Unable to access file adapter using JMS - tibco

I am not able to retrieve records from flat file using fileadapter ver 5.6 with JMS. It always show this error at console,
Startup error. SDK Error: Could not open JMS shared library jms, DllError.
The error occurred on starting the adapter after initialization. The Repository URL is D:\bala\input\Work\AT_adfiles_53689.dat and the Configuration URL is Fileadapter/FileAdapterConfiguration..
Its working fine with RV but not with JMS. Kindly help me out..

I found the solution to the problem above. First look into the AT_adfiles_xxxxx.tra under your working adapter directory. Look for the line where it said "tibco.env.PATH=xxxxx"
First of all, look into all those bins directory, you will find some of the bin folder actually contain libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll". The problem is where the sdk\5.5\bin contain different version of libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll" to other folder. In order for you to run this correctly, all of libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll" should be in the same version.
So which ever version you decided to use, make a copy of that to other folders that contain the same file. What i did to preserve the original version of those is by renaming the original with .bak at the end.
This should allow you to test the file adapter!


Why did this jetty connector folder mysteriously appear in my files?

Today I opened my laptop and navigated to a folder called "work," which I use only to store documents. I noticed that a new subfolder is inside it, called "jetty-" that was not there yesterday. I did not create this folder, nor did I install any new software in the last week. The folder contains only another folder called "jsp" which is empty. When I googled "jetty-" the only result was from a server belonging to MIT, which also has this folder inside a directory called "work." Where could this have come from? Could it mean I have a virus of some kind? Thanks for any help.
That would be a standard Jetty directory for the temporary folder on a specific webapp for a running Jetty server.
The filename ...
tells you ....
jetty - a jetty temporary directory - listening on all network interfaces
31415 - listening on port 31415
internal-connector - using a custom network connector (quite unusual)
_internal-connector - using context path /internal-connector
any - accepting any virtual host provided
Based on the /internal-connector and the port 31415 I'd say this is a temporary directory from the MATLAB project.
If you happen to be building MATLAB (or related projects related to MATLAB) these directories might also be coming from the actual testcases of those projects you are building.

int-file:outbound-gateway ignored duplicate file name in `outbound-gateway ` memory state?

Thanks for attention, i using Spring Integration in my project, i want to retrieve files from servers into tmp folder by int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapterand move files to orginal forder by int-file:outbound-gateway for future batch processing, but i feel when file name is duplicate int-file:outbound-gateway not working for me and does not transmit the file and seems ignore them, how to solving this my problem.
<int-file:outbound-gateway id="tmp-mover"
mode="REPLACE" delete-source-files="true"/>
Set the local-filter in the ftp inbound channel adapter to an AcceptAllFileListFilter. By default, it's an AcceptOnceFileListFilter.

Mule Connect to remote flat files

I am new to Mule and I have been struggling with a simple issue for a while now. I am trying to connect to flat files (.MDB, .DBF) located on a remote desktop through my Mule application using the generic database connector of Mule. I have tried different things here:
I am using StelsDBF and StelsMDB drivers for the JDBC connectivity. I tried connecting directly using jdbc URL - jdbc:jstels:mdb:host/path
I have also tried to access through FTP by using FileZilla server on remote desktop and using jdbc URL in my app - jdbc:jstels:dbf:ftp://user:password#host:21/path
None of these seem to be working as I am always getting Connection exceptions. If anyone has tried this before, what is the best way to go about it? Connecting a remote flat file with Mule? Your response on this will be greatly appreciated!
If you want to load the contents of the file inside a Mule flow you should use the file or FTP connector, i don't know for sure about your JDBC option.
With the File connector you can access local files (files on the server where mule is running), you could try to mount the folders as a share.
Or run an FTP server like you already tried, that should work.
There is probably an error in your syntax / connection.
Please paste the complete XML of your Mule flow so we can see what you are trying to do.
Your usecase is still not really clear to me, are you really planning to use http to trigger the DB everytime? Anyway did you try putting the file on a local path and use that path in your database url. Here is someone that says he had it working, he created a separate bean.
I think a local path is maybe possible and it's better to test that first.
Also take note of how to refer to a file path, look at the examples for the file connector: https://docs.mulesoft.com/mule-user-guide/v/3.7/file-transport-reference#namespace-and-syntax
If you manage to get it working and you can use the path directly in the JDBC url, you should have a look at the poll scope.
You can use your DB connector as an inbound endpoint when wrapped in a poll scope.
I experienced the same issue when connect to Microsoft Access Database (*.mdb, *.accdb) using Mule Database Connector. After further investigation, it's solved by installing Microsoft Access Database Engine
Another issue, I couldn't pass parameter to construct a query as same as I do for other databases. e.g.: SELECT * FROM emplcopy WHERE id = #[payload.id]
To solve this issue:
I changed the Query type from Parameterized into Dynamic.
I generated the query inside Set Payload transformer (generate the query in form of String, e.g.: SELECT * FROM emplcopy WHERE id = '1').
Finally, put it into the Dynamic query area: #[payload]

Using maketorrent in libtorrent examples

So I am trying to build an application that uses libtorrent. However, before I start I would like to make sure that I have compiled the lib correctly and that I have a functioning environment for testing.
I am currently running a VM with opentracker and I try to connect using the example client in libtorrent.
First I start by creating a .torrent file using libtorrent (I am currently not sitting in front of a computer with libtorrent available so I might be remembering the exact commands a bit wrong):
maketorrent.exe dummy.txt -t "http://10.XXX.XXX.XXX/announce"
This gives me a .torrent file called a.torrent. Opening the file everything looks ok, the bencoding is correct and the announce address is there.
Next I try to add it to the example client hoping it starts to seed:
client_test.exe a.torrent
Everything starts up OK, but no tracker is found. Then if I press t to show tracker information I see an error (maybe not the exact phrasing):
Alert: {null} unsupported URL protocol
OK, so maybe something is wrong with how I built libtorrent. So I get the Halite client instead since that is also supposed to be build upon libtorret. But there I have the same problem.
So I have a look at the code and found where this error message is generated. The code is checking if I am supplying an address using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol, which I am. So could it be that I am not able to use a bare IP-address or am I doing something wrong?
I found the problem. It was not a problem with the IP address or the torrent itself. Instead it was a problem with caching.
The first time I added the torrent I used http:\XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX instead of http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX which didn't work. However whatever change i did to the torrent file after that did not stick. It was always falling back to that original file until I removed the .resume folder.

Need help to find out why Websphere Application Server has many .lck files

The file names seesm to point to our WAS data sources. However, we're not sure what is creating them and why there are so many. The servers didn't seem to crash. Why is WAS creating these andy why aren't they being cleaned?
There are many files like these, with some going up to xxx.43.lck
WAS uses JDK Logging and JDK logger creates such files with extension .0,.1 etc along with the .lck file so that the WAS runtime has a lock to these files that it writes to.
