Best practice for MATLAB for loop index - performance

I was surprised to find the following difference cost between running the MATLAB for loops:
ksize = 100;
klist = 1:ksize;
for m = 1:100000
for k = 1:ksize
for m = 1:100000
for k = klist
The only difference being the way the index list is created. I would have suspected the second version to be faster, but lo!
Elapsed time is 0.055400 seconds.
Elapsed time is 1.695904 seconds.
My question is twofold: what is responsible for the above result, and where else does this nuance (or similar ones) occur in MATLAB programming? I hope to be able to better spot these inefficiencies in the future. Thanks all.

The documentation in for() states:
for index = values
where values has one of the following forms:
valArray: creates a column vector index from subsequent columns of array valArray on each iteration. For example, on the first iteration, index = valArray(:,1). The loop executes for a maximum of n times, where n is the number of columns of valArray, given by numel(valArray, 1, :). The input valArray can be of any MATLAB data type, including a string, cell array, or struct.
Therefore, I assume there is a significant overhead and the compiler does not check whether 1:ksize == klist to exploit the faster implementation. In other words, per Eitan's comment, the JIT applies to the first two types of accepted values.
The whole problem is related to the following indexing task (column vs element):
for m = 1:100000
for k = 1:ksize
for m = 1:100000
for k = 1:ksize
Index column: ~2.9 sec
Index element: ~0.28 sec
You can see how klist(:,k) effectively slows down the faster loop indicating that the issue in for k = klist is related to the column indexing used in this case.
For additional details see this lengthy discussion on (inefficient) indexing.

My answer is speculation (because only Mathworks guys know the implementation of their product), but I think the first k loop is optimized to not create the actual array of indices, but to just scan them one by one, because it explicitely shows how the values are "built". The second k loop cannot be optimized, because the interpreter doesn't know beforehand if the content of the index array will grow uniformly. So, each time the loop starts, it will copy access the original klist and that's why you have the performance penalty.
Later edit: Another performance penalty might be from indexed access int the klist array, compared to creating the index values "on the fly."


Python 2.7: List comprehension with "if-statement" runs very slowly

I am having performance troubles with a script I wrote. It compares two images and calculates statistics. Basic principle is as follows:
I have two data sets (dataX and dataY), both of size 955*707 elements (675185 in total). In both data sets, there are missing values which are marked with "-999". So at first I get a list that marks the position of the missing values:
del_items = []
for i in range(sizeX):
if dataX[i] == -999 or dataY[i] == -999:
This is done within the blink of an eye.
Now I want a subset of dataX and dataY of which those elements are removed that are -999 in either of the data sets (that's why I have the "or" connection above). I do this by list comprehension:
dataX = [x for i,x in enumerate(dataX) if i not in del_items]
dataY = [x for i,x in enumerate(dataY) if i not in del_items]
But this takes an incredible amount of time! I re-wrote the statements above to print out i and it takes about 2 minutes to get 100.000 items, so that would make 30 minutes for the whole image. That's way too long, considering how quick all other loops work in this script for data of the same size.
My assumption is that it takes so long, because it has to check if i is in del_items each and every time, whereas in the first loop it just has to verify if i is of a certain value.
Any ideas how I could speed up this process?
Thank you guys so much!
It's a typical look-up in list problem - it has O(n) complexity. To achieve O(1) complexity, you need to convert your look-up list to set.
del_items = set()
for i in xrange(sizeX):
if dataX[i] == -999 or dataY[i] == -999:
After that, if i not in del_items part of list comprehension will be performed in const time.

