I just successfully accomplished the Veins (with OMNet++ and SUMO) tutorial (http://veins.car2x.org/tutorial/), but noticed that it did not use INET. Other YouTube tutorials on Veins use INET with Veins, almost as if it is a given. What is the benefit of incorporating INET into a Veins simulation? What do you gain?
My experience is limited to the tutorial, and an expectation of eventually learning/incorporating Plexe.
After looking through the list of modules on the official Veins website, I found that Veins-LTE is no longer in use and will be replaced by SimuLTE.
So, I imported SimuLTE into OMNeT++ and looked at the source code. However, it is questionable whether this can be integrated with the existing Veins 80211p demo.
Isn't it impossible to alternate between 80211p and LTE communication by adding SimuLTE code to the existing RSUExampleScenario?
See https://github.com/veins/veins_hetvnet for a sample combination of Veins, INET, and SimuLTE.
It integrates code from the SimuLTE cars simulation as well as AlertSender and AlertReceiver code into a simulation that sends packets via both WLAN and LTE.
I need to run a simulation making use of the Robust Header Compression (ROCH) and Light Weight IP (LwIP) compression standards. From what I can see it does not look like Omnet++ or INET support these compression standards. (LwIP is currently under construction but not available yet.)
Does this imply that I am going to have to write the implementations by myself or do you have any advice for me, please?
Kind regards
I'm not aware of any ROCH implementation in INET, so yes. You may have to do your own implementation. As for the LwIP part. LwIP is an actual (lightweight) implementation of the TCP/IP stack. It's not a compression standard and INET does work with LwIP just fine (by using the LwIP implementation isntead of its own native one). That feature is present in INET for several years now, but it is disabled by default (though you can easily switch on the feature on the project)
I would like to use Veins with functionality that was only recently added to SUMO and that is still being further developed. The work that I have in mind is a PhD project that has recently started, and I suppose the simulation part will not start before 2021. Given that Veins currently uses SUMO version 1.2.0, and that, IIRC, the TraCI protocol has been updated after that, how difficult would it be for us to update the system so that Veins works with SUMO 1.4.x or even better with the future 1.5.x? Which skills would be needed?
The current Veins master works with Sumo 1.3.1 already. Afaik, neither version 1.4.0 nor the current progress on Sumo's master branch have been tested, but looking at the changelogs, it seems that there were no changes that look like they should break the current implementation, as mostly new functions have been added that are not yet implemented in Veins. I'd suggest simply running the Veins example against a Sumo-master, if this works without issues that's a good indicator that also more sophisticated simulations will work.
I want to make simulation of a WRSN (wireless Rechargeable Sensor Network) and I have some problem to implement rechargeable battery module.
I want to know if I can do it with OMNET++ (Castalia)
If yes, how can I do?
if no, what software can I use to make my work?
When will the stable VEINS ver 4 will be available tentatively and what will be its features? Will it have new features like vehicle density, security models and others?
Thank you.
A stable version of Veins 4 is available for download.
Aside from bug fixes, it offers enhanced visualization options, enhanced phy layer models, improved extensibility, and a screenshot/screencast recorder.
Note that, as the TraCI API was changed to report all angles in a different format, Veins 4.3 requires SUMO version 0.25.0.
In contrast, keeping the number of vehicles in the simulation constant (that is, using a fixed vehicle density) has been included since Veins 3 alpha 2 (see the comment by user4786271). If this is the only feature you require, there is no need to upgrade.
Regarding security models, several publications are using Veins for security and privacy research, for example for Privacy assessment in vehicular networks using simulation. However, due to the vast number of different approaches and lack of standard, no "default" security-centric models are likely to be included in Veins anytime soon.