I am trying to implement amCharts3 in Nuxt 3 and am getting the following error in the console:
"Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/_nuxt/#fs/Users/[...]/ui/client/node_modules/regression/dist/regression.js?v=7015616a' does not provide an export named 'default' (at RegressionSeries.ts:5:8)".
Snapshot of RegressionSeries.ts file
The RegressionSeries.ts is imbedded in the amCharts module...amcharts5>.internal.charts.stock.drawing>RegressionSeries.js. Here the file which is the source of the error:
import { SimpleLineSeries } from "./SimpleLineSeries";
import regression from "regression";
export class RegressionSeries extends SimpleLineSeries {
constructor() {
Object.defineProperty(this, "_tag", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: "regression"
_updateSegment(index) {
const diP1 = this._di[index]["p1"];
const diP2 = this._di[index]["p2"];
const series = this.get("series");
if (series && diP1 && diP2) {
const xAxis = series.get("xAxis");
let x1 = this._getXValue(diP1.get("valueX"));
let x2 = this._getXValue(diP2.get("valueX"));
const di1 = xAxis.getSeriesItem(series, xAxis.valueToPosition(x1));
const di2 = xAxis.getSeriesItem(series, xAxis.valueToPosition(x2));
const field = this.get("field") + "Y";
if (di1 && di2) {
const dataItems = series.dataItems;
let startIndex = dataItems.indexOf(di1);
let endIndex = dataItems.indexOf(di2);
let inversed = false;
if (startIndex > endIndex) {
inversed = true;
[startIndex, endIndex] = [endIndex, startIndex];
const points = [];
let ii = 0;
for (let i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
const dataItem = dataItems[i];
points.push([ii, dataItem.get(field)]);
const result = regression.linear(points);
const resultPoints = result.points;
const len = resultPoints.length;
if (len > 1) {
const p1 = resultPoints[0];
const p2 = resultPoints[resultPoints.length - 1];
if (p1 && p2) {
let y1 = p1[1];
let y2 = p2[1];
if (inversed) {
[y1, y2] = [y2, y1];
this._setContext(diP1, "valueY", y1, true);
this._setContext(diP2, "valueY", y2, true);
this._setContext(diP1, "valueX", x1);
this._setContext(diP2, "valueX", x2);
// need to override so that location would not be set
_setXLocation() {
Object.defineProperty(RegressionSeries, "className", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: "RegressionSeries"
Object.defineProperty(RegressionSeries, "classNames", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: SimpleLineSeries.classNames.concat([RegressionSeries.className])
//# sourceMappingURL=RegressionSeries.js.map
added the amcharts.client.ts plugin like this:
import * as am5 from '#amcharts/amcharts5'
import * as am5xy from '#amcharts/amcharts5/xy'
import * as am5radar from '#amcharts/amcharts5/radar'
import * as am5stock from '#amcharts/amcharts5/stock'
import am5themes_Animated from '#amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated'
export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
return {
provide: {
and other charts have worked, so I am fairly certain that the setup is correct.
For those interested:
I had amCharts5 set set up for transpiling in the NuxtConfig file. Removing it resolved the error.
I am trying to overwrite Cypress commands such as click, type and should to include some waiting time before they are executed. My motivation for this is that I want to highlight the areas the test interacts with in the produced video, so in click I would like to say for example: "Display circle where the click will happen, wait 500ms, click, wait 250ms, remove circle".
The wait-part of this of this is what causes me trouble.
Google suggests I do something like this:
Cypress.Commands.overwrite('click', function (originalFN) {
const originalParams = [...arguments].slice(1);
cy.wait(500).then(() => originalFN.apply(originalFN, originalParams));
And I think this works for normal clicks(), but it causes the type command to fail entirely saying this: Cypress detected that you returned a promise from a command while also invoking one or more cy commands in that promise.
It seems type() internally calls click in a way that prevents me from using wait() inside click.
Is there any way around this?
