Overwrite cypress commands to include a wait before they are run - cypress

I am trying to overwrite Cypress commands such as click, type and should to include some waiting time before they are executed. My motivation for this is that I want to highlight the areas the test interacts with in the produced video, so in click I would like to say for example: "Display circle where the click will happen, wait 500ms, click, wait 250ms, remove circle".
The wait-part of this of this is what causes me trouble.
Google suggests I do something like this:
Cypress.Commands.overwrite('click', function (originalFN) {
const originalParams = [...arguments].slice(1);
cy.wait(500).then(() => originalFN.apply(originalFN, originalParams));
And I think this works for normal clicks(), but it causes the type command to fail entirely saying this: Cypress detected that you returned a promise from a command while also invoking one or more cy commands in that promise.
It seems type() internally calls click in a way that prevents me from using wait() inside click.
Is there any way around this?

I've found a solution in the code of a library to slow down cypress, the key is to overwrite the internal runCommand cypress function. This allows me to do what I want on click and type. Should is still an open question, but not as important. Code below is my function to patch cypress, which I call right before my tests.
export function patchCypressForVideoRecording(cy: any, Cypress: any, speedFactor = 1) {
const colorClick = 'rgba(255, 50, 50, 0.8)';
const colorType = 'rgba(50, 255, 50, 0.8)';
const colorShould = 'rgba(50, 50, 255, 0.8)';
const waitTime = 600;
const highlightArea = (rect: any, clr: string, scale: boolean) => {
const x = Math.round(rect.x);
const y = Math.round(rect.y);
const w = Math.round(rect.width);
const h = Math.round(rect.height);
// cy.window() breaks in commands like click due to promise-inside promises stuff
// this window reference is just there and allows to run synchronous side-effects js without cypress noticing it
const hackWindow = (cy as any).state('window');
const time = ${waitTime / speedFactor};
const x = ${x};
const y = ${y};
const highlightElement = document.createElement('div');
highlightElement.style.backgroundColor = '${clr}';
highlightElement.style.position = 'fixed';
highlightElement.style.zIndex = '999';
highlightElement.style['pointer-events'] = 'none';
const scaleElement = (p) => {
if (${scale}) {
const psq = p;
const scale = (0.1 + ((psq < 0.5 ? (1 - psq) : psq)));
const w = scale * ${w};
const h = scale * ${h};
const wLoss = ${w} - w;
const hLoss = ${h} - h;
const x = ${x} + wLoss / 2;
const y = ${y} + hLoss / 2;
return {x, y, w, h};
} else {
const w = ${w};
const h = ${h};
const x = ${x};
const y = ${y};
return {x, y, w, h};
const newSize = scaleElement(0);
highlightElement.style.top = newSize.y + 'px';
highlightElement.style.left = newSize.x + 'px';
highlightElement.style.width = newSize.w + "px";
highlightElement.style.height = newSize.h + "px";
const tickSize = 30;
let op = 1;
let prog = 0;
const fadeIv = setInterval(() => {
prog += tickSize;
const p = Math.min(1, prog / time);
let op = 1-(p*0.5);
highlightElement.style.opacity = op + '';
const newSize = scaleElement(p);
highlightElement.style.top = newSize.y + 'px';
highlightElement.style.left = newSize.x + 'px';
highlightElement.style.width = newSize.w + "px";
highlightElement.style.height = newSize.h + "px";
}, tickSize);
setTimeout(() => {
}, time);
const highlightInteractedElements = (firstParam: any, clr: string, scale: boolean) => {
if (firstParam != null && firstParam.length != null && firstParam.length > 0 && typeof firstParam !== 'string') {
for (let i = 0; i < firstParam.length; i++) {
const elem = firstParam[i];
if (elem != null && 'getBoundingClientRect' in elem && typeof elem['getBoundingClientRect'] === 'function') {
highlightArea(elem.getBoundingClientRect(), clr, scale);
// To figure out the element that is clicked/typed in need to wait until
// the selector right before click/type has a subject element
const waitAndDisplay = (x: any, clr: string) => {
if (x.state === 'passed') {
highlightInteractedElements(x.attributes.subject, clr, true);
} else {
if (x.attributes.prev.state === 'queued') {
setTimeout(() => {
waitAndDisplay(x, clr);
}, 15);
} else {
highlightInteractedElements(x.attributes.prev.attributes.subject, clr, true);
const cqueue = (cy as any).queue;
const rc = cqueue.runCommand.bind(cqueue);
cqueue.runCommand = (cmd: any) => {
let delay = 50;
if (cmd.attributes.name === 'click') {
waitAndDisplay(cmd, colorClick);
delay = waitTime / 2;
if (cmd.attributes.name === 'type') {
waitAndDisplay(cmd, colorType);
delay = waitTime;
return Cypress.Promise.delay(delay / speedFactor)
.then(() => rc(cmd))
.then(() => Cypress.Promise.delay(delay / speedFactor));
Cypress.Commands.overwrite('should', function (originalFN: any) {
const originalParams = [...arguments].slice(1);
highlightInteractedElements(originalParams[0], colorShould, false);
return originalFN.apply(originalFN, originalParams);


