Improving memory allocation when the array size is only known at run time - memory-management

My question is similar to this one but there is an important subtlety.
Consider the following functions
using Distributions
function test_function_create_state_list(state_n)
states = []
for i in 1:state_n
push!(states, (sample(1:3), sample(1:3), sample(1:3)))
return states
function test_function(state, M, new_number)
M[state..., 1] = new_number
function test_loop(loop_n)
states = test_function_create_state_list(loop_n)
M = randn(10,10,10,10)
for state in states
test_function(state, M, 1.0)
Here, state is a vector of length k = 3 and M is an array of dimension k+1 = 4. I learned from the linked question that if I knew k when I'm writing my code, I can make state a tuple to improve allocation. However, what if I want to write the following function
function test_function_user(states, M)
for state in states
test_function(state, M, 1.0)
such that states and M are provided at run time (by the user)? When I'm writing the program, I would not know the array sizes of state and M. Is there a way to improve the allocation? I don't know how to use tuples for this, since tuples are not mutable. If I were to use StaticArrays, I would need to know the array size when I'm writing the program.


Select random item from stream in O(1) space

Select an item from a stream at random with uniform probability, using constant space
The stream provides the following operations:
class Stream:
def __init__(self, data): = list(data)
def read(self):
if not
return None
head, * =
return head
def peek(self):
return[0] if else None
The elements in the stream (ergo the elements of data) are of constant size and neither of them is None, so None signals end of stream. The length of stream can only be learned by consuming the entire stream. And note that counting the number of elements consumes O(log n) space.
I believe there is no way to uniformly choose an item from the stream at random using O(1) space.
Can anyone (dis)prove this?
Generate a random number for each element, and remember the element with the smallest number.
That's the answer I like best, but the answer you're probably looking for is:
If the stream is N items long, then the probability of returning the Nth item is 1/N. Since this probability is different for every N, any machine that can accomplish this task must enter different states after reading streams of different lengths. Since the number of possible lengths is unbounded, the required number of possible states is unbounded, and the machine will require an unbounded amount of memory to distinguish between them.
In constant space? Sure, Reservoir Sampling, constant space, linear time
Some lightly tested code
import numpy as np
def stream(size):
for k in range(size):
yield k
def resSample(ni, s):
ret = np.empty(ni, dtype=np.int64)
k = 0
for k, v in enumerate(s):
if k < ni:
ret[k] = v
idx = np.random.randint(0, k+1)
if (idx < ni):
ret[idx] = v
return ret
SIZE = 12
s = stream(SIZE)
q = resSample(1, s)
I see there is a question wrt RNG. Suppose I have true RNG, hardware device which returns single bit at a time. We use it only in the code where get index.
if (idx < ni):
The only way condition would be triggered for one element to be select
is when ni=1 and thus idx only could be ZERO.
Thus np.random.randint(0, k+1) with such implementation would be something like
def trng(k):
for _ in range(k+1):
if next_true_bit():
return 1 # as soon as it is not 0, we don't care
return 0 # all bits are zero, index is zero, proceed with exchange
QED, such realization is possible and therefore this sampling method shall work
#kyrill is probably right - I have to have a count going (log2(k) storage), so far see no way to avoid it. Even with RNG trick, I have to sample 0 with probability 1/k and this k is growing with the size of the stream.

Parallelising gradient calculation in Julia

I was persuaded some time ago to drop my comfortable matlab programming and start programming in Julia. I have been working for a long with neural networks and I thought that, now with Julia, I could get things done faster by parallelising the calculation of the gradient.
The gradient need not be calculated on the entire dataset in one go; instead one can split the calculation. For instance, by splitting the dataset in parts, we can calculate a partial gradient on each part. The total gradient is then calculated by adding up the partial gradients.
Though, the principle is simple, when I parallelise with Julia I get a performance degradation, i.e. one process is faster then two processes! I am obviously doing something wrong... I have consulted other questions asked in the forum but I could still not piece together an answer. I think my problem lies in that there is a lot of unnecessary data moving going on, but I can't fix it properly.
In order to avoid posting messy neural network code, I am posting below a simpler example that replicates my problem in the setting of linear regression.
The code-block below creates some data for a linear regression problem. The code explains the constants, but X is the matrix containing the data inputs. We randomly create a weight vector w which when multiplied with X creates some targets Y.