I've found a solution in the code of a library to slow down cypress, the key is to overwrite the internal runCommand cypress function. This allows me to do what I want on click and type. Should is still an open question, but not as important. Code below is my function to patch cypress, which I call right before my tests.
export function patchCypressForVideoRecording(cy: any, Cypress: any, speedFactor = 1) {
const colorClick = 'rgba(255, 50, 50, 0.8)';
const colorType = 'rgba(50, 255, 50, 0.8)';
const colorShould = 'rgba(50, 50, 255, 0.8)';
const waitTime = 600;
const highlightArea = (rect: any, clr: string, scale: boolean) => {
const x = Math.round(rect.x);
const y = Math.round(rect.y);
const w = Math.round(rect.width);
const h = Math.round(rect.height);
// cy.window() breaks in commands like click due to promise-inside promises stuff
// this window reference is just there and allows to run synchronous side-effects js without cypress noticing it
const hackWindow = (cy as any).state('window');
const time = ${waitTime / speedFactor};
const x = ${x};
const y = ${y};
const highlightElement = document.createElement('div');
highlightElement.style.backgroundColor = '${clr}';
highlightElement.style.position = 'fixed';
highlightElement.style.zIndex = '999';
highlightElement.style['pointer-events'] = 'none';
const scaleElement = (p) => {
if (${scale}) {
const psq = p;
const scale = (0.1 + ((psq < 0.5 ? (1 - psq) : psq)));
const w = scale * ${w};
const h = scale * ${h};
const wLoss = ${w} - w;
const hLoss = ${h} - h;
const x = ${x} + wLoss / 2;
const y = ${y} + hLoss / 2;
return {x, y, w, h};
} else {
const w = ${w};
const h = ${h};
const x = ${x};
const y = ${y};
return {x, y, w, h};
const newSize = scaleElement(0);
highlightElement.style.top = newSize.y + 'px';
highlightElement.style.left = newSize.x + 'px';
highlightElement.style.width = newSize.w + "px";
highlightElement.style.height = newSize.h + "px";
const tickSize = 30;
let op = 1;
let prog = 0;
const fadeIv = setInterval(() => {
prog += tickSize;
const p = Math.min(1, prog / time);
let op = 1-(p*0.5);
highlightElement.style.opacity = op + '';
const newSize = scaleElement(p);
highlightElement.style.top = newSize.y + 'px';
highlightElement.style.left = newSize.x + 'px';
highlightElement.style.width = newSize.w + "px";
highlightElement.style.height = newSize.h + "px";
}, tickSize);
setTimeout(() => {
}, time);
const highlightInteractedElements = (firstParam: any, clr: string, scale: boolean) => {
if (firstParam != null && firstParam.length != null && firstParam.length > 0 && typeof firstParam !== 'string') {
for (let i = 0; i < firstParam.length; i++) {
const elem = firstParam[i];
if (elem != null && 'getBoundingClientRect' in elem && typeof elem['getBoundingClientRect'] === 'function') {
highlightArea(elem.getBoundingClientRect(), clr, scale);
// To figure out the element that is clicked/typed in need to wait until
// the selector right before click/type has a subject element
const waitAndDisplay = (x: any, clr: string) => {
if (x.state === 'passed') {
highlightInteractedElements(x.attributes.subject, clr, true);
} else {
if (x.attributes.prev.state === 'queued') {
setTimeout(() => {
waitAndDisplay(x, clr);
}, 15);
} else {
highlightInteractedElements(x.attributes.prev.attributes.subject, clr, true);
const cqueue = (cy as any).queue;
const rc = cqueue.runCommand.bind(cqueue);
cqueue.runCommand = (cmd: any) => {
let delay = 50;
if (cmd.attributes.name === 'click') {
waitAndDisplay(cmd, colorClick);
delay = waitTime / 2;
if (cmd.attributes.name === 'type') {
waitAndDisplay(cmd, colorType);
delay = waitTime;
return Cypress.Promise.delay(delay / speedFactor)
.then(() => rc(cmd))
.then(() => Cypress.Promise.delay(delay / speedFactor));
Cypress.Commands.overwrite('should', function (originalFN: any) {
const originalParams = [...arguments].slice(1);
highlightInteractedElements(originalParams[0], colorShould, false);
return originalFN.apply(originalFN, originalParams);
I have set up my redux store and I am able to edit my state objects and get their values. But for some reason I can't call methods on the state objects. It's as if they are stored as javascript objects.
