Summernote custom button with dialog - summernote

I want to add a custom button to the Summernote toolbar that opens up a dialog that has a textbox for a URL and several checkboxes for settings. I then want to use the info from the dialog to scrape web pages and do processing on the content. The ultimate goal is to place the scraped content into the editor starting where the cursor is. I've searched and found some code on creating a custom button, but not any solid examples of implementing a dialog. I went through the summernote.js code to see how the Insert Image dialog works and that left me really confused. The test code I've got so far is in the code block, below. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help get me sorted out.
var showModalDialog = function(){
alert("Not Implemented");
var AddWiki = function(context) {
var ui = $.summernote.ui;
var button = ui.button({
contents: '<i class="fa fa-plus"/> Add Wiki',
tooltip: "Set a New Wiki",
class: "btn-primary",
click: function() {
return button.render();
$(".tw-summernote-instance textarea").summernote({
airMode: false,
dialogsInBody: false,
toolbar: [["mybutton", ["customButton"]]],
buttons: {
customButton: AddWiki
callbacks: {
onInit: function(e) {
var o = e.toolbar[0];

I found a good, simple example of what I wanted to do. Here's the code:
(function(factory) {
/* global define */
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// Node/CommonJS
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
} else {
// Browser globals
}(function($) {
$.extend($.summernote.plugins, {
'synonym': function(context) {
var self = this;
var ui = $.summernote.ui;
var $editor = context.layoutInfo.editor;
var options = context.options;
context.memo('button.synonym', function() {
return ui.button({
contents: '<i class="fa fa-snowflake-o">',
tooltip: 'Create Synonym',
click: context.createInvokeHandler('synonym.showDialog')
self.initialize = function() {
var $container = options.dialogsInBody ? $(document.body) : $editor;
var body = '<div class="form-group">' +
'<label>Add Synonyms (comma - , - seperated</label>' +
'<input id="input-synonym" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Insert your synonym" />'
var footer = '<button href="#" class="btn btn-primary ext-synonym-btn">OK</button>';
self.$dialog = ui.dialog({
title: 'Create Synonym',
fade: options.dialogsFade,
body: body,
footer: footer
// You should remove elements on `initialize`.
self.destroy = function() {
self.$dialog = null;
self.showDialog = function() {
.then(function(data) {
console.log("dialog returned: ", data)
.fail(function() {
self.openDialog = function() {
return $.Deferred(function(deferred) {
var $dialogBtn = self.$dialog.find('.ext-synonym-btn');
var $synonymInput = self.$dialog.find('#input-synonym')[0];
ui.onDialogShown(self.$dialog, function() {
.click(function(event) {
synonym: $synonymInput.value
ui.onDialogHidden(self.$dialog, function() {
if (deferred.state() === 'pending') {
this.insertToEditor = function(data) {
console.log("synonym: " + data.synonym)
var dataArr = data.synonym.split(',');
var restArr = dataArr.slice(1);
var $elem = $('<span>', {
'data-function': "addSynonym",
'data-options': '[' + restArr.join(',').trim() + ']',
'html': $('<span>', {
'text': dataArr[0],
'css': {
backgroundColor: 'yellow'
context.invoke('editor.insertNode', $elem[0]);


Jest only - addEventListener ~ click assertion

I want to mock a normal dom click as indicated in the Jest docs:
test('displays a user after a click', () => {
document.body.innerHTML =
'<div>' +
' <span id="username" />' +
' <button id="button" />' +
// Use jquery to emulate a click on our button
expect($('#username').text()).toEqual('Johnny Cash - Logged In');
My function is as follows:
function clickTrack() {
const data = {};
document.addEventListener('click', function clicked(e) {
if ('a')) {
data['click.Classes'] =;
data['click.ID'] =;
data['click.Destination'] =;
data['click.ElementText'] =;
}, false);
return data;
And the test:
describe('Click Tracking', () => {
test('Clicking on an a tag will collect its information', () => {
document.body.innerHTML = '<a class="j1 j2 j3" id="j" href="">Jest</a>';
I expect the output to be vaguely:
click.Classes: ["j1 j2 j3"]
click.Destination: ""
click.ElementText: "Jest"
click.ID: "j"
But an empty object is returned instead.
clickTrack hooks up a click event listener and returns a data object that will be updated whenever a click event happens, so you only have to call clickTrack once.
Right now you are calling it again after your click event so it is creating an additional click listener and returning a new, empty data object.
You'll also want to use for the text and get the class names by calling split(' ') on
function clickTrack() {
const data = {};
document.addEventListener('click', function clicked(e) {
if ('a')) {
data['click.Classes'] =' ');
data['click.ID'] =;
data['click.Destination'] =;
data['click.ElementText'] =;
}, false);
return data;
describe('Click Tracking', () => {
test('Clicking on an a tag will collect its information', () => {
const data = clickTrack();
document.body.innerHTML = '<a class="j1 j2 j3" id="j" href="">Jest</a>';
'click.Classes': ['j1', 'j2', 'j3'],
'click.Destination': '',
'click.ElementText': 'Jest',
'click.ID': 'j'
}); // Success!