# This code implements a simple linear regression problem
MAXITER = 100 # number of iterations for simple gradient descent
N = 10000 # number of data items
D = 50 # dimension of data items
X = randn(N, D) # create random matrix of data, data items appear row-wise
Wtrue = randn(D,1) # create arbitrary weight matrix to generate targets
Y = X*Wtrue # generate targets
The next code-block below defines functions for measuring the fitness of our regression (i.e. the negative log-likelihood) and the gradient of the weight vector w:
#everywhere begin
function negative_loglikelihood(Y,X,W)
# number of data items
N = size(X,1)
# accumulate here log-likelihood
ll = 0
for nn=1:N
ll = ll - 0.5*sum((Y[nn,:] - X[nn,:]*W).^2)
return ll
function negative_loglikelihood_grad(Y,X,W, first_index,last_index)
# number of data items
N = size(X,1)
# accumulate here gradient contributions by each data item
grad = zeros(similar(W))
for nn=first_index:last_index
grad = grad + X[nn,:]' * (Y[nn,:] - X[nn,:]*W)
return grad
Note that the above functions are on purpose not vectorised! I choose not to vectorise, as the final code (the neural network case) will also not admit any vectorisation (let us not get into more details regarding this).
Finally, the code-block below shows a very simple gradient descent that tries to recover the parameter weight vector w from the given data Y and X:
# start from random initial solution
W = randn(D,1)
# learning rate, set here to some arbitrary small constant
eta = 0.000001
# the following for-loop implements simple gradient descent
for iter=1:MAXITER
# get gradient
ref_array = Array(RemoteRef, nworkers())
# let each worker process part of matrix X
for index=1:length(workers())
# first index of subset of X that worker should work on
first_index = (index-1)*int(ceil(N/nworkers())) + 1
# last index of subset of X that worker should work on
last_index = min((index)*(int(ceil(N/nworkers()))), N)
ref_array[index] = #spawn negative_loglikelihood_grad(Y,X,W, first_index,last_index)
# gather the gradients calculated on parts of matrix X
grad = zeros(similar(W))
for index=1:length(workers())
grad = grad + fetch(ref_array[index])
# now that we have the gradient we can update parameters W
W = W + eta*grad;
# report progress, monitor optimisation
#printf("Iter %d neg_loglikel=%.4f\n",iter, negative_loglikelihood(Y,X,W))
As is hopefully visible, I tried to parallelise the calculation of the gradient in the easiest possible way here. My strategy is to break the calculation of the gradient in as many parts as available workers. Each worker is required to work only on part of matrix X, which part is specified by first_index and last_index. Hence, each worker should work with X[first_index:last_index,:]. For instance, for 4 workers and N = 10000, the work should be divided as follows:
worker 1 => first_index = 1, last_index = 2500
worker 2 => first_index = 2501, last_index = 5000
worker 3 => first_index = 5001, last_index = 7500
worker 4 => first_index = 7501, last_index = 10000
Unfortunately, this entire code works faster if I have only one worker. If add more workers via addprocs(), the code runs slower. One can aggravate this issue by create more data items, for instance use instead N=20000.
With more data items, the degradation is even more pronounced.
In my particular computing environment with N=20000 and one core, the code runs in ~9 secs. With N=20000 and 4 cores it takes ~18 secs!
I tried many many different things inspired by the questions and answers in this forum but unfortunately to no avail. I realise that the parallelisation is naive and that data movement must be the problem, but I have no idea how to do it properly. It seems that the documentation is also a bit scarce on this issue (as is the nice book by Ivo Balbaert).
I would appreciate your help as I have been stuck for quite some while with this and I really need it for my work. For anyone wanting to run the code, to save you the trouble of copying-pasting you can get the code here.
Thanks for taking the time to read this very lengthy question! Help me turn this into a model answer that anyone new in Julia can then consult!
I would say that GD is not a good candidate for parallelizing it using any of the proposed methods: either SharedArray or DistributedArray, or own implementation of distribution of chunks of data.
The problem does not lay in Julia, but in the GD algorithm.
Consider the code:
Main process:
for iter = 1:iterations #iterations: "the more the better"
δ = _gradient_descent_shared(X, y, θ)
θ = θ - α * (δ/N)
The problem is in the above for-loop which is a must. No matter how good _gradient_descent_shared is, the total number of iterations kills the noble concept of the parallelization.
