Displaying something on line chart when only one bar selected in range bar chart - d3.js

When i select a single bar in the range chart below i need to represent it somehow in the linechart above it, currently the line chart shows nothing... any ideas?


Recharts onclick function need to display default data and highlight that bar

I am using recharts, on bar click data will display, but I wanted to show default data initially for the top bar and highlight initial data bar and on next bar click stop highlighting the initial data

Scroll View in RadCartesian Bar Chart

I am developing iOS and Android mobile applications using native script angular. I am using a bar chart to display monthly yearly reports in the radcartesian plugin. In the bar chart, I want the horizontal scroll to show the large records. Is it possible to use a horizontal scroll view inside the bar chart in the radcartesian chart?

Select and highlight on a kendo chart

Is there anyway to select, drag and highlight a specific area on an area/line chart? I have a chart plotted with a series. I want to allow the user to left-click and drag an area on that chart and just return the select categoryAxis values (i.e. from/to). Is this possible?

Can Kibana4 show raw record info for thing in the chart?

I create a vertical bar chart whose metrics is Y-Axis about Max response_time, and buckets is X-Axis about #timestamp.
How can I find the corresponding raw record for one vertical bar? Or can I show other relative info about that bar record in the chart at the same time?
If you want to show raw record after clicking on a specific timestamp bar, you can do it in following way:-
Click on the timestamp bar on X-Axis. Just below your searchbar the filter will be applied showing in an oval shape. Now you can pin the filter in 2 ways:-
1.By clicking on Actions beside the applied filter & selecting Pin.
Hovering over the filter and selecting 2nd option from the left.
Then go to Discover Page from the same window wherein you will see raw data matching to the filter applied.

Simple d3/dimple drill down example with bar chart

I'm looking to build a clickable drill-down bar chart of sorts using dimple or nvd3.
I can create a bar chart no problem, but what I'd like to do is make each bar clickable to allow me to call a Javascript function which will load JSON to populate a separate chart (essentially doing a drill-down across multiple charts)
The problem however seems to be that I can only access the value or label in the series to the item I've selected, and in order to load the next chart I would need something distinct... another field from my recordset or even the index of the bar being clicked on.
Being new to dimple, I'm looking for a simple example but everything I'm seeing seems to involve drill-downs in the same chart or examples showing far more features than I need.
I'm just looking for a way to bind an event to each item in the series, and to use data during the click event that would be unique to that data point, but not used in the chart.
You can add events to a series using the series.addEventHandler method documented here.
This example is essentially a drill through but using the hover event instead of the click.