When I call getSequence() the first console.log correctly logs the sequence structure. But the second log call gives me an error
sequence.dump is not a function
Here is my store, including getSequence():
import {configureStore} from '#reduxjs/toolkit'
import sequenceReducer, {selectSequence} from '../feature/sequence-slice'
import midiMapsReducer from '../feature/midimaps-slice'
import {Sequence} from "../player/sequence";
export function getSequence() : Sequence {
const sequence: Sequence = selectSequence(store.getState())
console.log(`getCurrentSequence: ${JSON.stringify(sequence)}`)
console.log(`getCurrentSequence: ${sequence.dump()}`)
return sequence
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
sequence: sequenceReducer,
midiMaps: midiMapsReducer,
export default store
// Infer the `RootState` and `AppDispatch` types from the store itself
export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>
// Inferred type: {posts: PostsState, comments: CommentsState, users: UsersState}
export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch
I set up my slice state like this:
interface SequenceSliceState {
value: Sequence;
const initialState : SequenceSliceState = {
value: new Sequence({})
export const sequenceSlice = createSlice({
name: 'sequence',
// type is inferred. now the contained sequence is state.value
reducers: {
and here is my Sequence module:
export class SequenceStep {
time: number = 0;
note: number = 64;
velocity: number = 100;
gateLength: number = 0.8;
export class MidiSettings {
midiInputDeviceId: string = "";
midiInputDeviceName: string = "";
midiInputChannelNum: number = -1;
midiOutputDeviceId: string = "";
midiOutputDeviceName: string = "";
midiOutputChannelNum: number = 0;
export class EnvelopePoint {
time: number = 0;
value: number = 0;
export class Envelope {
id: string = "";
controller: string = "";
points: Array<EnvelopePoint> = [];
locked: boolean = true;
mode: string = "loop";
trigger: string = "first";
type: string = "envelope";
// cacheMinValue: number = 0;
// cacheMaxValue: number = 127;
constructor(fake: any) {
this.id = fake.id;
this.controller = fake.controller;
this.points = fake.points;
this.locked = fake.locked;
this.mode = fake.mode;
this.trigger = fake.trigger;
this.type = fake.type;
dump() : string {
return "I am an envelope"
getValue(time: number) : number {
const numpoints = this.points.length
const length: number = this.points[numpoints - 1].time;
const loop: boolean = true;
const position: number = time % length;
var index = 0
while (index < numpoints && this.points[index].time < position) {
if (index == 0) {
return this.points[0].value
} else if (index >= numpoints) {
return this.points[numpoints - 1].value
} else {
const p0: EnvelopePoint = this.points[index - 1];
const p1: EnvelopePoint = this.points[index];
if (p0.time == p1.time) {
return p0.value
} else {
return p0.value + (position - p0.time) / (p1.time - p0.time) * (p1.value - p0.value)
export class Sequence {
_id: string = "";
name: string = "";
text: string = "";
user_name: string = "";
user_id: string = "";
steps: Array<SequenceStep> = []
tempo: number = 120.0;
length: number = 8;
numSteps: number = 8;
division: number = 8;
midiSettings: MidiSettings = new MidiSettings();
currentEnvelopeId: string = "";
envelopes: Array<Envelope> = []
constructor(fakeSequence: any) {
this._id = fakeSequence._id;
this.name = fakeSequence.name;
this.text = fakeSequence.text;
this.user_id = fakeSequence.user_id;
this.steps = fakeSequence.steps;
this.tempo = fakeSequence.tempo;
this.length = fakeSequence.length;
this.numSteps = fakeSequence.numSteps;
this.division = fakeSequence.division;
this.midiSettings = fakeSequence.midiSettings;
this.currentEnvelopeId = fakeSequence.currentEnvelopeId;
this.envelopes = new Array<Envelope>();
if (fakeSequence.envelopes) {
for (const fakeEnvelope in fakeSequence.envelopes) {
this.envelopes.push(new Envelope(fakeEnvelope));
dump() : string {
return "I am a Sequence"
Here is the rest of my sequence slice:
import { createSlice } from '#reduxjs/toolkit'
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
import {Envelope, Sequence} from "../player/sequence"
import {RootState} from "../app/store";
interface SequenceSliceState {
value: Sequence;
const initialState : SequenceSliceState = {
value: new Sequence({})