A special sample method in Map-Reduce implementation

I have a table with 4*10^8(roughly) records, and I want to get a 4*10^6(exactly) sample of it.
But my way to get the sample is somehow special:
I select 1 record from the 4*10^8 record randomly(every record has the same probability to be select).
repeat step 1 4*10^6 times(no matter if one record be selected multiple times).
I think up a method to solve this:
Generate a table A(num int), and there only one number in every record of table A which is random integer from 1 to n(n is the size of my original table, roughly 4*10^8 as mentioned above).
Load table A as resource file to every map, and if the ordinal number of the record which is on decision now is in table A, output this record, otherwise discard it.
I think my method is not so good because if I want to sample more record from the original table, the table A will became very large and can't be loaded as resource file.
So, could any one please give an elegant algorithm?
I'm not sure what "elegant" means, but perhaps you're interested in something analogous to reservoir sampling. Let k be the size of the sample and initialize a k-element array with nulls. The elements from which we are sampling arrive one by one. When the jth (counting from 1) element arrives, we iterate through the array and, for each cell, replace its contents by the current element independently with probability 1/j.
Naively, the running time is pretty bad -- to sample k elements from n with replacement costs O(k n). The number of writes into the array, however, is O(k log n) in expectation, because later elements in the stream rarely result in writes. Here's an efficient method based on the exponential distribution (warning: lightly tested Python ahead). The running time is O(n + k log n).
import math
import random
def sample_from(population, k):
for i, x in enumerate(population):
if i == 0:
sample = [x] * k
t = float(k) * math.log(1.0 - 1.0 / float(i + 1))
while True:
t -= math.log(1.0 - random.random())
if t >= 0.0:
sample[random.randrange(k)] = x
return sample

How to design a data structure that allows one to search, insert and delete an integer X in O(1) time