New navigation request was received at LifecycleWatcher

I wanted to scrape using puppeteer with firefox. I got this error.
Here is my code.
const root = require('app-root-path');
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const scraper = require(`${root}/index.js`);
const links = require(`${root}/link.json`);
async function getData() {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false, product: "firefox" })
const linksLimit = 30;
const tempArray = Array.from({ length: Math.ceil(links.length / linksLimit) }, (_, i) => i + 1);
const p = await Promise.allSettled(tempArray.map(slice => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const start = (slice - 1) * linksLimit;
const end = slice * linksLimit;
const linksSlice = links.slice(start, end);
await scraper(browser, linksSlice);
return p[p.length - 1].status === 'fulfilled' ? true : false;
(_a = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _LifecycleWatcher_navigationResponseReceived, "f")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.reject(new Error('New navigation request was received'));
Error: New navigation request was received
at LifecycleWatcher._LifecycleWatcher_onRequest (/home/moyen/projects/node/daraz/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/LifecycleWatcher.js:137:139)
at /home/moyen/projects/node/daraz/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/vendor/mitt/src/index.js:51:68
at Array.map ()
at Object.emit (/home/moyen/projects/node/daraz/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/vendor/mitt/src/index.js:51:43)
at NetworkManager.emit (/home/moyen/projects/node/daraz/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/EventEmitter.js:72:22)
at NetworkManager._NetworkManager_onRequest (/home/moyen/projects/node/daraz/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/NetworkManager.js:312:10)
at NetworkManager._NetworkManager_onRequestWillBeSent (/home/moyen/projects/node/daraz/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/NetworkManager.js:219:93)
at /home/moyen/projects/node/daraz/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/vendor/mitt/src/index.js:51:68
at Array.map ()
at Object.emit (/home/moyen/projects/node/daraz/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/cjs/vendor/mitt/src/index.js:51:43)
Node.js v17.4.0

Three.js glb models are showing up black

I am trying to render a glb 3d model using Three.js. I am new to Three.js, and all of my models are coming up black. Here is my code:
import { useState, useEffect, useRef, useCallback } from 'react'
import * as THREE from 'three'
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls'
import { loadGLTFModel } from '../lib/model'
import { DogSpinner, DogContainer } from './voxel-dog-loader'
function easeOutCirc(x) {
return Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(x - 1, 4))
const VoxelDog = () => {
const refContainer = useRef()
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true)
const [renderer, setRenderer] = useState()
const [_camera, setCamera] = useState()
const [target] = useState(new THREE.Vector3(-0.5, 1.2, 0))
const [initialCameraPosition] = useState(
new THREE.Vector3(
20 * Math.sin(0.2 * Math.PI),
20 * Math.cos(0.2 * Math.PI)
const [scene] = useState(new THREE.Scene())
const [_controls, setControls] = useState()
const handleWindowResize = useCallback(() => {
const { current: container } = refContainer
if (container && renderer) {
const scW = container.clientWidth
const scH = container.clientHeight
renderer.setSize(scW, scH)
}, [renderer])
/* eslint-disable react-hooks/exhaustive-deps */
useEffect(() => {
const { current: container } = refContainer
if (container && !renderer) {
const scW = container.clientWidth
const scH = container.clientHeight
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
antialias: true,
alpha: true
renderer.setSize(scW, scH)
renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding
// 640 -> 240
// 8 -> 6
const scale = scH * 0.005 + 4.8
const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(
const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xcccccc, 1)
const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement)
controls.autoRotate = true
controls.target = target
loadGLTFModel(scene, '/MacbookPro.obj', {
receiveShadow: false,
castShadow: false
}).then(() => {
let req = null
let frame = 0
const animate = () => {
req = requestAnimationFrame(animate)
frame = frame <= 100 ? frame + 1 : frame
if (frame <= 100) {
const p = initialCameraPosition
const rotSpeed = -easeOutCirc(frame / 120) * Math.PI * 20
camera.position.y = 10
camera.position.x =
p.x * Math.cos(rotSpeed) + p.z * Math.sin(rotSpeed)
camera.position.z =
p.z * Math.cos(rotSpeed) - p.x * Math.sin(rotSpeed)
} else {
renderer.render(scene, camera)
return () => {
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('resize', handleWindowResize, false)
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', handleWindowResize, false)
}, [renderer, handleWindowResize])
return (
<DogContainer ref={refContainer}>{loading && <DogSpinner />}</DogContainer>
export default VoxelDog
I thought it may be an issue with the models themselves, but it has happened with multiple different models so I'm starting to think it may be an issue with how I am rendering the models.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!

