Command Line to retreive CyberPanel/Snappymail admin dashboard password on Ubuntu Virtual Machine - ubuntu-20.04

I recently purchased a VPS with amazon lightsail and I installed cyberpanel. As I am setting up my websites and email server I realized that I was not able to send out emails but can receive them just fine. I later found out that amazon blocks the ports on EC2 instances. So in order to use a work around I have to attach my SMTP server from AWS SES into the SMTP settings in the admin dashboard of the SnappyMail webmail dashboard. But In order to log in as admin to access it I need a password that I dont have. Since I installed cyberpanel on this Ubuntu 20.04 instance I was hoping that it would be a command line that I can type in to see what the current password is or maybe even reset or change it. Please help me
I tried to look it up on youtube but I kept getting videos that referred to rainloop. And all though it looks the same they are different softwares and I cant access it the way that I was shown in the 2 videos that I found

Run nano /usr/local/lscp/cyberpanel/rainloop/data/_data_/_default_/admin_password.txt
you will find the Password of snappymail
then (Ctrl+X) to exit NANO edit


I want a support company to do remote administration using SSH on our AWS EC2 instance (RHEL) using 2 factor authentication. How do i achieve this?

The supplier is based at different site and needs to connect over the internet. So the connection needs to be secure.
We have a Web app firewall (WAF) i know we need to open port 22.
I have looked at AWS workspace however this is for windows.
What is the best way to connect to a Red hat linux box.
The endpoint used by the supplier is their own and not issued by my company.
Using Google's PAM, you should be able to invoke 2-factor authentication for ssh.
Following blog gives a nice step by step explanation on how to install and configure Google's PAM on linux machine.

How can I reset HipChat Server Guest Console password?

We had an employee setup in our HipChat Self Hosted Server and we did not have the Guest Console admin password.
We tried the default and that did not work. We have scoured Google and have yet to find any documentation Atlassian or anywhere else.
What do you mean by the guest console?
If you're talking about the server administrator's password, you can reset that by SSHing into the server, and then run the following command:
hipchat service --reset-owner=EMAIL
If you're talking about access to the admin console itself, you could get access by injecting your public SSH key into /home/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys. On AWS this can be done via a user-data script, or by detaching the EBS volume, updating the SSH key, and attaching it to the instance again. On VSphere this can be done through the vifs command.

Configuring FTP on Ubuntu 12.04 Amazon EC2 that works with Interarchy

I've read through every forum post about configuring my ftp correctly. I'll go through my steps below. Please let me know where I'm going wrong!
Get vsftpd (sudo apt-get install vsftpd)
modify vsftpd.conf to enable listening, writing, local user. Disable anonymous user.
Add ports in vsftpd.conf (I did 1028-1048 as per another post I read)
Assign passive IP address using elastic IP.
In AWS portal, add security inbound ports for 20-21 and 1028-1048.
Make a new user profile and give it a password.
Restart vsftpd.
Then I try and login using interarchy, and it still doesn't work. I'm losing my mind over this. Please help.

how to use ftp on amazon aws

Today is my second day of trying to use amazon and i have started to pull my hairs. I want to set up ftp with amazon. I have signed up with them and and created an instance with amazon EC2. I have downloaded the key and I am able to login with ssh using the through Terminal in my mac. I can create files in the instance through terminal.
The instance is something like following:
Public DNS:
I have created a index.html file at this location via terminal. But I am not able to view it in the browser using following url:
I just want to create web services here which I will be using in iPhone.
Also I am not sure how to go forward. How will I get to my local files and upload them to server. In other ftps I could do it using lcd, get, put etc but these commands are not working here. can some one please help me how should I go ahead because at this moment I am just banging my head to wall. Someone please help me.
Use scp to copy files over ssh:
scp -i key-pair-file file-to-upload ec2-user#instance-public-DNS:
Notice the colon at the end!
With plain EC2 instances, you also need to install some sort of Web server software to power your Web service, and open the HTTP port in the firewall.
Just in case you plan to write your Web service in Java, I have put together a series of articles (Part I, Part II, Part III) guiding through the basics of installing Apache Tomcat on an Amazon Linux EC2 instance.
EDIT 2014/11/20
Dmitry Leskov is actually the better one. You should use his approach.
Answer from 2012
You first have to setup a LAMP (Linux, Apache, mySQL, PHP) stack on your EC2 instance to run any kind of web service.
This means you have to go trough the following steps:
Create an EC2 instance
Setup EBS Storage for mySQL data
Install mySQL
Configure mySQL
Install Apache
Configure Apache
Install PHP
Configure PHP
If you need a detailed instruction, I'd recommend you to take a look at this: Building EC2 with LAMP.
To transfer files to your EC2 instance you can use any FTP client, which supports SFTP and key pairs (you can also enable PasswordAuthentication for SSH to login with credentials). I'm using Transmit with no problems.
On a related note, I encountered a strange problem where I could not FTP from a PHP script running under apache - but I could if I ran the PHP script as root from the command line. After a day of googling, I found this, which solved the problem.
Disable SELinux. (Security Enhanced Linux)
The temporary solution is:
echo 0 >/selinux/enforce
..which will prove the concept, but will not survive a reboot. There are plenty of resources out there that describe how to permanently disable SELinux.

Permission denied issues with Amazon EC2 and S3 hosting

I hired a freelancer to develop a PHP CI application hosted on Amazon EC2, and the app doesn't work. I am using Wowza with EC2 and S3. I have been seeing permission denied problems. I have Ubuntu and I'm trying to install a LAMP server and run public DNS on the instance. I have set up SSH as well.
I found the elastic IP of the instance we are running and used GoDaddy domain manager. I thought that simply pointing the domain to the instance would work. Do I have to change the nameservers on GoDaddy's side as well? Where would I find the right ones?
I have very little server-side understanding. I'm sure the solution is just a simple change, something like one line of code, a different user name or a different ID number. What do I need to do?
you should point your domain to your elastic ip of your EC2 instance. This should be done from where you host your DNS server. If you don't have one, you can change the settings inside the godaddy account to point to your DNS service.
