Reverse complement SOME sequences in fasta file - bash

I've been reading lots of helpful posts about reverse complementing sequences, but I've got what seems to be an unusual request. I'm working in bash and I have DNA sequences in fasta format in my stdout that I'd like to pass on down the pipe. The seemingly unusual bit is that I'm trying to reverse complement SOME of those sequences, so that the output has all the sequences in the same direction (for multiple sequence alignment later).
My fasta headers end in either "C" or "+". I'd like to reverse complement the ones that end in "C". Here's a little subset:
I know there are lots of ways to reverse complement out there, like:
echo ACCTTGAAA | tr ACGTacgt TGCAtgca | rev
seqtk seq -r in.fa > out.fa
But I'm not sure how to do this for only those sequences that have a C at the end of the header. I think awk or sed is probably the ticket, but I'm at a loss as to how to actually code it. I can get the sequence headers with awk, like:
awk '/^>/ { print $0 }'
But if someone could help me figure out how to turn that awk statement into one that asks "if the last character in the header has a C, do this!" that would be great!
Edited to add:
I was so tired when I made this post, I apologize for not including my desired output. Here is what I'd like to output to look like, using my little example:
You can see the sequence that ends in + is unchanged, but the sequence with a header that ends in C is reverse complemented.

An earlier answer (by Ed Morton) uses a self-contained awk procedure to selectively reverse-complement sequences following a comment line ending with "C". Although I think that to be the best approach, I will offer an alternative approach that might have wider applicability.
The procedure here uses awk's system() function to send data extracted from the fasta file in awk to the shell where the sequence can be processed by any of the many shell applications existing for sequence manipulation.
I have defined an awk user function to pass the isolated sequence from awk to the shell. It can be called from any part of the awk procedure:
function processSeq(s)
{system("echo \"" s "\" | tr ACGTacgt TGCAtgca | rev ");}
The argument of the system function is a string containing the command you would type into terminal to achieve the desired outcome (in this case I've used one of the example reverse-complement routines mentioned in the question). The parts to note are the correct escaping of quote marks that are to appear in the shell command, and the variable s that will be substituted for the sequence string assigned to it when the function is called. The value of s is concatenated with the strings quoted before and after it in the argument to system() shown above.
isolating the required sequences
The rest of the procedure addresses how to achieve:
"if the last character in the header has a C, do this"
Before making use of shell applications, awk needs to isolate the part(s) of the file to process. In general terms, awk employs one or more pattern/action blocks where only records (lines by default) that match a given pattern are processed by the subsequent action commands. For example, the following illustrative procedure performs the action of printing the whole line print $0 if the pattern /^>/ && /C$/ is true for that line (where /^>/ looks for ">" at the start of a line and /C$/ looks for "C" at the end of the same line.:
/^>/ && /C$/{ print $0 }
For the current needs, the sequence begins on the next record (line) after any record beginning with > and ending with C. One way of referencing that next line is to set a variable (named line in my example) when the C line is encountered and establishing a later pattern for the record with numerical value one more than line variable.
Because fasta sequences may extend over several lines, we have to accumulate several successive lines following a C title line. I have achieved this by concatenating each line following the C title line until a record beginning with > is encountered again (or until the end of the file is reached, using the END block).
In order that sequence lines following a non-C title line are ignored, I have used a variable named flag with values of either "do" or "ignore" set when a title record is encountered.
The call to a the custom function processSeq() that employs the system() command, is made at the beginning of a C title action block if the variable seq holds an accumulated sequence (and in the END block for relevant sequences that occur at the end of the file where there will be no title line).
Test file and procedure
A modified version of your example fasta was used to test the procedure. It contains an extra relevant C record with three and-a-bit lines instead of two, and an extra irrelevant + record.
awk '
/^>/ && /C$/{
if (length(seq)>0) {processSeq(seq); seq="";}
line=NR; print $0; flag="do"; next;
/^>/ {line=NR; flag="ignore"}
NR>1 && NR==(line+1) && (flag=="do"){seq=seq $0; line=NR; next}
function processSeq(s)
{system("echo \"" s "\" | tr ACGTacgt TGCAtgca | rev ");}
END { if (length(seq)>0) processSeq(seq);}
' seq.fasta
Tested using GNU Awk 5.1.0 on a Raspberry Pi 400.
performance note
Because calling sytstem() creates a sub shell, this process will be slower than a self-contained awk procedure. It might be useful where existing shell routines are available or tricky to reproduce with custom awk routines.
Edit: modification to include unaltered + records
This version has some repetition of earlier blocks, with minor changes, to handle printing of the lines that are not to be reverse-complemented (the changes should be self-explanatory if the main explanations were understood)
awk '
/^>/ && /C$/{
if (length(seq)>0 && flag=="do") {processSeq(seq)} else {print seq} seq="";line=NR; print $0; flag="do"; next;
/^>/ {if (length(seq)>0 && flag=="do") {processSeq(seq)} else {print seq} seq=""; print $0; line=NR; flag="ignore"}
NR>1 && NR==(line+1){seq=seq $0; line=NR; next}
function processSeq(s)
{system("echo \"" s "\" | tr ACGTacgt TGCAtgca | rev ");}
END { if (length(seq)>0 && flag=="do") {processSeq(seq)} else {print seq}}
' seq.fasta

