What is the idiomatic way to avoid operator fusion? - kotlin-coroutines

I'm trying to make sure that the channel I'm creating with produceIn doesn't introduce a buffer. There doesn't seem to be a way to pass a buffer size to produceIn. The docs tell us use buffer(...) on the original flow:
A channel with default buffer size is created. Use buffer operator on the flow before calling produceIn to specify a value other than default and to control what happens when data is produced faster than it is consumed, that is to control backpressure behavior.
But mutableSharedFlow.buffer(0).produceIn(this) seems to use the default buffer of 64 from produceIn.
mutableSharedFlow.onEach{ }.buffer(0).produceIn(this) correctly uses a buffer of size 0. This tells me this is probably caused by operator fusion interacting with the buffer in MutableSharedFlow and produceIn
The above will work for my specific case but it doesn't seem to be very intuitive or idiomatic. Is there a better way?


How to overwrite portions of a DriverKit OSData internal buffer?

The documentation of OSData says that "...You can add bytes to them and overwrite portions of the byte array.". I can see a method to append bytes, but I don't understand how I am able to overwrite a portion of the buffer.
Another option would be to use IONewZero to allocate a number of elements of the type I need. I my case I just need this for ints.
T* dataBuffer = IONewZero(T, SIZE);
And then deallocate with:
IOSafeDeleteNULL(dataBuffer_, T, SIZE);
What are the advantages of using an OSData object compared to the solution with IONewZero / IOSafeDeleteNULL?
I think the documentation might just be copy-pasted from the kernel variant of OSData. I've seen that in a bunch of places, especially USBDriverKit.
OSData is mostly useful for dealing with plist-like data structures (i.e. setting and getting properties on service objects) in conjunction with the other OSTypes: OSArray, OSDictionary, OSNumber, etc. It's also used for in-band (<= 4096 byte) "struct" arguments of user client external methods.
The only use I can see outside of those scenarios is when you absolutely have to reference-count a blob of data. But it's certainly not a particularly convenient or efficient container for data-in-progress. If you subsequently need to send the data to a device or map it to user space, IOBufferMemoryDescriptor is probably a better choice (and also reference counted) though it's even more heavyweight.

writing partial data with libwebsockets

I'm using the libwebsockets v2.4.
The doc seems unclear to me about what I have to do with the returned value of the lws_write() function.
If it returns -1, it's an error and I'm invited to close the connection. That's fine for me.
But when it returns a value that is strictly inferior to the buffer length I pass, should I consider that I have to write the last bytes that could not be written later (in another WRITABLE callback occurrence). Is it even possible to have this situation?
Also, should I use the lws_send_pipe_choked() before using the lws_write(), considering that I always use lws_write() in the context of a WRITABLE callback?
My understanding is that lws_write always return the asked buffer length except is an error occurs.
If you look at lws_issue_raw() (from which the result is returned by lws_write()) in output.c (https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets/blob/v2.4.0/lib/output.c#L157), you can see that if the length written by lws_ssl_capable_write() is less than the provided length, then the lws allocate a buffer to fill up the remaining bytes on wsi->trunc_alloc, in order for it to be sent in the future.
Concerning your second question, I think it is safe to call lws_write() in the context of a WRITABLE callback without checking if the pipe is choked. However, if you happen to loop on lws_write() in the callback, lws_send_pipe_choked() must be called in order to protect the subsequent calls to lws_write(). If you don't, you might stumble upon this assertion https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets/blob/v2.4.0/lib/output.c#L83 and the usercode will crash.

How can I bind a buffer resource that resides on the GPU to the input assembler (IA)?

I use compute shaders to compute a triangle list and to store it in a RWStructuredBuffer. For testing I read this buffer and pass it to the IA via context.InputAssembler.SetVertexBuffers (…). This approach works, but is valid only for testing the data for correctness.
Now I want to bind the (already existing) buffer to the IA stage using a resource view (aka without passing a pointer to the vertex buffer).
I am reading some good books (Frank D. Luna, Jason Zink), but they never mention this case.
The syntax I am using here in imposed by the SharpDX wrapper.
I can bind the buffer to the vertex shader via context.VertexShader.SetShaderResource(...), bindig a ResoureceView. In the VS I use SV_VertexID to access the buffer. So I HAVE a working solution for moment, but there might be cases in the future where I must bind the buffer to the input assembler.
Simply put, you can't bind a structured buffer to the IA stage, at least directly, runtime will not allow this.
If you put ResourceOptionFlags.BufferStructured as OptionFlags, you are not allowed to use : VertexBuffer/IndexBuffer/StreamOutput/ConstantBuffer/RenderTarget/Depth as bind flags, Resource creation will fail.
One option, which costs you a GPU copy, is to create a second buffer with VertexBuffer BindFlags, and Default usage (same size as your structured buffer).
Once you are done processing your structuredbuffer, call:
And you'll have a standard vertex buffer ready to use.