export const sequenceSlice = createSlice({
name: 'sequence',
// type is inferred. now the contained sequence is state.value
reducers: {
sequenceLoad: (state, payloadAction) => {
console.log(`🍕sequencerSlice.sequenceLoad ${JSON.stringify(payloadAction)}`)
state.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(payloadAction.payload.sequence));
return state;
sequenceName: (state, payloadAction) => {
console.log(`🍕sequencerSlice.sequenceName ${JSON.stringify(payloadAction)}`)
state.value.name = payloadAction.payload;
return state
numSteps: (state, payloadAction) => {
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
sequence.numSteps = payloadAction.payload;
console.log(`🍕hi from numsteps ${sequence.numSteps} ${sequence.steps.length}`);
if (sequence.numSteps > sequence.steps.length) {
console.log(`🍕extend sequence`);
var newSteps: any = [];
for (var n = sequence.steps.length + 1; n <= sequence.numSteps; n++) {
newSteps = newSteps.concat({ note: 60, velocity: 100, gateLength: 0.9, });
console.log(`added step - now ${newSteps.length} steps`)
console.log(`🍕handleNumStepsChange: ${newSteps.length} steps -> ${newSteps}`)
const newStepsArray = sequence.steps.concat(newSteps);
sequence.steps = newStepsArray;
// console.log(`🍕handleNumStepsChange: ${stepsEdits.length} steps -> ${stepsEdits}`)
return state
midiSettings: (state, payloadAction) => {
console.log(`🍕sequence-slice - payloadAction ${JSON.stringify(payloadAction)}`)
console.log(`🍕sequence-slice - midiSettings ${JSON.stringify(payloadAction.payload)}`)
state.value.midiSettings = payloadAction.payload;
return state
division: (state, payloadAction) => {
state.value.division = payloadAction.payload;
return state
length: (state, payloadAction) => {
state.value.length = payloadAction.payload;
return state
sequenceText: (state, payloadAction) => {
state.value.text = payloadAction.payload;
return state
tempo: (state, payloadAction) => {
console.log(`🍕Edit tempo payloadaction ${JSON.stringify(payloadAction)}`)
state.value.tempo = payloadAction.payload
// return { ...state, tempo: parseInt(payloadAction.payload) }
// state.tempo = payloadAction.payload
return state
stepControllerValue: (state: any, payloadAction) => {
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
console.log(`🍕Edit stepControllerValue ${JSON.stringify(payloadAction)}`)
const stepNum: number = payloadAction.payload.stepNum
const controllerNum: number = payloadAction.payload.controllerNum
const controllerValue: number = payloadAction.payload.controllerNum
// sequence.steps[stepNum][controllerNum] = controllerValue;
// sequence.steps = steps
return state
stepNote: (state, action) => {
const stepnum = action.payload.stepNum
const notenum = action.payload.note
console.log(`🍕sequence-slice.stepNote ${JSON.stringify(action.payload)} ${stepnum} ${notenum}`)
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
// var steps: Array<SequenceStep> = [...sequence.steps];
sequence.steps[stepnum].note = notenum
// sequence.steps = steps;
return state
stepGateLength: (state, action) => {
const stepnum = action.payload.stepNum
const gateLength = action.payload.gateLength
// console.log(`🍕sequence-slice.stepNote ${JSON.stringify(action.payload)} ${stepnum} ${notenum}`)
// var steps = [...state.steps];
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
sequence.steps[stepnum].gateLength = gateLength
// state.steps = steps;
return state
stepVelocity: (state, action) => {
const stepnum = action.payload.stepNum
const velocity = action.payload.velocity
// console.log(`🍕sequence-slice.stepNote ${JSON.stringify(action.payload)} ${stepnum} ${notenum}`)
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
// var steps = [...state.steps];
sequence.steps[stepnum].velocity = velocity
// state.steps = steps;
return state
decrement: state => {
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
sequence.numSteps -= 1;
return state
// incrementByAmount: (state, action) => {
// var sequence: Sequence = state.value
// sequence.numSteps += action.payload;
// return state
// },
createEnvelope: (state, action) => {
console.log(`🍕sequenceSlice - createEnvelope: action should be controller ${JSON.stringify(action)}`)
const controller = action.payload.controller
console.log(`🍕sequenceSlice - createEnvelope: controller ${JSON.stringify(controller)}`)