Here is an exercise (3-15) in the book "Algorithm Design Manual".
Design a data structure that allows one to search, insert, and delete an integer X in O(1) time (i.e. , constant time, independent of the total number of integers stored). Assume that 1 ≤ X ≤ n and that there are m + n units of space available, where m is the maximum number of integers that can be in the table at any one time. (Hint: use two arrays A[1..n] and B[1..m].) You are not allowed to initialize either A or B, as that would take O(m) or O(n) operations. This means the arrays are full of random garbage to begin with, so you must be very careful.
I am not really seeking for the answer, because I don't even understand what this exercise asks.
From the first sentence:
Design a data structure that allows one to search, insert, and delete an integer X in O(1) time
I can easily design a data structure like that. For example:
Because 1 <= X <= n, so I just have an bit vector of n slots, and let X be the index of the array, when insert, e.g., 5, then a[5] = 1; when delete, e.g., 5, then a[5] = 0; when search, e.g.,5, then I can simply return a[5], right?
I know this exercise is harder than I imagine, but what's the key point of this question?
You are basically implementing a multiset with bounded size, both in number of elements (#elements <= m), and valid range for elements (1 <= elementValue <= n).
Search: --> return True if x inside, else False
Insert: myCollection.insert(x) --> add exactly one x to collection
Delete: myCollection.delete(x) --> remove exactly one x from collection
Consider what happens if you try to store 5 twice, e.g.
That is why you cannot use a bit vector. But it says "units" of space, so the elaboration of your method would be to keep a tally of each element. For example you might have [_,_,_,_,1,_,...] then [_,_,_,_,2,_,...].
Why doesn't this work however? It seems to work just fine for example if you insert 5 then delete 5... but what happens if you do .search(5) on an uninitialized array? You are specifically told you cannot initialize it, so you have no way to tell if the value you'll find in that piece of memory e.g. 24753 actually means "there are 24753 instances of 5" or if it's garbage.
NOTE: You must allow yourself O(1) initialization space, or the problem cannot be solved. (Otherwise a .search() would not be able to distinguish the random garbage in your memory from actual data, because you could always come up with random garbage which looked like actual data.) For example you might consider having a boolean which means "I have begun using my memory" which you initialize to False, and set to True the moment you start writing to your m words of memory.
If you'd like a full solution, you can hover over the grey block to reveal the one I came up with. It's only a few lines of code, but the proofs are a bit longer:
Use N words as a dispatch table: locationOfCounts[i] is an array of size N, with values in the range location=[0,M]. This is the location where the count of i would be stored, but we can only trust this value if we can prove it is not garbage. >!
(sidenote: This is equivalent to an array of pointers, but an array of pointers exposes you being able to look up garbage, so you'd have to code that implementation with pointer-range checks.)
To find out how many is there are in the collection, you can look up the value counts[loc] from above. We use M words as the counts themselves: counts is an array of size N, with two values per element. The first value is the number this represents, and the second value is the count of that number (in the range [1,m]). For example a value of (5,2) would mean that there are 2 instances of the number 5 stored in the collection.
(M words is enough space for all the counts. Proof: We know there can never be more than M elements, therefore the worst-case is we have M counts of value=1. QED)
(We also choose to only keep track of counts >= 1, otherwise we would not have enough memory.)
Use a number called numberOfCountsStored that IS initialized to 0 but is updated whenever the number of item types changes. For example, this number would be 0 for {}, 1 for {5:[1 times]}, 1 for {5:[2 times]}, and 2 for {5:[2 times],6:[4 times]}.
                          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8...
locationOfCounts[<N]: [☠, ☠, ☠, ☠, ☠, 0, 1, ☠, ...]
counts[<M]:           [(5,⨯2), (6,⨯4), ☠, ☠, ☠, ☠, ☠, ☠, ☠, ☠..., ☠]
numberOfCountsStored:          2
Below we flush out the details of each operation and prove why it's correct:
There are two main ideas: 1) we can never allow ourselves to read memory without verifying that is not garbage first, or if we do we must be able to prove that it was garbage, 2) we need to be able to prove in O(1) time that the piece of counter memory has been initialized, with only O(1) space. To go about this, the O(1) space we use is numberOfItemsStored. Each time we do an operation, we will go back to this number to prove that everything was correct (e.g. see ★ below). The representation invariant is that we will always store counts in counts going from left-to-right, so numberOfItemsStored will always be the maximum index of the array that is valid.
.search(e) -- Check locationsOfCounts[e]. We assume for now that the value is properly initialized and can be trusted. We proceed to check counts[loc], but first we check if counts[loc] has been initialized: it's initialized if 0<=loc<numberOfCountsStored (if not, the data is nonsensical so we return False). After checking that, we look up counts[loc] which gives us a number,count pair. If number!=e, we got here by following randomized garbage (nonsensical), so we return False (again as above)... but if indeed number==e, this proves that the count is correct (★proof: numberOfCountsStored is a witness that this particular counts[loc] is valid, and counts[loc].number is a witness that locationOfCounts[number] is valid, and thus our original lookup was not garbage.), so we would return True.
.insert(e) -- Perform the steps in .search(e). If it already exists, we only need to increment the count by 1. However if it doesn't exist, we must tack on a new entry to the right of the counts subarray. First we increment numberOfCountsStored to reflect the fact that this new count is valid: loc = numberOfCountsStored++. Then we tack on the new entry: counts[loc] = (e,⨯1). Finally we add a reference back to it in our dispatch table so we can look it up quickly locationOfCounts[e] = loc.
.delete(e) -- Perform the steps in .search(e). If it doesn't exist, throw an error. If the count is >= 2, all we need to do is decrement the count by 1. Otherwise the count is 1, and the trick here to ensure the whole numberOfCountsStored-counts[...] invariant (i.e. everything remains stored on the left part of counts) is to perform swaps. If deletion would get rid of the last element, we will have lost a counts pair, leaving a hole in our array: [countPair0, countPair1, _hole_, countPair2, countPair{numberOfItemsStored-1}, ☠, ☠, ☠..., ☠]. We swap this hole with the last countPair, decrement numberOfCountsStored to invalidate the hole, and update locationOfCounts[the_count_record_we_swapped.number] so it now points to the new location of the count record.
Here is an idea:
treat the array B[1..m] as a stack, and make a pointer p to point to the top of the stack (let p = 0 to indicate that no elements have been inserted into the data structure). Now, to insert an integer X, use the following procedure:
A[X] = p;
B[p] = X;
Searching should be pretty easy to see here (let X' be the integer you want to search for, then just check that 1 <= A[X'] <= p, and that B[A[X']] == X'). Deleting is trickier, but still constant time. The idea is to search for the element to confirm that it is there, then move something into its spot in B (a good choice is B[p]). Then update A to reflect the pointer value of the replacement element and pop off the top of the stack (e.g. set B[p] = -1 and decrement p).
It's easier to understand the question once you know the answer: an integer is in the set if A[X]<total_integers_stored && B[A[X]]==X.
The question is really asking if you can figure out how to create a data structure that is usable with a minimum of initialization.
I first saw the idea in Cameron's answer in Jon Bentley Programming Pearls.
The idea is pretty simple but it's not straightforward to see why the initial random values that may be on the uninitialized arrays does not matter. This link explains pretty well the insertion and search operations. Deletion is left as an exercise, but is answered by one of the commenters:
if not is-member(i): return
j = dense[n-1];
dense[sparse[i]] = j;
sparse[j] = sparse[i];
n = n - 1