KendoUI grid with draggable only works when I have developer tools open

I've created a nice little KendoUI grid with drag and drop. It works great... as long as I have the developer tools open. Any idea why this would work with the dev tools open, but doesn't work at all with just using the browser?
Edit to add the code:
my cshtml page:
<div id="DisplayOrderGridContainer">
<div class="validation-error-box" id="errorMessages" style="display:none">
<ul id="message">
<li>The Record you attempted to edit was modified by another user after you got the original value. The edit operation was canceled.</li>
<div style="padding-bottom: 15px;">
#Html.ActionLink("Back", Model.BackActionName, Model.ControllerName, Model.BackRouteValues, new { id = Model.ControllerName + "_Back", #class = "k-button" })
#if (Model.AllowClearingDisplayOrder)
#Html.ActionLink("Clear Order", Model.ClearActionName, Model.ControllerName, Model.BackRouteValues, new { #id = "clear-button", #class = "k-button float-right" })
<div id="KendoGridContainer">
<div id="ChangeDisplayOrderGrid"
data-bind="source:data, events:{dataBound:onDataBound,columnHide:OnColumnHide,columnShow:OnColumnShow}"
#*data-toolbar='[{ "template": kendo.template($("#toolbarTemplate").html()) }]'*#
data-columns='[{title:"Short Name", field:"NameField", width: 80, headerAttributes:{id: "#Model.ControllerName" + "_ShortName"}},
{title:"Description", field:"DescriptionField", width:300, headerAttributes:{id: "#Model.ControllerName" + "_Description"}},
{title:"Display Order", field:"Display", width:140, headerAttributes:{id: "#Model.ControllerName" + "_Display"}},
{title:"Value", field:"Value", hidden: true, headerAttributes:{id: "#Model.ControllerName" + "_Value"}}]'>
<script id="rowTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-tmpl">
<tr class="k-master-row" data-uid="#:uid#">
<td class="text-right">#=NameField#</td>
<td class="text-right">#=DescriptionField#</td>
<td class="text-right">#=Display#</td>
<td class="text-right" style="display:none;">#=Value#</td>
<div id="grid" data-grid-url="#(Url.Action(Model.ActionName, Model.ControllerName))" data-grid-viewdataid="#ViewData.ID()"></div>
<input type="hidden" id="displayOrderId" />
<input type="hidden" id="Id" />
my js page:
$(document).ready(function () {
var newData = new{
transport: {
read: {
url: $('#grid').attr('data-grid-url'),
dataType: "json"
schema: {
model: {
id: "Id"
var viewModel = new kendo.observable({
data: newData,
onDataBound: function (e) {
pfsKendoGridEvents.SetSelectedRow_MVVMGrid("KendoGridContainer", e.sender, $('#grid').attr('data-grid-viewdataId'))
OnColumnHide: function (e) {
OnColumnShow: function (e) {
kendo.bind($("#DisplayOrderGridContainer"), viewModel);
kendo.addDragAndDropToGrid = function (gridId, rowClass, viewModel) {
if (!gridId) { throw "Parameter [gridId] is not set."; }
if (!rowClass) { throw "Parameter [rowClass] is not set."; }
hint: function (element) {
var shortName = element[0].cells[0];
var desc = element[0].cells[1];
var dispOrder = element[0].cells[2];
element[0].innerHTML = "<td class=\"text-right dragOver\" style=\"width:95px\">" + shortName + "</td><td class=\"text-right dragOver\" style=\"width:382px\">" + desc + "</td><td class=\"text-right dragOver\" style=\"width:173px\">" + dispOrder + "</td>";
return element;
axis: "y",
container: $(gridId)
filter: rowClass,
drop: function (e) {
var srcUid ="uid");
var tgtUid ="uid");
var ds = $(gridId).data("kendoGrid").dataSource;
var srcItem = ds.getByUid(srcUid);
var tgtItem = ds.getByUid(tgtUid);
var dstIdx = ds.indexOf(tgtItem);
ds.insert(dstIdx, srcItem);
kendo.addDragAndDropToGrid(gridId, rowClass, viewModel);
dragenter: function (e) {
e.draggable.hint.css("opacity", 0.3);
dragleave: function (e) {
e.draggable.hint.css("opacity", 1);
var srcUid ="uid");
var tgtUid ="uid");
var ds = $(gridId).data("kendoGrid").dataSource;
var srcItem = ds.getByUid(srcUid);
var srcDispOrd = srcItem.Display;
var tgtItem = ds.getByUid(tgtUid);
var tgtDispOrd = tgtItem.Display;
var dstIdx = ds.indexOf(tgtItem);
//--update display orders after dropping
ds._data.forEach(function (data) {
//if dragging it to a spot with higher dispOrder
if (tgtDispOrd > srcDispOrd) {
if (data.Display <= tgtDispOrd && data.Display > srcDispOrd) {
data.Display -= 1;
//if dragging it to a spot with lower dispOrder
if (srcDispOrd > tgtDispOrd) {
if (data.Display >= tgtDispOrd && data.Display < srcDispOrd) {
data.Display += 1;
srcItem.Display = tgtDispOrd;
ds.insert(dstIdx, srcItem);
var dataService = (function () {
"use strict";
var self = {};
self.getAddresses = function () {
var data = new[newData]);
// Manual create a promise, so this function mimicks an Ajax call.
var dfd = new $.Deferred();
return dfd.promise();
return self;
var controller = (function (dataService, viewModel) {
"use strict";
var _dataService = dataService;
var _vm = viewModel;
var self = {};
self.handleAddressesRefresh = function (data) {
_vm.set("addresses", new{ data: data }));
kendo.bind($("#KendoGridContainer"), _vm);
kendo.addDragAndDropToGrid("#ChangeDisplayOrderGrid", ".k-master-row", _vm);
}; = function () {
return self;
})(dataService, viewModel);;});
I think it's something to do with the timing of the loading of the page, possibly with the promise I'm using?

