How to access A/B test results from Google Play Android Developer API? - google-play-console

I would like to get access to the test results of A/B tests from the Google Play Android Developer API. I would like the test results for: icons, images and titles. Is this possible?
I would also like to publish new A/B tests on the Google Play console using the API.
I have looked at the documentation but I could not find anything for A/B testing and Google Play experiments.


Is it possible to manage the Google Play Console Email List programmatically via an API?

The Google Play Email List management area in the Google Play Console allows admins to enter comma separated email addresses or upload a CSV. The Google Play Console makes an http POST to{account}
Is it possible to manage these lists via an API? The one above doesn't seem like it's intended for non-google use.
I see there is a Google Play Developer API, but I don't see anything that looks like it would allowing managing the email lists. This is the closest thing I found, which allows updating Google Groups or Google+ Communities associated with the testing trakcs, but not the email list.
Here is documentation to add beta testers to Test Flight:

Google Play Console API

Issue: My clients need to access app information, such as installs, uninstalls, and respond app user comments.
They access the Google Play Console to manage the information above, but are computer laymen, and with access to the Google Play Console they can run undesirable settings or even remove the app from the Google Play Console.
Solution: Create a web portal for them to view only specific information (Installations, Uninstallations and responding to end user comments from the app).
Doubt: What API will the portal that I'm going to develop need to consume to display the information (Installs, Uninstallations and answer End User Comments)?
Annex draft of the project.
Why don't you just use user permissions in the Play console to prevent them from doing anything undesirable? You can give users read only access, and even per-app access.
Then you don't have to write any code at all.
As i understand it, your portal will mainly need two things :
The reviews sent by users via Google Play Store
The Google Play Console reports
Then, you will have to do the job yourself, create some kind of blog where end-users can posts reviews, and other users can comment it. You will also need to retrieve the reviews posted via Google Play Store, and use this data to automatically post a new review on your portal. The Reply to Reviews API can help you to retrieve such reviews, in a formated output (Json).
The install and uninstall are available thanks to Google Play Console reports, stored in a private Google Cloud Storage bucket. There are a few ways to download these reports, but i guess you want get them programmatically in order to automate the process. You will need gsutil to achieve this task. I understood gsutil gives you CSV files, witch can be parsed pretty easily, in order to isolate ans send the informations you need to your portal.

Google play developer API - List all apps from my account

Following this guide i am trying to find out if there is a way to list all games from my google play console but i can't find any. Is there a method to list all apps and package names from my account?
Maybe this can help.
As a summary, there are no methods exist in official api. Instead you can use Google Play search functionality.
Alternatively you can also use project.
For a cloud based solution there is a commercial api which has 100 query/month.

Is there an API of all enabled APIs in Google console?

I would like to get a list of all the APIs, which are enabled for my project in Google Developer Console. Is there any way?
PS: I know there is a Google Discovery API, which can be used. But I would rather not apply a filter myself.
The discovery services API returns a list of all available Google APIs and has nothing to do with your project on Google Developer console.
There is not currently an API that will give you access to the enabled APIs within a project on Google Developers console. You will have to check manually on the website yourself.

Is there a Google Play Movie API?

Trying to integrate Google Play's Movies and Series into, so our users can know which movies are for rent in Google Play
Is there a Google Play API for movies? I'm looking to
Make a call (e.g. with a Movie Title or Movie ID)
Get Availability / Price
No, Google doesn't provide APIs for the features used in Google Play, Google Movie or Google Music apps. There are some inoffical Documentations/Libraries (reverse engineered), but I wouldn't recommend the usage of them. Especially not in a commercial background.
Yes, There is an API you can enable for Google Movies Anywhere. However, the API is for app integration, I'm not sure if you are trying to do web.
It's possible you do not need to use the API - an example intent for your first point:
Intent movie = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("" + movieId));
