How to fix Google play console terminated accounts? - google-play-console

What is the solution after console account termination?
I need the solution to fix the issues.

You can not do anything other than contacting the policy support team. Any other solution will be considered as a violation.


How to debug a Bot Framework BOT running on Microsoft Teams

I uploaded a BOT in Microsoft Teams, but for some reason, it behaves different than other channels. The bot wont understand my input, and LUIS would return none intent.
In other channels it works well, as well in the BOT Emulator.
This appear to be MS documentation about it, but it doesn't really explain what I need.
There's a way for me to debug the BOT running on Microsoft Teams??
Please! Thank you!
Ngrok is a good tool for setting up your bot on azure and debugging locally. This will help to find issues as you can walk through your code as described here to see where specifically your code is breaking.
The problem with LUIS using Microsoft Teams was that the activity receive the message in HTML. I found this SO question that helped me eliminate the HTML tags. On the other hand, Ngrok is the tool needed to accomplish remote debugging, and this blog describe the steps very well.
Please also look at Jmeter with
Which allows you to do some testing without Ngrok directly to your IIS Express instance while debugging.

restoring back suspended Android app

my App was suspended on the google play for minor issue regarding mining option which was removed months ago, as my app didn't do any actually mining.
I decided to remove completely that feature but the app has been suspended what s the fast way to get google support to help with the issue.
It seems like your app was suspended for good reason if it had potential security issues...don't hold your breath on it being added back to the store.
The correct way to contact Google Play support is via the help option "?" question mark icon in the Play Console.

Isabelle2017 can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer

The security preferences on my MacBook Pro allow installation of only apps from the App Store and identified developers. This policiy has been set by my employer, which I cannot change. As a consequence, I cannot run Isabelle2017. I'm running MacOS High Sierra vs. 10.13.5. I downloaded Isabelle yesterday from
Are there any plans of fixing this in the near future?
Does anyone have a workaround?
This is security measure by Apple to prevent the malware being spread.
However, if you are sure about the app you are using, then there is already a solution for this.
When you try to run the app, it will tell you the error which you've mentioned here.
Close the error, open System Preferences, click on Security & Privacy.
Now, you can observe that there is a text saying <your_app_name> was blocked because it was from an unidentified developer. followed by a open anyway button.
Click it and it should launch your app. Be sure to use this feature only when you know what you are opening. else you may become the victim of malware or ransomware.
Thanks Vignesh, for a very good answer. However, for me your answer did not work. And for a very simple reason: The corporate policy of my employer has blocked this possibility.
Too bad for me, all sites offering answers to this problem seem to ignore that there may be corporate policies that block this remedy. So I have spent hours to figure out why all these answers didn't work. Until I accidentally ran into our corporate policy maker, who offered this explanation...

Microsoft Bot Framework bots disappeared

Since a few days we are missing our bots in the "My Bots" section of the Microsoft Bot Framework at
They still do work as expected, but we can not see or edit them. Maybe there is any way to list them without the website?
Creation of new bots seems to work fine, but if the old ones are lost, this would be really bad.
Does anyone know how to recover them or if there was/is some kind of maintenance? Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance and best regards

Migrate an adobe account (Certificates to build)

Im having this issue today, we developed some apps years ago, with an adobe id from one of our developers. The person who own the account doesnt work with us anymore, so we are trying to migrate the account, just for the certificates we have there (apple and google) , cause i dont think we have the source files of those certificates.
Anyone had this issue in the past? Any idea how can we resolve this?
This is a tricky one - I'd recommend creating a "company" Adobe account going forward so that you don't run into this again.
Beyond contacting that user for access, perhaps log a support request with Adobe.
Even with that option though, there's no way to download the keys/certs from PG Build, so your best bet is to obtain them from the source - your Apple Developer and Google Play Developer accounts.
