Publish editing via rest api with ajax - ajax

I have a problem when trying to edit a post in a rest api called Spark, the project aims to simulate a social network, here is the code for the editing part of the post:
var abreEdit = function() {
$(document).on('click','.abre-editar' ,function(){
var id = $(this).data('id'),
title = $(this).data('title'),
categories = $(this).data('categories'),
content = $(this).data('content');
title: 'Editar Postagem',
columnClass: 'col-md-12',
content: '' +
'<form action="javascript:void(0);" class="form-novo-cliente">' +
'<div class="form-group">' +
'<label>Título*</label>' +
'<input type="text" placeholder="Informe o título" maxlength="100" name="titulo" class="titulo form-control" required value="'+title+'"/>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="form-group">' +
'<label>Conteúdo*</label>' +
'<textarea name="conteudo" id="conteudo" class="form-control" rows="3">'+content+'</textarea>'+
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="form-group">' +
'<label>Categorias</label>' +
'<input type="text" placeholder="Informe as Categorias" maxlength="80" name="categorias" class="categorias form-control" value="'+categories+'" />' +
'</div>' +
buttons: {
formSubmit: {
text: 'Salvar',
btnClass: 'btn-green',
action: function () {
var titulo = this.$content.find('.titulo').val(),
conteudo = this.$content.find('#conteudo').val(),
categorias = this.$content.find('.categorias').val(),
form = this.$content.find('form');
$.alert('Informe o Título!');
return false;
$.alert('Informe ao menos uma categoria!');
return false;
var v_categorias = [];
v_categorias = categorias.split(' ');
$.alert('Informe o conteúdo!');
return false;
var array = {'id': id,
'title': titulo,
'categories': v_categorias};
var json = JSON.stringify(array);
var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Arrow request type: Post and the API URL"PUT", "https://localhost:4567/postagem", true);
ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// Set request parameters and send the request
// Cria um evento para receber o retorno.
ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
// If the state is 4 and the http.status is 200, it is because the request was successful.
if (ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200) {
var data = ajax.responseText;
title: 'Sucesso',
columnClass: 'small',
content: 'Postagem alterada no ORKUT!',
buttons: {
formSubmit: {
text: 'OK',
btnClass: 'btn-green',
action: function () {
enter image description here
I try to edit, save, but don't edit via the "put" method in Spark, there is something I can do to make this part functional.
enter image description here


Summernote custom button with dialog

I want to add a custom button to the Summernote toolbar that opens up a dialog that has a textbox for a URL and several checkboxes for settings. I then want to use the info from the dialog to scrape web pages and do processing on the content. The ultimate goal is to place the scraped content into the editor starting where the cursor is. I've searched and found some code on creating a custom button, but not any solid examples of implementing a dialog. I went through the summernote.js code to see how the Insert Image dialog works and that left me really confused. The test code I've got so far is in the code block, below. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help get me sorted out.
var showModalDialog = function(){
alert("Not Implemented");
var AddWiki = function(context) {
var ui = $.summernote.ui;
var button = ui.button({
contents: '<i class="fa fa-plus"/> Add Wiki',
tooltip: "Set a New Wiki",
class: "btn-primary",
click: function() {
return button.render();
$(".tw-summernote-instance textarea").summernote({
airMode: false,
dialogsInBody: false,
toolbar: [["mybutton", ["customButton"]]],
buttons: {
customButton: AddWiki
callbacks: {
onInit: function(e) {
var o = e.toolbar[0];
I found a good, simple example of what I wanted to do. Here's the code:
(function(factory) {
/* global define */
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// Node/CommonJS
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
} else {
// Browser globals
}(function($) {
$.extend($.summernote.plugins, {
'synonym': function(context) {
var self = this;
var ui = $.summernote.ui;
var $editor = context.layoutInfo.editor;
var options = context.options;
context.memo('button.synonym', function() {
return ui.button({
contents: '<i class="fa fa-snowflake-o">',
tooltip: 'Create Synonym',
click: context.createInvokeHandler('synonym.showDialog')
self.initialize = function() {
var $container = options.dialogsInBody ? $(document.body) : $editor;
var body = '<div class="form-group">' +
'<label>Add Synonyms (comma - , - seperated</label>' +
'<input id="input-synonym" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Insert your synonym" />'
var footer = '<button href="#" class="btn btn-primary ext-synonym-btn">OK</button>';
self.$dialog = ui.dialog({
title: 'Create Synonym',
fade: options.dialogsFade,
body: body,
footer: footer
// You should remove elements on `initialize`.
self.destroy = function() {
self.$dialog = null;
self.showDialog = function() {
.then(function(data) {
console.log("dialog returned: ", data)
.fail(function() {
self.openDialog = function() {
return $.Deferred(function(deferred) {
var $dialogBtn = self.$dialog.find('.ext-synonym-btn');
var $synonymInput = self.$dialog.find('#input-synonym')[0];
ui.onDialogShown(self.$dialog, function() {
.click(function(event) {
synonym: $synonymInput.value
ui.onDialogHidden(self.$dialog, function() {
if (deferred.state() === 'pending') {
this.insertToEditor = function(data) {
console.log("synonym: " + data.synonym)
var dataArr = data.synonym.split(',');
var restArr = dataArr.slice(1);
var $elem = $('<span>', {
'data-function': "addSynonym",
'data-options': '[' + restArr.join(',').trim() + ']',
'html': $('<span>', {
'text': dataArr[0],
'css': {
backgroundColor: 'yellow'
context.invoke('editor.insertNode', $elem[0]);