How to use audioConverterFillComplexBuffer and its callback?

I need a step by step walkthrough on how to use audioConverterFillComplexBuffer and its callback. No, don't tell me to read the Apple docs. I do everything they say and the conversion always fails. No, don't tell me to go look for examples of audioConverterFillComplexBuffer and its callback in use - I've duplicated about a dozen such examples both line for line and modified and the conversion always fails. No, there isn't any problem with the input data. No, it isn't an endian issue. No, the problem isn't my version of OS X.
The problem is that I don't understand how audioConverterFillComplexBuffer works, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. And nothing out there is helping me understand, because it seems like nobody on Earth really understands how audioConverterFillComplexBuffer works, either. From the people who actually use it(I spy cargo cult programming in their code) to even the authors of Learning Core Audio and/or Apple itself(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13604612/core-audio-how-can-one-packet-one-byte-when-clearly-one-packet-4-bytes).
This isn't just a problem for me, it's a problem for anybody who wants to program high-performance audio on the Mac platform. Threadbare documentation that's apparently wrong and examples that don't work are no fun.
Once again, to be clear: I NEED A STEP BY STEP WALKTHROUGH ON HOW TO USE audioConverterFillComplexBuffer plus its callback and so does the entire Mac developer community.
This is a very old question but I think is still relevant. I've spent a few days fighting this and have finally achieved a successful conversion. I'm certainly no expert but I'll outline my understanding of how it works. Note I'm using Swift, which I'm also just learning.
Here are the main function arguments:
inAudioConverter: AudioConverterRef: This one is simple enough, just pass in a previously created AudioConverterRef.
inInputDataProc: AudioConverterComplexInputDataProc: The very complex callback. We'll come back to this.
inInputDataProcUserData, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?: This is a reference to whatever data you may need to be provided to the callback function. Important because even in swift the callback can't inherit context. E.g. you may need to access an AudioFileID or keep track of the number of packets read so far.
ioOutputDataPacketSize: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>: This one is a little misleading. The name implies it's the packet size but reading the documentation we learn it's the total number of packets expected for the output format. You can calculate this as outPacketCount = frameCount / outStreamDescription.mFramesPerPacket.
outOutputData: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>: This is an audio buffer list which you need to have already initialized with enough space to hold the expected output data. The size can be calculated as byteSize = outPacketCount * outMaxPacketSize.
outPacketDescription: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamPacketDescription>?: This is optional. If you need packet descriptions, pass in a block of memory the size of outPacketCount * sizeof(AudioStreamPacketDescription).
As the converter runs it will repeatedly call the callback function to request more data to convert. The main job of the callback is simply to read the requested number packets from the source data. The converter will then convert the packets to the output format and fill the output buffer. Here are the arguments for the callback:
inAudioConverter: AudioConverterRef: The audio converter again. You probably won't need to use this.
ioNumberDataPackets: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>: The number of packets to read. After reading, you must set this to the number of packets actually read (which may be less than the number requested if we reached the end).
ioData: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>: An AudioBufferList which is already configured except for the actual data. You need to initialise ioData.mBuffers.mData with enough capacity to hold the expected number of packets, i.e. ioNumberDataPackets * inMaxPacketSize. Set the value of ioData.mBuffers.mDataByteSize to match.
outDataPacketDescription: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamPacketDescription>?>?: Depending on the formats used, the converter may need to keep track of packet descriptions. You need to initialise this with enough capacity to hold the expected number of packet descriptions.
inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?: The user data that you provided to the converter.
So, to start you need to:
Have sufficient information about your input and output data, namely the number of frames and maximum packet sizes.
Initialise an AudioBufferList with sufficient capacity to hold the output data.
Call AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer.
And on each run of the callback you need to:
Initialise ioData with sufficient capacity to store ioNumberDataPackets of source data.
Initialise outDataPacketDescription with sufficient capacity to store ioNumberDataPackets of AudioStreamPacketDescriptions.
Fill the buffer with source packets.
Write the packet descriptions.
Set ioNumberDataPackets to the number of packets actually read.
return noErr if successful.
Here's an example where I read the data from an AudioFileID:
var converter: AudioConverterRef?
// User data holds an AudioFileID, input max packet size, and a count of packets read
var uData = (fRef, maxPacketSize, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int64>.allocate(capacity: 1))
err = AudioConverterNew(&inStreamDesc, &outStreamDesc, &converter)
err = AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer(converter!, { _, ioNumberDataPackets, ioData, outDataPacketDescription, inUserData in
let uData = inUserData!.load(as: (AudioFileID, UInt32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int64>).self)
ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mDataByteSize = uData.1
ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mData = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(byteCount: Int(uData.1), alignment: 1)
outDataPacketDescription?.pointee = UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamPacketDescription>.allocate(capacity: Int(ioNumberDataPackets.pointee))
let err = AudioFileReadPacketData(uData.0, false, &ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mDataByteSize, outDataPacketDescription?.pointee, uData.2.pointee, ioNumberDataPackets, ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mData)
uData.2.pointee += Int64(ioNumberDataPackets.pointee)
return err
}, &uData, &numPackets, &bufferList, nil)
Again, I'm no expert, this is just what I've learned by trial and error.