Alloyui Ace editor read and write file

How read and write html or php file using ace editor ( alloyoui ), in the example i just get value to edit not from file and i have done to see the documentation but not get how read and write code from file.
function(Y) {
var editor = new Y.AceEditor(
boundingBox: '#myEditor',
height: '200',
mode: 'javascript',
value: 'alert("Write something here...");',
width: '700'
var mode ='#mode');
if (mode) {
var contents = {
javascript: 'alert("Write something here...");',
json: '{"value": "Write something here..."}',
php: '<?php echo "Write something here..."; ?>',
xml: '<value attr="something">Write something here...</value>'
var currentMode = 'javascript';
var updateValue = function() {
editor.set('value', contents[currentMode]);
function(event) {
currentMode = this.val();
editor.set('mode', currentMode);
how call the file code? or this can be done only change the value: 'alert("Write something here...");'whit file path/url?
You cannot write to or read system files with JavaScript. However, you can kind of write to files by reading the contents of uploaded files and loading them into the AceEditor. Use an <input type="file" /> to allow the user to upload the file. Once the file is uploaded, set the AceEditor's value to be the file's contents.
AUI().use('aui-ace-editor', function(A) {
var aceEditor;
var fileInput ='#fileInput');
fileInput.on('change', function(event) {
var file = fileInput.getDOMNode().files[0];
if (file) {
// Other types may also be appropriate here:
if (file.type.startsWith('text/') || file.type.startsWith('application/')) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (onloadEvent) {
if (!aceEditor) {
aceEditor = new A.AceEditor({
/* ...your AceEditor config... */
mode: 'text',
render: true
reader.onerror = function (onerrorEvent) {
alert('File could not be read. Aborting.')
reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8");
else {
alert('File does not contain text. Aborting.');
You can also attempt to guess the mode that the editor should use from the file's mime type:
aceEditor.set('mode', file.type.replace(/^(text|application)\/(x-)?/, ''));
To download the edited file, you can use a data URI:
var downloadFileButton ='#downloadFileButton');
downloadFileButton.on('click', function(clickEvent) {
var downloadFileLink = Y.Node.create('<a href="data:' +
fileType + ';charset=utf-8,' +
encodeURIComponent(aceEditor.get('value')) +
'" download="' + fileName + '" style="display: none;" />');
var bodyElement ='body');
Here's a runnable example with all of the above features/code:
YUI().use('aui-ace-editor', function(Y) {
var aceEditor;
var fileName;
var fileType;
var fileInput ='#fileInput');
fileInput.on('change', function(event) {
var file = fileInput.getDOMNode().files[0];
if (file) {
fileType = file.type;
// Other types may also be appropriate here:
if (fileType.startsWith('text/') || fileType.startsWith('application/')) {
fileName =;
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (onloadEvent) {
if (!aceEditor) {
aceEditor = new Y.AceEditor({
boundingBox: '#aceEditor',
mode: 'text',
value: 'Upload a file to begin editing.',
height: '200',
width: '700',
render: true
var downloadFileButton ='#downloadFileButton');
downloadFileButton.setStyle('display', null);
downloadFileButton.on('click', function(clickEvent) {
var downloadFileLink = Y.Node.create('<a href="data:' +
fileType + ';charset=utf-8,' +
encodeURIComponent(aceEditor.get('value')) +
'" download="' + fileName + '" style="display: none;" />');
var bodyElement ='body');
aceEditor.set('mode', fileType.replace(/^(text|application)\/(x-)?/, ''));
reader.onerror = function (onerrorEvent) {
alert('File could not be read. Aborting.')
reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8");
else {
alert('File does not contain text. Aborting.');
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<div class="yui3-skin-sam">
<input type="file" id="fileInput">
<div id="aceEditor"></div>
<button id="downloadFileButton" style="display: none;">Download File</button>