Using any awk:
$ cat tst.awk
/^>/ {
if ( NR > 1 ) {
head = $0
tail = ""
{ tail = ( tail == "" ? "" : tail ORS ) $0 }
END { prt() }
function prt( type) {
type = substr(head,length(head),1)
tail = ( type == "C" ? rev( tr( tail, "ACGTacgt TGCAtgca" ) ) : tail )
print head ORS tail
function tr(oldStr,trStr, i,lgth,char,newStr) {
if ( !_trSeen[trStr]++ ) {
lgth = (length(trStr) - 1) / 2
for ( i=1; i<=lgth; i++ ) {
_trMap[trStr,substr(trStr,i,1)] = substr(trStr,lgth+1+i,1)
lgth = length(oldStr)
for (i=1; i<=lgth; i++) {
char = substr(oldStr,i,1)
newStr = newStr ( (trStr,char) in _trMap ? _trMap[trStr,char] : char )
return newStr
function rev(oldStr, i,lgth,char,newStr) {
lgth = length(oldStr)
for ( i=1; i<=lgth; i++ ) {
char = substr(oldStr,i,1)
newStr = char newStr
return newStr
$ awk -f tst.awk file

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -nE ':a;p;/^>.*C$/!b
:c;tc;/\n$/{s///p;bb};s/(.*)\n(.)/\2\1\n/;tc' file
Print the current line and then inspect it.
If the line does not begin with > and end with C, bail out and repeat.
Otherwise, fetch the next line and if it begins with >, repeat the above line.
Otherwise, insert a newline (to use as a pivot point when reversing the line), complement the code of the line using a translation command. Then set about reversing the line, character by character until the inserted newline makes its way to the end of the line.
Remove the newline, print the result and repeat the line above.
N.B. The n command will terminate the script when it is executed after the last line has been read.
Since the OP has amended the ouput, another solution is when the whole of the sequence is complemented and then reversed. Here is another solution that I believe follows these criteria.
sed -nE ':a;p;/^>.*C$/!b
:d;y/%/\n/;p;z;x;$!ba' file