How to fix Error: AnimatedValue: Attempting to set value to undefined - React Native

I Want to resize logo when keyboard show and hide .
these is the imgStyle.js
import {StyleSheet, Dimensions} from 'react-native';
const Height = Dimensions.get('screen');
const height_logo = Height * 0.2;
const height_logo_small = Height * 0.6;
const IMAGE_HEIGHT = height_logo;
const IMAGE_HEIGHT_SMALL = height_logo_small;
and this is main code .. (NOT FULL CODE)
constructor(props) {
this.imageHeight = new Animated.Value(IMAGE_HEIGHT);
componentDidMount() {
this.keyboardDidShowSub = Keyboard.addListener(
this.keyboardDidShow, );
this.keyboardDidHideSub = Keyboard.addListener(
componentWillUnmount() {
keyboardDidShow = () => {
Animated.timing(this.imageHeight, {
duration: 5000,
keyboardDidHide = () => {
Animated.timing(this.imageHeight, {
duration: 5000,
and this is the error :
Error: AnimatedValue: Attempting to set value to undefined
anybody has this error or solved it?
I had this issue when trying to set Animated.Value to a boolean, rather than 0 or 1.
value in both Animated.Value(value) and setValue(value) must be a number: see documentation
I needed to change this:
const expanded = true;
const toggleAnim = useRef(new Animated.Value(expanded)).current;
To this:
const expanded = true;
const toggleAnim = useRef(new Animated.Value(expanded ? 1 : 0)).current;
Or as #BradByte recommends in the comments, converting the boolean to a number:
const expanded = true;
const toggleAnim = useRef(new Animated.Value(Number(expanded))).current;
the IMAGE_HEIGHT constant is not exported from imgStyle.js

LinkError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): Import #1 module="go" function="runtime.resetMemoryDataView" error: function import requires a callable

