I am working with a ory-keto server. I want to delete a tuple (using its api with postman)
I can list tuples and add them, but I cant delete them. It is a http-DELETE request to their endpoint /admin/relation-tuples.
the tuple I want to delete looks like
namespace : "ns"
object : "o1"
relation :"r1"
namespace : "ns",
object :"o2"
relation :"r2"
So Im making a DELETE-request to
I get error "400 - Bad Request", but no other hints on what the problem is
With a http-GET-request (same endoint) and same parameters, I can get the selected Item. I get 1 hit.
I can create items, so my credentials are ok
For reference, this is a postman collection that uses the api
I have a request DTO with few input params.
I will be invoking a REST GET method in order to get a response. My response object has nearly 70 attributes and will be getting it in the JSON format.
I have a parameter in the request params called "sortBy" where I will be mentioning any attribute value of response based on which the response objects are to be sorted.
Request DTO :
Response Json Object:
bookPrice etc (other Book specific attributes)
So, Here if I give the bookBranch and bookLocation as input, I will receive the list of all books and its related attriutes list of that branch and location.
Is there a way to sort the list of books based on all the attributes of response object with the value given in the request params
Please help me how can I sort the response objects in case of all using java streams.
I have defined a comparator just like below
public static final Map<String, Comparator> myMap=
Map.of("bookno", Comparator.comparing(ResponseDTO::getBookNo), "bookname", Comparator.comparing(ResponseDTO::getBookName),
"bookprice", Comparator.comparing(ResponseDTO::getBookPrice), "dateofissue", Comparator.comparing(ResponseDTO::getDateOfIssue));
and I am checking the value from the request
if (requestDto.getSortBy() != null && myMap.containsKey(dto.getSortBy().toLowerCase())) {
return ResponseList.stream().sorted(myMap.get(dto.getSortBy().toLowerCase())) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));
The above map takes only 10 entries at a time. What if My response json object has nearly 70 attributes?
This would be tedious to maintain 7 maps and do this check in all 7 maps .
Is there an alternate way to handle this scenario
I am trying to create an API call to add data into a custom field that was created on the Sales Order page using AL Extensions. The issue is when I try to do the api call through postman, I am getting "The Property "propertyName" does not exist on type 'Microsoft.NAV.salesOrder'". First of all, I don't even know if the API allows for this, so is it even possible? And secondly, if it is possible, is there a certain way to set up the API call or the Field through the AL Extension?
tableextension 50100 "AddProjectIdToSalesOrder" extends "Sales Header"
field(50100; "CrmProjectId"; Guid)
Caption = 'Crm Project Id';
DataClassification = OrganizationIdentifiableInformation;
pageextension 50100 "AddProjectIdToSalesOrder" extends "Sales Order"
field("CRM Project Id"; Rec.CrmProjectId)
ApplicationArea = all;
ToolTip = 'The Guid of the related Project Record in the CRM environment';
This is how I am setting up the field with the AL extension, and for the post call, I am just creating a new Sales Order with a post and the body looks like:
"customerNumber" : "10000",
"CrmProjectId" : "random-guid"
And the error is "Bad Request": "The property 'CrmProjectId' does not exist on type 'Microsoft.NAV.salesOrder'. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type." Any help would be appreciated.
The Sales Order API is a separate page. It is not equivalent to the Sales Order page so you have to modify the API to accomplish what you want.
However the standard API's provided by Microsoft can't be extended.
You are left with two options:
Make a copy of the standard Sales Order API (this involves making a copy of all the linked APIs as well e.g. the Sales Line API).
Create a new API page with the single purpose of updating your new field. Then you would use the standard Sales Order API to create the Sales Order and then update CrmProjectId with a second call to your custom API page.
I have an object, Client, with a navigation property that is a list of Order objects. Whenever I retrieve a Client object, I include the list of Orders, with AsNoTracking().
public new IQueryable<Client> FindByConditionNoTracking(Expression<Func<Client, bool>> expression)
return this.ClientContext.Set<Client>().Include(s => s.Orders)
In my UpdateClient repository method, I take in a Client object. I then attempt to retrieve that original client from the database (using Include to get the child Orders), map the Client param to the original, and save to the database. Over here, I do not use AsNoTracking, because I specifically want the changes to be tracked.
public new void Update(Client client)
var id = client.ClientId;
var original = this.ClientContext.Clients.Include(s => s.Orders).Where(s => s.ClientId == id)
original = _mapper.Map(client, original);
The error I am getting is that an instance of Order with the same key value is already being tracked. A few problems with that:
Wherever the Client and the child Orders are retrieved for the purposes of display I use AsNoTracking.
