reverse a queue using an empty queue - algorithm

I have a queue [3,2,1] and I want to reverse it using only enqueue and dequeue functions. My final queue should be [1,2,3].
I cannot declare any local variables. I only have 2 queues one is empty and the other has data in it. I want to reverse the queue which has data using the empty queue only. I don't have access to the pointers of the queue.
I only have 1 global variable, but I can't declare local variables otherwise it can be done easily by recursion. And I don't have peek back and pop back function either. Only have enqueue, dequeue, length, empty and front.
Is this possible?
queue1 = [3,2,1]
queue2 = []
final result
queue1 = [1,2,3]
queue2 = []

It seems crucial you have one global variable to use. So let that be a number which can be used for looping.
The idea is to rotate queue1 (dequeue + enqueue) until it has its (originally) last element first. Then this one can be transferred to queue2. Now queue1 looks like it was originally, but without its last element. Repeat this procedure until it is empty.
This gives the desired result in queue2. As it was asked to get the result in queue1, we can first move all elements from queue1 into queue2, except the last one. And then we can apply the above described procedure on queue2 and make the transfer of the wanted element to queue1.
global i
queue2 = new Queue()
repeat queue1.length-1 times:
repeat until queue2.empty():
for i = queue2.length-1 downto 1:
Here is an implementation in runnable JavaScript snippet (push = enqueue, shift = dequeue):
let i; // One global variable
let queue1 = [];
let queue2 = [];
// Populate the first queue
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
// Start of the reversal algorithm
// Move all but the last element to the other queue
while (queue1.length > 1) {
while (queue2.length > 0) {
// Rotate queue2 to bring last element at the front
for (i = queue2.length-1; i > 0; i--) {
// Move that front element to the first queue
// End of the algorithm. Print the result


Deleting duplicate characters from array

Got asked this question in an interview and couldn't find a solution.
Given an array of characters delete all the characters that got repeated k or more times consecutively and add '#' in the end of the array for every deleted character.
O(1) memory and O(n) time without writing to the same cell twice.
The tricky part for me was that I am not allowed to overwrite a cell more than once, which means I need to know exactly where each character will move after deleting the duplicates.
The best I could come up with is iterating once on the array and saving in a map the occurrences of each character, and when iterating again and checking if the current character is not deleted then move it to the new position according to the offset, if it is deleted then update an offset variable.
The problem with this approach is that it won't work in this scenario:
"aabbaa" because 'a' appears at two different places.
So when I thought about saving an array of occurrences in the map but now it won't use O(1) memory.
This seems to work with your examples, although it seems a little complicated to me :) I wonder if we could simplify it. The basic idea is to traverse from left to right, keeping a record of how many places in the current block of duplicates are still available to replace, while the right pointer looks for more blocks to shift over.
JavaScript code:
function f(str){
str = str.split('')
let r = 1
let l = 0
let to_fill = 0
let count = 1
let fill = function(){
while (count > 0 && (to_fill > 0 || l < r)){
str[l] = str[r - count]
for (; r<str.length; r++){
if (str[r] == str[r-1]){
} else if (count < 3){
if (to_fill)
count = 1
if (!to_fill)
l = r
} else if (!to_fill){
to_fill = count
count = 1
} else {
count = 1
if (count < 3)
while (l < str.length)
str[l++] = '#'
return str.join('')
var str = "aayyyycbbbee"
console.log(f(str)) // "aacee#######"
str = "xavvvarrrt"
console.log(f(str)) // "xaat######"
str = "xxaavvvaarrrbbsssgggtt"
Here is a version similar to the other JS answer, but a bit simpler:
function repl(str) {
str = str.split("");
var count = 1, write = 0;
for (var read = 0; read < str.length; read++) {
if (str[read] == str[read+1])
else {
if (count < 3) {
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
str[write++] = str[read];
count = 1;
while (write < str.length)
str[write++] = '#';
return str.join("");
function demo(str) {
console.log(str + " ==> " + repl(str));
a ==> a
aa ==> aa
aaa ==> ###
aaaaaaa ==> #######
aayyyycbbbee ==> aacee#######
xavvvarrrt ==> xaat######
xxxaaaaxxxaaa ==> #############
xxaavvvaarrrbbsssgggtt ==> xxaaaabbtt############
The idea is to keep the current index for reading the next character and one for writing, as well as the number of consecutive repeated characters. If the following character is equal to the current, we just increase the counter. Otherwise we copy all characters below a count of 3, increasing the write index appropriately.
At the end of reading, anything from the current write index up to the end of the array is the number of repeated characters we have skipped. We just fill that with hashes now.
As we only store 3 values, memory consumption is O(1); we read each array cell twice, so O(n) time (the extra reads on writing could be eliminated by another variable); and each write index is accessed exactly once.