How to add toggle button from jqgrid toolbar to autogenerated context menu

Toggle button in jqgrid top toolbar is defined using Oleg answer as
var autoedit;
$("#grid_toppager_left table.navtable tbody tr").append(
'<td class="ui-pg-button ui-corner-all" >' +
'<div class="ui-pg-div my-nav-checkbox">' +
'<input tabindex="-1" type="checkbox" id="AutoEdit" '+(autoedit ? 'checked ' : '')+'/>' +
'<label title="Toggle autoedit" for="AutoEdit">this text is ignored in toolbar</label></div></td>'
text: false,
icons: {primary: "ui-icon-star"}
}).click(function () {
autoedit = $(this).is(':checked');
Answer from how to add standard textbox command to jqgrid context menu is used to autogenerate context menu for grid from toolbar.
In generated context menu for this item only text "this text is ignored in toolbar" appears and selecting it does nothing.
How to make it work or remove this item from context menu?
Look at the demo or the same demo with another themes: this and this.
First of all I modified the code of the jquery.contextmenu.js to support jQuery UI Themes. Then I modified the code more, to be able to create context menu more dynamically. In the modified version of jquery.contextmenu.js one can crate menu and the bindings not only in the onContextMenu, but also in onShowMenu. Inside of onContextMenu one can create just the empty menu
<div id="myMenu"><ul></ul></div>
It is important only if one use dynamically switching of the icons of the text of buttons from the navigator bar.
You can download the modified version of the file here.
In the demo I used the last modification of the code from the answer, so the standard context menu can be still used in the grid on selected text or in the enabled input/textarea fields. The context menu of the browser will be displayed in the case:
I modified the code of createContexMenuFromNavigatorButtons function from the answer to the following:
var getSelectedText = function () {
var text = '';
if (window.getSelection) {
text = window.getSelection();
} else if (document.getSelection) {
text = document.getSelection();
} else if (document.selection) {
text = document.selection.createRange().text;
return typeof (text) === 'string' ? text : text.toString();
createContexMenuFromNavigatorButtons = function (grid, pager) {
var menuId = 'menu_' + grid[0].id, menuUl = $('<ul>'),
menuDiv = $('<div>').attr('id', menuId);
grid.contextMenu(menuId, {
bindings: {}, // the bindings will be created in the onShowMenu
onContextMenu: function (e) {
var p = grid[0].p, i, lastSelId, $target = $(,
rowId = $target.closest("tr.jqgrow").attr("id"),
isInput = $':text:enabled') ||
$'input[type=textarea]:enabled') ||
if (rowId && !isInput && getSelectedText() === '') {
i = $.inArray(rowId, p.selarrrow);
if (p.selrow !== rowId && i < 0) {
// prevent the row from be unselected
// the implementation is for "multiselect:false" which we use,
// but one can easy modify the code for "multiselect:true"
grid.jqGrid('setSelection', rowId);
} else if (p.multiselect) {
// Edit will edit FIRST selected row.
// rowId is allready selected, but can be not the last selected.
// Se we swap rowId with the first element of the array p.selarrrow
lastSelId = p.selarrrow[p.selarrrow.length - 1];
if (i !== p.selarrrow.length - 1) {
p.selarrrow[p.selarrrow.length - 1] = rowId;
p.selarrrow[i] = lastSelId;
p.selrow = rowId;
return true;
} else {
return false; // no contex menu
onShowMenu: function (e, $menu) {
var options = this, $menuUl = $menu.find('ul:first').empty();
$('table.navtable .ui-pg-button', pager).each(function () {
var $spanIcon, text, $td, id, $li, $a, button,
$div = $(this).children('div.ui-pg-div:first'),
gridId = grid[0].id;
if ($div.length === 1) {
text = $div.text();
$td = $div.parent();
if (text === '') {
text = $td.attr('title');
if ( !== '' && text !== '') {
id = 'menuitem_' +;
if (id.length > gridId.length + 2) {
id = id.substr(0, id.length - gridId.length - 1);
} else {
// for custom buttons
id = $.jgrid.randId();
$li = $('<li>').attr('id', id);
$spanIcon = $div.children('span.ui-icon');
if ($spanIcon.length > 0) {
// standard navGrid button or button added by navButtonAdd
float: 'left',
marginRight: '0.5em'
options.bindings[id] = (function ($button) {
return function () { $; };
} else {
button = $div.children("input").data("button");
if (button !== undefined) {
$a = $('<a>')
float: 'left',
width: '16px',
borderWidth: '0px',
marginRight: '0.5em'//'4px'
$('<span>').addClass("ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon " +
float: 'left',
marginRight: '0.5em'
if (button.type === "checkbox" &&':checked')) {
options.bindings[id] = (function ($button, isCheckbox) {
if (isCheckbox) {
return function () {
if ($':checked')) {
} else {
$button.button("refresh"); // needed for IE7-IE8
} else {
return function () { $; };
}(button.element, button.type === "checkbox"));
return $menu;
autoedit = false;
and fill the check-button in the navigator bar with the code which is changed only a little:
$("#pager_left table.navtable tbody tr").append(
'<td class="ui-pg-button ui-corner-all">' +
'<div class="ui-pg-div my-nav-checkbox">' +
'<input tabindex="-1" type="checkbox" id="AutoEdit" />' +
'<label title="Checkx caption which should appear as button tooltip"' +
' for="AutoEdit">Autoedit</label></div></td>'
text: false,
icons: {primary: "ui-icon-mail-closed"}
}).click(function () {
var iconClass, $this = $(this);
if (!autoedit) { // $':checked')) {
autoedit = true;
iconClass = "ui-icon-mail-open";
} else {
autoedit = false;
iconClass = "ui-icon-mail-closed";
$this.button("option", {icons: {primary: iconClass}});
createContexMenuFromNavigatorButtons($grid, '#pager');
UPDATED: One more demo which support buttons added by new inlineNav method you can find here. Additionally I included in the demo the function normalizePagers which I use to improve the look of the pager:
How you can see the contextmenu includes only enabled buttons from the navigator bar.