Matching pairs using Linux terminal

I have a file named list.txt containing a (supplier,product) pair and I must show the number of products from every supplier and their names using Linux terminal
Sample input:
And the result should be something like:
stationery: 3
stationery: paper pen rubber
grocery: 2
grocery: apples pears
dairy: 2
dairy: milk cheese
Save the input to file, and remove the empty lines. Then use GNU datamash:
datamash -s -t ':' groupby 1 count 2 unique 2 < file
The following pipeline shoud do the job
< your_input_file sort -t: -k1,1r | sort -t: -k1,1r | sed -E -n ':a;$p;N;s/([^:]*): *(.*)\n\1:/\1: \2 /;ta;P;D' | awk -F' ' '{ print $1, NF-1; print $0 }'
sort sorts the lines according to what's before the colon, in order to ease the successive processing
the cryptic sed joins the lines with common supplier
awk counts the items for supplier and prints everything appropriately.
Doing it with awk only, as suggested by KamilCuk in a comment, would be a much easier job; doing it with sed only would be (for me) a nightmare. Using both is maybe silly, but I enjoyed doing it.
If you need a detailed explanation, please comment, and I'll find time to provide one.
Here's the sed script written one command per line:
s/([^:]*): *(.*)\n\1:/\1: \2 /
and here's how it works:
:a is just a label where we can jump back through a test or branch command;
$p is the print command applied only to the address $ (the last line); note that all other commands are applied to every line, since no address is specified;
N read one more line and appends it to the current pattern space, putting a \newline in between; this creates a multiline in the pattern space
s/([^:]*): *(.*)\n\1:/\1: \2 / captures what's before the first colon on the line, ([^:]*), as well as what follows it, (.*), getting rid of eccessive spaces, *;
ta tests if the previous s command was successful, and, if this is the case, transfers the control to the line labelled by a (i.e. go to step 1);
P prints the leading part of the multiline up to and including the embedded \newline;
D deletes the leading part of the multiline up to and including the embedded \newline.
This should be close to the only awk code I was referring to:
< os awk -F: '{ count[$1] += 1; items[$1] = items[$1] " " $2 } END { for (supp in items) print supp": " count[supp], "\n"supp":" items[supp]}'
The awk script is more readable if written on several lines:
awk -F: '{ # for each line
# we use the word before the : as the key of an associative array
count[$1] += 1 # increment the count for the given supplier
items[$1] = items[$1] " " $2 # concatenate the current item to the previous ones
END { # after processing the whole file
for (supp in items) # iterate on the suppliers and print the result
print supp": " count[supp], "\n"supp":" items[supp]

Convert a bash array into an awk array

I have an array in bash and want to use this array in an awk script. How can I pass the array from bash to awk?
The keys of the awk array should be the indices of the bash array. For simplicity, we can assume that the bash array is dense, that is, the array is not sparse like a=([3]=x [5]=y).
The elements inside the array can have any value. Besides strange unicode symbols and ascii control characters they may contain spaces or even newlines. Also, there might be empty ("") entries which should be retained. As an example consider the following array:
a=(AB " C D " $'E\nF\tG' "¼ẞ🍕" "")
Extending approach #1 provided by Socowi, it is possible to address the shortcoming that he identified using the awk split function. Note that this solution does not use the stdin - it uses command line options - allowing awk to process stdin, files, etc.
The solution will convert the 'a' bash array into the 'a' awk, using intermediate awk file AVG (process substituion). This is a workaround to the bash limit that prevent NUL from being stored in a string.
a=(AB " C D " $'E\nF\tG' "¼ẞ🍕" "")
awk -v AVF=<(printf '%s\0' "${a[#]}") '
# Temporary RS to allow reading the array with a single read.
getline AV < AVF
rs = saveRS
na=split(AV, a, "\\0")
# Remove trailing empty element (printf add trailing separator).
delete a[na]
na-- ; for (i=1 ; i<=na ; i++ ) print "AV#", i, "=" a[i]
