Implementing Solr with .net web application -

I'm about to implement Solr for search on NopCommerce based cart application. I would like to have an idea on the steps as how should I proceed with this. I have looked google for some help, but it didn't really helped. I found that there is an interface for .net for integrating this with .net applications, but not found any doc or tutorial on solr site.
I need your help in deciding the best approach to address this problem.

There is a Solr Tutorial on the Solr Site. And as far as setting up a site that is accessible from an ASP.NET MVC web site, I would recommend implementing the SolrNet client and using the SolrSampleApp as a starting point.

you don't need to do it..there is already a plugin that integrate solr with nopCommerce. May be you would like to look that one. I've taken a trial and its really dream come true. I ended up using it in about half an hour. It improved speed and search results of my site. You can find more info here:


Sitecore with Oracle Commerce/ATG 11.3 and Endeca

Can anyone advice if is it possible Sitecore would work with Oracle Commerce/ATG 11.3 and Endeca?
There is no reason why it can't be integrated, it depends how deeply you want to integrate it. For example SiteCore exposes a RESTful API that allows you to get to individual content items.
Since you mention Endeca as well, I assume you want to be able to index the content too? For that you will probably have to develop your own CAS connector, potentially hooking in to the SiteCore search functionality.
There may be other APIs to hook into as well but since your question is whether it is possible. The answer is still 'Yes'.
As for whether it is the right solution, that is a different question. What does SiteCore give you that the BCC doesn't? Can you migrate from SiteCore to the BCC? Does SiteCore expose other APIs that will allow them to be 'read-only' stores in an ATG application (BCC or Storefront)? Many options exist.

using magento apis for ecommerce website

I am a beginner in magento and am working on creating a website using magento. I have noticed that magento has a good number of apis that expose all of the functionality that I would need to create an ecommerce website. So, I would like to use magento's apis to fetch data, but develop the UI separately without any dependencies on magento. I have found a lot of references that develop the website via magento theming, but not those where the UI is developed in a separate MVC and uses magento purely as service layer. Are there any problems/issues in my approach?
Edit: I have gained a lot of clarity on db performance issue in apis and how external caching can alleviate the issue, but I still don't understand the underwhelming use of magento as a service layer (i.e. fueling the website by using magento's apis), are they any other gotchas?
Here is how we overcame slowness in Magento APIs:
Created a Web service provider in J2EE, Spring MVC that acts as a proxy between Magento and end users.
J2EE Web service provider exposes pretty much all the APIs that Magento has but also supports JSON with REST along with SOAP & RPC.
J2EE Web service provider uses a document based database (MongoDB) to store a snapshot of product catalog in MongoDB.
J2EE Web service provider uses native MongoDB caching to serve data fast without running any expensive SQL queries.
To avoid dirty caching issues we created a hook in Magento Admin to push data into MongoDB whenever data changes in Magento.
This might sound like overkill to some but we have been able to achieve pretty high throughput without any slowness.
The Magento APIs are slow, you would encounter serious performance issues trying to run a site off of it.
Due to the complex nature of the EAV model, you may find it difficult to manage products through the API alone.
Are there any particular concerns you have about using Magento's own frontend? It is daunting at first but once you understand the layout system it's actually very powerful and customisable.
Technically it is possible to run a site only through the API.
The issue you might face is a practical one, instead of spending your time trying to learn all the API calls, you can learn how to implement your current UI in Magento.
The advantage to this approach is that you will also better understand how Magento works internally, thus allowing you to leverage it's functionality for your unique business needs.
Another issue is that when using API's you have a little less control over how things are processed / calculated, vs when working in Magento itself there is a lot of control over specifics.
I regularly see "session expiration" issues when accessing Magento's API, through both SOAP and XMLRPC. All my calls require exception handling to avoid halting execution. I imagine that alone would create a nightmare when building everything on top of the API.
The best answer you're going to get is to Load Test the API before you start coding. Log the tests extensively and look for errors. If you see errors on a normal basis that should answer your question. Even if you find documentation that says it's okay to do what you're trying, you're still going to have to tune the API to work properly under the load required to run the store.
It will be good to know what you're up against before sinking hours into development.

Is it possible to implement SSO using LDAP in Joomla?

I realize that Joomla supports LDAP but I don't want my entire database moved over to the Joomla database (for obvious reasons). I was hoping to implement SSO to maybe prevent this from happening. Is this possible? I can't find any good information on it online, after a couple of days of googling and reading different articles. I think maybe JAuthTools might be able to help me do it but even with the wiki surrounding that extension I can't find any good information on it's SSO support. If anyone knows how to do this that would be great. The users are currently stored in Active Directory.
JAuthTools as far as I'm aware isn't actively maintained anymore, and was for Joomla! 1.5.
The last SSO integration we did was with JMapMyLDAP and it seemed to work pretty well and it's last update was less than a month ago.

ASP.NET MVC REST frameworks

There are number of REST frameworks around for ASP.NET MVC. Which one is the most mature in your opinion? Following are few I briefly looked at, but I couldn't decide.
Restful Service with WCF
REST support build in ASP.Net MVC SDK
.... there are few more.
Personally I would go with the default ASP.NET routing engine which is built and supported by Microsoft. This will ensure that you won't find yourself one day into the position of having to migrate some code which has become obsolete because the authors simply decided to abandon the project. Of course if there is something specific that you want to implement which isn't supported out of the box you could search for alternatives. But as far as exposing a RESTful API is concerned the routing engine should work just fine.
I completely agree with Darin.
But if you're looking for something closer to what WCF offers (Web service, versus a typical Web site), I've been extremely happy with WCF REST.
There's a WCF REST Service Template available via Visual Studio's Extension Manager that will get you up and running fairly quickly.
Have been implementing RESTFul service using OR, only one word to describe it => "Pure Awesomeness" ....actually it's 2 words.
For me the simplicity is a plus, the framework is easy to use and adopt to. Some of it's conventions in my opinion really help me to understand Resful. Many integration points in the framework, very easy to extend its functionalists.
watching video recordings of seb's talk is very entertaining as well :) very opinionated (in a good way IMO)
I agree with Darin. Personally, I think Apache Thrift is also an option for doing client and server communication.

Anyone using RavenDB in a production environment?

I'm doing research on the maturity of some document-oriented stores, which includes an overview of applications and websites that use the database in production environments. There are several lists and case studies available for CouchDB and MongoDB, including:
CouchDB In The Wild
MongoDB Production Deployments
I'm having a hard time finding applications and websites that use RavenDB in production. Does anyone have first-hand experience with this, or examples of (well-known) sites that run on RavenDB?
There are several people in the process of deploying RavenDB, see the discussion thread here for more info.
A testimonial called Case Study: The First RavenDB Deployment was posted on the RavenDB site last month. Ayende's post on this case study features a comment of the interviewee, explaining a bit more on his decision-making.
We're about to pop a beta of which uses ravendb extensivley
The developer experience is great and the support is the same.