How can I get the dynamic value to my id variable in javascript?

I have been trying to get the different values in my id variable in javascript so that I can fetch the data according to the id I hover.
I have following code inside the <script></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".stambha-cat").hover(function() {
var id = document.getElementsByClassName("stambha-cat")[0].getAttribute("value");
url: '/ajaxCat.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
id: id
success: function(response){
if (typeof(response) != 'object') {
response = $.parseJSON(response);
if (response.status.status == true) {
var html_option = ""
$.each(response.body, function(key, value) {
var newsImage = "";
if(value.image === ""){
newsImage = "<?php echo FRONT_IMAGES_URL.'shikshak.jpg' ?>";
} else {
newsImage = value.image;
html_option += "<div class='col-md-3'><div class='stambha-img'><img class='img-responsive' src='" + newsImage + "'></div></div>";
html_option += "<div>";
} else if(response.status.status == false){
var amount_np = 'hello';
$('#catAjax').html('<div class="container text-center" id="c404"><div class="row"><div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 offset-md-3 c404"><h5 style="color:#DB4729"><strong>माफ गर्नुहोस्! यस कोटीमा कुनै समाचार छैन।</strong></h5></div></div></div>');
$(".stambha-cat").mouseenter(function() {
$(".stambha-cat").mouseleave(function() {
id = "";
I want to erase the value of id when the mouseleave event occur so that when I hover to the next item I can get the id of other category.
And, I have the following code inside the list:
<li class="stambha-cat" value="<?php echo $necessary->id ?>"><a class="boldtitle" href="http://<?php echo $necessary->url ?>" target="_blank"><strong><?php echo $necessary->title ?></strong></a></li>
Update: When I hover over another category, I get the same category id. Is that because var id = document.getElementsByClassName("stambha-cat")[0].getAttribute("value"); giving the value of first category inside the class "stambha-cat"?
Replacing var id = document.getElementsByClassName("stambha-cat")[0].getAttribute("value"); with var id = $(this).attr('value'); worked for me. See the full code below:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".stambha-cat").hover(function() {
var id = document.getElementsByClassName("stambha-cat")[0].getAttribute("value");
url: '/ajaxCat.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
id: id
success: function(response){
if (typeof(response) != 'object') {
response = $.parseJSON(response);
if (response.status.status == true) {
var html_option = ""
$.each(response.body, function(key, value) {
var newsImage = "";
if(value.image === ""){
newsImage = "<?php echo FRONT_IMAGES_URL.'shikshak.jpg' ?>";
} else {
newsImage = value.image;
html_option += "<div class='col-md-3'><div class='stambha-img'><img class='img-responsive' src='" + newsImage + "'></div></div>";
html_option += "<div>";
} else if(response.status.status == false){
var amount_np = 'hello';
$('#catAjax').html('<div class="container text-center" id="c404"><div class="row"><div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 offset-md-3 c404"><h5 style="color:#DB4729"><strong>माफ गर्नुहोस्! यस कोटीमा कुनै समाचार छैन।</strong></h5></div></div></div>');
$(".stambha-cat").mouseenter(function() {
$(".stambha-cat").mouseleave(function() {
id = "";

