how do i label my bar graph by using xticks - xticks

bar graph
Hi ,may i ask how do label all the years in data5_year,under every bar graph


Recharts onclick function need to display default data and highlight that bar

I am using recharts, on bar click data will display, but I wanted to show default data initially for the top bar and highlight initial data bar and on next bar click stop highlighting the initial data

Scroll View in RadCartesian Bar Chart

I am developing iOS and Android mobile applications using native script angular. I am using a bar chart to display monthly yearly reports in the radcartesian plugin. In the bar chart, I want the horizontal scroll to show the large records. Is it possible to use a horizontal scroll view inside the bar chart in the radcartesian chart?

Show Bar graph at bottom of div box

How do I center the bar graph inside that has the class "inner-container"? It doesn't show the full bar as shown in the div with id "bar2".
Here is the full bl.ocks. Thank you.

Displaying something on line chart when only one bar selected in range bar chart

When i select a single bar in the range chart below i need to represent it somehow in the linechart above it, currently the line chart shows nothing... any ideas?

Hide plot with touch event - Core Plot

I whould like to make a graph in Core Plot and I need to have a "switch" to each (Scatter)plot.
The objective is, when the user tap the "switch", the associated plot hide/show. For example, I have a graph with 5 Scatterplot's and a "switch" to each plot. When I tap the "switch
1" the "plot1" is hidden or show.
I've already read this tutorial but it does not what I want: Touch Event on LEGENDS in Coreplot iOS
How can I do this?
