gammu-smsd sms message files in inbox folder are empty - sms

I try receive sms with gammu-smsd, but files incoming messages are created is empty.
Sending SMS is work OK
I tried with phones Nokia 6270 and Nokia 3310


Why would messages not be received by recipients?

When I send messages no one receives them. When I check the activity log on my twilio account it shows they've been sent. The only messages that actually get delivered are the ones sent to my own phone.

Receive SMS per user in Laravel application

In my application, I have about 50 users that need to send and receive SMS. How would I integrate this using Twilio? Do I need a number per user so that when they revive an SMS, I can show it to a specific user only?
The link below shows how to receive SMS, but I need help storing/displaying the SMS to the correct user only.
Laravel/Twilio Receiving SMS

RocketChat: How to send SMS Messages to Livechat channel from mobile

I want to copy the behaviour of the Livechat-Popup - Window to send messages from mobile. How would I do that?
Get a Twilio # & Configure
First you need a Twilio subscription. Then purchase a phone number from within your Twilio account. This number will be used to receive SMS messages from other phone and send to LiveChat within Rocket.Chat. Within Twilio, go to your new phone number's settings...
Under 'A Message Comes In' enter this:
That will forward SMS incoming messages to LiveChat.
Tell Rocket.Chat to Listen for SMS's from your Twilio Account
Then, in RocketChat, go to Administration -> SMS, and enter your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token which can be found in your Twilio dashboard and be sure to enable SMS on this page...
Be sure LiveChat is enabled and that you are a LiveChat Agent.
Now, text messages from other phones will appear in LiveChat just like messages from the LiveChat embeded pop-up window. You can respond to those messages within RocketChat as well.

Applescript to send message via SMS Relay (Continuity)

Apple just releases Yosemite which allow us to send sms message (via phone) using SMS Relay (Continuity). Does anyone know how to write applescript to send sms message. (I know that we can use applescript to send imessage).
One more question that, can we use applescript to get list of message rooms or messages in a room from Message app.

WP7 SMS delivery report application

In Windows Phone 7 sms delivery reports are present in kernel, however they are not customizable. You get an sms delivery report as another sms message. But everyone knows that sms delivery report is not an sms - it's an attribute of a sent message.
iPhone has an app called iPhoneDelivery which allows to customize the way the delivery reports are presented to a user. It allows the best approach - as an icon of an envelope to an already sent sms message. Same applies to Android.
Is it possible to create such an application for Windows Phone 7 at this time? Does the WP7 SDK allow "messing" with internal sms application?
The current API provides no way to access previously sent SMS messages; so attributes such as delivery reports cannot be queried. The only access to SMS right now is the SmsComposeTask but even this requires the user to hit the send button, so an app cannot automatically send text messages.
