Logging Microprofile fault tollerance events - quarkus

I am working on a Quarkus app that uses the smallrye microprofile fault tolerance implementation.
We have configured fault tolerance on the client definitions via the annotations API (#Retry, #Bulkhead, etc) and it seems to work but we don't get any sort of feedback about what is happening. Ideally we would like to get some sort of callback but even just having logs would help out in the first step.
The rest clients look something like this:
#RegisterRestClient(configKey = "foo-backend")
interface FooClient {
#Retry(maxRetries = 4, delay = 900)
#Timeout(value = 3000)
fun getUser(payload: GetFooUserRequest): GetFooUserResponse
Looking at the logs, even though we trace all communication, I cannot see any event even if I manually stop foo-backend and start it again before the retires run out.
Our logging config looks like this right now but still nothing
Is there a way to get callbacks when a fault tolerance event happens? Or a setting which logs them out? I also would be interested in knowing when out Circuit Breakers are triggered or when a Bulkhead fills up. Logging them would be good enough for now but Ideally I would like to somehow listen for them.

You can enable DEBUG logging for the io.smallrye.faulttolerance category, and you should get all the information you need.
Specifically for circuit breakers, you can register state change listeners for circuit breakers that have been given a name using #CircuitBreakerName -- just inject CircuitBreakerMaintenance and use onStateChange. See https://smallrye.io/docs/smallrye-fault-tolerance/5.6.0/usage/extra.html#_circuit_breaker_maintenance
There's unfortunately nothing similar for bulkheads yet.


Spring Integration can’t use multiple Outbound Channel Adapters

I want to write to a channel adapter only if the previous channel adapter write has been written successfully. I’m trying to do this by:
public IntegrationFlow buildFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(someChannelAdapter)
But I’m getting the following exception: The ‘currentComponent’ (…ReactiveMessageHandlerAdapter) is a one-way 'MessageHandler’ and it isn’t appropriate to configure ‘outputChannel’. This is the end of the integration flow.
How can I perform this?
If your handler implementation is one-way, fire-n-forget, then indeed there is no justification to continue the flow. It can go ahead with the configuration if the current handler is reply-producing and there will be something we can build a message to send to the next channel.
In your case .handle(outboundChannelAdapter1) is just void, so the next .handle(outboundChannelAdapter2) is not going to have anything to continue the flow. So, the framework gives you a hint that such a configuration is wrong. It is called flow for a reason: the result of the current endpoint is going to be an input for the next one. If no result, no continuation. How else it could work in your opinion?
The point is that there need to be something to write to your channel adapter. One of the solution is a PublishSubscribeChannel which distributes the same input message to all its subscribers. If that is what would fit to your expectations, then take a look into its support in Java DSL: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/dsl.html#java-dsl-subflows.
Another way is a RecipientListRouter pattern: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/message-routing.html#router-implementations-recipientlistrouter.
You may achieve the same with WireTap as well, but it depends on a business logic of your solution: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/core.html#channel-wiretap.
But anyway: you need to understand that the second handler can be called only if there is an input message for its channel. In all those cases I showed you it is exactly the same message you send to a first handler. If your expectations are different, please elaborate what kind of message you'd like to have for a second handler if the first does not return anything.

Spring Integration Flow : Circuit breaker for each endpoints or at flow level

I have successfully implemented some spring Integration Flow.
I am looking to have a circuit breaker either the same one for each endpoints or either at the flow level.
I have already read this documentation https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/handler-advice.html, but I havent find my answer.
Should I use some AOP ?
I'm not sure what you have missed in the mentioned docs, but RequestHandlerCircuitBreakerAdvice is indeed over there: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/handler-advice.html#circuit-breaker-advice
The advises like this should be applied in the Java DSL with this configuration option:
.transform(..., c -> c.advice(expressionAdvice()))
Pay attention to that advice(expressionAdvice()) call. The expressionAdvice() is a bean method. So, you can do something similar for the RequestHandlerCircuitBreakerAdvice and any your endpoints in the flow which need to be guarded by the circuit.
And yes, you can use only a single bean for the RequestHandlerCircuitBreakerAdvice. It does keep a state for any endpoint it is called against:
protected Object doInvoke(ExecutionCallback callback, Object target, Message<?> message) {
AdvisedMetadata metadata = this.metadataMap.get(target);
if (metadata == null) {
this.metadataMap.putIfAbsent(target, new AdvisedMetadata());
metadata = this.metadataMap.get(target);
Thanks for your answer #artem-bilan.
I really appreciate that a spring integration team member anwsered to this.
After more thoughts, I have reformulated my problem.
Given an IntegrationFlow, with a specific error channel, if there are more than a given amount of errors in given span time (more than 10 errors in 10s), I want to stop polling the input channel.
So I redirect all the errors for this flow to the specific flow error channel.
An error counter is incremented, and then if the threshold is reached in the given span time, I stop the poller.
I have a second flow that monitor "stopped" pollers, and it restart them after some time.
I do have use your recommendations.
Mainly because I the framework dont solve your problem, your probably wrong.
And I was wrong.
Thanks !

