How to start Apach Pinot in Windows? - apache-pinot

I'm trying to start a instance of Apache Pinot in Windows. But all scripts are .sh. I've tried git bash but I'm getting "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:".
I'm using Windows 10 Enterprise.
Anyway to achieve that?


Storm cannot start use " true" option on Windows Server

Version: 1.2.2
platform: Windows 10
When storm.yaml config use " true" option, Storm start failed on Windows 10, and No log in log file.
Running as other users is not supported on Windows.
Someone would need to provide a Windows compatible variant of this class, as well as a couple of other bits in the code. The issue is tracked at if you'd like to work on it.

SolrCore is loading running as Windows Service

Logged into Windows Server 2016 as Administrator, I can run Solr from the command line: bin\solr.cmd start -p 8983 -f
I have configured a Solr to run as a Windows Service - running as the same user, with the same command, same startup directory, etc. - however under load, the following error comes back from the upstream application (Sitecore xConnect, though this shouldn't make a difference)
{metadata={error-class=org.apache.solr.common.SolrException,root-error-class=org.apache.solr.common.SolrException},msg=SolrCore is loading,code=503}
To reiterate, everything works fine when Solr is started from the command line, only when it's run as a Windows Service does it error.
Solr version: 6.6.3
Windows version: Server 2016
Environment: AWS (m5.large EC2 instance)
Sitecore compatibility table says to use Solr 6.6.1 with Sitecore, You should still use 6.6.2 as it fixes a bug in Solr 6.6.1 that can affect the installation of SIF. Read here
I recommend you try again with Solr 6.6.2
It turns out that the service was configured to run without the -f flag. So the process would continually stop and re-spawn.

Elasticsearch windows service not work on Nano server

I am now trying to install ES on windows 2016 Nano server, it works when start ES in command line, but failed to start ES as windows service, maybe due to some changes on Nano server, but I have no hint at all why it didn't work.
Anyone has experience on installing ES on Nano server?
or Where can I get the source code of ES windows service, elasticsearch-windows-x64.exe? It could be helpful to troubleshoot the root cause.
I haven't got a chance to test it on Nano Server 2016, but I've installed ES 5.1.2 + JDK1.8.0_121 on Windows 2016 Server Core successfully and was able to start the service.
Install JDK and set SYSTEM ENV with setx -m JAVA_HOME
"C:\PROGRA~1\Java\jdk1.8.0_121" command. It doesn't work with user level ENV variable such as using set JAVA_HOME=xxx.
unzip ES to c:\elk\elasticsearch
Edit the elasticsearch.yml config file, config the Cluster and Node names and save it
install the ES service C:\elk\elasticsearch\bin>elasticsearch-service.bat install
start the ES service C:\elk\elasticsearch\bin>elasticsearch-service.bat start

Running Tomcat from windows 10 bash shell

I installed tomcat server on windows10 bash shell. Though it says apache is running.. its not opening admin panel in browser. Browser says 'Connection can't be reached'
Have someone tried this ever before? Please share your inputs.
Thank you
I am assuming you are referring to Bash for Windows (Ubuntu) on Windows 10. Yes Tomcat server can be installed and run from Bash for Windows with no need to install Tomcat in the Windows environment.
First, you may want to check if any local server is running on Windows 10 port 8080 - the default port for Tomcat, or whatever port you are configuring Tomcat for.
Second, open BASH for Windows and install Java. I used Oracle Java JDK 8 ( and downloaded the tar.gz file.
Extract the tar.gz and copy to a standard directory like /usr/local/java or in the /opt/ directory for easy access.
Create JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME environment variables that link to your java location.
I also updated the alternatives to map java, javac, and javaws. You can use this link to assist (
Then download the tar.gz of Tomcat. Again, I used Tomcat 8.5 for my scenario and extract the files to your chosen directory.
Last, run the startup script located in the bin folder of the tomcat extracted folder. You should have a working Tomcat version.
Use the curl command to validate - curl localhost:8080
If you want to change the admin privileges, edit the tomcat-users.xml file located in the conf folder within the extracted tomcat directory.
Access to the tomcat server can also be done through the Windows system and not just through the Bash for Windows CLI.
Hope this helps!

difference between StartNTService and StartSonar

I am using SonarQube Server for Java. I noticed that there are 2 batch files.
1) StartNTService
2) StartSonar
I would like to know what is the difference between these two?
StartSonar.bat is to start SonarQube in your command prompt (documentation).
StartNTService.bat is to start SonarQube as a Windows Service (after having installed it as a service with InstallNTService.bat, see documentation).
