Creating otel Extensions jar with maven not gradle - open-telemetry

I am using opentelemetry-javaagent.jar. I am trying to create extensions to add in -Dotel.javaagent.extensions. The jar file I am creating with is maven. Its not working. On there official site they have used gradle.
Could you help me what am I doing wrong?


Is there a migration path to call maven plugin in bazel?

I'm trying to convert a maven project to bazel projet. Everything works well by following the tutorials of bazel website. However, there is a project that use antlr4-maven-plugin to generate java code automatically. So I wonder if there is a feasible way to call maven plugin in bazel?

where does maven tomcat7 plugin stores/reads dependency jars?

I'm trying to override a dependency version through a maven profile. I did a test installing the war and it works. The problem is when I run the war using maven tomcat plugin. I wanted to check which version of the jar is used, but I have no idea where it reads the jars from. I cannot find anything useful on available documentation..
Any help?
I believe this page will help you to understand:
Use the dependencies section in plugin section

Jar files for spring-hibernate integration

I'm working on Spring Hibernate Integration program as Ant with MySQL but I'm stuck with which jar files to add and at which location
I'm using org.springworks.orm.hibernate.*. Which specific jar file needs to be added?
You can download the jar from MVNRepository.
But as suggest by M. Deinum, you should try upgrading to Maven or Gradle.

Integrating JMeter as part of Maven project

I'm starting my work on the project related to creating some custom set of jmeter components that would be bundled in my custom jmeter distribution.
Those custom components are part of the Maven project and what I would like to do is try to integrate this maven project with latest jmeter project to be able to build and deliver jmeter build that contains my custom set of components with all related dependency jars.
Problem is that jmeter project is ant project.
I've came across this:, maven-antrun-plugin which gives a possibility to embed ant task inside the maven pom.
Since I've never worked with ant (only worked with maven), my idea of using this plugin inside pom would be to define following targets:
download jmeter source from svn repository
build jmeter distribution
after building maven project (after install phase), copy jars (component and dependency jars) to the jmeter lib to form the final jmeter distribution with my custom components.
My question is: Do you find this approach as the right one (are there some things to consider while doing this) and if not, can you suggest me some other ways of achieving the same goal?
Thanks in advance
Since JMeter 2.6, Apache JMeter artifacts are published on maven2 repositories.
See for an example :
So what you can do is have your maven project that references these artifacts as dependencies.
And if you want to generate a full bundle containing JMETER+You Plugins then use AntRunner to :
Unzip the official distribution
Copy your artifact in jmeter/lib/ext and dependencies in jmeter/lib
rezip it

Creating source and doc jars

I've noticed something really cool about the m2eclipse plugin. When I try to view source on one of the class files included by Maven, at first it's unable to show it to me, but then in the background, it downloads a src JAR and a docs JAR. For my own projects how do I make and deploy these JARs alongside my binary JAR in my Maven repository?
You can do this by attaching the source and javadocs as part of your project build. This cookbook has the maven configuration needed for it.
Maven Source Plugin:
