Laravel Many-Many Relationship with extra data - laravel

I have a many-many relationship in my Laravel application, Courses and Users, and users can enroll in a course with my Enrollments table. My Enrollments table functions as the many-many table for Courses and Users. A user can enroll in a course one time.
My idea is that Enrollments will function more than just a many-many table, and store info like the payment amount, expiration date of the enrollment, etc. However, in Laravel Nova (my admin dashboard), I can't make the HasOne:: relationship work for the Enrollments table. It's just ugly IDs that I never want shown. Help.


Laravel Eloquent triple Relationship

I am stuck in situation where I need relation between 3 different tables. My tables are companies, products and Roles. Companies can assign multiple Roles to multiple products. The problem is Companies do not have any relationship with products. Products are added through admin.
Currently I have made a table company_product_role with structure company_id, product_id and role_id, the problem is how to make eloquent relation for insertion and retrieval. Either I am doing it correct or there is simple solution for it?
Any help will be appreciated.

Many to many Laravel Eloquent relationship with multiple intermediate tables

I'm using Laravel 5.4 and have a model and table structure as follows:
account_id (foreign key to account)
A user can have multiple accounts
An account can be shared by multiple users
Each account has multiple holdings
A user therefore indirectly has many holdings through their many accounts.
I need help to define a relation on the User model called "holdings" to get me all the holdings applicable to the user (based on the accounts they are linked to).
I've tried lots of different things and spent ages on google. I can get close with both belongsToMany and hasManyThrough, but they only seem to work for 3 table relationships where the intermediate table stores primary keys from the other tables. I can reduce my relationship to 3 tables (rather than 4) if I make use of the account_id foreign key on the holdings table to remove the need to join through the accounts table, however I can't seem to get this to work.
belongsToMany - needs to be holdings.account_id:
select * from `holdings`
inner join `user_accounts` on `holdings`.`id` = `user_accounts`.`account_id`
where `user_accounts`.`user_id` = ?
hasManyThrough - needs to be user_accounts.account_id:
select * from `holdings`
inner join `user_accounts` on `user_accounts`.`id` = `holdings`.`account_id`
where `user_accounts`.`user_id` = ?"
Well it's not strictly an answer as I was asking about laravel 5.4, but it is a possible solution.
It turns out I'm in luck as I came across this Laravel belongsToMany relationship defining local key on both tables which indicates the belongsToMany relationship has been enhanced in Laravel 5.5 to support this type of scenario.
I have upgraded my project to L5.5 and replaced my hack with the relation:
return $this->belongsToMany(Holding::class, 'user_accounts', 'user_id', 'account_id', null, 'account_id');
And am happy to say it seems to work perfectly - at least for basic gets which is my use case, I haven't tried any updates etc.
Thanks to #cyberfly and those who posted the answer above

laravel define relation over multiple tables

I have a table customers with the fields id, name and so on.
One table doctors with the fields id, name.
Then there is one table subject_areas which has all subject areas which a doctor can have. The fields are id, text.
So, each doctor can have multiple subject areas. There is one pivot table doctor_subject which is a belongsToMany relation.
Here is my problem: A customer can have multiple doctors, but only for a specific subject area. I tried it with a new table customer_doctor with the fields id, customer_id and doctor_subject_id. But how do i map this in Eloquent?
Issue was in relation between tables. After chat clarification this came out as solution:
Html form is written in a way that customer first choose doctor, then depending on selection choose several of his available areas.
In that scenario customer needn't to be related to areas directly and should be related to areas only over relation with doctor.
Also as side note, if needed deeper relations, models on pivot tables could be created and used as well.

Laravel pivot table joined with pivot table

I have following Database Tables
-idProducts (foreign)
-idUser (foreign)
Currently I'm modeling all these Database Tables in Laravel.
But I'm struggeling with the function to get the Products associated with the Tickets.
Do I have to create a model for the Product_Collector? Or is there any other good solution?

laravel 4 polymorphic relationships

I'm trying to get my head around using polymorphic relationships in Laravel 4, but I can't work out how to do the following:
I have a users table, customers, suppliers and partners tables and a userhistories table which has a one to many with users and morph many (called historable) with customers, suppliers and partners.
I want to get the latest 10 userhistories for the (Auth::user) logged in user that are linked to the customers table without including those for the other two tables, but I can't work out the Fluent query(s) to let me do this. Help! Thanks.