# Use a[x]
1 AB
2 C D
3 E
4 ¼ẞ🍕
Previous solution: For practical reason, Using the '\001' character as separator. make the script much easier (can use any other character sequence that is known not to appear in the info array). Bash command substitution does not allow NUL character. Hopefully, not a major issue, as this control character is not used for normal files, etc. I believe possible to solve this, but I'm not how.
The solution will convert the 'a' bash array into the 'a' awk, using intermediate awk variable 'AV'.
a=(AB " C D " $'E\nF\tG' "¼ẞ🍕" "")
awk -v AV="$(printf '%s\1' "${a[#]}")" '
na=split(AV, a, "\\1") }
# Remove trailing empty element (printf add trailing separator).
delete a[na]
for (i=1 ; i<=na ; i++ ) print "AV#", i, "=" a[i]
# Use a[x]
Approach 1: Reading in awk
Since the array elements can contain any character but the null byte (\0) we have to delimit them by \0. This is done with printf. For simplicity we assume that the array has at least one entry.
Due to the \0 we can no longer pass the string to awk as an argument but have to use (or emulate) a file instead. We then read that file in awk using \0 as the record separator RS (may require GNU awk).
awk 'BEGIN {RS="\0"} {a[n++]=$0; next}' <(printf %s\\0 "${a[#]}")
This reliably constructs the awk array a from the bash array a. The length of a is stored in n.
This approach is ugly when you actually want to use it. There is no simple step-by-step instruction on how to incorporate this approach into your existing awk script. Normally, your awk script would read another file afterwards, therefore you have to change the record separator RS after the array file was read. This can be done with NR>FNR. However, if your awk script already reads multiple files and relies on something like NR==FNR things get complicated.
Approach 2: Generating awk Code with bash
Instead of parsing the array in awk we hard-code the array by generating awk code. This code will be injected at the beginning of an existing awk script and initialize the array. This approach also supports sparse arrays and associative arrays and should work with all awk versions, not only GNU.
For the code generation we have to correctly quote all strings. For example, the code generator echo "a[0]=${a[0]}" would fail if ${a[0]} was " resulting in the code a[1]=""". POSIX awk supports octal escape sequences (\012) which can encode all bytes. We simply encoding everything. That way we cannot forget any special symbols (even though the generated code is a bit inefficient).
octString() {
printf %s "$*" | od -bvAn | tr ' ' '\\' | tr -d '\n'
arrayToAwk() {
printf 'BEGIN{'
for key in "${!a[#]}"; do
printf 'a["%s"]="%s";' "$(octString "$key")" "$(octString "${a[$key]}")"
echo "n=$n}"
The function arrayToAwk converts the bash array a (can be sparse or associative) into a BEGIN block. After inserting the generated code block at the begging of your existing awk program you can use the awk array a anywhere inside awk without having to adapt anything (assuming that the variable names a and n were unused before). n is the size of the awk array a.
For awk commands of the form awk ... 'program' ... use
awk ... "$(arrayToAwk)"'program' ...
For big arrays this might result in the error Argument list too long. You can circumvent this problem using a program file:
awk ... -f <(arrayToAwk; echo 'program') ...
For awk commands of the form awk ... -f progfile ... use
awk ... -f <(arrayToAwk; cat progfile) ...
I'd like to point out that this can be extremely simple if you do not mind using ARGV and deleting all the non-file arguments. One way:
#!/bin/awk -f
while(ARGV[i] != "--" && i < ARGC) {
print ARGV[i]
delete ARGV[i]
if(i < ARGC)
delete ARGV[i]
} {
print "File 1 contains at 1",$1
Then run it with:
>./ "${a[#]}" -- file1
File 1 contains at 1 a
Obviously I'm missing some symbols.
Note while I like this method it assumes -- is not in the array, as pointed out by Oguz Ismail. They give a great alternate solution of having the first argument the length of your list.
This can be a one liner to where you have
awk 'BEGIN{... get and delete first arguments ...}{process files}END{if wanted} "${a[#]}" file1 file2...
but will become unreadable very quickly.