For loop being ignored

I've written this script, but everytime i click run, All I get is a blank image in the output. And when I try to print lists or variable within the for loops, nothing prints. if i remove the last line, I get nothing.
It seems like my For loops aren't running. Can anyone see what I have done wrong?
people = 100;
c = 3; (* number of connections to add to graph per person added*)
d = 1; (* Number of people assigned randomly*)
ct =3; (* number of traits person must have in common *)
region = 11; (* Position of region percentage break down list *)
{0.19,0.23,0.37,0.21}}; (* List of list of % breakdowns of traits*)
-> Range[Length[matr[[i]]]]],{i,Length[matr]}];
PickTraits := RandomChoice[Range[Length[m]-1],ct];
listoflistoftraits = Table[randomchoice[m],people];
adjmat = {};
commontraits = Table[listoflistoftraits[[j]],
ccount = 0;
possibleconnections = {};
possibleregionconnections = {};
emptyc = {};
If[Count[listoflistoftraits[[k]],commontraits] = ct,
If[listoflistoftraits[[k,Length[listoflistoftraits,region]]] =
selected = RandomChoice[possibleconnections,c-d];
randomselect = RandomChoice[possibleregionconnections,d];
connectionindices = Join[selected,randomselect];
emptyc = Table[If[MemberQ[connectionindices,i],1,0],
#murksiuke is right. people is an Integer so Range[Length[people]] == {}. j is not initialized to any value and it is not incremented anywhere, so the For loop will never terminate. Same for the loop over k. You probably want something like
For[j = 1, j <= people, j++, ...]
The second argument to Count is a pattern, commontraits is a list of Integer, so it will never match a list. Maybe you intended
Count[{listoflistoftraits[[k]]}, commontraits]
Length only takes one argument, two are being passed
Length[listoflistoftraits, region]
Not sure what you intended.

How to implement "i++ and i>=max ? 0: i" that only use atomic in Go

only use atomic implement the follow code:
const Max = 8
var index int
func add() int {
if index >= Max {
index = 0
return index
such as:
func add() int {
atomic.AddUint32(&index, 1)
// error: race condition
atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&index, Max, 0)
return index
but it is wrong. there is a race condition.
can be implemented that don't use lock ?
Solving it without loops and locks
A simple implementation may look like this:
const Max = 8
var index int64
func Inc() int64 {
value := atomic.AddInt64(&index, 1)
if value < Max {
return value // We're done
// Must normalize, optionally reset:
value %= Max
if value == 0 {
atomic.AddInt64(&index, -Max) // Reset
return value
How does it work?
It simply adds 1 to the counter; atomic.AddInt64() returns the new value. If it's less than Max, "we're done", we can return it.
If it's greater than or equal to Max, then we have to normalize the value (make sure it's in the range [0..Max)) and reset the counter.
Reset may only be done by a single caller (a single goroutine), which will be selected by the counter's value. The winner will be the one that caused the counter to reach Max.
And the trick to avoid the need of locks is to reset it by adding -Max, not by setting it to 0. Since the counter's value is normalized, it won't cause any problems if other goroutines are calling it and incrementing it concurrently.
Of course with many goroutines calling this Inc() concurrently it may be that the counter will be incremented more that Max times before a goroutine that ought to reset it can actually carry out the reset, which would cause the counter to reach or exceed 2 * Max or even 3 * Max (in general: n * Max). So we handle this by using a value % Max == 0 condition to decide if a reset should happen, which again will only happen at a single goroutine for each possible values of n.
Note that the normalization does not change values already in the range [0..Max), so you may opt to always perform the normalization. If you want to, you may simplify it to this:
func Inc() int64 {
value := atomic.AddInt64(&index, 1) % Max
if value == 0 {
atomic.AddInt64(&index, -Max) // Reset
return value
Reading the counter without incrementing it
The index variable should not be accessed directly. If there's a need to read the counter's current value without incrementing it, the following function may be used:
func Get() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&index) % Max
Extreme scenario
Let's analyze an "extreme" scenario. In this, Inc() is called 7 times, returning the numbers 1..7. Now the next call to Inc() after the increment will see that the counter is at 8 = Max. It will then normalize the value to 0 and wants to reset the counter. Now let's say before the reset (which is to add -8) is actually executed, 8 other calls happen. They will increment the counter 8 times, and the last one will again see that the counter's value is 16 = 2 * Max. All the calls will normalize the values into the range 0..7, and the last call will again go on to perform a reset. Let's say this reset is again delayed (e.g. for scheduling reasons), and yet another 8 calls come in. For the last, the counter's value will be 24 = 3 * Max, the last call again will go on to perform a reset.
Note that all calls will only return values in the range [0..Max). Once all reset operations are executed, the counter's value will be 0, properly, because it had a value of 24 and there were 3 "pending" reset operations. In practice there's only a slight chance for this to happen, but this solution handles it nicely and efficiently.
I assume your goal is to never let index has value equal or greater than Max. This can be solved using CAS (Compare-And-Swap) loop:
const Max = 8
var index int32
func add() int32 {
var next int32;
for {
prev := atomic.LoadInt32(&index)
next = prev + 1;
if next >= Max {
next = 0
if (atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&index, prev, next)) {
return next
CAS can be used to implement almost any operation atomically like this. The algorithm is:
Load the value
Perform the desired operation
Use CAS, goto 1 on failure.