Ajax client object method invoking with parameter

Inside client control I generate a button, with script to run.
I want to call object's Print() method when this button is clicked, the result value must be passed to Print() as well.
How can I do that?
This is my object:
CustomControls.FirstObj = function(element) {
CustomControls.FirstObj.initializeBase(this, [element]);
this._targetControlDelegate === null
this.markUp = '<div><input type="button" id="theButton" value="Button!" onclick="Foo()"/><script type="text/javascript">function Foo() {return "result";}</script></div>';
CustomControls.FirstObj.prototype = {
dispose: function() {
CustomControls.FirstObj.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');
initialize: function() {
var div;
div = document.createElement('div'); = = "divName";
div.innerHTML = this.markUp;
var targetControl = $get("theButton");
// if (targetControl != null) {
// if (this._targetControlDelegate === null) {
// this._targetControlDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._targetControlHandler);
// }
// Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler(targetControl, 'click', this._targetControlDelegate);
// }
CustomControls.FirstObj.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');
// _targetControlHandler: function(event) {
// },
_Print: function(result) {
//Alert Result
CustomControls.FirstObj.registerClass('CustomControls.FirstObj', Sys.UI.Control);
if (typeof (Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();
I guess there is no solution for my problem.
Maybe there is an alternative approach that you can suggest?
One way would be to store the FirstObj object in a property of the button it just created:
initialize: function() {
var div = document.createElement("div"); = = "divName";
div.innerHTML = this.markUp;
var targetControl = $get("theButton");
targetControl.__firstObj = this;
CustomControls.FirstObj.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');
That would allow you to use that property to refer to the FirstObj object inside your markup:
CustomControls.FirstObj = function(element) {
CustomControls.FirstObj.initializeBase(this, [element]);
this._targetControlDelegate = null;
this.markUp = '<div><input type="button" id="theButton" value="Button!"'
+ 'onclick="this.__firstObj._Print(Foo());" />'
+ '<script type="text/javascript">function Foo() {return "result";}'
+ '</script></div>';