bash, using awk command for printing lines characters if condition

Before starting to explain my issue I have to say that it's the first time I'm using bash and the awk command.
I have a file containing a lot of lines and I am interested in printing some of these lines if certain characters of the line satisfy a condition. I already have a simple method which is working but I intend to try with awk to see if it can be faster. The command I'm trying was inspired by a colleague at work but I don't fully understand it.
My file looks like :
# 15247.479
1 23775U 96005A 18088.90328565 -.00000293 +00000-0 +00000-0 0 9992
2 23775 014.2616 019.1859 0018427 174.9850 255.8427 00.99889926081074
# 15250.479
1 23775U 96005A 18088.35358271 -.00000295 +00000-0 +00000-0 0 9990
2 23775 014.2614 019.1913 0018425 174.9634 058.1812 00.99890136081067
The 4th field number refers to a date and I want to print the lines starting with 1 and 2 if the bold number if superior to startDate and inferior to endDate.
I am trying with :
< $file awk ' BEGIN {ok=0}
{date=substring($0,19,10) if ($date>='$firstTime' && $date<= '$lastTime' ) {print; ok=1} else ok=0;next}
{if (ok) print}'
This returns a syntax error but I fear it is not the only problem. I don't really understand what the $0 in substring refers to.
Thanks everyone for the help !
Per the question about $0:
Awk is a language built for processing tables and has language features specific to both filtering and manipulating tabular data. One language feature is automatic field splitting.
If you see a $ in front of a variable or constant, it is referring to a "field." When awk sees $field_number being used in a variable context, awk splits the current record buffer based upon what is in the FS variable and allows you to work on that just as you would any other variable -- just that the backing store for that variable is the record buffer.
$0 is a special field referring to the whole of the record buffer. There are some interesting notes in the awk documentation about the side effects on $0 of assigning $field_number variables, FS and OFS that are worth an in depth read.
Here is my answer to your application:
(1) First, LC_ALL may help us for speed. I'm using ll/ul for lower and upper limits -- the reason for which will be apparent later. Specifying them as variables outside the script helps our readability. It is good practice to properly quote shell variables.
(2) It is good practice to use BEGIN { ... }, as you did in your attempt, to formally initialize variables. If using gawk, we can use LINT = 1 to test things like this.
(3) /^#/ is probably the simplest (and fastest) pattern for our reset. We use next because we never want to apply the limits to this line and we never want to see this line in our output (even if ll = ul = "").
(4) It is surprisingly easy to make a mistake on limits. Implement limits consistently one way, and our readers will thank us. We remember to check corner cases where ll and/or ul are blank. One corner case is where we have already triggered our limits and we are waiting for /^#/ -- we don't want to rescan the limits again while ok.
(5) The default action of a pattern is to print.
(6) Remembering to quote our filename variable will save us someday when we inevitably encounter the stray "$file" with spaces in the name.
LC_ALL=C awk -v ll="$firstTime" -v ul="$lastTime" ' # (1)
BEGIN { ok = 0 } # (2)
/^#/ { ok = 0; next } # (3)
!ok { ok = (ll == "" || ll <= $4) && (ul == "" || $4 <= ul) } # (4)
ok # <- print if ok # (5)
' "$file" # (6)
You're missing a ; between the variable assignment and if. And instead of concatenating shell variables, assign them to awk variables. There's no need to initialize ok=0, uninitialized variables are automatically treated as falsey. And if you want to access a field of the input, use $n where n is the field number, rather than substr().
You need to set ok=0 when you get to the next line beginning with #, otherwise you'll just keep printing the rest of the file.
awk -v firstTime="$firstTime" -v lastTime="$lastTime" '
NF > 3 && $4 > firstTime && $4 <= lastTime { print; ok=1 }
$1 == "#" { ok = 0 }
ok { print }' "$file"
This answer is based upon my original but taking into account some new information that #clem sent us in comment -- to the effect that we now know that the line we need to test is always immediately subsequent to the line matching /^#/. Therefore, when we match in this new solution, we immediately do a getline to grab the next line, and set ok based upon that next line's data. We now only check against limits on the line subsequent to our match, and we do not check against limits on lines where we shouldn't.
LC_ALL=C awk -v ll="$firstTime" -v ul="$lastTime" '
BEGIN { ok = 0 }
/^#/ {
ok = (ll == "" || ll <= $4) && (ul == "" || $4 <= ul)
ok # <- print if ok
' "$file"

How to select text in a file until a certain string using grep, sed or awk?

