: How to implement this button behavior?
Is it possible to do it with NSButton (and if so how)? or is it easier to implement it using CALayer? Or maybe there is some other way that I have not thought of?
You should be able to use a single image and configure it in code or in your asset catalogue to be a "template image". That means the shape is taken into consideration, much like a stamp, and the stamped-out area is filled with color dynamically. That means you don't have to provide a white and dark gray/black variant. One variant will suffice, usually black to see the lines well, and the rest can be configured through.
See the SO question "How to NOT highlight the NSButton's template image when clicked?" for details about the setup: How to NOT highlight the NSButton's template image when clicked?

UI doesn't show up in #Screen tab in Unity 4.6

I have just upgraded Unity to version 4.6 and tried to create a button by Create -> UI -> Button.
However, this button doesn't show up in #Screen tab but it does in Game tab.
Please look at the screen shoot below:
Another question is: The default width and height when creating a new button is 160 x 30. When I change the source image with my own image button, I have to change the width and height parameters in rect transform. Is there any faster way to automatically obtain new width and height based on the image which I insert?
Thank you very much!
First, double click the button in your hierarchy and see that it indeed does not show in the Scene view, excluding any kind of zoom problem. (By the way, I'm assuming you mean "Scene" and not "Screen", right?) Things in different cameras or canvases might have very different scales but appear correctly in the Game view. I don't know how used you are to Unity, so I'm sorry if this sounds obvious. :)
Next, check the dropdown labeled "Layers" on top of Unity's editor, to the right of the Play, Pause and Step buttons. See if the layer of your button (which in this case is "UI") is visible. It should have an open eye icon next to it.
Regarding your other question, after dragging your sprite to the Image component, you can press the "Set Native Size" button, which will set the size of your object to the dimensions of your Sprite. Regarding the new UI, I think this is as automatic as it gets. Note that "Set Native Size" will only appear if your Image type is set to Simple (probably what you want) or Filled in the component.
I had the same problem before and here's a possible solution.
By default, the editor camera (Scene Tab) renders the World Space,
so your Canvas component's render mode should be set to "World Space".
The problem may only occur when you're trying to (or supposedly) render your UI in Screen Space - Overlay or Screen Space - Camera in the Canvas component.
So if you want to properly edit UI objects in the scene tab/window; set the Canvas component's render mode to World Space.
We don't have this problem in Unity 4.x before because I think Unity automatically renders any render mode from the Canvas component, however, that doesn't happen in Unity 5.x. I'm guessing it's either intentional that they do that or it's a bug on Unity UI feature.

Highlight selected image in Windows Phone XAML?

I am currently using the Image control in XAML, when the user taps on the image I want to display another image like a tap effect*, so for example I want to make the image a bit darker or lighter once the user taps on it, how can I do this using the image control?
I've managed to fix this with adding a new image to the mousebuttonup, mousebuttondown and mouseleave event of the image control
You could place a collapsed image with the same size at the same position as the first one. If the user taps the image, you show the previously collapsed image.
If you want to make your first image darker, set the background of your hidden image to black and opacity to 0.25 or something like this. When it gets visible your first image will be slightly darker.
Instead that you can try to customize the style of your button. In Visual State>>Pressed>>You can change the Color or you can give some animation as well.

Toggle NSToolbarItem between Black and Blue

I'd like to make an NSToolbarItem with a custom image which toggles between Black and Blue, like the icons at the top right of Xcode 5's main window.
Peter Hosey suggested in this answer that it was as simple as setting the image to be a template, but I haven't found that to be the case. I set it to a template image, and that causes it properly render the dark gray gradient, but it doesn't render in blue when toggled.
I uploaded a very simple example of what I've done, here. If someone could tell me how to change it to light up the NSToolbarItem in blue, as Xcode does, then I'd very much appreciate it.
You mostly have everything you need in place, with the exception of providing an NSButton object using the style NSTexturedRoundedBezelStyle, with which you’ve associated your image.
↳ modified example project here
⌘ OS X Human Interface Guidelines | Window-Frame Controls

How to make an image as transparent in BlackBerry?

I am new to BlackBerry Java application development. My scenario is: In my application a gallery list of images will be displayed in a small icons. If I click on any image it will display in a large mode. Here I need to provide controls like front and back buttons. On clicking on those buttons the background image should change. In addition to that those buttons should be highlighted and the back ground large image should be transparent. How to do this?
Please guide me.
You can use Graphics.setGlobalAlpha() on paint() or to modify bitmap before preview.
Don't forget to set back normal global alpha value after bitmap drawing.
