protoc / Same message name in two .proto files causes an error - protocol-buffers

I have two .proto files (a.proto and b.proto) having the same contents in them:
syntax = "proto3";
message env {
string broker = 1;
When I execute the compiler (I want to generate Java source files) and specify both files on the command line
protoc.exe --java_out=. a.proto b.proto
I get error messages:
b.proto:4:10: "" is already defined in file "a.proto".
b.proto:3:9: "env" is already defined in file "a.proto".
I'd expect the compiler to generate two Java classes (A and B), each having a nested class Env. This is how I understand the docs. But this does not happen.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for any hints.

b.proto:4:10: "" is already defined in file "a.proto".
b.proto:3:9: "env" is already defined in file "a.proto".
Most protobuf libraries put all messages with same package name into same namespace. The Java library is special in generating the outer class, which is needed because Java does not allow multiple top-level classes per file.
Protoc is doing you a service checking the rule here. If you went ahead and used the same message name in multiple files without specifying a package, you would make it very difficult for other people to use your .proto files with different programming languages.


VSCode look for Go packages in different directory

I successfully used rules_go to build a gRPC service:
name = "processor_go_proto",
compilers = ["#io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"],
importpath = "/path/to/proto/package",
proto = ":processor_proto",
deps = ["//services/shared/proto/common:common_go_proto"],
However, I'm not sure how to import the resulting file in VSCode. The generated file is nested under bazel_bin and under the original proto file path; so to import this, it seems like I would need to write out the entire path (including the bazel_bin part) to the generated Go file. To my understanding, there doesn't seem to be a way to instruct VSCode to look under certain folders that only contain Go packages/files; everything seems to need a go.mod file. This makes it quite difficult to develop in.
For clarity, my directory structure looks something like this:
- path
- to
- generated_Go_file.go
- path
- to
- gRPC_proto.proto
main.go should use the generated_Go_file.go.
Is there a way around this?
I don't use Bazel and so cannot help with the Bazel configuration. It's likely there is a way to specify the generated code location so that you can revise this to reflect you preference.
The outline you provide of the generated code, is workable though and a common pattern. Often the generated proto|gRPC code is placed in a module's gen subdirectory.
This is somewhat similar to vendoring where your code incorporates what may often be a 3rd-party's stubs (client|server) into your code. The stubs must reflect the proto(s) package(s) and, when these are 3rd-party, using gen or bazel-bin provide a way to keep potentially multiple namespaces discrete.
You're correct that the import for main.go, could (!) be prefixed with the module name from go.mod (first line) followed by the folder path to the generated code. This is standard go packaging and treats the generated code in a similar way to vendored modules.
Another approach is to use|place the generated code in a different module.
For code generated from 3rd-party protos, this may be preferable and the generated code may be provided by the 3rd-party in a module that you can go get or add to your go.mod.
An example of this approach is Google Well-Known Types. The proto (sources) are bundled with protoc (lib directory) and, when protoc compiles sources that references any of these, the Go code that is generated includes imports that reference a Google-hosted location of the generated code (!) for these types (
Alternatively, you can replicate this behavior without having to use an external repo. The bazel-bin folder must be outside of the current module. Each distinct module in bazel-bin, would need its own go.mod file. You would include in a require block in your code's go.mod file references to the modules' (one or more) locations. You don't need to publish the module to a external repo but can simply require ( name => path/to/module ) to provide a local reference.

protobuf with grpc for Go in split packages

I'm trying to make my Go project using hexagonal architecture as described here.
In my project I'm using a gRPC communication generated with protoc from .proto file.
The directories structure:
|- grpc.proto
|- grpcprotocol
And my grpc.proto file has go_package option that points to a specific directory in my Go project
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
Using protoc --go_out=internal/core/domain --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=internal/core/services/grpcprotocol --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative ports.proto I'm able to generate both grpc.pb.go file in internal/core/domain directory and grpc_grpc.pb.go file inside internal/core/services/grpcprotocol directory.
However, grpc.pb.go has a go package named grpcprotocol while it should have a package named domain (I also use other types defined there in separate Go files).
Also grpc_grpc.pb.go file has code that uses types defined in grpc.pb.go without imports (it treats it as if it was defined in the same package).
Is it possible to split those two files into separate Go packages and enforce code that's in grpc_grpc.pb.go to import types from domain directory instead of treating them as defined in the same package?
Your best solution here is too separate the code that you want in grpcprotocol and the one you want into domain, into separate files. Such as:
syntax = "proto3";
package domain;
option go_package = "";
syntax = "proto3";
package grpcprotocol;
option go_package = "";
Then you could import your domain.proto in your grpc.proto, by simply writing import "domain.proto";, provide a --proto_path if domain.proto and grpc.proto are not in the same directory. And finally to reference an object from domain.proto in grpc.proto you can write:
After that you can take advantage of the --go_opt=module and --go-grpc_opt=module, to strip the module name in go_package and generate the code at the right place. Like:
protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. *.proto
What this will do is that, it will remove from each go_package and basically start from the root of your module. That's why you can do a --go_out=. and --go-grpc_out=..
Hope that helps, let me know how I can further improve my answer.
Protobuf package and go_package are not the same. The former is only used for protobuf in order to give context and it extends the qualified name. The go_package is used during go code generation.
The package in the proto file is optional, it makes things more clear and nobody can misuse you proto file without specifying the fully qualified name (little bit safer, if named properly).