After reading the question and the above suggestion I've started implementing GD using SharedArray. Please note, I'm not an expert in the field of SharedArrays.
The main process parts (simple implementation without regularization):
run_gradient_descent(X::SharedArray, y::SharedArray, θ::SharedArray, α, iterations) = begin
N = length(y)
for iter = 1:iterations
δ = _gradient_descent_shared(X, y, θ)
θ = θ - α * (δ/N)
_gradient_descent_shared(X::SharedArray, y::SharedArray, θ::SharedArray, op=(+)) = begin
if size(X,1) <= length(procs(X))
return _gradient_descent_serial(X, y, θ)
rrefs = map(p -> (#spawnat p _gradient_descent_serial(X, y, θ)), procs(X))
return mapreduce(r -> fetch(r), op, rrefs)
The code common to all workers:
#= Returns the range of indices of a chunk for every worker on which it can work.
The function splits data examples (N rows into chunks),
not the parts of the particular example (features dimensionality remains intact).=#
#everywhere function _worker_range(S::SharedArray)
idx = indexpids(S)
if idx == 0
return 1:size(S,1), 1:size(S,2)
nchunks = length(procs(S))
splits = [round(Int, s) for s in linspace(0,size(S,1),nchunks+1)]
splits[idx]+1:splits[idx+1], 1:size(S,2)
#Computations on the chunk of the all data.
#everywhere _gradient_descent_serial(X::SharedArray, y::SharedArray, θ::SharedArray) = begin
prange = _worker_range(X)
pX = sdata(X[prange[1], prange[2]])
py = sdata(y[prange[1],:])
tempδ = pX' * (pX * sdata(θ) .- py)
The data loading and training. Let me assume that we have:
features in X::Array of the size (N,D), where N - number of examples, D-dimensionality of the features
labels in y::Array of the size (N,1)
The main code might look like this:
X=[ones(size(X,1)) X] #adding the artificial coordinate
N, D = size(X)
α = 0.01
initialθ = SharedArray(Float64, (D,1))
sX = convert(SharedArray, X)
sy = convert(SharedArray, y)
X = nothing
y = nothing
finalθ = run_gradient_descent(sX, sy, initialθ, α, MAXITER);
After implementing this and run (on 8-cores of my Intell Clore i7) I got a very slight acceleration over serial GD (1-core) on my training multiclass (19 classes) training data (715 sec for serial GD / 665 sec for shared GD).
If my implementation is correct (please check this out - I'm counting on that) then parallelization of the GD algorithm is not worth of that. Definitely you might get better acceleration using stochastic GD on 1-core.
If you want to reduce the amount of data movement, you should strongly consider using SharedArrays. You could preallocate just one output vector, and pass it as an argument to each worker. Each worker sets a chunk of it, just as you suggested.

Best practice for MATLAB for loop index

I was surprised to find the following difference cost between running the MATLAB for loops:
ksize = 100;
klist = 1:ksize;
for m = 1:100000
for k = 1:ksize
for m = 1:100000
for k = klist
The only difference being the way the index list is created. I would have suspected the second version to be faster, but lo!
Elapsed time is 0.055400 seconds.
Elapsed time is 1.695904 seconds.
My question is twofold: what is responsible for the above result, and where else does this nuance (or similar ones) occur in MATLAB programming? I hope to be able to better spot these inefficiencies in the future. Thanks all.
The documentation in for() states:
for index = values
where values has one of the following forms:
valArray: creates a column vector index from subsequent columns of array valArray on each iteration. For example, on the first iteration, index = valArray(:,1). The loop executes for a maximum of n times, where n is the number of columns of valArray, given by numel(valArray, 1, :). The input valArray can be of any MATLAB data type, including a string, cell array, or struct.
Therefore, I assume there is a significant overhead and the compiler does not check whether 1:ksize == klist to exploit the faster implementation. In other words, per Eitan's comment, the JIT applies to the first two types of accepted values.
The whole problem is related to the following indexing task (column vs element):
for m = 1:100000
for k = 1:ksize
for m = 1:100000
for k = 1:ksize
Index column: ~2.9 sec
Index element: ~0.28 sec
You can see how klist(:,k) effectively slows down the faster loop indicating that the issue in for k = klist is related to the column indexing used in this case.