Spring Boot Webflux/Netty - Detect closed connection

I've been working with spring-boot 2.0.0.RC1 using the webflux starter (spring-boot-starter-webflux). I created a simple controller that returns a infinite flux. I would like that the Publisher only does its work if there is a client (Subscriber). Let's say I have a controller like this one:
public class Demo {
#GetMapping(value = "/")
public Flux<String> getEvents(){
return Flux.create((FluxSink<String> sink) -> {
// TODO e.g. fetch data from somewhere
}).doFinally(signal -> System.out.println("END"));
Now, when I try to run that code and access the endpoint http://localhost:8080/ with Chrome, then I can see the data. However, once I close the browser the while-loop continues since no cancel event has been fired. How can I terminate/cancel the streaming as soon as I close the browser?
From this answer I quote that:
Currently with HTTP, the exact backpressure information is not
transmitted over the network, since the HTTP protocol doesn't support
this. This can change if we use a different wire protocol.
I assume that, since backpressure is not supported by the HTTP protocol, it means that no cancel request will be made either.
Investigating a little bit further, by analyzing the network traffic, showed that the browser sends a TCP FIN as soon as I close the browser. Is there a way to configure Netty (or something else) so that a half-closed connection will trigger a cancel event on the publisher, making the while-loop stop?
Or do I have to write my own adapter similar to org.springframework.http.server.reactive.ServletHttpHandlerAdapter where I implement my own Subscriber?
Thanks for any help.
An IOException will be raised on the attempt to write data to the socket if there is no client. As you can see in the stack trace.
But that's not good enough, since it might take a while before the next chunk of data will be ready to send and therefore it takes the same amount of time to detect the gone client. As pointed out in Brian Clozel's answer it is a known issue in Reactor Netty. I tried to use Tomcat instead by adding the dependency to the POM.xml. Like this:
Although it replaces Netty and uses Tomcat instead, it does not seem reactive due to the fact that the browser does not show any data. However, there is no warning/info/exception in the console. Is spring-boot-starter-webflux as of this version (2.0.0.RC1) supposed to work together with Tomcat?
Since this is a known issue (see Brian Clozel's answer), I ended up using one Flux to fetch my real data and having another one in order to implement some sort of ping/heartbeat mechanism. As a result, I merge both together with Flux.merge().
Here you can see a simplified version of my solution:
public class Demo {
public interface Notification{}
public static class MyData implements Notification{
public boolean isEmpty(){…}
#GetMapping(value = "/", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<ServerSentEvent<? extends Notification>> getNotificationStream() {
return Flux.merge(getEventMessageStream(), getHeartbeatStream());
private Flux<ServerSentEvent<Notification>> getHeartbeatStream() {
return Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(2))
.map(i -> ServerSentEvent.<Notification>builder().event("ping").build())
.doFinally(signalType ->System.out.println("END"));
private Flux<ServerSentEvent<MyData>> getEventMessageStream() {
return Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(30))
.map(i -> {
// TODO e.g. fetch data from somewhere,
// if there is no data return an empty object
return data;
.filter(data -> !data.isEmpty())
.map(data -> ServerSentEvent
I wrap everything up as ServerSentEvent<? extends Notification>. Notification is just a marker interface. I use the event field from the ServerSentEvent class in order to separate between data and ping events. Since the heartbeat Flux sends events constantly and in short intervals, the time it takes to detect that the client is gone is at most the length of that interval. Remember, I need that because it might take a while before I get some real data that can be sent and, as a result, it might also take a while before it detects that the client is gone. Like this, it will detect that the client is gone as soon as it can’t sent the ping (or possibly the message event).
One last note on the marker interface, which I called Notification. This is not really necessary, but it gives some type safety. Without that, we could write Flux<ServerSentEvent<?>> instead of Flux<ServerSentEvent<? extends Notification>> as return type for the getNotificationStream() method. Or also possible, make getHeartbeatStream() return Flux<ServerSentEvent<MyData>>. However, like this it would allow that any object could be sent, which I don’t want. As a consequence, I added the interface.
I'm not sure why this behaves like this, but I suspect it is because of the choice of generation operator. I think using the following would work:
return Flux.interval(Duration.ofMillis(500))
.map(input -> {
return "DATA";
According to Reactor's reference documentation, you're probably hitting the key difference between generate and push (I believe a quite similar approach using generate would probably work as well).
My comment was referring to the backpressure information (how many elements a Subscriber is willing to accept), but the success/error information is communicated over the network.
Depending on your choice of web server (Reactor Netty, Tomcat, Jetty, etc), closing the client connection might result in:
a cancel signal being received on the server side (I think this is supported by Netty)
an error signal being received by the server when it's trying to write on a connection that's been closed (I believe the Servlet spec does not provide that that callback and we're missing the cancel information).
In short: you don't need to do anything special, it should be supported already, but your Flux implementation might be the actual problem here.
Update: this is a known issue in Reactor Netty