Scala PriorityQueue on Array[Int] performance issue with complex comparison function (caching is needed)

The problem involves the Scala PriorityQueue[Array[Int]] performance on large data set. The following operations are needed: enqueue, dequeue, and filter. Currently, my implementation is as follows:
For every element of type Array[Int], there is a complex evaluation function: (I'm not sure how to write it in a more efficient way, because it excludes the position 0)
def eval_fun(a : Array[Int]) =
if(a.size < 2) 3
else {
var ret = 0
var i = 1
while(i < a.size) {
if((a(i) & 0x3) == 1) ret += 1
else if((a(i) & 0x3) == 3) ret += 3
i += 1
ret / a.size
The ordering with a comparison function is based on the evaluation function: (Reversed, descendent order)
val arr_ord = new Ordering[Array[Int]] {
def compare(a : Array[Int], b : Array[Int]) = eval_fun(b) compare eval_fun(a) }
The PriorityQueue is defined as:
val pq: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[Array[Int]] = PriorityQueue()
Is there a more elegant and efficient way to write such a evaluation function? I'm thinking of using fold, but fold cannot exclude the position 0.
Is there a data structure to generate a priorityqueue with unique elements? Applying filter operation after each enqueue operation is not efficient.
Is there a cache method to reduce the evaluation computation? Since when adding a new element to the queue, every element may need to be evaluated by eval_fun again, which is not necessary if evaluated value of every element can be cached. Also, I should mention that two distinct element may have the same evaluated value.
Is there a more efficient data structure without using generic type? Because if the size of elements reaches 10,000 and the size of size reaches 1,000, the performance is terribly slow.
Thanks you.
(1) If you want maximum performance here, I would stick to the while loop, even if it is not terribly elegant. Otherwise, if you use a view on Array, you can easily drop the first element before going into the fold:
a.view.drop(1).foldLeft(0)( (sum, a) => sum + ((a & 0x03) match {
case 0x01 => 1
case 0x03 => 3
case _ => 0
})) / a.size
(2) You can maintain two structures, the priority queue, and a set. Both combined give you a sorted-set... So you could use collection.immutable.SortedSet, but there is no mutable variant in the standard library. Do want equality based on the priority function, or the actual array contents? Because in the latter case, you won't get around comparing arrays element by element for each insertion, undoing the effect of caching the priority function value.
(3) Just put the calculated priority along with the array in the queue. I.e.
implicit val ord =[(Int, Array[Int]), Int](_._1)
val pq = new collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[(Int, Array[Int])]
pq += eval_fun(a) -> a
Well, you can use a tail recursive loop (generally these are more "idiomatic":
def eval(a: Array[Int]): Int =
if (a.size < 2) 3
else {
def loop(ret: Int = 0, i: Int = 1): Int =
if (i >= a.size) ret / a.size
else {
val mod3 = (a(i) & 0x3)
if (mod3 == 1) loop(ret + 1, i + 1)
else if (mod3 == 3) loop(ret + 3, i + 1)
else loop(ret, i + 1)
Then you can use that to initialise a cached priority value:
case class PriorityArray(a: Array[Int]) {
lazy val priority = if (a.size < 2) 3 else {
def loop(ret: Int = 0, i: Int = 1): Int =
if (i >= a.size) ret / a.size
else {
val mod3 = (a(i) & 0x3)
if (mod3 == 2) loop(ret, i + 1)
else loop(ret + mod3, i + 1)
You may note also that I removed a redundant & op and have only the single conditional (for when it equals 2, rather than two checks for 1 && 3) – these should have some minimal effect.
There is not a huge difference from 0__'s proposal that just came though.
My answers:
If evaluation is critical, keep it as it is. You might get better performance with recursion (not sure why, but it happens), but you'll certainly get worse performance with pretty much any other approach.
No, there isn't, but you can come pretty close to it just modifying the dequeue operation:
def distinctDequeue[T](q: PriorityQueue[T]): T = {
val result = q.dequeue
while (q.head == result) q.dequeue
Otherwise, you'd have to keep a second data structure just to keep track of whether an element has been added or not. Either way, that equals sign is pretty heavy, but I have a suggestion to make it faster in the next item.
Note, however, that this requires that ties on the the cost function get solved in some other way.
Like 0__ suggested, put the cost on the priority queue. But you can also keep a cache on the function if that would be helpful. I'd try something like this:
val evalMap = scala.collection.mutable.HashMapWrappedArray[Int], Int
def eval_fun(a : Array[Int]) =
if(a.size < 2) 3
else evalMap.getOrElseUpdate(a, {
var ret = 0
var i = 1
while(i < a.size) {
if((a(i) & 0x3) == 1) ret += 1
else if((a(i) & 0x3) == 3) ret += 3
i += 1
ret / a.size
import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._
val pq = new collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[(Int, WrappedArray[Int])]
pq += eval_fun(a) -> (a : WrappedArray[Int])
Note that I did not create a special Ordering -- I'm using the standard Ordering so that the WrappedArray will break the ties. There's little cost to wrap the Array, and you get it back with .array, but, on the other hand, you'll get the following:
Ties will be broken by comparing the array themselves. If there aren't many ties in the cost, this should be good enough. If there are, add something else to the tuple to help break ties without comparing the arrays.
That means all equal elements will be kept together, which will enable you to dequeue all of them at the same time, giving the impression of having kept only one.
And that equals will actually work, because WrappedArray compare like Scala sequences do.
I don't understand what you mean by that fourth point.