For additional details see this lengthy discussion on (inefficient) indexing.
My answer is speculation (because only Mathworks guys know the implementation of their product), but I think the first k loop is optimized to not create the actual array of indices, but to just scan them one by one, because it explicitely shows how the values are "built". The second k loop cannot be optimized, because the interpreter doesn't know beforehand if the content of the index array will grow uniformly. So, each time the loop starts, it will copy access the original klist and that's why you have the performance penalty.
Later edit: Another performance penalty might be from indexed access int the klist array, compared to creating the index values "on the fly."

How can I randomly iterate through a large Range?

I would like to randomly iterate through a range. Each value will be visited only once and all values will eventually be visited. For example:
class Array
def shuffle
ret = dup
j = length
i = 0
while j > 1
r = i + rand(j)
ret[i], ret[r] = ret[r], ret[i]
i += 1
j -= 1
(0..9).to_a.shuffle.each{|x| f(x)}
where f(x) is some function that operates on each value. A Fisher-Yates shuffle is used to efficiently provide random ordering.
My problem is that shuffle needs to operate on an array, which is not cool because I am working with astronomically large numbers. Ruby will quickly consume a large amount of RAM trying to create a monstrous array. Imagine replacing (0..9) with (0..99**99). This is also why the following code will not work:
tried = {} # store previous attempts
bigint = 99**99
bigint.times {
x = rand(bigint)
redo if tried[x]
tried[x] = true
f(x) # some function
This code is very naive and quickly runs out of memory as tried obtains more entries.
What sort of algorithm can accomplish what I am trying to do?
[Edit1]: Why do I want to do this? I'm trying to exhaust the search space of a hash algorithm for a N-length input string looking for partial collisions. Each number I generate is equivalent to a unique input string, entropy and all. Basically, I'm "counting" using a custom alphabet.
[Edit2]: This means that f(x) in the above examples is a method that generates a hash and compares it to a constant, target hash for partial collisions. I do not need to store the value of x after I call f(x) so memory should remain constant over time.
[Edit3/4/5/6]: Further clarification/fixes.
[Solution]: The following code is based on #bta's solution. For the sake of conciseness, next_prime is not shown. It produces acceptable randomness and only visits each number once. See the actual post for more details.
N = size_of_range
Q = ( 2 * N / (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) ).to_i.next_prime
START = rand(N)
nil until f( x = (x + Q) % N ) == START # assuming f(x) returns x
I just remembered a similar problem from a class I took years ago; that is, iterating (relatively) randomly through a set (completely exhausting it) given extremely tight memory constraints. If I'm remembering this correctly, our solution algorithm was something like this:
Define the range to be from 0 to
some number N
Generate a random starting point x[0] inside N
Generate an iterator Q less than N
Generate successive points x[n] by adding Q to
the previous point and wrapping around if needed. That
is, x[n+1] = (x[n] + Q) % N
Repeat until you generate a new point equal to the starting point.
The trick is to find an iterator that will let you traverse the entire range without generating the same value twice. If I'm remembering correctly, any relatively prime N and Q will work (the closer the number to the bounds of the range the less 'random' the input). In that case, a prime number that is not a factor of N should work. You can also swap bytes/nibbles in the resulting number to change the pattern with which the generated points "jump around" in N.
This algorithm only requires the starting point (x[0]), the current point (x[n]), the iterator value (Q), and the range limit (N) to be stored.
Perhaps someone else remembers this algorithm and can verify if I'm remembering it correctly?
As #Turtle answered, you problem doesn't have a solution. #KandadaBoggu and #bta solution gives you random numbers is some ranges which are or are not random. You get clusters of numbers.
But I don't know why you care about double occurence of the same number. If (0..99**99) is your range, then if you could generate 10^10 random numbers per second (if you have a 3 GHz processor and about 4 cores on which you generate one random number per CPU cycle - which is imposible, and ruby will even slow it down a lot), then it would take about 10^180 years to exhaust all the numbers. You have also probability about 10^-180 that two identical numbers will be generated during a whole year. Our universe has probably about 10^9 years, so if your computer could start calculation when the time began, then you would have probability about 10^-170 that two identical numbers were generated. In the other words - practicaly it is imposible and you don't have to care about it.