Project reactor processors v3.X

We are trying to migrate from 2.X to 3.X.
We have used the EventBus as event manager in our application(Low latency FX system) and it works very well for us.
After the change we decided to take every module and create his own processor to handle event.
1. Does this use seems to be correct from your point of view? Because lack of document at the current stage and after reviewing everything we could we don't really know what to do here
2. We have tried to use Flux in order to perform action every X interval
For example: Market is arriving 1000 for 1 second but we want to process an update only 4 time in a second. After upgrading we are using:
Processor with buffer and sending to another method.
In this method we have Flux that get list and try to work in parallel in order to complete his task.
We had 2 major problems:
1. Sometimes we received Null event which we cannot find that our system is sending to i suppose maybe we are miss using the processor
//Definition of processor
ReplayProcessor<Event> classAEventProcessor = ReplayProcessor.create();
//Event handler subscribing
public void onMyEventX(Consumer<Event> consumer) {
Flux<Event> handler = classAEventProcessor .filter(event -> event.getType().equals(EVENT_X));
in the example above the event in the handler sometimes get null.. Once he does the stream stop working until we are restating server(Because only on restart we are doing creating processor)
2.We have tried to us parallel but sometimes some of the message were disappeared so maybe we are misusing the framework
//On constructor
tickProcessor.buffer(1024, Duration.of(250, ChronoUnit.MILLIS)).subscribe(markets ->
.doOnNext(entryMap -> {
The intention of this is that the processor will wakeup every 250ms and invoke the handler. The handler will work work with Flux parallel in order to make better and faster processing.
*In case that DoBlockingWork takes more than 250ms i couldn't understand what will be the behavior
The EventBus was wrapped by us and every event subscribed throw the wrapped event manager.
Now we have tried to create event processor for every module but it works very slow. We have used TopicProcessor with ThreadExecutor and still very slow.. EventBus did the same work in high speed
Anyone has any idea? BTW when i tried to use DirectProcessor it seems to work much better that the TopicProcessor
Reactor 3 is built around the concept that you should avoid blocking as much as you can, so in your second snippet DoBlockingWork doesn't look good.
How are the events generated? Do you maybe have an listener-based asynchronous API to get them? If so, you could try using Flux.create.
For your use case of "we have 1000 events in 1 second, but only want to process 4", I'd chain a sample operator. For instance, sample(Duration.ofMillis(250)) will divide each second into 4 windows, from which it will only emit the last element.
The reference guide is being written, as well as a page where you can find links to external articles and learning material.There's a preview of the WIP reference guide here and the learning resources page here.

XCB event loop not getting any events

I am making an addon in Firefox, so I have a ChromeWorker - which is a privileged WebWorker. This is just a thread other then the mainthread.
In here I have no code but this (modified to make it look like not js-ctypes [which is the language for addons])
On startup I run this code, conn is a global variable:
conn = xcb_connect(null, null);
Then I run this in a 200ms interval:
evt = xcb_poll_for_event(conn);
console.log('evt:', evt);
if (!evt.isNull()) {
console.log('good got an event!!');
However evt is always null, I am never getting any events. My goal is to get all events on the system.
Anyone know what can cause something so simple to not work?
I have tried
xcb_change_window_attributes (conn, screens.data->root, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);
But this didn't fix it :(
The only way I can get it to work is by doing xcb_create_window xcb_map_window but then I get ONLY the events that happen in this created window.
You don't just magically get all events by opening a connection. There's only very few messages any client will receive, such as client messages, most others will only be sent to a client if it explicitly registered itself to receive them.
And yes, that means you have to register them on each and every window, which involves both crawling the tree and listening for windows being created, mapped, unmapped and destroyed and registering on them as well.
However, I would reconsider whether
My goal is to get all events on the system.
isn't an A-B problem. Why do you "need" all events? What do you actually want to do?
