How to substitute JUnit in Spring Boot with TestNG for more robust testing purpose - spring

Recently, while running some tests, I wanted to use TestNG instead of JUnit.
however when I added the dependency to pom file, imported the jar files.
imported annotation, when I ran it, it passes for JUnit, but it's failing for TestNG with NPE (NullPointerException)
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext.getBean(java.lang.Class)" because "this.context" is null
can someone show me the way to fix this issue?
Thank you very much in advance!

Make sure you have done the correct injection. Refer to the below answer -


Maven surefire java 8 with EasyMock yields: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy33

I am attempting to upgrade our application to Java 8 and am having some issues with maven and surefire. When I run all of my unit tests, a handful of them fail when using EasyMock.createMock with the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy33. Not all instances of EasyMock.createMock fail, and I can't find anything special about the classes we're mocking where it fails. Also, if I run the unit test inside of IntelliJ it works perfectly fine. It's only when running it via maven directly that it fails. I haven't been able to find anything that is causing this, but I'm assuming it has to be some sort of classpath issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
That is a strange error. The Proxy33 means you are mocking an interface. And that something failed at class loading.
Check if you have static initializers in your code. You can also add remote debug to maven and break on the exception.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Could not initialize class org.springframework.mock.web.MockServletContext

We are using Spring-test-4.0.6 jar in test scope in our project. Under same project we also have javaee-6.0 dependency in provided scope.
I am getting this error in test case
Could not initialize class org.springframework.mock.web.MockServletContext at com.sample.TestWebDOMConfiguratorMultiple.setUp(
Surprisingly replacing Javaee-6.0 dependency with servlet-api-3.0.1 resolves this issue.
Note: Spring-4.0.6 pom has compile time optional dependency on servlet-api-3.0.1.
Question is why is it working with servlet-3.0.1 and not with javaee 6.0 as we are trying
to replace servlet-api-3.0.1 with javaee-6.0.
Thanks in advance.
Without knowing the exact artifact that you are referring to as javaee-6.0 and without being able to see the full stack trace, it appears that your javaee-6.0 dependency contains Servlet API 3.0; whereas, spring-test-4.0.6.RELEASE explicitly requires Servlet API 3.0.1.
So that is likely the source of your problem.

how is junit related to maven sure fire plugin

I am fairly new to writing Maven pom files and JUnit tests. I have following in my pom and it is calling my test scripts as expected.
It seems JUnit is more popular than sure fire plugin.
1) How is JUnit similar/different from maven sure fire plugin's default behavior (that is working for me from above plugin configuration). I can imagine JUnit having additional API/library; but what do they give me in addition to sure fire plugin
2)what is the easiest way to change my current tests that are running with sure fire plugin to JUnit. I came across following link which sort of implies that adding few lines to pom would be sufficient (?)
3)about previous bullet, what benefits would I have if I convert sure fire plugin tests to JUnit.
Hopefully, I am unambiguous (with my intro background to maven and JUnit)
maven-surefire-plugin is not itself a test framework: it's a Maven plugin that will run tests written with a test framework, either JUnit or TestNG.
I have following in my pom and it is calling my test scripts as expected.
If this is already running your tests then, as Surefire only knows about those two test frameworks, it means you're already using either JUnit or TestNG. You should be able to tell which from the classes you're importing to write your test classes.
(that is working for me from above plugin configuration)
Unless you have a particular requirement there's little reason to move away from the framework you're already using; it doesn't sound like you need to change anything.
As it says right here:
To get started with JUnit, you need to add the required version of JUnit to your project ... This is the only step that is required to get started - you can now create tests in your test source directory (eg, src/test/java).
Your question is confusing and suggests you haven't done any preliminary research yet. When you say "surefire tests" you may mean Pojo tests. If you know what a JUnit test is, it's pretty common sense thing to convert the Pojo tests to JUnit tests. Just put #Test before the Pojo test methods. You may also want to convert assert into the appropriate JUnit assert methods. In summary, just read a JUnit tutorial and the rest will be straight forward.

Report failures in TestNG framework

I have developed TestNG framework and implemented Maven
When I run the script, the results are generated and in the target folder, when I open index.html, all the scripts are displayed as Pass though it failed.
I have used java verifications (reporter.log)
Can someone suggest me on how to change the java verifications to TestNG to view the failures?
Thank in advance
Reporter.log is just for logging statements in the report. You need to use assertions to do your verifications. Try out the Assert class in Testng.

Running TestNG classes named without convention in Maven

I am developing TestNG classes in a Maven Project and executing the same. I understand the fact that ,for the maven-surefire-plugin the classname should be in either of the following formats
But incase I would NOT be naming my class as per this convention , does the plugin pick up the test classes depending upon the Java MetaData , as is the case with TestNG.
If not then is defining the names of the classes in testng.xml the way out or is there some other way ??
Thanks in Advance,
As per this documentation, you can explicitly include and exclude tests, as well as specify complex regex patterns. You could try this in lieu of maintaining a testng.xml.