Even if you would use Jaguar (top 1 from supercomputers) with only this one task, you still need 10^174 years to get all numbers.
If you don't belive me, try
tried = {} # store previous attempts
bigint = 99**99
bigint.times {
x = rand(bigint)
puts "Oh, no!" if tried[x]
tried[x] = true
I'll buy you a beer if you will even once see "Oh, no!" on your screen during your life time :)
I could be wrong, but I don't think this is doable without storing some state. At the very least, you're going to need some state.
Even if you only use one bit per value (has this value been tried yes or no) then you will need X/8 bytes of memory to store the result (where X is the largest number). Assuming that you have 2GB of free memory, this would leave you with more than 16 million numbers.
Break the range in to manageable batches as shown below:
def range_walker range, batch_size = 100
size = (range.end - range.begin) + 1
n = size/batch_size
n.times do |i|
x = i * batch_size + range.begin
y = x + batch_size
(x...y).sort_by{rand}.each{|z| p z}
d = (range.end - size%batch_size + 1)
(d..range.end).sort_by{rand}.each{|z| p z }
You can further randomize solution by randomly choosing the batch for processing.
PS: This is a good problem for map-reduce. Each batch can be worked by independent nodes.
Map-reduce in Ruby
you can randomly iterate an array with shuffle method
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
=> [5, 2, 8, 7, 3, 1, 6, 4, 9]
You want what's called a "full cycle iterator"...
Here is psudocode for the simplest version which is perfect for most uses...
function fullCycleStep(sample_size, last_value, random_seed = 31337, prime_number = 32452843) {
if last_value = null then last_value = random_seed % sample_size
return (last_value + prime_number) % sample_size
If you call this like so:
sample = 10
For i = 1 to sample
last_value = fullCycleStep(sample, last_value)
print last_value
It would generate random numbers, looping through all 10, never repeating If you change random_seed, which can be anything, or prime_number, which must be greater than, and not be evenly divisible by sample_size, you will get a new random order, but you will still never get a duplicate.
Database systems and other large-scale systems do this by writing the intermediate results of recursive sorts to a temp database file. That way, they can sort massive numbers of records while only keeping limited numbers of records in memory at any one time. This tends to be complicated in practice.
How "random" does your order have to be? If you don't need a specific input distribution, you could try a recursive scheme like this to minimize memory usage:
def gen_random_indices
# Assume your input range is (0..(10**3))
(0..3).sort_by{rand}.each do |a|
(0..3).sort_by{rand}.each do |b|
(0..3).sort_by{rand}.each do |c|
yield "#{a}#{b}#{c}".to_i
gen_random_indices do |idx|
Essentially, you are constructing the index by randomly generating one digit at a time. In the worst-case scenario, this will require enough memory to store 10 * (number of digits). You will encounter every number in the range (0..(10**3)) exactly once, but the order is only pseudo-random. That is, if the first loop sets a=1, then you will encounter all three-digit numbers of the form 1xx before you see the hundreds digit change.
The other downside is the need to manually construct the function to a specified depth. In your (0..(99**99)) case, this would likely be a problem (although I suppose you could write a script to generate the code for you). I'm sure there's probably a way to re-write this in a state-ful, recursive manner, but I can't think of it off the top of my head (ideas, anyone?).
[Edit]: Taking into account #klew and #Turtle's answers, the best I can hope for is batches of random (or close to random) numbers.
This is a recursive implementation of something similar to KandadaBoggu's solution. Basically, the search space (as a range) is partitioned into an array containing N equal-sized ranges. Each range is fed back in a random order as a new search space. This continues until the size of the range hits a lower bound. At this point the range is small enough to be converted into an array, shuffled, and checked.
Even though it is recursive, I haven't blown the stack yet. Instead, it errors out when attempting to partition a search space larger than about 10^19 keys. I has to do with the numbers being too large to convert to a long. It can probably be fixed:
# partition a range into an array of N equal-sized ranges
def partition(range, n)
ranges = []
first = range.first
last = range.last
length = last - first + 1
step = length / n # integer division
((first + step - 1)..last).step(step) { |i|
ranges << (first..i)
first = i + 1
# append any extra onto the last element
ranges[-1] = (ranges[-1].first)..last if last > step * ranges.length
I hope the code comments help shed some light on my original question.
pastebin: full source
Note: PW_LEN under # options can be changed to a lower number in order to get quicker results.