Parse LiveQuery Subscription always receive the old version

I have a collection of beacons that I want to show on a map. I want their positions to be synchronized between all instances of the application.
That is, when I move a beacons to another position I want this change to be reflected in the other instances of the application.
This using the Parse javascript SDK in its version 1.11.0.
I have defined the following Parse model, which represents each object in the collection saved on the server:
var Baliza = Parse.Object.extend("Balizas"); = function(){
var self = this;
var start= '<div class="row" style="width: 350px;">\n' +
' <div class="control-group" id="fields">\n' +
' <label class="control-label" style="text-align: center;" for="field1">Introducir Mac Asociadas a Ese Punto</label>\n' +
' <div class="controls">\n' +
' <form id="form" role="form" autocomplete="off">';
var tmp = '';
tmp = tmp + '<div class="entry input-group col-xs-12">\n' +
' <input class="form-control" name="fields[]" type="text" value="'+self.get("mac")[0]+'">\n' +
' <span class="input-group-btn">\n' +
' <button baliza-id='' class="btn btn-success btn-add" type="button">\n' +
' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span>\n' +
' </button>\n' +
' </span>\n' +
' </div>';
if (self.get("mac").length>1){
for (var i=1; i<self.get("mac").length; i++) {
tmp = tmp + '<div class="entry input-group col-xs-12">\n' +
' <input class="form-control" name="fields[]" type="text" value="'+self.get("mac")[i]+'">\n' +
' <span class="input-group-btn">\n' +
' <button baliza-id='' class="btn btn-remove col-xs-12" type="button">\n' +
' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span>\n' +
' </button>\n' +
' </span>\n' +
' </div>';
var end = '</form>\n' +
' <br>\n' +
' <button type="button" baliza-id='' class="btn btn-block btn-info btn-sm ">Salvar</button>\n' +
' <button type="button" baliza-id='' class="btn btn-block btn-danger btn-sm ">Eliminar</button>\n' +
' </div>\n' +
' </div>\n' +
//console.log('impirmiendo marker');
console.log("Localización -> ", self.get("localizacion"));
if(self.marker != null) {
self.marker.setLatLng(new L.LatLng(self.get("localizacion").latitude, self.get("localizacion").longitude),{draggable:'true'});
} else {
self.marker = new L.marker([ self.get("localizacion").latitude, self.get("localizacion").longitude], {
icon: L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({icon: 'certificate', prefix: 'glyphicon', markerColor: 'blue'}),
draggable: 'true'
}).bindPopup("", {maxWidth: 560});
self.marker.on('dragend', function(event){
var position =;
console.log("Notify new Location -> ",, position.lng);
//Enviamos El Dato a Parse
this.set("localizacion", new Parse.GeoPoint(, position.lng));, {
success: function (balizaSaved) {
console.log("Baliza Guardad con éxito: ", balizaSaved);
error: function (baliza, error) {
alert('Failed to create new object, with error code: ' + error.message);
The code responsible for notifying the change of position in the map is the following:
self.marker.on('dragend', function(event){
var position =;
console.log("Notify new Location -> ",, position.lng);
//Enviamos El Dato a Parse
this.set("localizacion", new Parse.GeoPoint(, position.lng));, {
success: function (balizaSaved) {
console.log("Baliza Guardad con éxito: ", balizaSaved);
error: function (baliza, error) {
alert('Failed to create new object, with error code: ' + error.message);
The subscription was created as follows,
var query = new Parse.Query(Baliza);
var subscription = query.subscribe();
var mapaBalizasParse = new Map();
// After specifying the Monster subclass...
subscription.on('create', function (balizaCreated) {
console.log("New baliza created -> ", balizaCreated.toJSON());
var baliza = new Baliza(balizaCreated.toJSON());;
mapaBalizasParse.set(, baliza);
subscription.on('update', function (balizaSaved) {
console.log('BALIZA ACTUALIZADA -> ', balizaSaved.toJSON());
var baliza = mapaBalizasParse.get(;
baliza.set("mac", balizaSaved.get("mac"));
baliza.set("localizacion", balizaSaved.get("localizacion"));;
subscription.on('delete', function (baliza) {
subscription.on('leave', function (balizaLeave) {
console.log('Leave called -> ',, balizaLeave.get("localizacion"));
subscription.on('enter', function (balizaCalled) {
console.log('Enter called -> ',, balizaCalled.get("localizacion"));
Each time I click on a position on the map I create a Beacons as follows:
function onMapClick(e) {
var baliza = new Baliza();
baliza.set("localizacion",new Parse.GeoPoint(, e.latlng.lng));
baliza.set("editando",true);, {
success: function(baliza) {
//Añadimos La Baliza Al Mapa Interno
error: function(baliza, error) {
alert('Failed to create new object, with error code: ' + error.message);
The list of currently registered "beacons" is shown as follows:
success: function(results) {
console.log("Total Balizas -> " + results.length);
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var currentBaliza = results[i];
console.log("Baliza " + i + " -> ", currentBaliza);;
