Unable to create table in database getting warning - spring-boot

Getting Wrnings but unable to create tables in data base.
while executing spring boot program I am getting this.
HHH90000021: Encountered deprecated setting [javax.persistence.sharedCache.mode], use [jakarta.persistence.sharedCache.mode] instead
HHH90000026: MySQL57Dialect has been deprecated; use org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect instead


Springboot 2.7.2 with Hibernate 5.6 Error ORA 32575 during INSERT

Using Springboot 2.7.2 and Hibernate 5.6 with Oracle 12.2 to write a web application. I use the repository model to do an insert and test with mockmvc. With SQL Debug turned on I get an error ORA 32575 at the point where it executes the insert statement. In the debug log it has INSERT INTO TABLE (COL1, COL2, ID) VALUES ('X','Y',DEFAULT). The Oracle error 32575 follows this. The ID field in question is part of a Hibernate pojo and is a primary key and uses GenerationType.SEQUENCE. It is an Entity that points to a Table.
The DataSource is "thin" driver using the ojdbc8.jar. The Datasource is set up using a #Configuration" annotation in the application during Tomcat startup. If you take all of this by itself I dont get the error above.
However, I have a requirement to connect to each database user through a PROXY USER account because we use Oracle Label Security. It looks something like GRANT CONNECT TO userX THROUGH proxyuser. Using the database driver it would be something like
Properties proxyProps = new Properties()
proxyProps.set(Connection.PROXY_USER_NAME, user)
This is being done inside of an application class called ProxyDelegatingDatasourceThin which extends DelegatingDataSource which is a Spring class that I believe gets called when a new connection attempt is made.
Again, queries work fine, updates seem to work, its only the INSERTS. The ID column itself is set to NUMBER and is flagged as a Primary Key. It is not set as any kind of an IDENTITY column.
The error seems to want the ID column to be omitted from the INSERT Statement all together but Hibernate or Spring is generating it with the DEFAULT in the VALUES that is associated to ID.
Im hoping someone can help. Spent days on this.
Set the #ID column to be nullable, insertable, updatable all set to false
Tried using merge and persist from the entity manager (EntityManager) instead of using the Spring Repository save() method.
The implicit caching property is set to true
The error seems to want the ID column to be omitted from the INSERT Statement all together but Hibernate or Spring is generating it with the DEFAULT in the VALUES that is associated to ID.
Adding more info...
When I remove the code above which opens the proxy session, I don't get the error. I also printed some info from the database context while using the proxy session and the PROXY USER is to the PROXY ACCOUNT and the SESSION user is to the user that is connecting through the PROXY ACCOUNT.
Whether I use the Oracle Thin Driver or UCP I get the same result.

Error getting H2 with r2dbc running in Spring boot

for days now I've been trying to get a simple H2 / R2dbc database running in Spring boot with WebFlux. The app starts up just fine but when I call the /todos endpoint to get all the objects in the database I get the following error:
reactor.core.Exceptions$ErrorCallbackNotImplemented: org.springframework.data.r2dbc.BadSqlGrammarException: executeMany; bad SQL grammar [SELECT TODO.* FROM TODO]; nested exception is io.r2dbc.spi.R2dbcBadGrammarException: [42102] [42S02] Table "TODO" not found; SQL statement:
My understanding is that if I add a schema.sql file on the class path with a create table command it will use that to create the table on startup, but it does not look like that is working. Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated, what would like to get to is a working mysql/r2dbc example, if someone could point me to one.
All the code is located at: https://gitlab.com/vanfleet/test-r2dbc-h2
It is query issue. Run same query in editor.

