Cannot run ActiveMQ Artemis broker - jms

I'm trying to run the broker but I recieve this message. I succesfully created the broker so I don't know why this is happening.
Screenshot of cmd error here:
I don't understand what NO_ARTEMIS_OOME_DUMP is.
The files that it says it cannot find (bootstrap.xml, management.xml), but they exist in one of the folders.
I added the artemis folder to the PATH.
How do I fix this?
I tried restarting, reinstalling, creating another broker... nothing works.

It appears there are some special characters in your path after C:\Users\Hadas\Desktop. I suspect that the ActiveMQ Artemis Windows start script is choking on these characters. Try creating a new path without the special characters. That should work.
Also, ensure you're using the latest release of ActiveMQ Artemis as it has a fix for ARTEMIS-4057 which impacts the Windows start script.


Not able to publish a message to ActiveMQ using JMeter

I would like publish some messages and perform load testing of my docker-based ActiveMQ server using JMeter. I have the configuration in place but for some reason I am not able to see the message getting published in ActiveMQ.
I have the admin console up and running and see that the queues is not getting created either. I also tried to manually create the queue and see if the Jmeter script works, but no luck
I have already added activemq-all-5.15.0 jar in my jmeter/lib/ext folder of JMeter 3.2.
I am also seeing following error in JMeter Results Tree.
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jmeter-q
at org.apache.activemq.jndi.ReadOnlyContext.lookup(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.jms.Utils.lookupDestination(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.jms.client.Publisher.<init>(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.jms.sampler.PublisherSampler.initClient(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.jms.sampler.PublisherSampler.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.jms.sampler.BaseJMSSampler.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.executeSamplePackage(
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.processSampler(
The correct format to provide destination under Destination textbox is
Also please make sure that there should be no spaces at the end of each fields like provideURl, connectionf factory etc.

RabbitMQ node down after new install

I've had RabbitMQ 3.2.1 (Erl OTP 16B02 x64) running on Win 2008R2, one day it started to return nodedown error. I decided to reinstall RabbitMQ, I've removed Rabbit and Erlang enviriment, cleaned db folder in RABBITMQ_BASE, removed all erlang cookies and RABBITMQ_NODENAME / PORT variables. Intalled RabbitMQ 3.5.4 Erlang OTP18 x64 as admin....but still I'm not able to manage service via command promt, it gives me following output:
I've already seen some post on this error (Post1 , Post2 ) but, as I see right now all that they are suggesting is reinstall RabbitMQ and to be careful with Erlang cookies, and I've cleaned system completely after uninstalling previous version. Still, any suggestions appreciated.
Funny thing - I've noticed that db folder in RABBITMQ_BASE is empty, so it is empty in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ... I thought it must create node structure there on service first start...
It's telling you that it is trying to connect to a node with name 'rabbit', and it is telling you that there is a node running with a name of 'RabbitMQ'.
Presumably 'RabbitMQ' is indeed your RabbitMQ node? Perhaps your new installation changed the name of the node, or maybe you were using a non default node name before that has been partially reset? Or maybe something else... Either way, I know you said you cleaned it, but there's a definite mismatch in the node name being used by your server and the rabbitmqctl client.
See RabbitMQ configuration for details on how to check and change your configuration (for UNIX and Windows), or try telling rabbitmqctl to use a different node name (this is -n on UNIX, not sure on Windows).
We (the RabbitMQ team) already saw this behavior, but couldn't reproduce it so far. What we discovered is that for unknown reasons, the Windows service is installed without its parameter, in particular, the node name (rabbit#<hostname>) is missing and Erlang (or Windows, I don't know) picks the service name as the node name (RabbitMQ#<hostname>).
rabbitmqctl fails to contact this node because it expects rabbit#<hostname> by default. But anyway, the node is not working properly.
The workaround we know is to remove and reinstall the Windows service.

IBM MQ: AMQ7017 'Log not available'

When trying to start a queue manager I get a AMQ7017 Log not available message. I have checked, the LogPath for the queue manager in the mqs.ini file is correct. When the problem started I checked and there were two log files in the log folder for the manager: S000000 and S0000002. I simply copied the first one and renamed the copy to S000001 (with the correct number of zeroes). Still the same error.
How can I fix this issue?
I hope its not a production qmgr. Few options below.
You can restore the missing log file from backup and try to start.
Create a qmgr of the same name (in another machine) with the same qm.ini. Basically the log setting should be the same as this qmgr. Copy the log files from that machine to this qmgr and try to start the qmgr. If it starts, the qmgr might recover the persistent messages from the queue files. This is not recommended by IBM, but works in some situations. If its a non-production qmgr, this is the best way.
recreate the qmgr

Concern on the MQ data backup during migration

i'm working on qmgr migration from 6.0 to 7.0, but i got problem when restoring V6.0 queue manager from 7.0 on windows. After re-installing MQ 6.0, i copied back the previous backup QMGR data and log, and then tried to start up that QMGR, for instance TEST01. However, that command strmqm TEST01 returns with no such QMGR existed.
The restore procedure i refer to is from infor center below
and i backup and restore MQGR data and log through as below:
copy C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Qmgrs\TEST01 under another path
copy C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\log\TEST01 under another path
copy above backup folder back to target path
So according to above operation, did i miss anything or do something wrong?
This issue has been fixed. I forgot backing up the configuration information from the registry and restored it then. That's why MQ cannot recognize my QMGR at the very beginning.
Additionally, I've got another question here:
how to transfer configuration information from the registry to the mqs.ini file?
You are far better off not to migrate QMgrs but rather to create new ones at the new version. Although IBM has always provided an upgrade path, the implementation of certain functionality differs from version to version. For example, on Windows the registry settings in V6 are no longer used in V7.1 and higher. The requirement to upgrade usually comes from the belief that replacing the QMgr somehow loses something.
In fact, this is rarely the case. There is also nothing special about a QMgr that well-designed client applications would need to know its name. The host, port and channel uniquely identify a QMgr for a client application. If the app specifies the QMgr's name and it does not match, the connection fails. But the app can specify a blank QMgr name and the connection will succeed. The QMgr's name is automatically filled into the Reply-To QMgr field so requests are properly handled. The only thing that needs to know the name is a QRemote (which can be repointed) or a local app using bindings mode connection.
That said, to answer your question just performing the upgrade to V7.1 or V7.5 will move the QMgr's settings to the ini file.
this issue has been fixed. i forgot backing up the configuration information from the registry and restored it then. that's why MQ cannot recognize my QMGR at the very beginning.

Unable to access file adapter using JMS

I am not able to retrieve records from flat file using fileadapter ver 5.6 with JMS. It always show this error at console,
Startup error. SDK Error: Could not open JMS shared library jms, DllError.
The error occurred on starting the adapter after initialization. The Repository URL is D:\bala\input\Work\AT_adfiles_53689.dat and the Configuration URL is Fileadapter/FileAdapterConfiguration..
Its working fine with RV but not with JMS. Kindly help me out..
I found the solution to the problem above. First look into the AT_adfiles_xxxxx.tra under your working adapter directory. Look for the line where it said "tibco.env.PATH=xxxxx"
First of all, look into all those bins directory, you will find some of the bin folder actually contain libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll". The problem is where the sdk\5.5\bin contain different version of libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll" to other folder. In order for you to run this correctly, all of libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll" should be in the same version.
So which ever version you decided to use, make a copy of that to other folders that contain the same file. What i did to preserve the original version of those is by renaming the original with .bak at the end.
This should allow you to test the file adapter!
