Not Able to find the torrc file in mac for tor browser - macos

I am not able to find the torrc file in my mac.
I have mac with OS version 12.3.1 Montery.
Can someone please advice me on this ?
I have tried finding the /Library/Application Support/TorBrowser-Data/torrc but this location is not present in my mac.
I also want to know how can I do this in windows OS as well?
My Goal is to change exit location to certain country but not sure how can I do this ? I think it will be possible with torrc file but could not find one..

when I re-installed the tor browser that option of directory came up in my application support directory and then I changed the torrc file with exit nodes.


Destination folder macOS

Hello does anybody see any error in this?
[!] Unable to find the Xcode project /Users/macbookpro/Desktop/project/platforms/ios/C:\Users\Simos\project\platforms\ios\Project.xcodeproj for the target Pods-C:\Users\Simos\project\platforms\ios\Project.
I copied my project from my PC to my Mac in a usb drive. THERE IS NO C:\Users\Simos\ directory on mac. Why am i getting this?
look at the part starting at /C:\Users\Simos\project\platforms\ios\ in your absolute path-
How could you find C drive in your MAC. MAC doesn't have any partition or drive like windows. Fix your target and paths when transferring the projects from windows to linux or MAC.
As far as I can tell from the path, your project is in
directory in MAC. So, fix the target accordingly.

Mono.framework is missing on my mac ... but it's... there?

Please help me interwebs.
I'm having trouble getting my xamarin app to work. I've done a reinstall of Mac OS X and installed Xamarin using the installer, which adds mono and all the rest of it.
Now when I open up terminal and type which mono i get
...which is what I expect.
But when I navigate to that place (again in terminal) there's nothing there.
From my root folder I go "cd System/Library/Frameworks " and then hit ls and I get a looooong list of installed frameworks but no Mono.framework.
If I go to Apple > About this Mac > System Report > Frameworks Mono IS listed. I can execute Mono commands on the command line. If I look in paths.d the specified path for mono is /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/mono but I can't find that location so how is it even a thing?
My linux skills are not great, can anyone please help me understand what's going on here?
I think you are looking in the 'wrong' Library folder. There are a few different Library folders. There is one under the Disk Drive (root) directory, one under the User directory, one under the System directory. I think they are all hidden by default. So you need to set your folder/view options explicitly to show the Library folder since it might be hidden by default. The directory you are looking for is directly under you Disk Drive (root).

Available chromedriver is not working on 64-bit Mac

I am trying to use chromedriver on a 64-bit mac, but haven't been successful yet. I keep getting error "Cannot execute binary file". The permissions are all correct and I don't see any other missing piece either. I am not sure if the available 32-bit version for mac would actually work on 64-bit mac.
Any help on this would be appreciable.
I had the same problem on my 64 bit MacOS. Turns out when I downloaded the zip file ( from download page, and extracted the file from it, and then moved to the the directory where I wanted it to be... MacOS had created shortcut for me. Once I killed shortcut and made sure the target directory contains the real file, the problem went away.

How do I configure RubyMine 5 to edit remote files over SSH

I've got sort of a simple problem, but I can't seem to find any conclusive answers on the web. So, I have Ubuntu Server running in VirtualBox with Ruby and Rails installed.
What I want to do, is edit the files in the VM over SSH using RubyMine 5.0 on the Windows host machine (just like I can in Eclipse).
The problem is I can't find how to do that. I'm pretty sure it can be done, because I've found some related articles on the web, but none of them show me how I can configure RubyMine to do that.
I've searched every option in the menu and I can't figure it out by myself, so a "to the point" explanation would really be of help.
There is no way to do this natively in RubyMine. My solution is to mount the remote filesystem to a local folder using sshfs.
Linux you can get sshfs through your package manager.
OSX you can get it here make sure to install both OSX fuse and SSHFS. The version on HomeBrew did not work for me on OSX 10.9.4 so I recommend using the packages from the link.
Windows you can use win-sshfs, I've had good results using Chocolaty to install win-sshfs
To use on Linux/OSX:
Open your terminal.
mkdir MountFolder
sshfs MountFolder/
To use on Windows:
Use the GUI.
After you've mounted the remote file system open RubyMine and select Open Directory and browse to the project.
This is the best solution I can come up with until JetBrains supports it natively.

.gdbinit isn't being read by gdb on mac osx lion

i have a .gdbinit file in my home directory (i know this because i have hidden files visible in the finder).
but for some reason its not reading it. well its not showing any user defined commands. any reason why gdb would be ignoring this file? and is there a way for me to fix it?
I'm on osx lion if that helps
Problem was a malformed config. A valid one fixed the issue
