Why would messages not be received by recipients? - sms

When I send messages no one receives them. When I check the activity log on my twilio account it shows they've been sent. The only messages that actually get delivered are the ones sent to my own phone.


How to add my slack bot's message to a user's message?

Here's what I need,
A user sends a message, and my slack bot return a message that should be attached to the specific user, whose message I processed.
The image below explains it clearly, the user named Changming sends a message in Chinese, and then the slack app attaches it's translation in English, to the original message. How can I do that?
Until now, I've been able to send a block in a message, but I don't know how to attach it to the original message.
As the problem occurs, if there are multiple messages being sent in a single second, then the bot's messaged will not be in the correct position, as the bot will also take certain amount of time in processing and sending the messages back to slack.

Gmail API push notification duplicate message ids

I am using Gmail push notifications for email processing. When I receive a message notification from Google, I use the history list API with the previously stored historyId and can see new messages using messagesAdded. Once I have retrieved the messages, I store the last historyId for the next request.
When testing, if I send two mail messages (about 30 seconds apart) to the watched mailbox, I see two messages notifications from Google and when I call the history API for each of the notifications I see the message ids. This is all good.
If I repeat the same test but send the two mail messages immediately after each other, I get the two notifications from Google but when I call the history API for the first message, I get the two message ids in that history API call. When I call the history API call for the second notification, I get a duplicate of the last message id.
How can I prevent seeing duplicate message ids in this scenario? Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.
Updated: Added request and response example for second test.
I noticed in the response from the Google History API a historyId showing the latest messages that have been processed. If I store this value as the next start point instead of the historyId sent in the notification message, it works around the duplicate issue as on the second request there are no more messages. Not sure if this is the right way to do this as it means I don't store or use the historyId sent in the notification message.

Can not Receive SMS from Sender With SenderID

I am trying to test a service. I need Twilio to receive SMS from specific SMS service provider. When the sender sends with a number I can receive the message. But when the sender user SenderID like 'RZ SMS' I can not receive the message. The structure of the message in both situations is the same.
Has anybody faced this problem before?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
It is not possible to respond to SMS messages sent from an alphanumeric ID. You also cannot initiate messages to an alphanumeric ID. Please see more details on alphanumeric sender IDs here: https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/223181348-Getting-started-with-Alphanumeric-Sender-ID

Outlook REST API Push Notification always send the same ResourceData

I subscribed to Outlook Push Notification Services, precisely I want to receive push notifications for sentitems.
Consequently, I use https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/MailFolders/sentitems/messages as Resource in my #Microsoft.OutlookServices.PushSubscription POST request to the url https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/subscription
As expected, I receive the push notification when I send an email. The problem lies in the fact that the ResourceData is always the same. The Id never changes and correspond to the one I received after the first Notification.
I also remarked that even when no mail is sent I keep receiving notification with "ChangeType":"Created" (and always the same ResourceData.Id).
This may be a bug, or should I send back something to the subscriptions after receiving a notification?
This is because the webhook responded to the push notification request with status code 500. Hence Outlook Push Notification Services treated this request as failed and then retried it later for several times. As the notifications of the same subscription are processed in sequence, later notification won't be sent until the earlier notification was successfully sent out. That's why you saw multiple notifications with the same resource data and change type even when no change happened.

Test phone numbers in different countries

Does twilio provide any test mobile numbers for different countries. I want to test whether SMS is sending successfully to some mobile number in Canada.
Is there any test mobile numbers that I can use for this purpose?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
We do not have test numbers available for you to send messages to. However, you can instrument your code such that you can find out from Twilio when you send messages that they are being delivered.
I recommend you set the StatusCallback parameter when you send messages. You set it to a URL on your server that can receive incoming webhooks and it will receive a request each time your message status changes to one of the following: queued, failed, sent, delivered, or undelivered.
That way you can be sure that your messages are sending correctly and arriving at the phones you expect them to.
Let me know if that helps at all.