The only place where I retrieve without AsNoTracking is where I get the original within this very method.
The bug isn't with the parent property. If I was improperly retrieving the Client elsewhere, wouldn't I have this error with the Client id itself? But the error seems to be only with the navigation property.
All insight is appreciated!
If anyone else runs into this: Automapper, when mapping collections, apparently recreates the entire collection. I solved the above issue by using Automapper.Collections in my mapping configuration. Thanks to Mat J for the tip!
I am very new to GraphQL and Apollo, and I don't understand what is wrong with the 'aliasEmail' field below. When I add this one to the query, I get this error message. When I remove it from the query, everything works perfectly.
It is well defined in 'types.graphql' and is just a simple string field.
index.js:2178 Unhandled (in react apollo:Apollo(withRouter(EmailSettingsContainer))) Error: Network
error: Error writing result to store for query:
query getCompanyForAliasEmailEditForm($companyId: ID) {
Company(id: $companyId) {
Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no
provided id but the store already contains an id of
Company:cje6xkcnxl83u01353a20p1t6 for this object. The selectionSet
that was trying to be written is:
Company(id: $companyId) {
It sounds like there's already another query being made elsewhere in the app that also returns the Company object and that query includes the id (or _id) field, while the query in this case does not. Apollo uses both the typename and id to generate the cache key for your query result (unless dataIdFromObject is used to modify this behavior), and so throws an error when it detects the above discrepancy. Try including the id field in your getCompanyForAliasEmailEditForm query.
I've managed to create number of readonly Web Api OData services following the tutorials here: http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api. I'm therefore employing the ODataConventionModel builder to create the model from a set of entities (incidentally coming from a Telerik ORM). This all seems to work fine and I can happily issue queries, view the metadata and so forth on the service.
I've now tried to turn my attention to the other CRUD operations - firstly Create and have stumbled into a problem! Namely, the Post method fires correctly (CreateEntity) but the entity parameter is null - by doing a check against the ModelState.IsValid, it shows that the problem is a null ID (key) value. This is unsurprising because the database uses a Database Generated Identity for the ID column and therefore the ID would be created when the entity is saved into the database context.
I've therefore tried all sorts of ways of marking the ID column as database generated, but haven't managed to find anything. Strangely, I can't seem to find even one post of someone asking for this - surely I can't be the only one?!
I noted that when looking at the EF modelbuilder (for example here: http://forums.asp.net/t/1848984.aspx/1) there appears to be a means of affecting the model builder with a .HasDatabaseGeneratedOption property, but no similar option exists in the System.Web.Http.OData equivalent.
So the questions therefore are:
Is there a means of altering the model builder (or something else) so that the controller will accept the object and deserialize the entity even with a null key value?
If so, how can I do this?
If not, any suggestions as to other options?
I realise that I could potentially just populate the object with an (in this case) integer value from the client request, but this seems a) semantically wrong and b) won't necessarilly always be possible as a result of the client toolkit that might be used.
All help gratefully received!
Many thanks,
You need to create a viewmodel for insert which does not contain the ID parameter. Use Automapper to map the properties of the incoming insert-model to your data entities.
The problem that you're having is that ID is a required attribute in your data model because it is your PK, except during insert, where it shouldn't be specified.
In my case, my database-generated key is a Guid.
As a work-around, in my TypeScript client code, I submit (via http POST) the object with an empty Guid like this: Note: ErrorId is the key column.
let elmahEntry: ELMAH_Error = {
Application: 'PTUnconvCost',
Host: this.serviceConfig.url,
Message: message,
User: that.userService.currentUserEmail,
AllXml: `<info><![CDATA[\r\n\r\n${JSON.stringify(info || {})}\r\n\r\n]]></info>`,
Sequence: 1,
Source: source,
StatusCode: 0,
TimeUtc: new Date(Date.now()),
Type: '',
ErrorId: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Then, in my WebApi OData controller, I check to see if the key is the empty guid, and if so, I replace it with a new Guid, like this:
// POST: odata/ELMAH_Error
public IHttpActionResult Post(ELMAH_Error eLMAH_Error)
if (eLMAH_Error.ErrorId == Guid.Empty)
eLMAH_Error.ErrorId = Guid.NewGuid();
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
catch (DbUpdateException)
if (ELMAH_ErrorExists(eLMAH_Error.ErrorId))
return Conflict();
return Created(eLMAH_Error);