For a prohibitively large space, like
space = -10..1000000000000000000000
You can add this method to Range.
class Range
M127 = 170_141_183_460_469_231_731_687_303_715_884_105_727
def each_random(seed = 0)
return to_enum(__method__) { size } unless block_given?
unless first.kind_of? Integer
raise TypeError, "can't randomly iterate from #{first.class}"
sample_size = self.end - first + 1
sample_size -= 1 if exclude_end?
j = coprime sample_size
v = seed % sample_size
each do
v = (v + j) % sample_size
yield first + v
def gcd(a,b)
b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a % b)
def coprime(a, z = M127)
gcd(a, z) == 1 ? z : coprime(a, z + 1)
You could then
space.each_random { |i| puts i }
With a good amount of randomness so long as your space is a few orders smaller than M127.
Credit to #nick-steele and #bta for the approach.
This isn't really a Ruby-specific answer but I hope it's permitted. Andrew Kensler gives a C++ "permute()" function that does exactly this in his "Correlated Multi-Jittered Sampling" report.
As I understand it, the exact function he provides really only works if your "array" is up to size 2^27, but the general idea could be used for arrays of any size.
I'll do my best to sort of explain it. The first part is you need a hash that is reversible "for any power-of-two sized domain". Consider x = i + 1. No matter what x is, even if your integer overflows, you can determine what i was. More specifically, you can always determine the bottom n-bits of i from the bottom n-bits of x. Addition is a reversible hash operation, as is multiplication by an odd number, as is doing a bitwise xor by a constant. If you know a specific power-of-two domain, you can scramble bits in that domain. E.g. x ^= (x & 0xFF) >> 5) is valid for the 16-bit domain. You can specify that domain with a mask, e.g. mask = 0xFF, and your hash function becomes x = hash(i, mask). Of course you can add a "seed" value into that hash function to get different randomizations. Kensler lays out more valid operations in the paper.
So you have a reversible function x = hash(i, mask, seed). The problem is that if you hash your index, you might end up with a value that is larger than your array size, i.e. your "domain". You can't just modulo this or you'll get collisions.
The reversible hash is the key to using a technique called "cycle walking", introduced in "Ciphers with Arbitrary Finite Domains". Because the hash is reversible (i.e. 1-to-1), you can just repeatedly apply the same hash until your hashed value is smaller than your array! Because you're applying the same hash, and the mapping is one-to-one, whatever value you end up on will map back to exactly one index, so you don't have collisions. So your function could look something like this for 32-bit integers (pseudocode):
fun permute(i, length, seed) {
i = hash(i, 0xFFFF, seed)
while(i >= length): i = hash(i, 0xFFFF, seed)
return i
It could take a lot of hashes to get to your domain, so Kensler does a simple trick: he keeps the hash within the domain of the next power of two, which makes it require very few iterations (~2 on average), by masking out the unnecessary bits. The final algorithm looks like this:
fun next_pow_2(length) {
# This implementation is for clarity.
# See Kensler's paper for one way to do it fast.
p = 1
while (p < length): p *= 2
return p
permute(i, length, seed) {
mask = next_pow_2(length)-1
i = hash(i, mask, seed) & mask
while(i >= length): i = hash(i, mask, seed) & mask
return i
And that's it! Obviously the important thing here is choosing a good hash function, which Kensler provides in the paper but I wanted to break down the explanation. If you want to have different random permutations each time, you can add a "seed" value to the permute function which then gets passed to the hash function.

Performance of swapping two elements in MATLAB

Purely as an experiment, I'm writing sort functions in MATLAB then running these through the MATLAB profiler. The aspect I find most perplexing is to do with swapping elements.
I've found that the "official" way of swapping two elements in a matrix
self.Data([i1, i2]) = self.Data([i2, i1])
runs much slower than doing it in four lines of code:
e1 = self.Data(i1);
e2 = self.Data(i2);
self.Data(i1) = e2;
self.Data(i2) = e1;
The total length of time taken up by the second example is 12 times less than the single line of code in the first example.
Would somebody have an explanation as to why?
Based on suggestions posted, I've run some more tests.
It appears the performance hit comes when the same matrix is referenced in both the LHS and RHS of the assignment.
