understanding how to add a column without having to grouping by it in sql - oracle

I have the following query:
WHEN status = 0 THEN 'bla'
WHEN status = 2 THEN 'bla1'
END AS "description" ,
COUNT(*) AS total
status != 1
which displays:
now lets assume I have a table called Status_Codes which provides the Description itself, for example:
I want to remove the case statement from my query that explicitly attaching the descriptions I need, and add my FROM clause the Status_Codes table, and to add Status_Codes.Description to my select.
That action cannot be done simply because I use an aggregate function in my select statement and I'd have to group by the same column( which is not something I want).
Im not sure on how to approach that problem, was thinking maybe it has something to do with partition by, but even if thats the case I dont know how to implement it in my query.
Any advices, Enlightments and whatnot will be appreciated.

Why that irrational fear of adding yet another column into the group by clause? That's the simplest and most efficient way of doing it.
SELECT t.status, c.description, COUNT (*) AS total
FROM transactions t JOIN status_codes c ON c.status = t.status
WHERE t.status != 1
GROUP BY t.status, c.description
What benefit do you expect if you do it differently?
BTW, if you have group by clause, you don't need distinct.


Consolidate rows

I'm trying to cut down on rows a report has. There are 2 assets that return on this query but I want them to show up on one row.
Basically if dc.name LIKE '%CT/PT%' then I want it to be same row as the asset. The SP.SVC_PT_ID is the common field to join them.
There will be times when there is no dc.name LIKE '%CT/PT%' however I still want the DV.MFG_SERIAL_NUM to populated just with a Null to the right.
eip.device_class dc,
Where SP.EFF_START_TIME < To_date('20170930', 'YYYYMMDD') + 1
and SP.EFF_END_TIME is null
and dc.id = DV.device_class_id
and DV.ID = SP.device_id
I'm not sure I understand what you are saying; test case would certainly help. You said that query you posted returns two rows (only if we saw which ones ...) but you want them to be displayed as the image you attached to the message.
Generally speaking, you can do that using an aggregate function (such as MAX) on certain column(s), along with the GROUP BY clause that contains the rest of them.
Just for example:
select svc_pt_id, max(ctpt_name) ctpt_name, sum(ctpt_multipler) ctpt_multipler
from ...
group by svc_pt_id
As I said: a test case would help people who'd want to answer the question. True - someone might have understood it far better than I did and will provide assistance nevertheless.
EDIT: after you posted sample data (which, by the way, don't match screenshot you posted previously), maybe something like this might do the job: use analytic function to check whether name contains CT/PT; if so, take its data. Otherwise, display both rows.
SQL> with test as (
2 select 14 svc_pt_id, 446733 device_id, 'Generic Electric' name from dual union
3 select 14, 456517, 'Generic CT/PT, Multiplier' from dual
4 ),
5 podaci as
6 (select svc_pt_id, device_id, name,
7 rank() over (partition by svc_pt_id
8 order by case when instr(name, 'CT/PT') > 1 then 1
9 else 2
10 end) rnk
11 from test
12 )
13 select svc_pt_id, device_id, name
14 from podaci
15 where rnk = 1;
---------- ---------- -------------------------
14 456517 Generic CT/PT, Multiplier
My TEST table (created by WITH factoring clause) would be the result of your current query.

How to know if a record DOESN'T exists on a table in Oracle

I'm dealing whit this for a couple of hours and I can't find the way to get the answer.
I've a table with a maximun of 4 records for a product (let's call it that way) for a diferent period (column name with a number). I'm trying to return the ones that DO NOT has a particular type of CONSUMPTION_TYPE_ID. But it doesn't work.
I'll explain it simple. I've a table with these fields (there are more, but these one are just fine)
product_id - CONSUMPTION_TYPE_ID - consumption_period
123 103 1
123 104 1
123 107 1
123 108 1
I need to return the ones that don't has one particular type of consumption, let's say that the type 107 is missing (the row doesn't exists), the select query should show the other 3 or any present. I don't mind doing the same select 4 times, I could also try to do a cursor for it and use loop to check every one. The point is, that the type of query with "not in" or "not exists" doesn't work. It gives me a result like the one given below, but when I query the "consumption_period" it shows me the missing "CONSUMPTION_TYPE_ID" and that's because the "not in" clause it's only hidding the results.
this is what I need.
select * from t1 where CONSUMPTION_TYPE_ID != 108;
product_id - CONSUMPTION_TYPE_ID - consumption_period
123 103 1
123 104 1
123 107 1
I hope you can help me with this. I'm stucked, it maybe simple, but I'm having one of those stucked times. Thanks in advance for any help
You probably should've posted that NOT EXISTS query that doesn't work, because that is the right way to do this.
If I got your requirements right: all products that do not have a record for a specific consumption_type_id.
FROM t1 t
WHERE t.product_id = product_id
AND Consumption_Type_ID = ?)
The obvious answer here is to search for CONSUMPTION_TYPE_ID = 108 and have the surrounding code check for a lack of rows, rather than the existence of rows.
If you really need a row return for each consumption_type_id that's not in this table, then you should probably be selecting from the lookup table for consumption_type_id:
select *
from consumption_type ct
where not exists (select *
from t1
where t1.consumption_type_id = ct.consumption_type_id)
and ct.consumption_type_id = 108