mapaBalizasParse.set(, currentBaliza);
error: function(error) {
console.log("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
The problem is if for example I move the beacon from position ( latitude: 40.961229844235234, longitude: -5.669621229171753 ) to another point in the map (latitude: 40.9604196476232, longitude: -5.6707102060318)
The other instances of the application receive in the update event the old version of the object, its location field has not changed ( latitude: 40.961229844235234, longitude: -5.669621229171753 )
Someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong in the code.
Thanks in advance.
I have been doing some test with minimal configuration and this is that I saw:
In the callback for loading all beacons in the map set you use this code:
var beacon = new Baliza({id:, localizacion:
baliza.get("localizacion") , mac: baliza.get("mac"), editando:
but when you add a new beacon created in the callback of 'create' event, you use this one:
var beacon = new Baliza(); =;
beacon.localizacion = baliza.get("localizacion");
beacon.mac = baliza.get("mac");
beacon.editando = baliza.get("editando");
In my tests, if you use the first code the beacons updates normally, but if you use the second one, a old version of the beacon is logged in javascript console.
It seems that something special happens in the empty constructor that you are not including in the overloaded constructor.
I hope that it helps you. :)
Here my complete code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Simple test parse JS</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<input type="text" id="txtIndex" class="textbox" value="1">
<button type="button" class="btn-add">Add beacon</button>
<button type="button" class="btn-modify">Modify beacon</button>
<button type="button" class="btn-remove">Remove beacon</button>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Own JS-->
<script src="./js/demo_parse.js"></script>
var mapBeacons = new Map();
var query;
var subscription;
var Baliza;
function loadAllBeacons(){
success: function(results) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
//Vamos Creando Los Objetos Que Recibimos
var beacon = new Baliza(); = results[i].id;
beacon.localizacion = results[i].get("localizacion");
beacon.mac = results[i].get("mac");
error: function(error) {
console.log("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
function modifyBeacon(){
var key = $("#txtIndex").val();
var baliza = mapBeacons.get(key);
var my_chance = new Chance();
var randomLocation = new Parse.GeoPoint(my_chance.latitude(), my_chance.longitude())
baliza.set("localizacion",randomLocation);, {
success: function(baliza) {
// Execute any logic that should take place after the object is saved.
error: function(baliza, error) {
// Execute any logic that should take place if the save fails.
// error is a Parse.Error with an error code and message.
alert('Failed to remove new object, with error code: ' + error.message);
function removeBeacon(){
var key = $("#txtIndex").val();
var baliza = mapBeacons.get(key);
success: function(myObject) {
// The object was deleted from the Parse Cloud.
console.log("Beacon removed sucessfully");
error: function(myObject, error) {
// The delete failed.
// error is a Parse.Error with an error code and message.
function addNewBeacon(){
var baliza = new Baliza();
var my_chance = new Chance();
var randomLocation = new Parse.GeoPoint(my_chance.latitude(), my_chance.longitude())
baliza.set("editando",true);, {
success: function(baliza) {
console.log("OnSave Beacon saved sucessfully");
error: function(baliza, error) {
alert('Failed to create new object, with error code: ' + error.message);
$(function() {
console.log( "ready!" );
//Init parse
Parse.serverURL = '';
//Objeto Ppara interacturar con el Objeto Baliza de Parser
Baliza = Parse.Object.extend("Balizas", {
* Instance properties go in an initialize method
id: '',
localizacion: '',
initialize: function (attr, options) {
query = new Parse.Query(Baliza);
subscription = query.subscribe();
// Subscription for create
subscription.on('create', function (baliza) {
var beacon = new Baliza({id:, localizacion: baliza.get("localizacion") , mac: baliza.get("mac"), editando: baliza.get("editando")});
var beacon = new Baliza(); =;
beacon.localizacion = baliza.get("localizacion");
beacon.mac = baliza.get("mac");
beacon.editando = baliza.get("editando");
console.log("New beacon added to BBDD")
// Subscription for update
subscription.on('update', function (kk) {
console.log('Updated beacon:' + kk.get("localizacion").latitude + " " + kk.get("localizacion").longitude + " " + kk.get("mac")+ " " + kk.get("id"));
// Subscription for delete
subscription.on('delete', function (kk) {
console.log('Deleted beacon:' + kk.get("localizacion").latitude + " " + kk.get("localizacion").longitude + " " + kk.get("mac"));
$(document).on('click', '.btn-add', function(e) {
}).on('click', '.btn-remove', function(e) {
return false;
}).on('click', '.btn-modify', function(e) {