I have a huge file (this is just a sample) and I would like to select all lines with "Ph_gUFAC1083" and all after until reach one that doesn't have the code (in this example Ph_gUFAC1139)
>uce_353_Ph_gUFAC1083 |uce_353
>uce_101_Ph_gUFAC1083 |uce_101
>uce_171_Ph_gUFAC1083 |uce_171
>uce_4300_Ph_gUFAC1139 |uce_4300
>uce_1039_Ph_gUFAC1139 |uce_1039
I already tried several alternatives without success, the closest I reached was
sed -n '/Ph_gUFAC1083/, />/p' file.txt
that gave me that:
>uce_2347_Ph_gUFAC1083 |uce_2347
>uce_353_Ph_gUFAC1083 |uce_353
>uce_101_Ph_gUFAC1083 |uce_101
>uce_171_Ph_gUFAC1083 |uce_171
Do you know how to do it using grep, sed or awk?
$ awk '/^>/{if(match($0,"Ph_gUFAC1083")){s=1} else s=0}s' file
I made a simple criteria for your request,
If the the start of the line is >, we're going to judge if "Ph_gUFAC1083" existed, if yes, set s=1, set s=0 otherwise.
For the line that doesn't start with >, the value of s would be retained.
The final s in the awk command decide if the line to be printed (s=1) or not (s=0).
If what you want is every line with Ph_gUFAC1139 plus block of lines after that line until the next line starting with >, then the following awk snippet might do:
$ awk 'BEGIN {RS=ORS=">"} /Ph_gUFAC1139/' file.txt
This uses the > character as a record separator, then simply displays records that contain the text you're interested in.
If you wanted to be able to provide the search string using a variable, you'd do it something like this:
$ val="Ph_gUFAC1139"
$ awk -v s="$val" 'BEGIN {RS=ORS=">"} $0 ~ s' file.txt
A comment mentions that the solution above shows trailing record separators rather than leading ones. You can adapt your output to match your input by reversing this order manually:
awk 'BEGIN { RS=ORS=">" } /Ph_gUFAC1139/ { printf "%s%s",ORS,$0 }' file.txt
Note that in the initial examples, a "match" of the regex would invoke awk's default "action", which is to print the line. The default action is invoked if no action is specified within the script. The code (immediately) above includes an action .. which prints the record, preceded by the separator.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/^>/h;G;/Ph_gUFAC1083/P;d' file
Store each line beginning with > in the hold space (HS) and then append the HS to every line. If any line contains the string Ph_gUFAC1083 print the first line in the pattern space (PS) and discard the everything else.
N.B. the regexp for the match may be amended to /\n.*Ph_gUFAC1083/ if the string match may occur in any line.
This program is used to find the block which starts with Ph_gUFAC1083 and ends with any statement other than Ph_gUFAC1139
cat inp.txt |
awk '
# Ignore blank lines
if( $0 ~ /^$/ )
print $0
# mark the line that contains Ph_gUFAC1083 and print it
if( $0 ~ /Ph_gUFAC1083/ )
print $0
# if the line contains Ph_gUFAC1083 and Ph_gUFAC1139 was found before it, print it
if( begin == 1 && ( $0 ~ /Ph_gUFAC1139/ ) )
print $0
# found a line which doesnt contain Ph_gUFAC1139 , mark the end of the block.
begin = 0

