Consolidate rows - oracle

I'm trying to cut down on rows a report has. There are 2 assets that return on this query but I want them to show up on one row.
Basically if LIKE '%CT/PT%' then I want it to be same row as the asset. The SP.SVC_PT_ID is the common field to join them.
There will be times when there is no LIKE '%CT/PT%' however I still want the DV.MFG_SERIAL_NUM to populated just with a Null to the right.
eip.device_class dc,
Where SP.EFF_START_TIME < To_date('20170930', 'YYYYMMDD') + 1
and SP.EFF_END_TIME is null
and = DV.device_class_id
and DV.ID = SP.device_id

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying; test case would certainly help. You said that query you posted returns two rows (only if we saw which ones ...) but you want them to be displayed as the image you attached to the message.
Generally speaking, you can do that using an aggregate function (such as MAX) on certain column(s), along with the GROUP BY clause that contains the rest of them.
Just for example:
select svc_pt_id, max(ctpt_name) ctpt_name, sum(ctpt_multipler) ctpt_multipler
from ...
group by svc_pt_id
As I said: a test case would help people who'd want to answer the question. True - someone might have understood it far better than I did and will provide assistance nevertheless.
EDIT: after you posted sample data (which, by the way, don't match screenshot you posted previously), maybe something like this might do the job: use analytic function to check whether name contains CT/PT; if so, take its data. Otherwise, display both rows.
SQL> with test as (
2 select 14 svc_pt_id, 446733 device_id, 'Generic Electric' name from dual union
3 select 14, 456517, 'Generic CT/PT, Multiplier' from dual
4 ),
5 podaci as
6 (select svc_pt_id, device_id, name,
7 rank() over (partition by svc_pt_id
8 order by case when instr(name, 'CT/PT') > 1 then 1
9 else 2
10 end) rnk
11 from test
12 )
13 select svc_pt_id, device_id, name
14 from podaci
15 where rnk = 1;
---------- ---------- -------------------------
14 456517 Generic CT/PT, Multiplier
My TEST table (created by WITH factoring clause) would be the result of your current query.


Allow multiple values from SSRS in oracle

I have a query that gets contract_types 1 to 10. This query is being used in an SSRS report to filter out a larger dataset. I am using -1 for nulls and -2 for all.
I would like to know how we would allow multiple values - does oracle concatenate the inputs together so '1,2,3' would be passed in? Say we get select -1,0,1 in SSRS, how could we alter the bottom query to return values?
My query to get ContractTypes:
CASE WHEN ContractType = -2 THEN 'All'
WHEN ContractType = -1 THEN'Null'
ELSE to_Char(ContractType)
END AS DisplayFigure
FROM ContractTypes
which returns
ContractType DisplayFig
-1 Null
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
This currently is only returning single values or all, not muliple values:
FROM Employee
WHERE NVL(CONTRACT_TYPE, -1) = :contract_type or :contract_type = -2
I'm assuming we want to do something like:
WHERE NVL(CONTRACT_TYPE, -1) IN (:contract_type)
But this doesn't seem to work.
Data in Employee
Name ContractType
Bob 1
Sue 0
Bill Null
Joe 2
In my report, I want to be able to select contract_type as -1(null),0,1 using the 'allow muliple values' checkbox. At the moment, I can only select either 'all' using my -2 value, or single contract types.
My input would be: contract type = -1,1,2
My output would be Bill, Bob, Joe.
This is how I'm executing my code
I use SSRS with Oracle a lot so I see where you're coming from. Thankfully, they work pretty well together.
First make sure the parameter is set to allow multiple values. This adds a Select All option to your dropdown so you don't have to worry about adding a special case for "All". You'll want to make sure the dataset for the parameter has a row with -1 as the Value and a friendly description for the Label.
Next, the WHERE clause would be just as you mentioned:
WHERE NVL(CONTRACT_TYPE, -1) IN (:contract_type)
SSRS automatically populates the values. There is no XML or string manipulation needed. Keep in mind that this will not work with single-value parameters.
If for some reason this still doesn't work as expected in your environment, there is another workaround you can use which is more universal and works even with ODBC connections.
In the dataset parameter properties, use an expression like this to concatenate the values into a single, comma-separated string:
="," + Join(Parameters!Parameter.Value, ",") + ","
Then use an expression like this in your WHERE clause:
where :parameter like '%,' + Column + ',%'
Obviously, this is less efficient because it most likely won't be using an index, but it works.
I don't know SSRS, but - if I understood you correctly, you'll have to split that comma-separated values list into rows. Something like in this example:
SQL> select *
2 from dept
3 where deptno in (select regexp_substr('&&contract_type', '[^,]+', 1, level)
4 from dual
5 connect by level <= regexp_count('&&contract_type', ',') + 1
6 );
Enter value for contract_type: 10,20,40
---------- -------------------- --------------------
Applied to your code:
select *
from employee
where nvl(contract_type, -1) in (select regexp_substr(:contract_type, '[^,]+', 1, level)
from dual
connect by level <= regexp_substr(:contract_type, ',') + 1
If you have the comma separated list of numbers and then if you like to split it then, the below seems simple and easy to maintain.
select to_number(column_value) from xmltable(:val);
Inputs: 1,2,3,4
I guess I understood your problem. If I am correct the below should solve your problem:
with inputs(Name, ContractType) as
select 'Bob', 1 from dual union all
select 'Sue', 0 from dual union all
select 'Bill', Null from dual union all
select 'Joe', 2 from dual
select *
from inputs
where decode(:ContractType,'-2',-2,nvl(ContractType,-1)) in (select to_number(column_value) from xmltable(:ContractType))
Inputs: -1,1,2
Inputs: -2

Sort a list using loops

I'm still fairly new to PL/SQL and I tried to solve the following problem for a long time on my own, but I can not get to a solution (and i did not find a similar problem solved) hence I thought I ask myself.
I am trying to sort a list by the date (which indicates the 'time_left_to_live') so that the result is the same list but, as you can guess, sorted by the date.
EDIT: Maybe i should be even more precise:
My original goal is to write an AFTER UPDATE TRIGGER, which sorts the table again if the time_left_to_live is updated. My idea was to write a Procedure which sorts (or more updates) the list and call it.
Example for clarification:
UPDATE testv1 SET time_left_to_live = '01.05.2020' WHERE list_id = 3;
so after that the old data of list_id 3 should be 1 since it has the shortest amount left to live and the other datas should be incremented by 1.
1 01.05.2020
2 03.05.2020
3 31.05.2020
I hope I could explain the situation somewhat good.
I tried it with a nested loop but I simply can't think inside. Any help is appreciated.
My table:
DROP TABLE testv1;
list_ID INT,
time_left_to_live DATE
INSERT INTO testv1 VALUES (3, '01.06.2020');
INSERT INTO testv1 VALUES (2, '31.05.2020');
INSERT INTO testv1 VALUES (1, '03.05.2020');
--UPDATE testv1 SET time_left_to_live = '01.05.2020' WHERE list_ID = 2;
SELECT * FROM testv1;
I'd suggest you not to do that. I presume that table you posted as an example is exactly that - an example. In reality, it is more complex. Furthermore, I presume that list_id column identifies each row which is OK, but wrong to be used for sorting purposes, especially not the way you wanted - by updating its value via database triggers.
What should you do, then? Use ORDER BY as it is the only mechanism that guarantees that rows will be returned in desired order. A long time ago, I think the last Oracle database version was 8i, you could use group by clause which in the background sorted result for you, but those times have passed so - order by it is.
Here's an example of what I mean.
This is the original contents of your table. Query includes additional column - the one you might want to use - row_number analytic function which "calculates" ordinal number on-the-fly. At first, it matches list_id value.
SQL> select list_id,
2 time_left_to_live,
3 row_number() over (order by time_left_to_live) rn
4 from testv1
5 order by time_left_to_live;
---------- ---------- ----------
1 03.05.2020 1
2 31.05.2020 2
3 01.06.2020 3
Let's update one row (also from your example) and see what happens (note that I used date literal; you updated a date column with a string. Oracle did implicitly try - and succeed - to convert it to a valid date value, but you shouldn't rely on that. 01.05.2020 could be 1st of May or 5th of January, depending on date format which may change and might be different in different databases. Date literal is, on the other hand, always in format date 'yyyy-mm-dd' and there's no confusion):
SQL> update testv1 set time_left_to_live = date '2020-05-01' where list_id = 2;
1 row updated.
SQL> select list_id,
2 time_left_to_live,
3 row_number() over (order by time_left_to_live) rn
4 from testv1
5 order by time_left_to_live;
---------- ---------- ----------
2 01.05.2020 1
1 03.05.2020 2
3 01.06.2020 3
ORDER BY clause sorts data, but now list_id and rn are different; list_id didn't change, but rn represents new order.
If your next step is to do something with a row whose ordinal number is 1, you'd just use query I suggested as an inline view and fetch values whose rn = 1:
SQL> select list_id,
2 time_left_to_live
3 from (select list_id,
4 time_left_to_live,
5 row_number() over (order by time_left_to_live) rn
6 from testv1
7 )
8 where rn = 1;
---------- ----------
2 01.05.2020
I suggest you use this option.
Additional drawbacks related to database trigger: if you write an update statement that modifies list_id, no problem - it works outside of trigger and list_id and rn are synchronized again:
SQL> update testv1 a set
2 a.list_id = (select x.rn
3 from (select b.list_id,
4 b.time_left_to_live,
5 row_number() over (order by b.time_left_to_live) rn
6 from testv1 b
7 ) x
8 where x.list_id = a.list_id
9 );
3 rows updated.
SQL> select list_id,
2 time_left_to_live,
3 row_number() over (order by time_left_to_live) rn
4 from testv1
5 order by time_left_to_live;
---------- ---------- ----------
1 01.05.2020 1
2 03.05.2020 2
3 01.06.2020 3
But, in a trigger, you modify a column which fires a trigger which modifies a column which fires a trigger which modifies a column ... until you exceed maximum number of recursive SQL levels and then Oracle raises an error.
Or, if you planned to select from the table and then do something with it, you'll hit the mutating table error as you can't select from a table which is just being modified. True, you might use a compound trigger (or - in previous Oracle database versions - package and custom type), but - once again, in my opinion, that's just not the way you should handle the problem.
Agree fully with #Littlefoot. But even if you could build a user written sort in a trigger there is NO quarantine that order is preserved when written. A table is by definition an unordered set of rows and the SQL engine in under no obligation to maintain any ordering of presented rows. The way to guarantee any sequence is the order by clause

Simulate pipelined order by in oracle 11g

I have been working with an application that is integrated with spring and Hibernate 4.X.X and its transaction is managed by JTA in Weblogic application server. After 3 years, there are about 40 million records only into one table from 100 tables that exist in my DB. The DB is Oracle 11g. The response time of a query is about 5 minutes because of increasing the count of records of this tables.
I customized the query and put it into Sql Developer and run the query advisor plan for suggestion some Index. Totally after doing such this, its response time is reduced to 2 minute. But even so, this response time does not satisfy the Custumer. To further clarify I put the query, It is as following:
select *
from (select (count(storehouse0_.ID) over()) as col_0_0_,
storehouse3_.storeHouse_ID as col_1_0_,
(DBPK_PUB_STOREHOUSE.get_Storehouse_Title(, 1)) as col_2_0_,
storehouse5_.Organization_Code as col_3_0_,
publicgood1_.Goods_Item_Id as col_4_0_,
storehouse0_.storeHouse_Inventory_Id as col_5_0_,
storehouse0_.Id as col_6_0_,
storehouse3_.samapel_Item_Id as col_7_0_,
samapelite10_.MAINNAME as col_8_0_,
publicgood1_.serial_Number as col_9_0_,
publicgood1_1_.production_Year as col_10_0_,
samapelpar2_.ID_SourceInfo as col_11_0_,
samapelpar2_.Pn as col_12_0_,
storehouse3_.expire_Date as col_13_0_,
publicgood1_1_.Status_Id as col_14_0_,
baseinform12_.Topic as col_15_0_,
publicgood1_.public_Num as col_16_0_,
cast(publicgood1_1_.goods_Status as number(10, 0)) as col_17_0_,
publicgood1_1_.goods_Status as col_18_0_,
publicgood1_1_.deleted as col_19_0_
from amd.Core_StoreHouse_Inventory_Item storehouse0_,
amd.Core_STOREHOUSE_INVENTORY storehouse3_,
amd.Core_STOREHOUSE storehouse5_,
amd.SMP_SAMAPEL_CODE samapelite10_
cross join amd.Core_Goods_Item_Public publicgood1_
inner join amd.Core_Goods_Item publicgood1_1_
on publicgood1_.Goods_Item_Id = publicgood1_1_.Id
left outer join amd.SMP_SOURCEINFO samapelpar2_
on publicgood1_1_.Samapel_Part_Number_Id =
samapelpar2_.ID_SourceInfo, amd.App_BaseInformation
where not exists
(select ssec.samapelITem_id
from core_security_samapelitem ssec
inner join core_goods_item g
on ssec.samapelitem_id = g.samapel_item_id
where not exists (SELECT aa.groupid
FROM app_actiongroup aa
where aa.groupid in
(select au.groupid
from app_usergroup au
where au.userid = 1)
and aa.actionid = 9054)
and ssec.isenable = 1
and storehouse0_.goods_Item_ID =
and not exists
(select *
where not exists (SELECT aa.groupid
FROM app_actiongroup aa
where aa.groupid in
(select au.groupid
from app_usergroup au
where au.userid = 1)
and aa.actionid = 9055)
and cps.inventory_id =
and cps.goodsitemtype = 6)
and storehouse0_.storeHouse_Inventory_Id = storehouse3_.Id
and storehouse3_.storeHouse_ID = storehouse5_.Id
and storehouse3_.samapel_Item_Id = samapelite10_.MAINCODE
and publicgood1_1_.Status_Id = baseinform12_.ID
and 1 <> 2
and storehouse0_.goods_Item_ID = publicgood1_.Goods_Item_Id
and publicgood1_1_.edited = 0
and publicgood1_1_.deleted = 0
and (exists (select storehouse13_.Id
from amd.Core_STOREHOUSE storehouse13_
cross join amd.core_power power16_
cross join amd.core_power power17_
where storehouse5_.powerID = power16_.Id
and storehouse13_.powerID = power17_.Id
and (storehouse13_.Id in (741684217))
and storehouse13_.storeHouseType = 2
and (power16_.hierarchiCode like
power17_.hierarchiCode || '%')) or
(storehouse3_.storeHouse_ID in (741684217)) and
storehouse5_.storeHouseType = 1)
and (storehouse5_.storeHouse_Status not in (2, 3))
order by storehouse3_.samapel_Item_Id)
where rownum <= 10
[Note: This query is generated by Hibernate].
It is clear that order by 40 million holds so much time.
I find the main issue of this query. I omitted the “order by” and run the query, its response time was reduced to about 5 second. I was wonderful why the “order by” affects so much the response time.
(Some body may think that if this table is partitioned or use another facility of oracle, it may get better response time. Ok it may be right but my emphasis is the “order by” performance. If there is a way that do the “order by” responsibility, why not to do it). Any way I am not able to omit the “order by” because the Customer needs to order and it is necessary for paging. I find a solution that is explained by an example. This solution I order only some records that is needed. How, I will explain later. It is clear when oracle wants to sort 40 million records, it naturally takes so much time. I replace “order by” with “where clause”. With doing this replacement the response time was reduces from 2 minute to about 5 second and this is very exciting for me.
I explain my solution via an example, anybody that read this Post tells me whether this solution is good or there are another solution that I do not know exists.
Another hand I have a solution that is explained later, if it is ok or not. Whether I use it or not.
I explain my solution:
Let’s assumed that there are two table as below:
Post table
Id Others fields
… …
Post_comment table
Id post_id
1 5
2 5
3 5
4 5
6 5
7 2
8 2
9 2
10 3
11 1
12 1
13 1
14 1
15 1
16 1
17 1
18 1
19 1
20 1
21 1
22 1
23 1
24 1
25 1
26 4
27 4
There is a form that shows the result of join between POST table and POST_COMMENT table.
I explain both query with “order by” all records of that table and “order by” only specific records that are needed. The result of two query are exactly the same but the response time of second approach is the better than that one.
You assume that the page size is 10 and you are in page 3.
The first query with the “order by” all records of that table:
select *
from (Select res.*, rownum as rownum_
from (Select * from POST_COMMENT Order by post_id asc) res
Where rownum <= 30)
where rownum_ > 20
The second solution:
Before execution the query, I query as below:
select *
from (select post_id, count(id) from POST_COMMENT group by post_id)
order by post_id asc
So the result of it is the below:
Post_id Count(id) Sum(count(id))
1 15 15
2 3 18
3 1 19
4 2 21
5 5 26
It needs to say that the third column that is "Sum(count(id))" is calculated after that query.Any entry of this column is sum all before records.
So there is a formula that specifics which post_id must be selected. The formula is the below:
pageSize = 10, pageNumber = 3
from : (pageNumber – 1) * pageCount  2 * 10 = 20
to : (pageNumber – 1) * pageCount + pageCount  20 + 10 = 30
So I need the posts that are between (20, 30] of Sum(count(id)). According to this, I need only two post_id that have value 4,5. According to this the main query of second approach is:
select *
from (select rownum as rownum_, res.*
from (select *
from (select * from POST_COMMENT where post_id in (4, 5))
order by post_id asc) res
where rownum <= 30)
where rownum_ > 20
If you look at both query, you will see the biggest difference. The second query only selects the records of POST_COMENT that have post_id that are 4 and 5. After that, orders this records not all records of that table.
After posting this post, I have searched. finally I am redirected to HERE . I can reach to the response time that is very excited for me. It is reduced from 3 minutes to less than 3 seconds. It is necessary to know, I only use one tip from all of the query optimization guidelines that are in that site that is Duplicate constant condition for different tables whenever possible.
Note: Before doing this tip, there are some indexs on fields that are in where-clause and order-by.

Find next id from varchar in Oracle

I have a row that is a varchar(50) that has a unique constraint and i would like to get the next unique number for an new insert but with a given prefix.
My rows could look like this:
ID (varchar)
So if I would like to get the next unqiue number from the prefix "0001" it would be "00010004" but if I would want it for the prefix "0008" it would be "00080002".
There will be more then 1 millon entries in this table. Is there a way with Oracle 11 to perform this kind of operation that is fairly fast?
I know that this setup is totaly insane but this is what I have to work with. I cant create any new tables etc.
You can search for the max value of the specified prefix and increment it:
5 SELECT '00080001' id FROM DUAL
6 )
7 SELECT :prefix || to_char(MAX(to_number(substr(id, 5)))+1, 'fm0000') nextval
9 WHERE ID LIKE :prefix || '%';
I'm sure you're aware that this is an inefficient method to generate a primary key. Furthermore it won't play nicely in a multi-user environment and thus won't scale. Concurrent inserts will wait then fail since there is a UNIQUE constraint on the column.
If the prefix is always the same length, you can reduce the workload somewhat: you could create a specialized index that would find the max value in a minimum number of steps:
CREATE INDEX ix_fetch_max ON your_table (substr(id, 1, 4),
substr(id, 5) DESC);
Then the following query could use the index and will stop at the first row retrieved:
FROM (SELECT substr(id, 1, 4) || substr(id, 5) id
FROM your_table
WHERE substr(id, 1, 4) = :prefix
ORDER BY substr(id, 5) DESC)
WHERE rownum = 1
If you need to do simultaneous inserts with the same prefix, I suggest you use DBMS_LOCK to request a lock on the specified newID. If the call fails because someone is already inserting this value, try with newID+1. Although this involves more work than traditional sequence, at least your inserts won't wait on each others (potentially leading to deadlocks).
This is a very unsatisfactory situation for you. As other posters have pointed out - if you don't use sequences then you will almost certainly have concurrency issues. I mentioned in a comment the possibility that you live with big gaps. This is the simplest solution but you will run out of numbers after 9999 inserts.
Perhaps an alternative would be to create a separate sequence for each prefix. This would only really be practical if the number of prefixes is fairly low but it could be done.
ps - your requirement that > 1000000 records should be possible may, in fact, mean you have no choice but to redesign the database.
SELECT to_char(to_number(max(id)) + 1, '00000000')
FROM mytable
WHERE id LIKE '0001%'
SQLFiddle demo here!4/4f543/5/0

Oracle Daily count/average over a year

I'm pulling two pieces of information over a specific time period, but I would like to fetch the daily average of one tag and the daily count of another tag. I'm not sure how to do daily averages over a specific time period, can anyone provide some advice? Below were my first ideas on how to handle this however to change every date would be annoying. Any help is appreciated thanks
SELECT COUNT(distinct chargeno), to_char(chargetime, 'mmddyyyy') AS chargeend
FROM batch_index WHERE plant=1 AND chargetime>to_date('2012-06-18:00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd:hh24:mi:ss')
AND chargetime<to_date('2012-07-19:00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd:hh24:mi:ss')
group by chargetime;
The working version of the daily sum
SELECT to_char(bi.chargetime, 'mmddyyyy') as chargtime, SUM(cv.val)*0.0005
FROM Charge_Value cv, batch_index bi WHERE cv.ValueID =97
AND bi.chargetime<=to_date('2012-07-19','yyyy-mm-dd')
AND bi.chargeno = cv.chargeno AND bi.typ=1
group by to_char(bi.chargetime, 'mmddyyyy')
seems like in the first one you want to change the group to the day - not the time... (plus i dont think you need to specify all those 0's for seconds..)
SELECT COUNT(distinct chargeno), to_char(chargetime, 'mmddyyyy') AS chargeend
FROM batch_index WHERE plant=1 AND chargetime>to_date('2012-06-18','yyyy-mm-dd')
AND chargetime<to_date('2012-07-19','yyyy-mm-dd')
group by to_char(chargetime, 'mmddyyyy') ;
not 100% I'm following your question, but if you just want to do aggregates (sums, avg), then do just that. I threw in the rollup just in case that is what you were looking for
with fakeData as(
select trunc(level *.66667) nr
, trunc(2*level * .33478) lvl --these truncs just make the doubles ints
,trunc(sysdate+trunc(level*.263784123)) dte --note the trunc, this gets rid of the to_char to drop the time
from dual
connect by level < 600
) --the cte is just to create fake data
--below is just some aggregates that may help you
select sum(nr) daily_sum_of_nr
, avg(nr) daily_avg_of_nr
, count(distinct lvl) distinct_lvls_per_day
, count(lvl) count_of_nonNull_lvls_per_day
, dte days
from fakeData
group by rollup(dte)
--if you want the query to supply a total for the range, you may use rollup ( )