My theory is that MATLAB uses an internal reference-counting / copy-on-write mechanism, and this is causing the entire matrix to be copied internally when it's referenced on both sides. (This is a guess because I don't know the MATLAB internals).
Here are the results from calling the function 885548 times. (The difference here is times four, not times twelve as I originally posted. Each of the functions have the additional function-wrapping overhead, while in my initial post I just summed up the individual lines).
swap1: 12.547 s
swap2: 14.301 s
swap3: 51.739 s
Here's the code:
methods (Access = public)
function swap(self, i1, i2)
swap1(self, i1, i2);
swap2(self, i1, i2);
swap3(self, i1, i2);
self.SwapCount = self.SwapCount + 1;
methods (Access = private)
% swap1: stores values in temporary doubles
% This has the best performance
function swap1(self, i1, i2)
e1 = self.Data(i1);
e2 = self.Data(i2);
self.Data(i1) = e2;
self.Data(i2) = e1;
% swap2: stores values in a temporary matrix
% Marginally slower than swap1
function swap2(self, i1, i2)
m = self.Data([i1, i2]);
self.Data([i2, i1]) = m;
% swap3: does not use variables for storage.
% This has the worst performance
function swap3(self, i1, i2)
self.Data([i1, i2]) = self.Data([i2, i1]);
In the first (slow) approach, the RHS value is a matrix, so I think MATLAB incurs a performance penalty in creating a new matrix to store the two elements. The second (fast) approach avoids this by working directly with the elements.
Check out the "Techniques for Improving Performance" article on MathWorks for ways to improve your MATLAB code.
you could also do:
tmp = self.Data(i1);
self.Data(i1) = self.Data(i2);
self.Data(i2) = tmp;
Zach is potentially right in that a temporary copy of the matrix may be made to perform the first operation, although I would hazard a guess that there is some internal optimization within MATLAB that attempts to avoid this. It may be a function of the version of MATLAB you are using. I tried both of your cases in version (a couple years old) and only saw a speed difference of about 2-2.5.
It's possible that this may be an example of speed improvement by what's called "loop unrolling". When doing vector operations, at some level within the internal code there is likely a FOR loop which loops over the indices you are swapping. By performing the scalar operations in the second example, you are avoiding any overhead from loops. Note these two (somewhat silly) examples:
vec = [1 2 3 4];
%Example 1:
for i = 1:4,
vec(i) = vec(i)+1;
%Example 2:
vec(1) = vec(1)+1;
vec(2) = vec(2)+1;
vec(3) = vec(3)+1;
vec(4) = vec(4)+1;
Admittedly, it would be much easier to simply use vector operations like:
vec = vec+1;
but the examples above are for the purpose of illustration. When I repeat each example multiple times over and time them, Example 2 is actually somewhat faster than Example 1. For a small loop with a known number (in the example, just 4), it can actually be more efficient to forgo the loop. Of course, in this particular example, the vector operation given above is actually the fastest.
I usually follow this rule: Try a few different things, and pick the fastest for your specific problem.
This post deserves an update, since the JIT compiler is now a thing (since R2015b) and so is timeit (since R2013b) for more reliable function timing.
Below is a short benchmarking function for element swapping within a large array.
I have used the terms "directly swapping" and "using a temporary variable" to describe the two methods in the question respectively.
The results are pretty staggering, the performance of directly swapping 2 elements using is increasingly poor by comparison to using a temporary variable.
function benchie()
% Variables for plotting, loop to increase size of the arrays
M = 15; D = zeros(1,M); W = zeros(1,M);
for n = 1:M;
N = 2^n;
% Create some random array of length N, and random indices to swap
v = rand(N,1);
x = randi([1, N], N, 1);
y = randi([1, N], N, 1);
% Time the functions
D(n) = timeit(#()direct);
W(n) = timeit(#()withtemp);
% Plotting
plot(2.^(1:M), D, 2.^(1:M), W);
legend('direct', 'with temp')
xlabel('number of elements'); ylabel('time (s)')
function direct()
% Direct swapping of two elements
for k = 1:N
v([x(k) y(k)]) = v([y(k) x(k)]);
function withtemp()
% Using an intermediate temporary variable
for k = 1:N
tmp = v(y(k));
v(y(k)) = v(x(k));
v(x(k)) = tmp;
