Integrating Flood with Tricentis Neoload - jmeter

Im wondering if it is possible to integrate flood with Tricentis Neoload?
I've tried searching on the internet but with no valid result of integrating both of them together.


Ask some search engine to what is this image?

I want to develop some mobile app. Users can put or take their item photos and my app will say this is something.
for example; When I take pictures of my chair and ask it, my app should say this is chair.
I want to query with images and I want to get my results with keyword.
Are there any API to do this ? or What should I use to build this app ?
Any recommendation appreciated.
Have a nice coding !
What you are looking for is neural networks. Try researching the google neural networks and see if that is something you're interested in exploring.
Warning, it may be a rabbit hole. :)
Some starter links:
Analysis of Neural Networks
Google's TensorFlow

Making a chat app using AJAX, Servlet and JSP on GAE

I'm a CS student trying to do some side projects during this summer. One of my aims to is create a chat app which will be ultimately hosted on GAE. I am new to web development so I'm trying to shoot around in the dark hoping to hit the target but I guess it will be a major waste of my time. The rationale for using servlets and JSP is that GAE requires Java for the backend. I hope to use AJAX to do the front-end.
However it is hard for me to put all the technologies together to make it work. I am having trouble with the design. I don't need any codes, but rather help with the design patterns.
I am confused with how GAE works. Since GAE requires Java/PHP/Python etc, is it possible to deploy the client coded in AJAX using GAE? Do I require two GAEs, one for the client and one for the server which is coded in Java?
I am also quite lost with how to connect the AJAX technologies with the Servlet & JSP technologies. I'd appreciate it very much if you guys can provide a step by step instruction on the design pattern. Links to online tutorials will be very much appreciated. My style is to learn as I go.
Ultimately, my aim is to get an chat app (very simple one where all users can see each other messages) up and running on GAE to get a feel of the whole web development process (code, run, deploy).
Just a side note, I don't know any PHP/MySQL (but will learn later if I get the whole web dev thingy down to include database features).
Thank you all.
There's a LOT of stuff available out there to read if you just search for Google App Engine. Start with the documentation and work through the tutorials. It's not a waste of your time to learn, since you don't already understand it.
Google App Engine is essentially a distributed web server + database. AJAX on App Engine is no different from AJAX anywhere else - the server serves HTML+Javascript which runs on a web browser, and communicates back to the server.

Implementing Solr with .net web application

I'm about to implement Solr for search on NopCommerce based cart application. I would like to have an idea on the steps as how should I proceed with this. I have looked google for some help, but it didn't really helped. I found that there is an interface for .net for integrating this with .net applications, but not found any doc or tutorial on solr site.
I need your help in deciding the best approach to address this problem.
There is a Solr Tutorial on the Solr Site. And as far as setting up a site that is accessible from an ASP.NET MVC web site, I would recommend implementing the SolrNet client and using the SolrSampleApp as a starting point.
you don't need to do it..there is already a plugin that integrate solr with nopCommerce. May be you would like to look that one. I've taken a trial and its really dream come true. I ended up using it in about half an hour. It improved speed and search results of my site. You can find more info here:

Getting started with building a WMS server based on Mapnik

I'd like to setup my own WMS server based on Mapnik to request OSM layers, but I don't find the documentation regarding that issue so clear... for example, I reached a couple of web pages stating some steps to follow concerning Mapnik and WMS:
Taking into account that I'm running on Windows... which path should I follow? Or could somebody explain me how can I achieve my goal in clearer steps? And what about requesting OpenStreetMap layers through Mapnik?
Thanks in advance!

Google Visualization API

I want a real and honest opinion what do you think of Google Visualization API?
Is it reliable to use becasue when i was reading the documentation i noticed that there are alot of issues and defects to overcome and can i use it to retrieve data from mysql database.
Thank you.
I am currently evaluating it. As compared to other javascript data visualization frameworks, i think it has a lot going for it:
dynamic loading is built-in
diverse, many things to choose from.
looks really great!
framework mostly takes care of picking whatever implementation fits the current browser
service based, you don't need to download anything in advance
unified data source: just create one data table, and have multiple visalizations draw from that data.
As a disadvantage, I'd like to mention security. I mean, because it's all service based, it is not so transparent what happens when you pass data into these API calls. And as far as I know, the API is free, but not open source, so I can't really check what is going on behind the covers.
I think the Google visualization API really shines if you want to very quickly whip up a visualization gadget for use in a blog or so, and you are not interested in deploying all kinds of plugins and libraries (for eaxmple, with jQuery based frameworks, you need may need to manage multitple javascript libraries that work together to deliver the goods). If on the other hand you are creating an application that you want to sell, you might want to keep more control over what components you are using, and I would probably consider using something like Flot
But like I said, I am only evaluation atm, I am not using this in production.
Works really great for me. Can be customized fairly easily. Haven't seen any scaling issues. No data is exposed so security should not be an issue. - Arunabh Das
One point I want to add here is that, Google Visualization API cannot be downloaded, its not available for offline usage. So application which is going to use it must be always connected to internet, otherwise I think it wont be able to render charts. Due
to this limitation, this API cannot be used in some applications for which internet connection is not available.
I am currently working on a web based application that will have the Google Visualization API added to it and from the perspective of a developer the Google Visualization API is very limited in what you can do with each individual Chart and if I had a choice I would probably look at dojox charting just because of the extra flexibility that the framework gives you.
If you are doing any kind of large web application that will use charting extensively then I would not recommend the Google Visualizations API it does not have enough flexibility for a large web application.
I am using Google Visualization API and I want to stress that they still won't let you download it, which means if their servers are down, your app will be down if you depend on it. I have been using it for about 4 months, and they have crashed once me once so I'd say they pretty reliable and their documentation is really nice.