How to write vectorized functions in MATLAB

I am just learning MATLAB and I find it hard to understand the performance factors of loops vs vectorized functions.
In my previous question: Nested for loops extremely slow in MATLAB (preallocated) I realized that using a vectorized function vs. 4 nested loops made a 7x times difference in running time.
In that example instead of looping through all dimensions of a 4 dimensional array and calculating median for each vector, it was much cleaner and faster to just call median(stack, n) where n meant the working dimension of the median function.
But median is just a very easy example and I was just lucky that it had this dimension parameter implemented.
My question is that how do you write a function yourself which works as efficiently as one which has this dimension range implemented?
For example you have a function my_median_1D which only works on a 1-D vector and returns a number.
How do you write a function my_median_nD which acts like MATLAB's median, by taking an n-dimensional array and a "working dimension" parameter?
I found the code for calculating median in higher dimensions
% In all other cases, use linear indexing to determine exact location
% of medians. Use linear indices to extract medians, then reshape at
% end to appropriate size.
cumSize = cumprod(s);
total = cumSize(end); % Equivalent to NUMEL(x)
numMedians = total / nCompare;
numConseq = cumSize(dim - 1); % Number of consecutive indices
increment = cumSize(dim); % Gap between runs of indices
ixMedians = 1;
y = repmat(x(1),numMedians,1); % Preallocate appropriate type
% Nested FOR loop tracks down medians by their indices.
for seqIndex = 1:increment:total
for consIndex = half*numConseq:(half+1)*numConseq-1
absIndex = seqIndex + consIndex;
y(ixMedians) = x(absIndex);
ixMedians = ixMedians + 1;
% Average in second value if n is even
if 2*half == nCompare
ixMedians = 1;
for seqIndex = 1:increment:total
for consIndex = (half-1)*numConseq:half*numConseq-1
absIndex = seqIndex + consIndex;
y(ixMedians) = meanof(x(absIndex),y(ixMedians));
ixMedians = ixMedians + 1;
% Check last indices for NaN
ixMedians = 1;
for seqIndex = 1:increment:total
for consIndex = (nCompare-1)*numConseq:nCompare*numConseq-1
absIndex = seqIndex + consIndex;
if isnan(x(absIndex))
y(ixMedians) = NaN;
ixMedians = ixMedians + 1;
Could you explain to me that why is this code so effective compared to the simple nested loops? It has nested loops just like the other function.
I don't understand how could it be 7x times faster and also, that why is it so complicated.
Update 2
I realized that using median was not a good example as it is a complicated function itself requiring sorting of the array or other neat tricks. I re-did the tests with mean instead and the results are even more crazy:
19 seconds vs 0.12 seconds.
It means that the built in way for sum is 160 times faster than the nested loops.
It is really hard for me to understand how can an industry leading language have such an extreme performance difference based on the programming style, but I see the points mentioned in the answers below.
Update 2 (to address your updated question)
MATLAB is optimized to work well with arrays. Once you get used to it, it is actually really nice to just have to type one line and have MATLAB do the full 4D looping stuff itself without having to worry about it. MATLAB is often used for prototyping / one-off calculations, so it makes sense to save time for the person coding, and giving up some of C[++|#]'s flexibility.
This is why MATLAB internally does some loops really well - often by coding them as a compiled function.
The code snippet you give doesn't really contain the relevant line of code which does the main work, namely
% Sort along given dimension
x = sort(x,dim);
In other words, the code you show only needs to access the median values by their correct index in the now-sorted multi-dimensional array x (which doesn't take much time). The actual work accessing all array elements was done by sort, which is a built-in (i.e. compiled and highly optimized) function.
Original answer (about how to built your own fast functions working on arrays)
There are actually quite a few built-ins that take a dimension parameter: min(stack, [], n), max(stack, [], n), mean(stack, n), std(stack, [], n), median(stack,n), sum(stack, n)... together with the fact that other built-in functions like exp(), sin() automatically work on each element of your whole array (i.e. sin(stack) automatically does four nested loops for you if stack is 4D), you can built up a lot of functions that you might need just be relying on the existing built-ins.