AWK between 2 patterns - first occurence

I am having this example of ini file. I need to extract the names between 2 patterns Name_Z1 and OBJ=Name_Z1 and put them each on a line.
The problem is that there are more than one occurences with Name_Z1 and OBJ=Name_Z1 and i only need first occurence.
My desired output would be:
I am currently writing a more ample script in bash and i am stuck on this. I prefer awk to do the job.
My greatly appreciation for who can help me. Thank you!
For Wintermute solution: The [Name_Z1] part looks like this:
FilterAttr=CeaseTime;blank|ObjectOfReference;contains;511047;512044;513008;593026;598326;CL5518;CL5521;CL5538;CL5612;CL5620|PerceivedSeverity;=;Critical;Major;Minor|ProbableCause;!=;HOUSE ALARM;IO DEVICE|ProblemText;contains;AIRE;ALIMENTA;BATER;CONVERTIDOR;DISTRIBUCION;FUEGO;HURTO;MAINS;MALLO;MAYOR;MENOR;PANEL;TEMP
And the [Name_Z1_Phone] part looks like this:
FilterAttr=CeaseTime;blank|ObjectOfReference;contains;511047;512044;513008;593026;598326;CL5518;CL5521;CL5538;CL5612;CL5620|PerceivedSeverity;=;Critical;Major;Minor|ProbableCause;!=;HOUSE ALARM;IO DEVICE|ProblemText;contains;FUEGO
The fix should be somewhere around the "|PerceivedSeverity"
Expected Output:
This should work:
sed -n '/^\[Name_Z1/,/^OBJ=Name_Z1/ { /^Names/ { s/^Names;//; s/;/\n/g; p; q } }' foo.txt
Explanation: Written readably, the code is
/^\[Name_Z1/,/^OBJ=Name_Z1/ {
/^Names/ {
This means: In the pattern range /^\[Name_Z1/,/^OBJ=Name_Z1/, for all lines that match the pattern /^Names/, remove the Names; in the beginning, then replace all remaining ; with newlines, print the whole thing, and then quit. Since it immediately quits, it will only handle the first such line in the first such pattern range.
EDIT: The update made things a bit more complicated. I suggest
sed -n '/^\[CAB_Z1/,/^NAME=CAB_Z1/ { /^FilterAttr=/ { s/^.*contains;\(.*\)|PerceivedSeverity.*$/\1/; s/;/\n/g; p; q } }' foo.txt
The main difference is that instead of removing ^Names from a line, the substitution
is applied. This isolates the part between contains; and |PerceivedSeverity before continuing as before. It assumes that there is only one such part in the line. If the match is ambiguous, it will pick the one that appears last in the line.
An (g)awk way that doesn't need a set number of fields(although i have assumed that contains; will always be on the line you need the names from.
(g)awk '(x+=/Z1/)&&match($0,/contains;([^|]+)/,a)&&gsub(";","\n",a[1]){print a[1];exit}' f
(x+=/Z1/) - Increments x when Z1 is found. Also part of a
condition so x must exist to continue.
match($0,/contains;([^|]+)/,a) - Matches contains; and then captures everything after
up to the |. Stores the capture in a. Again a
condition so must succeed to continue.
gsub(";","\n",a[1]) - Substitutes all the ; for newlines in the capture
group a[1].
{print a[1];exit}' - If all conditions are met then print a[1] and exit.
This way should work in (m)awk
awk '(x+=/Z1/)&&/contains/{split($0,a,"|");y=split(a[2],b,";");for(i=3;i<=y;i++)
print b[i];exit}' file
sed -n '/\[Name_Z1\]/,/OBJ=Name_Z1$/ s/Names;//p' file.txt | tr ';' '\n'
That is sed -n to avoid printing anything not explicitly requested. Start from Name_Z1 and finish at OBJ=Name_Z1. Remove Names; and print the rest of the line where it occurs. Finally, replace semicolons with newlines.
Awk solution would be
$ awk -F";" '/Name_Z1/{f=1} f && /Names/{print $2,$3,$4} /OBJ=Name_Z1/{exit}' OFS="\n" input
$ awk -F";" '/Name_Z1/{f++} f==1 && /Names/{print $2,$3,$4}' OFS="\n" input
-F";" sets the field seperator as ;
/Name_Z1/{f++} matches the line with pattern /Name_Z1/ If matched increment {f++}
f==1 && /Names/{print $2,$3,$4} is same as if f == 1 and maches pattern Name with line if true, then print the the columns 2 3 and 4 (delimted by ;)
OFS="\n" sets the output filed seperator as \n new line
$ awk -F"[;|]" '/Z1/{f++} f==1 && NF>1{for (i=5; i<15; i++)print $i}' input
Here is a more generic solution for data in group of blocks.
This awk does not need the end tag, just the start.
awk -vRS= -F"\n" '/^\[Name_Z1\]/ {n=split($3,a,";");for (i=2;i<=n;i++) print a[i];exit}' file
How it works:
awk -vRS= -F"\n" ' # By setting RS to nothing, one record equals one block. Then FS is set to one line as a field
/^\[Name_Z1\]/ { # Search for block with [Name_Z1]
n=split($3,a,";") # Split field 3, the names and store number of fields in variable n
for (i=2;i<=n;i++) # Loop from second to last field
print a[i] # Print the fields
exit # Exits after first find
' file
With updated data
cat file
FilterAttr=CeaseTime;blank|ObjectOfReference;contains;511047;512044;513008;593026;598326;CL5518;CL5521;CL5538;CL5612;CL5620|PerceivedSeverity;=;Critical;Major;Minor|ProbableCause;!=;HOUSE ALARM;IO DEVICE|ProblemText;contains;FUEGO
awk -vRS= -F"\n" '/^\[CAB_Z1_FUEGO\]/ {split($3,a,"|");n=split(a[2],b,";");for (i=3;i<=n;i++) print b[i]}' file
The following awk script will do what you want:
awk 's==1&&/^Names/{gsub("Names;","",$0);gsub(";","\n",$0);print}/^\[Name_Z1\]$/||/^OBJ=Name_Z1$/{s++}' inputFileName
In more detail:
s==1 && /^Names;/ {
gsub ("Names;","",$0);
/^\[Name_Z1\]$/ || /^OBJ=Name_Z1$/ {
The state s starts with a value of zero and is incremented whenever you find one of the two lines:
That means, between the first set of those lines, s will be equal to one. That's where the other condition comes in. When s is one and you find a line starting with Names;, you do two substitutions.
The first is to get rid of the Names; at the front, the second is to replace all ; semi-colon characters with a newline. Then you print it out.
The output for your given test data is, as expected:
