bash : vagrant commands not found - bash

I am a beginner so please someone should show me kindness by showing me how to resolve my issue as a student. I've installed vagrant on git bash but every command seems to be telling me bash : vagrant command not found even vagrant halt is not working. please what do I do???
I wanted to install docker engine so i started by installing vagrant with git bash. Everything was successful so I tried
sudo yum install docker
The answer was: no command found
Then I tried sudo -i to get to the root and run the command again. Answer was bash : vagrant command not found
From here on all commands I try give me the same answer. I even tried to force vagrant halt but the same answer comes out.

If you receive an error that Vagrant is not found, try logging out and logging back in to your system (particularly necessary for Windows). $ vagrant Usage: vagrant [options] [] -v, --version Print the version and exit.


Vagrant / Git Bash : Window Freezes

I am attempting to learn a bit about the command line and am following a free online course. I have been instructed to install a number of programs on my computer including VirtualBox, Vagrant and Git which I have done. There was a VagrantFile which I have also downloaded.
The problem I have is that Git Bash is not responding to any vagrant command. I am not familiar enough with the command line to test other programs or commands out but I have checked the Python version for example and got a response.
So when I attempt to run any vagrant command the interface returns the same location and then freezes. I can click and highlight within the window but it will not take any keyboard input. This happens regardless of whether I navigate to the vagrantfile folder or not.
Really confused! I have uninstalled and re-installed all the programs.
Currently operating:
Windows 10
Vagrant 1.9.7
Oracle VM VitualBox 5.1.26
Git 2.14.0
... MINGW64 ~
$ cd Desktop/Shell
... MINGW64 ~/Desktop/Shell
$ vagrant up
... MINGW64 ~/Desktop/Shell
// At this point the interface freezes and won't accept
// any input. It is the same if I call
// vagrant init
// vagrant --version
// vagrant halt --force
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
Thanks Chris.

No output using vagrant Windows 10

I'm not sure if this belongs her or another site, so let me know and I'll remove it if not. So I'm attempting to install vagrant on a windows 10 machine. I have virtual box installed, I have a kali linux machine on it that I've used in the past. After using the msi to install vagrant, I rebooted as prompted. After reboot I verified vagrant was added to the path.
Issuing any vagrant command shows nothing in the output. I've tried passing -h and --version and nothing shows. Even running as admin and powershell gives no response. No hanging or freezing, just nothing in the response. Not even a command not recognized warning(more validation its in my path).
Can anyone help me find out whats going on and why none of the vagrant commands seem to respond?
C:\>vagrant init -h
C:\>vagrant --version
im guessing its something to do with their latest 1.9.7 version? i installed 1.9.6 and it finally gives me some output.

vagrant invalid option was specified

I am trying to install in on my laptop while running on Windows 8. I have downloaded and installed vagrant and Virtualbox and currently am trying to download vagrant box using
vagrant init tsawler/wafs; vagrant up --provider virtualbox
and i get this error,
C:\Users\patrick\Documents\website>vagrant init tsawler/wafs; vagrant up --provider virtualbox
An invalid option was specified. The help for this command is available below.
Usage: vagrant init [options] [name [url]]
-f, --force Overwrite existing Vagrantfile
-m, --minimal Create minimal Vagrantfile (no help comment
--output FILE Output path for the box. '-' for stdout
-h, --help Print this help
I have tried to add the -f or --force option after the init but still get the same result. Is there a setting that missing?
Sometimes, multiple commands on the same line may not get parsed correctly, and running them separately usually works. Try these.
C:\Users\patrick\Documents\website>vagrant init tsawler/wafs C:\Users\patrick\Documents\website>vagrant up
Run command prompt with Administrative privileges.

vagrant INIT works, vagrant UP - doesn't work

I have installed Git, VirtualBox and Vargant on my Windows 10 computer.
Have problems with starting Vargant using git-bash console.
When I do vargant init - this create vargant file and looks like it's ok.
Alex#DESKTOP MINGW64 /d/shell
$ vagrant init hashicorp/precise32
A `Vagrantfile` has been placed in this directory. You are now
ready to `vagrant up` your first virtual environment! Please read
the comments in the Vagrantfile as well as documentation on
`` for more information on using Vagrant.
But when I try to start vagrant with vagrant up command I receive error.
Alex#DESKTOP MINGW64 /d/shell
$ vagrant up
bash: vagrant: command not found
I have tried restarting, reinstalling these software, installing latest or previouse versions of software - nothing helps - still bash: vagrant: command not found.
What shell I do next to solve the problem?
the command / program name is vagrant , not vargant. You spell it correctly in the init, but the rest of your examples have it spelled incorrect. Try running vagrant up and you should be all set.

Vagrant up fails with Laravel: 'The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status'

New to Laravel and Vagrant, never put up a virtual machine any way other than via MAMP.
New to using Terminal in general.
Running on Mac OSX 10.9.
Vagrantfile (and hopefully soon Laravel) is placed in a folder in Documents.
Receiving error:
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.
Log since 'vagrant up'
Used vagrant files
UPDATE: When accessing the designated VM address through my browser, I am greeted by a 403 Forbidden
EDIT: Link to terminal log updated after fixing laravel installation issues regarding mcrypt.
UPDATE: Tried solution described here by adding the following to /etc/sudoers. Problem not fixed.
Defaults:vagrant !requiretty
The artisan file isn't there.
php artisan migrate #fails
I can't tell exactly what should be in /var/www, but it seems to me like Laravel isn't getting set up properly. Try vagrant ssh to snoop around in /var/www (ls /var/www) and see what's there/what's missing.
vagrant ssh
when you success login, run the command like below:
sudo rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
maybe 70 or 60 is the begining of rules filename.
than reload your virtualbox,try it maybe the right way to solve the matter.
If you have this error, after
vagrant up
you can use
vagrant ssh
It let you launch your server.