If this is not enough for a particular case you should have a look at repmat, bsxfun, arrayfun and accumarray which are very powerful functions for doing things "the MATLAB way". Just search on SO for questions (or rather answers) using one of these, I learned a lot about MATLABs strong points that way.
As an example, say you wanted to implement the p-norm of stack along dimension n, you could write
function result=pnorm(stack, p, n)
... where you effectively reuse the "which-dimension-capability" of sum.
As Max points out in the comments, also have a look at the colon operator (:) which is a very powerful tool for selecting elements from an array (or even changing it shape, which is more generally done with reshape).
In general, have a look at the section Array Operations in the help - it contains repmat et al. mentioned above, but also cumsum and some more obscure helper functions which you should use as building blocks.
In addition to whats already been said, you should also understand that vectorization involves parallelization, i.e. performing concurrent operations on data as opposed to sequential execution (think SIMD instructions), and even taking advantage of threads and multiprocessors in some cases...
Now although the "interpreted vs. compiled" point has already been argued, no one mentioned that you can extend MATLAB by writing MEX-files, which are compiled executables written in C, that can be called directly as normal function from inside MATLAB. This allows you to implement performance-critical parts using a lower-level language like C.
Column-major order
Finally, when trying to optimize some code, always remember that MATLAB stores matrices in column-major order. Accessing elements in that order can yield significant improvements compared to other arbitrary orders.
For example, in your previous linked question, you were computing the median of set of stacked images along some dimension. Now the order in which those dimensions are ordered greatly affect the performance. Illustration:
%# sequence of 10 images
fPath = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','images','imdemos');
files = dir( fullfile(fPath,'AT3_1m4_*.tif') );
files = strcat(fPath,{filesep},{}'); %'
I = imread( files{1} );
%# stacked images along the 1st dimension: [numImages H W RGB]
stack1 = zeros([numel(files) size(I) 3], class(I));
for i=1:numel(files)
I = imread( files{i} );
stack1(i,:,:,:) = repmat(I, [1 1 3]); %# grayscale to RGB
%# stacked images along the 4th dimension: [H W RGB numImages]
stack4 = permute(stack1, [2 3 4 1]);
%# compute median image from each of these two stacks
tic, m1 = squeeze( median(stack1,1) ); toc
tic, m4 = median(stack4,4); toc
The timing difference was huge:
Elapsed time is 0.257551 seconds. %# stack1
Elapsed time is 17.405075 seconds. %# stack4
Could you explain to me that why is this code so effective compared to the simple nested loops? It has nested loops just like the other function.
The problem with nested loops is not the nested loops themselves. It's the operations you perform inside.
Each function call (especially to a non-built-in function) generates a little bit of overhead; more so if the function performs e.g. error checking that takes the same amount of time regardless of input size. Thus, if a function has only a 1 ms overhead, if you call it 1000 times, you will have wasted a second. If you can call it once to perform a vectorized calculation, you pay overhead only once.
Furthermore, the JIT compiler (pdf) can help vectorize simple for-loops, where you, for example, only perform basic arithmetic operations. Thus, the loops with simple calculations in your post are sped up by a lot, while the loops calling median are not.
In this case
M = median(A,dim) returns the median values for elements along the dimension of A specified by scalar dim
But with a general function you can try splitting your array with mat2cell (which can work with n-D arrays and not just matrices) and applying your my_median_1D function through cellfun. Below I will use median as an example to show that you get equivalent results, but instead you can pass it any function defined in an m-file, or an anonymous function defined with the #(args) notation.
>> testarr = [[1 2 3]' [4 5 6]']
testarr =
1 4
2 5
3 6
>> median(testarr,2)
ans =
>> shape = size(testarr)
shape =
3 2
>> cellfun(#median,mat2cell(testarr,repmat(1,1,shape(1)),[shape(2)]))
ans =