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
var newEnvelopeId = uuidv4()
var newEnvelope = new Envelope({
id: newEnvelopeId,
controller: controller.name,
points: [{ time: 0, value: 0}, ],
locked: true,
mode: "loop",
trigger: "first",
type: "envelope"
if (sequence.envelopes == null) {
sequence.envelopes = new Array<Envelope>();
sequence.envelopes = [...sequence.envelopes, newEnvelope];
sequence.currentEnvelopeId = newEnvelopeId;
// console.log(`🍕state.envelopes <${state.envelopes}> (added ${newEnvelopeId}`);
return state
envelopeValue: (state, action) => {
console.log(`🍕sequenceSlice - envelopeValue: action ${JSON.stringify(action)}`)
const ccValue = action.payload.value
const controller = action.payload.controller
const envelopeId = action.payload.envelopeId
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
var envelope = sequence.envelopes.find((envelope: any) => envelope.id === envelopeId);
if (envelope) {
console.log(`🍕envelope ${envelopeId} ${JSON.stringify(envelope)}`)
const ccid = action.payload.ccid
// const currentValue = envelope.points[0].value
// const currentLsb = currentValue % ((controller.max + 1) / 128)
// const currentMsb = currentValue - currentLsb
// const value = action.payload.value * ((controller.max + 1) / 128)
envelope.points[0] = {time: 0, value: action.payload.value}
return state
currentEnvelopeId: (state, action) => {
console.log(`🍕sequence-slice: action ${JSON.stringify(action)}`)
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
console.log(`🍕sequence-slice: currentEnvelopeId - was ${sequence.currentEnvelopeId}`);
sequence.currentEnvelopeId = action.payload.envelopeId;
console.log(`🍕sequence-slice: currentEnvelopeId - now ${sequence.currentEnvelopeId}`);
return state
addEnvelopePoint(state, action) {
console.log(`addEnvelopePoint: action ${JSON.stringify(action)}`)
const envelopeId = action.payload.envelopeId
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
var envelope = sequence.envelopes.find((envelope: any) => envelope.id === envelopeId);
if (envelope) {
envelope.points.push({time: action.payload.time, value: action.payload.value})
envelope.points = envelope.points.sort((a,b) => { return a.time - b.time })
console.log(`addEnvelopePoint: found envelope. Points are now ${JSON.stringify(envelope.points)}`)
return state
deleteEnvelopePoint(state, action) {
console.log(`deleteEnvelopePoint: point ${JSON.stringify(action.payload)} ${action.payload.envelopeId}`)
const envelopeId = action.payload.envelopeId
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
var envelope = sequence.envelopes.find((envelope: any) => envelope.id === envelopeId);
if (envelope) {
console.log(`deleteEnvelopePoint: envelope ${JSON.stringify(envelope)} ${envelope.points.length}`)
for (var n = 0; n < envelope.points.length; n++) {
console.log(`envelope.points[n] ${JSON.stringify(envelope.points[n])} == action.payload.point ${JSON.stringify(action.payload.point)}`)
if (envelope.points[n].time == action.payload.point.time && envelope.points[n].value == action.payload.point.value) {
envelope.points.splice(n, 1)
console.log('deleteEnvelopePoint: found it')
console.log(`deleteEnvelopePoint: envelope ${JSON.stringify(envelope)} ${envelope.points.length}`)
return state
moveEnvelopePoint(state, action) {
console.log(`moveEnvelopePoint: point ${JSON.stringify(action.payload)} ${action.payload.envelopeId}`)
console.log(`moveEnvelopePoint: point ${JSON.stringify(action)}`)
const envelopeId = action.payload.envelopeId
const pointNum : number = action.payload.pointNum
const time : number = action.payload.time
const value : number = action.payload.value
var sequence: Sequence = state.value
var envelope = sequence.envelopes.find((envelope: any) => envelope.id === envelopeId);
if (envelope) {
console.log(`moveEnvelopePoint: envelope ${JSON.stringify(envelope)} point ${pointNum} -> ${time},${value}`)
envelope.points[pointNum].time = time
envelope.points[pointNum].value = value
return state
export const {
} = sequenceSlice.actions
export const selectSequence = (state: RootState) => state.sequence.value
export default sequenceSlice.reducer
The moment you call JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(payloadAction.payload.sequence)), you create a normal JavaScript object that just has the properties of the class instance, but not the functionality.
