I would like to install "SonarLint" using "CLion plugins" using command line. could you someone help me on this please
I have managed to install Sonarlint from CLion plugin directly, not sure how to do the same with command line. Thanks in an advance
I'm frustrated. I'm a total beginner in this (TYPO3), know well about HTML/CSS though but all the info I found on the web reads like Chinese for me. Like that one: http://mac-dev-env.patrickbougie.com/graphicsmagick/
I have no clue what that means!
I've downloaded GM, extracted the zip and double-clicked the configure file. The installation finished without any problems (as far as I can tell).
So here's the ting: can anybody please tell me, how this sort of installation is suppossed to be completed? I need it from the very beginning, actually from unpacking the zip.
Do I have to have another program, like this terminal program on the Mac, where you have to type in command lines? Do I have to write or edit code somewhere? Do I need to create folders? Where, in the TYPO3-Backend, can I check if it even works?
TYPO3 is installed and it works perfectly so far. THANKS A LOT! :)
PS: I really like to learn this (!), but my head is bumping right now :(
Easy way:
If you want to "just install" GM I suggest you to use one of OS X package managers like homebrew or macports. They can simplify configuration, building and installation process for you. So you'll only need to open Terminal and type (depending on chosen package manager):
brew install graphicsmagick or port install graphicsmagick
To verify that your installation is successful open Terminal and type gm version, as result you should see version and other details of your installation.
Fundamental way:
If you want learn how to build and install GM from sources, I recommend you to start reading official documentation. And then, by the way, read about "Make" and other tools used in build process.
As #Oles Savluk pointed easiest way to install such stuff is using homebrew. When you'll install it already, open new terminal window and use command which gm to find the path it will be i.e.: /usr/local/bin/gm - copy/write it and use in the TYPO3's Install Tool in proper place.
I am in a directory with a Makefile, but can't use I cannot use make
bash-3.2$ make
bash: make: command not found
How do I fix this?
Make, among other things, is available through Apple's Command Line Tools. Install Command Line Tools through XCode by going to XCode->Preferences->Downloads
You can also download Command Line Tools without installing XCode from the Apple Developer site: https://developer.apple.com/opensource/
If you have XCode installed then #Wex's answer will get you going quickly, otherwise you don't have to install Xcode to get the command-line tools you seek.
Check this out: https://github.com/kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer
You will want to install this one on Lion: https://github.com/downloads/kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer/GCC-10.7-v2.pkg
Good luck!
I had the same problem. I was about to download and install command line tools until I saw in the download window that you can just use:
xcrun make
I download GO compiler for windows from http://code.google.com/p/gomingw/downloads/list. However, in Read Me file, it stated that for installation information, check http://golang.org/doc/install.html#install. But, in golang.org, there is only information about Linux installation, not for windows. Can anybody help me by specifying how to install it or giving a source where can I found the steps of installation. Thanks in advance.
Download the gowin386_release.r60.3_installer.exe file and run it.
I have installed vim in windows and would like to configure it so i can send code to R. I want to also use Sweave with it. However, i have Googled and failed to find clear step-by-step instructions on how to set this up.
my attempts so far:
installed Vim using executable from ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/pc/gvim73_46.exe
downloaded R-plugin from https://github.com/jcfaria/Vim-R-plugin/zipball/master and extracted it to a folder on my pc. following instructions in the r-plugin.txt file, i installed python-3.2.msi and pywin32-216.1.win32-py3.2exe. I extracted the plugin zip-file to C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vimfiles\ merging like-named folders together. then i opened Vim and typed :helptags C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vimfiles\doc. I closed Vim then I started R and reopened Vim. I typed :new anewfile.R and got the error message
"Python interface must be enabled to run Vim-R-Plugin. Please do ':h r-plugin-installation details
and when i type this i get
error149, no help for r-plugin-installation
I also did not see the buttons that send code to R.
I failed to understand the instruction that , "You may have to
adjust the value of |vimrplugin_sleeptime|."
What should i do?
-I already have Miktex 2.9 on my PC. will Vim see it? How do I set up Vim to see Latex?
Will appreciate any help.
Note: I have used rstudio with Sweave and also eclipse but there are some issues i need to resolve and hence need to try vim and see how it will work out.
I suppose that this solution will not satisfying you completely but Rstudio IDE features a basic VIm editing mode: Global Option > Code Editing > Enable vim editing mode.
I think the windows binaries of Vim 7.3 need Python 2.7 or 3.1. You can check the information that you get via :version; the linked Python version is somewhere in it.
So my solution would be installing Python 2.7 (+pywin32 for python 2.7). Also, check if Python is working in Vim before trying to use the R plugin.
I can't install Ruby Eclipse Plugin. I just followed the guide from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipseIDE
But this http://updatesite.rubypeople.org/releas URL doesn't work anymore, I think.
I use Windows 7.
Can you help me with Ruby Eclipse configuration?
You can install "Aptana eclipse plug-in" for Ruby in Eclipse. Please visit the following for details instructions:
The following link contains several Ruby Eclipse plugins.
I don't use Eclipse, but I read the best tool for Eclipse is Aptana. You might also want to give the DLTK a try (see this answer).
Most probably, http://updatesite.rubypeople.org/release URL doesn't exist anymore. You can install Ruby Eclipse Plugin manually.
Go to "Downloading and Installing Ruby plugin for Eclipse" section by visiting the following URL:
The steps mentioned there will guide you. Best of luck.