As I'm building my Web assembly application I have bumped into issue with a cryptic error:
LinkError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): Import #1 module="go" function="runtime.resetMemoryDataView" error: function import requires a callable
It is compiled with this command:
GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o main.wasm main.go server.go
This is the body of index.html, there is nothing in
<body class="is-preload">
<script src="wasm_exec.js"></script>
wasm_filename = "main.wasm";
function message(s){
document.getElementById("message").textContent = s;
function load_wasm(){
if (!WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming) { // polyfill
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming = async (resp, importObject) => {
const source = await (await resp).arrayBuffer();
return await WebAssembly.instantiate(source, importObject);
const go = new Go();
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch(wasm_filename), go.importObject)
.then(results => { go.run(results.instance); })
.catch((err) => {
message("Error Loading WebAssembly - " + err);
// location.reload(true);
This is main.go:
import (
func key(this js.Value, arg []js.Value) interface{} {
return nil
func sum(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
var rv interface{}
value1 := js.Global().Get("document").Call("getElementById", args[0].String()).Get("value").String()
value2 := js.Global().Get("document").Call("getElementById", args[1].String()).Get("value").String()
int1, _ := strconv.Atoi(value1)
int2, _ := strconv.Atoi(value2)
js.Global().Get("document").Call("getElementById", "result").Set("value", int1+int2)
return rv
func register_callbacks() {
js.Global().Set("key", js.FuncOf(key))
js.Global().Set("sum", js.FuncOf(sum))
func init() {
fmt.Printf("WebAssembly program started\n")
select {}
Then we have the server:
package main
import (
var listen = flag.String("listen", ":8081", "listen address")
var dir = flag.String("dir", ".", "directory to serve")
func main() {
fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("./assets/"))
http.Handle("/", fs)
fmt.Printf("Web server running. Listening on %q", *listen)
err := http.ListenAndServe(*listen, http.FileServer(http.Dir(*dir)))
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
This is wasm_exec.js:
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
(() => {
if (typeof global !== "undefined") {
// global already exists
} else if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
window.global = window;
} else if (typeof self !== "undefined") {
self.global = self;
} else {
throw new Error("cannot export Go (neither global, window nor self is defined)");
// Map web browser API and Node.js API to a single common API (preferring web standards over Node.js API).
const isNodeJS = global.process && global.process.title === "node";
if (isNodeJS) {
global.require = require;
global.fs = require("fs");
const nodeCrypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = {
getRandomValues(b) {
global.performance = {
now() {
const [sec, nsec] = process.hrtime();
return sec * 1000 + nsec / 1000000;
const util = require("util");
global.TextEncoder = util.TextEncoder;
global.TextDecoder = util.TextDecoder;
} else {
let outputBuf = "";
global.fs = {
constants: { O_WRONLY: -1, O_RDWR: -1, O_CREAT: -1, O_TRUNC: -1, O_APPEND: -1, O_EXCL: -1 }, // unused
writeSync(fd, buf) {
outputBuf += decoder.decode(buf);
const nl = outputBuf.lastIndexOf("\n");
if (nl != -1) {
console.log(outputBuf.substr(0, nl));
outputBuf = outputBuf.substr(nl + 1);
return buf.length;
write(fd, buf, offset, length, position, callback) {
if (offset !== 0 || length !== buf.length || position !== null) {
throw new Error("not implemented");
const n = this.writeSync(fd, buf);
callback(null, n);
open(path, flags, mode, callback) {
const err = new Error("not implemented");
err.code = "ENOSYS";
read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
const err = new Error("not implemented");
err.code = "ENOSYS";
fsync(fd, callback) {
const encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8");
const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
global.Go = class {
constructor() {
this.argv = ["js"];
this.env = {};
this.exit = (code) => {
if (code !== 0) {
console.warn("exit code:", code);
this._exitPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
this._resolveExitPromise = resolve;
this._pendingEvent = null;
this._scheduledTimeouts = new Map();
this._nextCallbackTimeoutID = 1;
const mem = () => {
// The buffer may change when requesting more memory.
return new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer);
const setInt64 = (addr, v) => {
mem().setUint32(addr + 0, v, true);
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, Math.floor(v / 4294967296), true);
const getInt64 = (addr) => {
const low = mem().getUint32(addr + 0, true);
const high = mem().getInt32(addr + 4, true);
return low + high * 4294967296;
const loadValue = (addr) => {