Fibonacci recursion with a stack

I've already asked a question about this, yet I'm still confused. I want to convert a recursive function into a stack based function without recursion. Take, for example, the fibonacci function:
algorithm Fibonacci(x):
i = 0
i += Fibonacci(x-1)
i += Fibonacci(x-2)
return i
(Yes I know I didn't put a base case and that recursion for fibonacci is really inefficient)
How would this be implemented using an explicit stack? For example, if I have the stack as a while loop, I have to jump out of the loop in order to evaluate the first recursion, and I have no way of returning to the line after the first recursion and continue on with the second recursion.
in pseudo python
def fib(x):
tot = 0
stack = [x]
while stack:
a = stack.pop()
if a in [0,1]:
tot += 1
stack.push(a - 1)
stack.push(a - 2)
return tot
If you do not want the external counter then you will need to push tuples that keep track of the accumulated sum and whether this was a - 1 or a - 2.
It is probably worth your time to explicitly write out the call stack (by hand, on paper) for a run of say fib(3) for your code (though fix your code first so it handles the boundary conditions). Once you do this it should be clear how to do it without a stack.
Let us analyze the running of the following Fibonacci algorithm
def fib(x):
if (x == 0) or (x == 1):
return 1
temp1 = fib(x - 1)
temp2 = fib(x - 2)
return temp1 + temp2
(Yes, I know that this isn't even an efficient implementation of an inefficient algorithm, I have declared more temporaries than necessary.)
Now when we use a stack for function calling we need to store two kinds of things on the stack.
Where to return the result.
Space for local variables.
In our case we have three possible places to return to.
Some outside caller
Assign to temp1
Assign to temp2
we also need space for three local variables x, temp1, and temp2. let us examine fib(3)
when we initially call fib we tell the stack that we want to return to wherever we cam from, x = 3, and temp1 and temp2 are uninitialized.
Next we push onto the stack that we want to assign temp1, x = 2 and temp1 and temp2 are uninitialized. We call again and we have a stack of
(assign temp1, x = 1, -, -)
(assign temp1, x = 2, -, -)
(out , x = 3, -, -)
we now return 1 and do the second call and get
(assign temp2, x = 0, -, -)
(assign temp1, x = 2, temp1 = 1, -)
(out , x = 3, -, -)
this now again returns 1
(assign temp1, x = 2, temp1 = 1, temp2 = 1)
(out , x = 3, -, -)
so this returns 2 and we get
(out , x = 3, temp1 =2, -)
So we now recurse to
(assign temp2, x = 1, -, -)
(out , x = 3, temp1 =2, -)
from which we can see our way out.
algorithm Fibonacci(x):
stack = [1,1]
while stack.length < x
push to the stack the sum of two topmost stack elements
return stack.last
You can preserve stack between calls as some kind of cache.
This stack is not a "true stack" since you can do more than only pushing, popping and checking its emptiness, but I believe this is what you are planning to do.