JDBC DatabaseMetaData method not implemented by JDBC(T4SQLMX) driver

I am setting up a Spring-boot application to connect to HP NonStop Tandem's SQL/MX. First I achieved this connection by hard-coding the jdbc parameters like dataSource, URL, etc in the service section of the application and it worked (I was able to access tables by executing query).
Now I am trying to remove the hard coded part and have my database related info in application.properties file, but now I am getting the following error
org.springframework.jdbc.support.MetaDataAccessException: JDBC DatabaseMetaData method not implemented by JDBC driver - upgrade your driver; nested exception is java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/tandem/t4jdbc/SQLMXConnection.isValid(I)Z is abstract
Can someone help me understand the root cause? The same driver jar is being used when hard-coding the datasource details and it worked but not working when having the data source properties in application.properties and needs an upgrade to the jar.
I encountered the same exception when using Spring Data JPA in a Spring Boot application, the JTDS driver and the Hikari connection pool. In my case I discovered that the following fixed the problem:
Examining the class com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase, the following can be observed:
this.isUseJdbc4Validation = config.getConnectionTestQuery() == null;
Thus JDBC 4 validation will not be attempted if there is a connection test query configured. In a Spring Boot application, this can be accomplished like this:
spring.datasource.hikari.connection-test-query=select 1;
Regretfully I do not have any experience with the T4SQLMX driver but nevertheless hope this can be of some use.
I recently fought through the same issue, for me I was using a JDBC type 3 driver; but my spring implementation only supported a type 4 driver, thus when the method you linked above was attempted to be called, it caused the error.
I suggest you look for a type 4 driver for your particular database and see if that resolves your issue.

How to see the schema sql (DDL) in spring boot?

How can I see the DDL SQL generated by Hibernate for building the schema from the JPA mappings? I am using the embedded HSQL db.
I tried the following and none of them worked in Spring-Boot 1.3.5.RELEASE.
Adding the following to application.properties file
Set org.hibernate.SQL level to debug in logback.xml
Steps listed at http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/howto-database-initialization.html
Those only show me the sql issued by Hibernate for queries. I am looking for the DDL schema sql issued by Hibernate due the following property:
Try with this property and value:
Do not forget to also set this property:
From the JPA 2.1 Specifiation, page 370:
The javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action property specifies
which scripts are to be generated by the persistence provider. The
values for this property are none, create, drop-and-create, drop. A
script will only be generated if the script target is specified. If
this property is not specified, it is assumed that script generation
is not needed or will
In Spring Boot you can define those two properties in your application.properties file:
Here is a blog post about JPA schema generation with further information about these and other properties:

datanucleus + jpa + oracle. Strange error with tables not existing

I have a strange issue when I try to use Datanucleus to access an Oracle database.
In short, what happens is this :
I run my application; when datanucleus initializes, it complains that it cannot find the tables (although they are in there).
I stop the application, I drop the tables, I add the
datanucleus.autoCreateSchema = true
...property in persistence.xml, and everything works - tables are created and then the select works.
I stop the application again, and then I try to start it with the above parameter disabled.
The error comes back although it was Datanucleus who created the tables in the first place, and now it complains it can't find them.
also please note that the same setup works with a postgresql database behind, without issues.
Can somebody please help ?
A few details about my setup :
I'm using Oracle thin driver.
My entity classes are annotated like this :
#Table(name = "tablename1", schema = "schema2000")
Please note that everything works OK if I remove the schema=... from annotation
Error message is :
16:05:40,216 DEBUG [DataNucleus.Connection] - Setting autocommit=false to connection: com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyConnection#1dff2e1b
16:05:40,216 DEBUG [DataNucleus.Connection] - Connection "com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyConnection#1dff2e1b" opened with isolation level "read-committed"
16:05:40,904 DEBUG [DataNucleus.Datastore.Schema] - Check of existence of schema2000.tablename1 returned table type of null
16:05:40,905 DEBUG [DataNucleus.Datastore.Schema] - An error occurred while auto-creating schema elements - rolling back
16:05:41,109 DEBUG [DataNucleus.Connection] - Connection "com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyConnection#1dff2e1b" non enlisted to a transaction is being committed.
16:05:41,110 DEBUG [DataNucleus.Connection] - Connection "com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyConnection#1dff2e1b" closed
javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Required table missing : "schema2000.tablename1" in Catalog "" Schema "schema2000". DataNucleus requires this table to perform its persistence operations. Either your MetaData is incorrect, or you need to enable "datanucleus.autoCreateTables"
at org.datanucleus.api.jpa.NucleusJPAHelper.getJPAExceptionForNucleusException(NucleusJPAHelper.java:274)
at org.datanucleus.api.jpa.JPAEntityManager.merge(JPAEntityManager.java:519)
Suggest you look closer at case-sensitivity of your identifiers. DataNucleus logs what the JDBC driver allows with a line like
Supported Identifier Cases : "MixedCase" UPPERCASE "MixedCase-Sensitive"
so possibly it requires the schema in UPPERCASE or maybe quoted (all RDBMS are different, and inclusive some differ depending on the operating system they're running on)
Obviously embedding datastore-specific info in annotations is not recommended.