const f = mem().getFloat64(addr, true);
if (f === 0) {
return undefined;
if (!isNaN(f)) {
return f;
const id = mem().getUint32(addr, true);
return this._values[id];
const storeValue = (addr, v) => {
const nanHead = 0x7FF80000;
if (typeof v === "number") {
if (isNaN(v)) {
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, 0, true);
if (v === 0) {
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, 1, true);
mem().setFloat64(addr, v, true);
switch (v) {
case undefined:
mem().setFloat64(addr, 0, true);
case null:
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, 2, true);
case true:
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, 3, true);
case false:
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, 4, true);
let ref = this._refs.get(v);
if (ref === undefined) {
ref = this._values.length;
this._refs.set(v, ref);
let typeFlag = 0;
switch (typeof v) {
case "string":
typeFlag = 1;
case "symbol":
typeFlag = 2;
case "function":
typeFlag = 3;
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead | typeFlag, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, ref, true);
const loadSlice = (addr) => {
const array = getInt64(addr + 0);
const len = getInt64(addr + 8);
return new Uint8Array(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer, array, len);
const loadSliceOfValues = (addr) => {
const array = getInt64(addr + 0);
const len = getInt64(addr + 8);
const a = new Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
a[i] = loadValue(array + i * 8);
return a;
const loadString = (addr) => {
const saddr = getInt64(addr + 0);
const len = getInt64(addr + 8);
return decoder.decode(new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer, saddr, len));
const timeOrigin = Date.now() - performance.now();
this.importObject = {
go: {
// Go's SP does not change as long as no Go code is running. Some operations (e.g. calls, getters and setters)
// may synchronously trigger a Go event handler. This makes Go code get executed in the middle of the imported
// function. A goroutine can switch to a new stack if the current stack is too small (see morestack function).
// This changes the SP, thus we have to update the SP used by the imported function.
// func wasmExit(code int32)
"runtime.wasmExit": (sp) => {
const code = mem().getInt32(sp + 8, true);
this.exited = true;
delete this._inst;
delete this._values;
delete this._refs;
// func wasmWrite(fd uintptr, p unsafe.Pointer, n int32)
"runtime.wasmWrite": (sp) => {
const fd = getInt64(sp + 8);
const p = getInt64(sp + 16);
const n = mem().getInt32(sp + 24, true);
fs.writeSync(fd, new Uint8Array(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer, p, n));
// func nanotime() int64
"runtime.nanotime": (sp) => {
setInt64(sp + 8, (timeOrigin + performance.now()) * 1000000);
// func walltime() (sec int64, nsec int32)
"runtime.walltime": (sp) => {
const msec = (new Date).getTime();
setInt64(sp + 8, msec / 1000);
mem().setInt32(sp + 16, (msec % 1000) * 1000000, true);
// func scheduleTimeoutEvent(delay int64) int32
"runtime.scheduleTimeoutEvent": (sp) => {
const id = this._nextCallbackTimeoutID;
this._scheduledTimeouts.set(id, setTimeout(
() => { this._resume(); },
getInt64(sp + 8) + 1, // setTimeout has been seen to fire up to 1 millisecond early
mem().setInt32(sp + 16, id, true);
// func clearTimeoutEvent(id int32)
"runtime.clearTimeoutEvent": (sp) => {
const id = mem().getInt32(sp + 8, true);
// func getRandomData(r []byte)
"runtime.getRandomData": (sp) => {
crypto.getRandomValues(loadSlice(sp + 8));
// func stringVal(value string) ref
"syscall/js.stringVal": (sp) => {
storeValue(sp + 24, loadString(sp + 8));
// func valueGet(v ref, p string) ref
"syscall/js.valueGet": (sp) => {
const result = Reflect.get(loadValue(sp + 8), loadString(sp + 16));
sp = this._inst.exports.getsp(); // see comment above
storeValue(sp + 32, result);
// func valueSet(v ref, p string, x ref)
"syscall/js.valueSet": (sp) => {
Reflect.set(loadValue(sp + 8), loadString(sp + 16), loadValue(sp + 32));
// func valueIndex(v ref, i int) ref
"syscall/js.valueIndex": (sp) => {
storeValue(sp + 24, Reflect.get(loadValue(sp + 8), getInt64(sp + 16)));
// valueSetIndex(v ref, i int, x ref)
"syscall/js.valueSetIndex": (sp) => {
Reflect.set(loadValue(sp + 8), getInt64(sp + 16), loadValue(sp + 24));
// func valueCall(v ref, m string, args []ref) (ref, bool)
"syscall/js.valueCall": (sp) => {
try {
const v = loadValue(sp + 8);
const m = Reflect.get(v, loadString(sp + 16));
const args = loadSliceOfValues(sp + 32);
const result = Reflect.apply(m, v, args);
sp = this._inst.exports.getsp(); // see comment above
storeValue(sp + 56, result);
mem().setUint8(sp + 64, 1);
} catch (err) {
storeValue(sp + 56, err);
mem().setUint8(sp + 64, 0);
// func valueInvoke(v ref, args []ref) (ref, bool)
"syscall/js.valueInvoke": (sp) => {
try {
const v = loadValue(sp + 8);
const args = loadSliceOfValues(sp + 16);
const result = Reflect.apply(v, undefined, args);
sp = this._inst.exports.getsp(); // see comment above