Fast MATLAB method to change column order with sortrows

I have data (numeric M x N, n > 2) that arrives sorted by the first column and then by the second.
Does anyone know of an efficient algorithm that converts the data to being sorted by the second column and then the first? Obviously, sortrows(data,[2,1]) does the trick but I am looking for something that exploits the existing structure of the input data for greater speed as M is very large.
Additionally, the data in the first two columns is a known set of integers (each much smaller than M).
Based on the help documentation for MATLAB R2010b, the function SORTROWS uses a stable version of quicksort. Since stable sorting algorithms "maintain the relative order of records with equal keys", you can achieve what you want by simply resorting the already sorted data with respect to the second column:
data = sortrows(data,2);
This result will maintain the relative order of elements in the first column, such that the data will be sorted first by the second column and then by the first column.
Since the data in the first column is already sorted, you don't need to sort on it again. It will be slightly faster if you do:
>> d = rand(10000,2); d = round(d*100); d = sortrows(d,1);
>> tic; a1 = sortrows(d, 2); toc;
Elapsed time is 0.006805 seconds.
>> tic; a2 = sortrows(d, [2 1]); toc;
Elapsed time is 0.010207 seconds.
>> isequal(a1, a2)
ans =
I kept banging away at this, but couldn't get it faster than the sortrows method. This exploits the fact that each pair of keys is unique, which I didn't mention above.
% This gives us unique rows of integers between one and 10000, sorted first
% by column 1 then 2.
x = unique(uint32(ceil(10000*rand(1e6,2))),'rows');
idx = zeros(size(x,1),1);
% Work out where each group of the second keys will start in the sorted output.
StartingPoints = cumsum([1;accumarray(x(:,2),1)]);
% Work out where each group of the first keys is in the input.
Ends = find([~all(diff(x(:,1),1,1)==0,2);true(1,1)]);
Starts = [1;Ends(1:(end-1))+1];
% Build the index.
for i = 1:size(Starts)
temp = x(Starts(i):Ends(i),2);
idx(StartingPoints(temp)) = Starts(i):Ends(i);
StartingPoints(temp) = StartingPoints(temp) + 1;
% Apply the index.
y = x(idx,:);
z = sortrows(x,2);
Gives 0.21 seconds for my algorithm and 0.18 for the second (stable across different random seeds).
If anyone sees any further speed up (other than mex) please feel free to add.