How to select two max value from different records that has same ID for every records in table

i have problem with this case, i have log table that has many same ID with diferent condition. i want to select two max condition from this. i've tried but it just show one record only, not every record in table.
Here's my records table:
order_id seq status____________________
1256 2 4
1256 1 2
1257 0 2
1257 3 1
Here my code:
SELECT x.order_id
,MAX(y.seq) AS seq2
,MAX(y.extern_order_status) AS status
FROM t_order_demand x
JOIN t_order_log y
ON x.order_id = y.order_id
where x.order_id like '%12%'
GROUP BY x.order_id)
WHERE (t.seq2 || t.status) IN (SELECT MAX(tt.seq2 || tt.status) FROM t tt);
this query works, but sometime it gave wrong value or just show some records, not every records.
i want the result is like this:
order_id seq2 status____________________
1256 2 4
1257 3 2
I think you just want an aggregation:
select d.order_id, max(l.seq2) as seq2, max(l.status) as status
from t_order_demand d join
t_order_log l
on d.order_id = l.order_id
where d.order_id like '%12%'
group by d.order_id;
I'm not sure what your final where clause is supposed to do, but it appears to do unnecessary filtering, compared to what you want.

Logic of applying Group by in Sql Queries

I am asking a very beginner level of question but I am always confused whenever I want to use aggregate function with Group by. Actually I am getting the right results but I am not pretty sure about how group by is working here. My requirement is to get the count of sent items which is based on MessageGroup columns.
MessageId SenderId MessageGroup Message
1 2 67217969-e03d-41ec-863e-659ca26e660f Hi
2 2 67217969-e03d-41ec-863e-659ca26e660f Hello
3 2 67217969-e03d-41ec-863e-659ca26e660f bye
4 1 c45dc414-9320-40a5-8f8f-9c960d6deffe TC
5 1 8486d16b-294b-45a5-8674-e7024e55f39b shutup
Actually I want to get the count for sent messages.here SenderId=2 has sent three messages to someone but I want to show a single count so I have used MessageGroup and I am doing Groupby and getting the count.
I have used Linq query::
return DB.tblMessage.Where(m => m.SenderId == 2 ).GroupBy(m => m.MessageGroup).Count();
This returns "1" which is correct and I want to show (1) in sent messages.
But if I try to query the above in SQL Server, it returns 3
Here is my SQL query:
select count(*)
from tblMessage
where SenderId = 2
group by MessageGroup
The Linq query is right As it returns me one as Microsoft says here
Actually I am confused with Group by. Please clear my point.
When you are using GroupBy, which ever columns present in groupBy Clause should be in Select Clause
select MessageGroup,count(MessageGroup)from tblMessage
where SenderId=2
group by MessageGroup
You want to include MessageGroup as part of the select, like this:
select MessageGroup, count(*)
from tblMessage
where SenderId=2
group by MessageGroup

Using rownum in subquery

In an algorithm the users passes a query, for instance:
SELECT o_orderdate, o_orderpriority FROM h_orders WHERE rownum <= 5
The query returns the following:
1996-01-02 5-LOW
1996-12-01 1-URGENT
1993-10-14 5-LOW
1995-10-11 5-LOW
1994-07-30 5-LOW
The algorithm needs the count for the select attributes (o_orderdate, o_orderpriority in the above example) and therefore it rewrites the query to:
SELECT o_orderdate, count(o_orderdate) FROM
(SELECT o_orderdate, o_orderpriority FROM h_orders WHERE rownum <= 5)
GROUP BY o_orderdate
This query returns the following:
1992-01-01 5
However the intended result is:
1996-12-01 1
1995-10-11 1
1994-07-30 1
1996-01-02 1
1993-10-14 1
Any idea how I could rewrite the parsing stage or how the user could pass a syntactically different query to receive the above results?
The rows returned by the inner query are essentially non-deterministic, as they depend on the order in which the optimiser identifies rows as part of the required data set. A change in execution plan due to modified predicates might change the order in which the rows come back, and new rows added to the table can also change which rows are included.
If you always want n rows then either use distinct(o_orderdate) in the innerquery, which will render the GROUP BY useless.
Or you can add another outer select with rownum to get n of the grouped rows, like this:
select o_orderdate, counter from
SELECT o_orderdate, count(o_orderdate) as counter FROM
(SELECT o_orderdate, o_orderpriority FROM h_orders)
GROUP BY o_orderdate
WHERE rownum <= 5
Although the results will most likely be useless as they will be undeterministic (as mentioned by David Aldridge).
As your outer query makes no use of "o_orderpriority", why not just get rid of the subquery and simply query like this:
SELECT o_orderdate, count(o_orderdate) AS order_count
FROM h_orders
WHERE rownum <= 5
GROUP BY o_orderdate