base64 image post to php results in empty file

My question is very similar to one at this thread. I'm creating a canvas element on the fly, adding one or more img elements to it, and posting each img in turn to a php script on the server that then saves the resulting file. It's a basic drag-and-drop operation for images, much like Facebook's or the one on G+. I have everything working correctly except that the files resulting from the upload and save are all empty-- or rather, they're 2kb each and display nothing but blackness.
Here's the relevant portions of the code:
<form method="post" action="upload.php" id="formUpload">
<div id="op">
<label class="lbl">Drop images here to add them,<br>or click an image to see it enlarged</label>
<span style='display:inline-block'>
<input type="file" name="files[]" id='file' class="fileUpload" onchange="startRead()" multiple><br>
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='+' class="fileUpload">
(not bothering with CSS as it's not germane to this)
function addImg(imgSrc) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var imageObj = new Image();
imageObj.onload = function() {
context.drawImage(imageObj, 5, 5);
imageObj.className = "imgThumbnail"; = 140 + "px"; = 140 + "px";
imageObj.src = imgSrc.currentTarget.result;
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL();
type: "POST",
url: "upload.php",
data: {
imgBase64: dataURL
}).done(function(data) {
var fileName = data;
if (fileName.substring(1,1) !== "!") {
$("#op").on('click', 'img', imgEnlarge);
$.get($("#path").val() + "/includes/addImage.php", {
imageType: $("#imageType").val(),
idParentObject: $("#idParentObject").val(),
url: fileName
} else {
alert("Error in upload processs. Could not save " + data.substring(2, data.length-1) + ".");
imageObj.attr("src", "../images/missing.png");
define('UPLOAD_DIR', '../images/');
$img = $_POST["img"];
$img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $img);
$img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img);
$data = base64_decode($img);
$file = UPLOAD_DIR . uniqid() . '.png';
$success = file_put_contents($file,$data);
print $success ? $file : '!$file';
Any help figuring out what I'm missing will be greatly appreciated. Correct answers will be even more appreciated.
Got it. It was an order of operations error. I was posting the canvas's base64 representation prior to drawing the image onto it. Here's what the javascript looks like corrected:
function addImg(imgSrc) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var imageObj = new Image();
imageObj.className = "imgThumbnail"; = 140 + "px"; = 140 + "px";
imageObj.src = imgSrc.currentTarget.result;
context.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0, 140, 140);
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
type: "POST",
url: $("#path").val() + "/includes/upload.php",
data: {
img: dataURL
}).done(function(data) {
var fileName = data;
if (fileName.substring(1,1) !== "!") {
$("#op").on('click', 'img', imgEnlarge);
$.get($("#path").val() + "/includes/addImage.php", {
imageType: $("#imageType").val(),
idParentObject: $("#idParentObject").val(),
url: fileName
} else {
alert("Error in upload processs. Could not save " + data.substring(2, data.length-1) + ".");
imageObj.attr("src", "../images/missing.png");

How do I enable UniversalXPConnect for a particular web page?