storeValue(sp + 40, result);
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 1);
} catch (err) {
storeValue(sp + 40, err);
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 0);
// func valueNew(v ref, args []ref) (ref, bool)
"syscall/js.valueNew": (sp) => {
try {
const v = loadValue(sp + 8);
const args = loadSliceOfValues(sp + 16);
const result = Reflect.construct(v, args);
sp = this._inst.exports.getsp(); // see comment above
storeValue(sp + 40, result);
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 1);
} catch (err) {
storeValue(sp + 40, err);
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 0);
// func valueLength(v ref) int
"syscall/js.valueLength": (sp) => {
setInt64(sp + 16, parseInt(loadValue(sp + 8).length));
// valuePrepareString(v ref) (ref, int)
"syscall/js.valuePrepareString": (sp) => {
const str = encoder.encode(String(loadValue(sp + 8)));
storeValue(sp + 16, str);
setInt64(sp + 24, str.length);
// valueLoadString(v ref, b []byte)
"syscall/js.valueLoadString": (sp) => {
const str = loadValue(sp + 8);
loadSlice(sp + 16).set(str);
// func valueInstanceOf(v ref, t ref) bool
"syscall/js.valueInstanceOf": (sp) => {
mem().setUint8(sp + 24, loadValue(sp + 8) instanceof loadValue(sp + 16));
"debug": (value) => {
async run(instance) {
this._inst = instance;
this._values = [ // TODO: garbage collection
this._refs = new Map();
this.exited = false;
const mem = new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer)
// Pass command line arguments and environment variables to WebAssembly by writing them to the linear memory.
let offset = 4096;
const strPtr = (str) => {
let ptr = offset;
new Uint8Array(mem.buffer, offset, str.length + 1).set(encoder.encode(str + "\0"));
offset += str.length + (8 - (str.length % 8));
return ptr;
const argc = this.argv.length;
const argvPtrs = [];
this.argv.forEach((arg) => {
const keys = Object.keys(this.env).sort();
keys.forEach((key) => {
const argv = offset;
argvPtrs.forEach((ptr) => {
mem.setUint32(offset, ptr, true);
mem.setUint32(offset + 4, 0, true);
offset += 8;
this._inst.exports.run(argc, argv);
if (this.exited) {
await this._exitPromise;
_resume() {
if (this.exited) {
throw new Error("Go program has already exited");
if (this.exited) {
_makeFuncWrapper(id) {
const go = this;
return function () {
const event = { id: id, this: this, args: arguments };
go._pendingEvent = event;
return event.result;
if (isNodeJS) {
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
process.stderr.write("usage: go_js_wasm_exec [wasm binary] [arguments]\n");
const go = new Go();
go.argv = process.argv.slice(2);
go.env = Object.assign({ TMPDIR: require("os").tmpdir() }, process.env);
go.exit = process.exit;
WebAssembly.instantiate(fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2]), go.importObject).then((result) => {
process.on("exit", (code) => { // Node.js exits if no event handler is pending
if (code === 0 && !go.exited) {
// deadlock, make Go print error and stack traces
go._pendingEvent = { id: 0 };
return go.run(result.instance);
}).catch((err) => {
throw err;
runtime.resetMemoryDataView() function is part of wasm_exec.js support script that bridges WebAssembly binary with JavaScript environment. This and similar errors often mean that wasm_exec.js isn't compatible with WebAssembly binary because version of Golang used to compile binary is different (usually newer) than one wasm_exec.js was taken from.
When running or shipping Golang WebAssembly binary always make sure that you are using wasm_exec.js support script from the same version of Golang as was used to compile binary. You can copy it from $(go env GOROOT)/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js to be sure.
See official Golang WebAssembly wiki for further details.
As blami suggested a simple:
cp $(go env GOROOT)/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js ./path/to/old/wasm_exec.js
Worked for me.

Can I use #for loop in emotion-js, similarly to #for in sass?

In sass if I write:
#for $i from 1 through 3
transition-delay: #{$i * 0.3}s
, I can get a nice progressive transition delay for each list element.
Is it possible to do this with emotion-js ?
Okay I have figured it.
First I create a JS function, which does my loop and then returns the styles as an object
const menuListTrans = () => {
let styles = {};
for (let $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
styles["&:nth-child(" + $i + ")"] = {
transitionDelay: "1s," + $i * 0.08 + "s",
return styles;
and then interpolate it in the styled component
const MenuList = styled.ul`
&.expanded > li {
transform: translateY(0);
here is the same approach but with variables.
export const nthChildDelay = ({ count = 10, delay = 100, multiplier = 80 }) => {
const styles = {};
[...Array(count).keys()].forEach((_, index) => {
if (index !== 0) {
styles[`&:nth-child(${index})`] = {
transitionDelay: `${delay + (index - 1) * multiplier}ms`,
return styles;
And then use it as
${nthChildDelay({ count: 10, delay: 100, multiplier: 100 })};