Generally, you should not be storing things like class instances in a Redux store - classes cannot be serialized (as you just saw here), which causes problems with the devtools and libraries like redux-persist. Also, they tend to modify themselves, which collides with the core tenets of Redux.
Store pure data instead, use reducers to do modifications and selectors to derive further data from it.
I am trying to create a scene with react-three/fiber and react-three/drei. I want to use a PerspectiveCamera and be able to pan/zoom/rotate with the mouse, but I am also trying to add some buttons that can update the camera position and target in order to have different views (eg. top view, bottom view, side view, etc). I have achieved the latter part and my buttons seem to be working as I update the target x,y,z and position x,y,z using props.
The only problem is that the camera is not responding to the mouse so I only get a fixed camera position and target.
I have included all the scene codes below.
import React,{ useRef, useState, useEffect} from 'react'
import * as THREE from 'three';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import { PerspectiveCamera, Icosahedron, OrbitControls } from '#react-three/drei'
import { Canvas, useThree } from "#react-three/fiber";
function VisualizationComponent(props) {
const width = window.innerWidth;
const height = window.innerHeight;
const [controls, setControls] = useState(null);
const [threeState, setThreeState] = useState(null);
const [treeStateInitialized, setThreeStateInitialized] = useState(false);
_.forOwn(props.objects, (value, key) => {
return () => {
if(controls) controls.dispose();
function usePrevious(value) {
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
return ref.current;
const { objects } = props
const prevState = usePrevious({objects});
const mainCamera = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
if(!threeState) return;
if (
!treeStateInitialized ||
shouldUpdateObjects(props.objects, prevState.objects)
) {
_.forOwn(props.objects, (value, key) => {
const addDefaultObjects = () => {
if (threeState) {
var hemiLight = new THREE.HemisphereLight( 0xffffbb, 0x080820, 0.2 );
hemiLight.position.set( 0, 0, 1 );
threeState.scene.add( hemiLight );
const garbageCollectOldObjects = () => {
while (threeState && threeState.scene.children.length) {
const oldObject = threeState.scene.children[0];
oldObject.traverse((child) => {
if (child.geometry) {
if(child.material && Array.isArray(child.material)){
child.material.forEach(d => d.dispose());
const shouldUpdateObjects = (currentObjects,nextObjects) => {
const result = false;
let currentDigest = 1;
let nextDigest = 1;
_.forIn(currentObjects, (value, key) => {
currentDigest *= value.id;
_.forIn(nextObjects, (value, key) => {
nextDigest *= value.id;
return currentDigest !== nextDigest;
const hasAncestorWhichDisablesThreeJs = (element) => {
if (!element) return false;
let isEditable = false;
for (let i = 0; i < element.classList.length; i++) {
if (element.classList[i] === 'disable-threejs-controls') {
isEditable = true;
return isEditable ||
const initializeScene = (state) => {
return (
onMouseOver={ (e) => {
const target = e.target;
if (!target || !controls) return true;
if (hasAncestorWhichDisablesThreeJs(target)) {
controls.enabled = false;
} else {
controls.enabled = true;
} }
onCreated={ (state) => {initializeScene(state)}}
'shadowMap.enabled' : true,
'alpha' : true
position-x={props.cameraX || 0}
position-y={props.cameraY || -20}
position-z={props.cameraZ || 20}
up={[0, 0, 1]}
fov={ 15 }
aspect={ width / height }
near={ 1 }
far={ 10000 }
target-x={props.targetX || 0}
target-y={props.targetY || 0}
target-z={props.targetZ || 0}
<div className='threejs-react-container'>
{ props.children }
VisualizationComponent.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,
objects: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
cameraX: PropTypes.number,
cameraY: PropTypes.number,
cameraZ: PropTypes.number,
targetX: PropTypes.number,
targetY: PropTypes.number,
targetZ: PropTypes.number,
export default withRouter(VisualizationComponent);
I am working on nativescript , but There are serious lack of libraries in it. I am not able to find north direction.
