CRM Data migration using scribe is throwing service error - dynamics-crm

I am new to SCRIBE online tool. I am trying to migrate CRM contacts from one on-premise system to another CRM on-premise system.
The map contains lookups within "for each".
> Query contact from system1
For each result
> Lookup 1
> Lookup 2
> Lookup 3
Update/Insert contact in system 2
After processing 2000 records the CRM service stops responding.
The error is as below,
The requested service "https://>/organization.svc" could not be activated.
Clearly, it is load that causing the service failure.
The total number of records to be migrated are 30000+
Can someone please help with optimal way of working with SCRIBE online?


Problem retrieving Dynamics CRM custom fields for integration in ADF

I am doing data integration from Dynamics CRM to Azure SQL Database using Azure Data Factory. I am unable to fetch the custom fields
created in Dynamics CRM for doing the mapping in integration. Please help me with the solution for the above.
We ran pretty hard into the limitations of the Dynamics connector of Azure Data Factory v2. The ADF Dynamics connector does not expand the fields and requires a way too big rewrite of our current logic. Either with an entity selection or FetchXML, same results.
We were using SSIS + Cozyroc that did expand a lot of fields automatically. So we are back to using SSIS + Cozyroc. And since running custom components on SSIS-IR is... challenging we are also back to running SSIS on-premise.

Connecting Power BI to ORacle? Filling out TNSNames.ORa

We are using Oracle cloud CRM. Our organization has been using it since quite few years and the people who set it up have already left. I am new here and am trying to connect the CRM data to Power BI. I intalled the ODAC drivers and everything. However, I do not know what to enter in my tnsnames.ora file. That file has asked for service name, server name and hostID/name. No one in the organization has this information. I reached out to Oracle support and here is the response they gave:
Oracle’s response to the service request: “These details are not found in Documentation because they cannot be provided. You'll need to reach out to Power BI support to see if there are alternate ways to create this integration without these details.”
Does anyone know why Oracle would not share these details with us? If there is any other way to find out the server and service name? How should I proceed in such scenarios.
As of now, we use a link to login to the service and we do not have much documentation
Let me attempt to translate.
We are using Oracle cloud CRM
Oracle is hosting our application.
I am new here and am trying to connect the CRM data to Power BI
We want to query the database being used to store our application data.
Oracle’s response to the service request: “These details are not found in Documentation because they cannot be provided..."
This is where it gets fun, they are saying - we do not give clients direct access to the database where their data is hosted. So in other words, you CANNOT connect your tool directly to the database.
So, I think you're best bet, is to look into REST APIs that have been published for you as a subscriber to the service. This is often provided in lieu of providing direct access to your hosted environment.
Your other bet is to contact someone in your organisation that has the oracle connections in a file which you could load SQL Developer by Oracle, and explore the connections there. Most likely this will be a data engineer or IT contact in your organisation who will have this information. Once you have the connection info visible, you can then enter this directly in Power BI after creating an Oracle connection.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM, associated entities does not pull up records

We have a on-prem instance of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The associated entities in all the forms come up blank and no records show up.
When I get this error in on-prem environments, it's usually because the database is getting pinged and queries to it are timing out. You may want to check the database to see if it is being overwhelmed and unable to return data.
we ended up updating the CRM version to resolve the issue.
temporary fix was implemented by restoring a backup of the database.

Issues with migrating Mailbox records from one CRM to another CRM organization using kingswaysoft

I am migrating data from one CRM organization to another CRM organization. I am facing issues in migrating mailbox records. When User is created in Source CRM it creates two mailboxes and I am trying to migrate these two mailboxes to target CRM but I am getting error in migrating one of the mailbox from source to target, out of the two mailboxes created. The failure mailbox gives error saying:
[Dynamics CRM Destination [305]] Error: An error occurred with the following error message:
"System.Exception: Error(s) occurred when processing the batch: [1] [GUID of record] CRM service call returned an error: An e-mail address is a required field in case of forward mailbox. (SSIS Integration Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics 365, v8.1.0.6275 - DtsDebugHost, v12.0.2000.8)"
I have checked that the mailbox in source does not have IsForwardmailbox flag set true. But it gives me error.
We believe we had a conversation through our Support channel. CRM will automatically create mailbox records once you create the queue or user records, in which case you may not need to work with mailbox entity directly. If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out.

Scribe Insight: Migrate Principal Object Access table data from CRM 4.0 to CRM 2016

I am using scribe to migrate the Principal Object access data from CRM 4.0 to CRM 2016 DB.
The source adapter is a SQL Data Adapter which reads the data from the POA table in 4.0.
The destination adapter is the CRM Adapter and I have an insert step to insert the data into CRM 2016.
In the destination adapter, Scribe does not allow me to add the data links to PrincipalId and ObjectId fields from the source.
As far as I know, both of these fields are required to create a principal access object. However, since I can not create the data links, I do not know how I can copy this data over to CRM 2016.
Has anyone ever tried to Migrate the Principal Object Access table using scribe and have any suggestions for me to try out?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
A few things I've noticed from your screenshot that might help you out:
You're trying to set the principalobjectaccessid on insert. I would think this is a no-no as you are creating a crm record and want a new guid to be assigned at that time instead.
You're doing the lookup to the type code but not to the foreign keys for the objectid and the principal id. You would need to refer to those (probably by name or an xref table as the guids will be different post import) in order to get the sharing in place.
In order to lookup those objects and principals you will need them to be entered into CRM2016 in a prior step.
One caveat I'd add is that based on the limited knowledge I have of you trying to move a 4.0 thought process involving sharing over to CRM 2016 this very well could be a bad idea. While sharing is still supported and certainly a part of the application there's performance issues that come up with extensive sharing and it's honestly a much more complex thing to work with then utilizing teams.. As I'm sure you're noticing now.
The POA table is internal to CRM and shouldn't be written to directly, even via the API.
It stores details of how records (determined by the objectid) are shared to users/teams (determined by principalid).
It sounds like you want to migrate your shares from CRM 4.0 to 2016. Scribe has a mechanism for doing this, using virtual fields. Look in the help for "Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM" and search for "Granting Access". This explains how to use the virtual fields.