Scons: how to specify file dependency for 3rd party compile result?

It seem to me that scons targets are being generated not in declaration sequence. My problem is, I need to generate some code first, I'm using protoc to process a my.proto file into .h and .cc file, I need some pseudo code like this(what should the working code look like?)
import os
env.ShellExecute('protoc', '--outdir=. --out-lang=cpp', 'my.proto')//produces
myObj=Object('')//should wait until '' is generated by protoc
Dependency(myObj, '')
My question is:
How to specify this ShellExecution of protoc in SConstruct/SConscript?
How to make sure that the compilation of 'main.cpp' depends on the existence of '', in another word, wait until '' is generated and then execute?
Your observations and assumptions are correct, SCons will not execute the single build commands in the order that you list them in the SConstruct files. It will run them based on the dependencies of the targets and source files in your build, either defined implicitly (header includes in C++, for example) or explicitly (via the Depends() method).
So you have to define and setup your dependencies correctly, such that SCons delivers the output that you want. For the special protoc case in your example, a special Builder exists that will help you to get the dependency graph right. It is available in our ToolsIndex, where also support for a variety of other languages and dialects can be found.
These special builders will emit the correct target nodes, e.g. when given a *.proto input file, and SCons is then able to automatically detect the dependency between the protoc input file and your main program if you say something like:
env.Protoc([], "test.proto")
env.Program('main', ['main.cpp'] + Glob('*.cc'))
The Glob('*.cc') will detect your *.cc files, coming out of the protoc Tool, and include them as dependencies for your final target main.
You can always write your own Builders and Emitters in SCons, which is the canonical way of making new tools/toolchains known to SCons dependency analysis. In the UserGuide, sect. "18 Writing Your Own Builders", and especially our ToolsForFools Guide you can find more infos about this.

Protobuf generated c++ files are faulty when using imports in .proto

When I generate c++ output files using protoc with only one "main" proto file without any imports, similar to the protobuf examples everything is generated fine and works when using it in my project.
But when I work with any form of imports, c++ output code is faulty. I compile my .proto with:
protoc --cpp_out=../grpc --grpc_out=../grpc --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=/usr/local/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin sample.proto
This is my sample code that works:
syntax = "proto3";
service SampleService
rpc Login(LoginRequest) returns (LoginResponse) {};
message LoginRequest {}
message LoginResponse {}
When I try to outsource a single message, protoc still compiles without errors but is generating faulty cc and h files.
E.g. adding
import "messages.proto
with content
syntax = "proto3";
message LoginRequest
My c++ code wont compile anymore and contains faulty stuff.
My sample.pb.h contains and unresolved inclusion
#include "messages.pb.h
And my contains two unresolved functions
It seems I have to compile each .proto I already import too. But then I'm confused.
I want to have a "main" .proto which includes a service.proto and a messages.proto which contains imports to all my messages, which are also .proto-files . From time to time I want to create new messages so I can include them easily instead of one big unreadable file.
How do i do this? I don't want to have 200 output cc/h files for my little project. How is that intended?
My folder structure:
--main.proto (imports service.proto and messages.proto)
--service.proto (imports messages.proto)
--messages.proto (imports /messages/*
I wrote myself a workarround until there is a better solution against that file cluttering. I edited my .proto files and removed every description then the messages itself (imports, syntax, package...) use "cat" to concatenate each .proto file into one single file and compile this with protoc as posted above.
Not nice but I dont want 50-100 cc/h files later in my project. There have to be a better resolution.

Golang: "package ast_test" underscore test

Source file from Golang's stdlib
File's base directory: ast
Package specified in the file: ast_test ???
Package specified in all other files inside the same directory: ast
src contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per directory) ...
By convention, packages are given lower case, single-word names; there should be no need for underscores or mixedCaps
... Another convention is that the package name is the base name of its source directory
How is it possible to have multiple packages (here 2) in one folder?
You find another example in src/pkg/go/ast/commentmap_test.go, with the comment:
// To avoid a cyclic dependency with go/parser, this file is in a separate package.
I suppose it allows for an othogonal command like:
go test
That will test parser features while avoiding for that test to be part of the same parser features (since it has been put in a separate package)
From go command man page:
Test files that declare a package with the suffix "_test" will be compiled as a separate package, and then linked and run with the main test binary.
This thread asked the question:
Now that the go tool requires each directory to be one package and doesn't allow to have files with different package names inside the same folder, how is the package keyword useful? It seems like a unnecessary repetition.
Is it required by the compiler or is there any plan to remove it?
The answers hinted at the fact that you can have more than one package in a folder:
The package declaration declares the name of the package.
The language Go doesn't know what a file or a directory is and the import path itself doesn't effect the actual name of the package that is being imported. So the only way the compiler knows what to call the package is the package declaration.
The language doesn't require separate packages to be in separate directories; it is a requirement of the go tool.
Another hypothetical implementation may not have this requirement.
Even this go tool requirement can be bypassed thanks to the "// +build" build tags.
For example, read misc/cgo/gmp or misc/cgo/stdio (some files include // +build ignore)