i have tried plugin
import * as geolocation from "nativescript-geolocation";
import { Accuracy } from "tns-core-modules/ui/enums";
test:function() {
var a = geolocation.getCurrentLocation({ desiredAccuracy: Accuracy.high, maximumAge: 5000, timeout: 20000 })
a.then( return_a => {
var degree = angleFromCoordinate(return_a.latitude,return_a.longitude , 21.4225,39.8262);
this.gaugeValue = degree;//return_a.verticalAccuracy
function angleFromCoordinate( lat1, long1, lat2, long2) {
var dLon = (long2 - long1);
var y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(lat2);
var x = Math.cos(lat1) * Math.sin(lat2) - Math.sin(lat1)
* Math.cos(lat2) * Math.cos(dLon);
var brng = Math.atan2(y, x);
brng = brng * 180 / Math.PI;
brng = (brng + 360) % 360;
brng = 360 - brng; // count degrees counter-clockwise - remove to make clockwise
return brng;
There is direction property also available.but it is always -1 .
i am using Typescript , javascript as template language.
Here I found the solution. You need to do it manually.
import * as app from "tns-core-modules/application";
import { isAndroid, isIOS } from "tns-core-modules/platform";
declare const android: any;
declare const CLLocationManager: any;
export class MyClass {
private sensorUpdate: any;
private sensorManager: any;
startHeadingUpdates() {
if (this.sensorManager || this.sensorUpdate) {
if (isIOS) {
this.sensorManager = CLLocationManager.alloc().init();
if (this.sensorManager.headingAvailable) {
this.sensorUpdate = setInterval(() => {
}, 100);
} else {
console.log("Heading not available.");
if (isAndroid) {
this.sensorManager = app.android.foregroundActivity.getSystemService(
this.sensorUpdate = new android.hardware.SensorEventListener({
onAccuracyChanged: (sensor: any, accuracy: any) => {
// console.log(accuracy)
onSensorChanged: (event: any) => {
const orientationSensor = this.sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(
stopUpdatingHeading() {
if (!this.sensorManager || !this.sensorUpdate) {
if (isIOS) {
this.sensorManager = null;
if (isAndroid) {
this.sensorManager = null;
I have a Koa v2 app with koa-views#next as a renderer and nunjucks templating engine. Here is my working setup, which don't have any problem, I just confused with the double declaration of the views folder:
const Koa = require('koa');
const nunjucks = require('nunjucks');
const path = require('path');
const router = require('koa-router')();
const views = require('koa-views');
const app = new Koa();
const index = require('./routes/index');
app.use(views(path.join(__dirname, 'views'), {
extension: 'njk',
map: { njk: 'nunjucks' },
nunjucks.configure(path.join(__dirname, 'views'), {
autoescape: true,
router.use('/', index.routes(), index.allowedMethods());
But if I don't do this, the rendering doesn't work. If I uncommenting the nunjucks.configure block, I'm getting the following error:
Template render error: (unknown path)
Error: template not found: layout.njk
Is there any problem with my setup?
I come up a solution to use nunjucks without any other renderer library in koa v2:
import njk from './nunjucks';
// Templating - Must be used before any router
app.use(njk(path.join(__dirname, 'views'), {
extname: '.njk',
noCache: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
throwOnUndefined: true,
filters: {
json: function (str) {
return JSON.stringify(str, null, 2);
upperCase: str => str.toUpperCase(),
globals: {
version: 'v3.0.0',
// Inspired by:
// https://github.com/ohomer/koa-nunjucks-render/blob/master/index.js
// https://github.com/beliefgp/koa-nunjucks-next/blob/master/index.js
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const nunjucks = require('nunjucks');
function njk(path, opts) {
const env = nunjucks.configure(path, opts);
const extname = opts.extname || '';
const filters = opts.filters || {};
const f = Object.keys(filters).length;
let i = 0;
while (i < f) {
env.addFilter(Object.keys(filters)[i], Object.values(filters)[i]);
i += 1;
const globals = opts.globals || {};
const g = Object.keys(globals).length;
let j = 0;
while (j < g) {
env.addFilter(Object.keys(globals)[j], Object.values(globals)[j]);
j += 1;
return (ctx, next) => {
ctx.render = (view, context = {}) => {
context = Object.assign({}, ctx.state, context);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
env.render(`${view}${extname}`, context, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
ctx.body = res;
return resolve();
return next();
module.exports = njk;