Can address space be recycled for multiple calls to MapViewOfFileEx without chance of failure?

Consider a complex, memory hungry, multi threaded application running within a 32bit address space on windows XP.
Certain operations require n large buffers of fixed size, where only one buffer needs to be accessed at a time.
The application uses a pattern where some address space the size of one buffer is reserved early and is used to contain the currently needed buffer.
This follows the sequence:
(initial run) VirtualAlloc -> VirtualFree -> MapViewOfFileEx
(buffer changes) UnMapViewOfFile -> MapViewOfFileEx
Here the pointer to the buffer location is provided by the call to VirtualAlloc and then that same location is used on each call to MapViewOfFileEx.
The problem is that windows does not (as far as I know) provide any handshake type operation for passing the memory space between the different users.
Therefore there is a small opportunity (at each -> in my above sequence) where the memory is not locked and another thread can jump in and perform an allocation within the buffer.
The next call to MapViewOfFileEx is broken and the system can no longer guarantee that there will be a big enough space in the address space for a buffer.
Obviously refactoring to use smaller buffers reduces the rate of failures to reallocate space.
Some use of HeapLock has had some success but this still has issues - something still manages to steal some memory from within the address space.
(We tried Calling GetProcessHeaps then using HeapLock to lock all of the heaps)
What I'd like to know is there anyway to lock a specific block of address space that is compatible with MapViewOfFileEx?
Edit: I should add that ultimately this code lives in a library that gets called by an application outside of my control
You could brute force it; suspend every thread in the process that isn't the one performing the mapping, Unmap/Remap, unsuspend the suspended threads. It ain't elegant, but it's the only way I can think of off-hand to provide the kind of mutual exclusion you need.
Have you looked at creating your own private heap via HeapCreate? You could set the heap to your desired buffer size. The only remaining problem is then how to get MapViewOfFileto use your private heap instead of the default heap.
I'd assume that MapViewOfFile internally calls GetProcessHeap to get the default heap and then it requests a contiguous block of memory. You can surround the call to MapViewOfFile with a detour, i.e., you rewire the GetProcessHeap call by overwriting the method in memory effectively inserting a jump to your own code which can return your private heap.
Microsoft has published the Detour Library that I'm not directly familiar with however. I know that detouring is surprisingly common. Security software, virus scanners etc all use such frameworks. It's not pretty, but may work:
HANDLE g_hndPrivateHeap;
HANDLE WINAPI GetProcessHeapImpl() {
return g_hndPrivateHeap;
struct SDetourGetProcessHeap { // object for exception safety
SDetourGetProcessHeap() {
// put detour in place
~SDetourGetProcessHeap() {
// remove detour again
void MapFile() {
g_hndPrivateHeap = HeapCreate( ... );
SDetourGetProcessHeap d;
These may also help:
How to replace WinAPI functions calls in the MS VC++ project with my own implementation (name and parameters set are the same)?
How can I hook Windows functions in C/C++?
Imagine if I came to you with a piece of code like this:
void *foo;
foo = malloc(n);
if (foo)
foo = malloc(n);
Then I came to you and said, help! foo does not have the same address on the second allocation!
I'd be crazy, right?
It seems to me like you've already demonstrated clear knowledge of why this doesn't work. There's a reason that the documention for any API that takes an explicit address to map into lets you know that the address is just a suggestion, and it can't be guaranteed. This also goes for mmap() on POSIX.
I would suggest you write the program in such a way that a change in address doesn't matter. That is, don't store too many pointers to quantities inside the buffer, or if you do, patch them up after reallocation. Similar to the way you'd treat a buffer that you were going to pass into realloc().
Even the documentation for MapViewOfFileEx() explicitly suggests this:
While it is possible to specify an address that is safe now (not used by the operating system), there is no guarantee that the address will remain safe over time. Therefore, it is better to let the operating system choose the address. In this case, you would not store pointers in the memory mapped file, you would store offsets from the base of the file mapping so that the mapping can be used at any address.
Update from your comments
In that case, I suppose you could:
Not map into contiguous blocks. Perhaps you could map in chunks and write some intermediate function to decide which to read from/write to?
Try porting to 64 bit.
As the earlier post suggests, you can suspend every thread in the process while you change the memory mappings. You can use SuspendThread()/ResumeThread() for that. This has the disadvantage that your code has to know about all the other threads and hold thread handles for them.
An alternative is to use the Windows debug API to suspend all threads. If a process has a debugger attached, then every time the process faults, Windows will suspend all of the process's threads until the debugger handles the fault and resumes the process.
Also see this question which is very similar, but phrased differently:
Replacing memory mappings atomically on Windows