I need to test various web services which are posts that take an uploaded file as the content of the body. To do this I'd like to do quick tests using ajax call. I found the following page which describes how to do this:
However, it requires that the page have "UniversalXPConnect" privileges in firefox.
How do I enable that privilege? I tried editing prefs.js and adding:
user_pref("", "http://localhost:8080/access/index.html");
user_pref("", "UniversalXPConnect");
which should give access to the page http://localhost:8080/access/index.html. But, it doesn't seem to work.
Improving on panzi's answer, you can use the FormData object to send files with Ajax in a very simple manner:
<title>HTML5 File API</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// <!--
// See:
function upload() {
var uploadRequest = new XMLHttpRequest,
uploadForm = document.getElementById('file_upload');
function transferProgress(progressEvent) {
/*Executes For each update of the progress of the Ajax transfer.*/
// show progress bar or something....
function transferComplete() {
/*Executes when the transfer is complete.*/
//Do something like show a nice message...
function transferFailed() {
/*Executes when the transfer fails.*/
alert('Upload failed!');
function transferCanceled() {
/*Executes when the transfer is canceled.*/
alert('Upload canceled!');
uploadRequest.upload.addEventListener('progress', transferProgress, false);
//uploadRequest.upload.addEventListener('load', transferComplete, false); // transfer complete, but this doesn't mean a response from the server has been received.
uploadRequest.addEventListener('load', transferComplete, false); // ajax request complete, response from the server has been received and all has been processed.
uploadRequest.upload.addEventListener('error', transferFailed, false);
uploadRequest.upload.addEventListener('abort', transferCanceled, false);'POST', action, true);
uploadRequest.send(new FormData(uploadForm));
// -->
<form id="file_upload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" id="text" value="blah blah blah"/>
<input type="file" onchange="upload();"/>
If the user specifies the file you don't need UniversalXPConnect. The HTML5 File API is enough:
<title>HTML5 File API</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// <!--
// See:
function upload (input) {
for (var i = 0; i < input.files.length; ++ i) {
// makes multiple uploads
function uploadFile (file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onprogress = function (event) {
var percent = 100 * event.loaded /;
// TODO: display progress
reader.onerror = function (event) {
// display error
alert(errorMessage(reader.error)+': ';
reader.onload = function (event) {
if (reader.error) {
// display error
alert(errorMessage(reader.error)+': ';
else {
// You could also use reader.readAsBinaryString(file)
// and the mozilla specific function call btoa(reader.result).
// For more mozilla specific stuff (e.g. sending data as binary)
// see:
var data = reader.result.substring(',')+1);
var text = document.getElementById('text').value;
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
var boundaryString = guid();
var boundary = '--' + boundaryString;
while ( != -1) {
boundaryString = guid();
boundary = '--' + boundaryString;
var requestbody = boundary + '\n' +
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="mytext"\n' +
'\n' +
text +
'\n' +
boundary + '\n' +
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="myfile"; filename="' +"/g, '') + '"\n' +
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n' +
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n' +
'\n' +
data + '\n' +
request.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (request.readyState == 4) {
if (request.status == 200) {
alert('Result: ' + request.responseText);
else {
'Error "' + request.statusText + '" occured while uploading: ' +;
/* a non-standard variant (still supported by many browsers) would be:
request.onuploadprogress = function () {
// possibly only mozilla, but awesome! upload progress!
var percent = 100 * event.loaded /;
// TODO: display progress
request.onload = function () {
if (request.status == 200) {
alert('Result: ' + request.responseText);
else {
'Error "' + request.statusText + '" occured while uploading: ' +;
request.onerror = function () {
'There was a problem with the request when uploading file: ' +;
*/'POST', 'post.php', true);
request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary="' +
boundaryString + '"');
request.setRequestHeader('Connection', 'close');
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Length', requestbody.length);
// there would also be:
// reader.readAsBinaryString(file);
// reader.readAsText(file, 'UTF-8');
// reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);
function errorMessage (error) {
switch (error.code) {
case FileError.ABORT_ERR:
return 'Aborted';
case FileError.ENCODING_ERR:
return 'Encoding Error';
case FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR:
return 'File not found';
case FileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR:
return 'File is not readable';
return 'File is not writeable';
case FileError.SECURITY_ERR:
return 'Security Error';
return 'Unknown error code: ' + error.code;
// from:
function S4() {
return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);
function guid() {
return (S4()+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+S4()+S4());
// -->
<input type="text" id="text" value="My text.."/>
<input type="file" onchange="upload(this);"/>
Still, I would recommend to use an iframe, because it is best supported by all browsers:
Is it possible to use Ajax to do file upload?