Your question inspired me to write a piece of code, that initially scared me, but I'm not really sure what to think about it now, so here it is for Your amusement. Maybe it can help a bit, with understanding things.
It's a blatant simulation of an execution of a recursive Fibonacci function implementation. The language is C#. For an argument 0 the function returns 0 - according to the definition of the Fibonacci sequence given by Ronald Graham, Donald Knuth, and Oren Patashnik in "Concrete Mathematics". It's defined this way also in Wikipedia. Checks for negative arguments are omitted.
Normally a return address is stored on the stack and execution just jumps to the right address. To simulate this I used an enum
enum JumpAddress
and a little state machine.
The Frame stored on the stack is defined like this:
class Frame
public int argument;
public int localVariable;
public JumpAddress returnAddress;
public Frame(int argument, JumpAddress returnAddress)
this.argument = argument;
this.localVariable = 0;
this.returnAddress = returnAddress;
It's a C# class - a reference type. The stack holds references to the objects placed on the heap, so when I'm doing this:
Frame top = stack.Peek();
top.localVariable = lastresult;
I'm modifying the object still referenced by the reference at the top of a stack, not a copy.
I model invocation of a function, by pushing a frame on the stack and setting the execution address in my state machine to the beginning - beforeTheFirstRecursiveInvocation.
To return form the function I set the lastresult variable, pointOfExecution variable to the return address stored in the top frame and pop the frame from the stack.
Here is the code.
public static int fib(int n)
Stack<Frame> stack = new Stack<Frame>(n);
//Constructor uses the parameter to reserve space.
int lastresult = 0;
//variable holding the result of the last "recursive" invocation
stack.Push(new Frame(n, JumpAddress.outsideFibFunction));
JumpAddress pointOfExecution = JumpAddress.beforeTheFirstRecursiveInvocation;
// that's how I model function invocation. I push a frame on the stack and set
// pointOfExecution. Above the frame stores the argument n and a return address
// - outsideFibFunction
while(pointOfExecution != JumpAddress.outsideFibFunction)
Frame top = stack.Peek();
case JumpAddress.beforeTheFirstRecursiveInvocation:
if(top.argument <= 1)
lastresult = top.argument;
pointOfExecution = top.returnAddress;
stack.Push(new Frame(top.argument - 1, JumpAddress.betweenRecursiveInvocations));
pointOfExecution = JumpAddress.beforeTheFirstRecursiveInvocation;
case JumpAddress.betweenRecursiveInvocations:
top.localVariable = lastresult;
stack.Push(new Frame(top.argument - 2, JumpAddress.afterTheSecondRecursiveInvocation));
pointOfExecution = JumpAddress.beforeTheFirstRecursiveInvocation;
case JumpAddress.afterTheSecondRecursiveInvocation:
lastresult += top.localVariable;
pointOfExecution = top.returnAddress;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false,"This point should never be reached");
return lastresult;
// 0<x<100
int fib[100];
OR without using a vector
int x,y,z;
The last method works because you only need the previous 2 fibonacci numbers for creating the current one.
