Running TestNG classes named without convention in Maven - maven

I am developing TestNG classes in a Maven Project and executing the same. I understand the fact that ,for the maven-surefire-plugin the classname should be in either of the following formats
But incase I would NOT be naming my class as per this convention , does the plugin pick up the test classes depending upon the Java MetaData , as is the case with TestNG.
If not then is defining the names of the classes in testng.xml the way out or is there some other way ??
Thanks in Advance,

As per this documentation, you can explicitly include and exclude tests, as well as specify complex regex patterns. You could try this in lieu of maintaining a testng.xml.


Spring Resource Loading

Can anyone explain how Spring decides where to look for resources when one uses the ResourceLoader.getResource(...) method?
I am having a problem with a multi-module maven application built using Spring Boot whereby in my integration tests my code is able to find resources using resourceLoader.getResource("templates/") or even resourceLoader.getResource("classpath:templates/"). So far so good...
However, when the module is eventually packaged into the executable JAR and run with embedded Tomcat the resources can no longer be resolved. I also tried resourceLoader.getResource("classpath*:templates/") with no success.
What I find concerning is that when I add a logging statement to output the URL being used in the search i get a path to one of the other modules in the project (not the one that actually contains the resource in question). E.g: jar:file:/Users/david/exmaple/target/spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/lib/module1-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/templates/ whereas I believe the resource is in jar:file:/Users/david/exmaple/target/spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/lib/module2-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/templates/
The resource loader was obtained from an Autowired constructor param.
Thanks in advance for any hints.
Just in case it isn't clear or is of importance, my integration tests for the module in question aren't aware of the other module. I have module1, module2 and a spring-boot module which has dependencies on module1 & module2. Essentially, when I run the integration tests for module 2 the classpath isn't aware of module1 - so I suspect that this has something to do with why it works in the tests.
When you use classpath: or classpath*: prefix, internally, this essentially happens via a ClassLoader.getResources(…​) call in spring.
The wildcard classpath relies on the getResources() method of the underlying classloader. As most application servers nowadays supply their own classloader implementation, the behavior might differ especially when dealing with jar files. A simple test to check if classpath* works is to use the classloader to load a file from within a jar on the classpath: getClass().getClassLoader().getResources("<someFileInsideTheJar>"). Try this test with files that have the same name but are placed inside two different locations. In case an inappropriate result is returned, check the application server documentation for settings that might affect the classloader behavior.
Do not use classpath: form as you have multiple classloader locations of templates/ .
Refer to: resources-classpath-wildcards

how is junit related to maven sure fire plugin

I am fairly new to writing Maven pom files and JUnit tests. I have following in my pom and it is calling my test scripts as expected.
It seems JUnit is more popular than sure fire plugin.
1) How is JUnit similar/different from maven sure fire plugin's default behavior (that is working for me from above plugin configuration). I can imagine JUnit having additional API/library; but what do they give me in addition to sure fire plugin
2)what is the easiest way to change my current tests that are running with sure fire plugin to JUnit. I came across following link which sort of implies that adding few lines to pom would be sufficient (?)
3)about previous bullet, what benefits would I have if I convert sure fire plugin tests to JUnit.
Hopefully, I am unambiguous (with my intro background to maven and JUnit)
maven-surefire-plugin is not itself a test framework: it's a Maven plugin that will run tests written with a test framework, either JUnit or TestNG.
I have following in my pom and it is calling my test scripts as expected.
If this is already running your tests then, as Surefire only knows about those two test frameworks, it means you're already using either JUnit or TestNG. You should be able to tell which from the classes you're importing to write your test classes.
(that is working for me from above plugin configuration)
Unless you have a particular requirement there's little reason to move away from the framework you're already using; it doesn't sound like you need to change anything.
As it says right here:
To get started with JUnit, you need to add the required version of JUnit to your project ... This is the only step that is required to get started - you can now create tests in your test source directory (eg, src/test/java).
Your question is confusing and suggests you haven't done any preliminary research yet. When you say "surefire tests" you may mean Pojo tests. If you know what a JUnit test is, it's pretty common sense thing to convert the Pojo tests to JUnit tests. Just put #Test before the Pojo test methods. You may also want to convert assert into the appropriate JUnit assert methods. In summary, just read a JUnit tutorial and the rest will be straight forward.

Gathering javadocs from multimodule maven project

In a large maven multimodule context,
how can I gather javadoc-comments programmatically for a specific set of classes (e.g. all classes implementing some interface) or modules ?
I have tried a stupid doclet and looked at QDox, but neither seems to do the job well.
Actually I think this should be simple if done correctly.
Specifically, I do not know how to do this in a maven-build: How can I depend on and use the src-jars?
This should be possible with QDox, as long as you have the sources. QDox-2.x can also read source-files from jars, which can be generated by the maven-source-plugin.

Surefire - TestNG : avoiding "old" directory creation

I'm using Surefire 2.16 and TestNG 6.8.5. The configuration in my pom.xml is really simple : no configuration (so Surefire must find out by itself the tests classes).
But I have 500 unit tests in this project and the generation of the "old" directory content is very very slow (it creates a sub-directory for each class/suite). The tests execution only takes 15 seconds, but with the old directory it raises to more than 800 seconds.
So I would like avoid this "old" directory (but keep the other generated files). I tried the parameter use usedefaultlisteners=false, but I loose all the reports.
Someone to tell me how I can do this ?
Thank you.
As per the Surefire docs listeners may be added by setting the listener property as a CSV list of Class names.
You can understand what the default listeners are by looking at the TestNG source. Method is initializeDefaultListeners. Pick just the listeners that you need and add them yourself.

Make maven build fail created artifact contains certain classes

I have complex multi-pom setup that in the end will create an EAR package. Sometimes the dependencies are messed up and some unwanted dependencies like JUnit end up in the final EAR package.
Is there a way to make maven build fail if final artifact contains certain classes?
Maybe not failing but you can exclude some jar-files that you know you will never use.
The maven-ear-plugin has a tag to use when excluding files, look here.
Use the <packagingExcludes/> tag to exclude JUnit for example.
You could use the maven-enforcer-plugin with a custom rule that you probably would have to write yourself. I haven't searched, but I don't think that such a rule exists yet.
