Deprecation of force_uaccess_begin() in Linux kernel 5.19 / 6.0? - linux-kernel

I try to rebuild a Linux device driver in recent kernels, namely 5.19 and 6.0.
The functions force_uaccess_begin() and force_uaccess_end(), as well as type mm_segment_t, are no longer defined and the compilation fails.
In the source code of the driver, for kernels before 5.10, the old set_fs() was used. For 5.10 and higher, force_uaccess_begin() and force_uaccess_end() are used instead. Up to kernel 5.14 at least, it compiles. The force_uaccess_*() functions are defined in linux/uaccess.h.
With kernels 5.19 and 6.0, the compilation fails. The force_uaccess_*() functions are no longer defined in linux/uaccess.h. I have no intermediate kernel 5.15 to 5.18 to test.
I could not find any precise online information about this. The transition from set_fs() to the force_uaccess_*() functions is abundantly documented but not the removal of the latter.
As far as I can see from the headers in 5.14 and the evolution of some other drivers, it seems that the force_uaccess_*() functions are no longer necessary and can be fully removed.
I have two questions:
Could you confirm that the force_uaccess_*() functions are no longer necessary and calling them can be safely removed? Or what shall we care about? I did not write that driver, so that would require some investigation.
What is the first kernel version where the force_uaccess_*() functions were removed? This is required to write the exact #elif LINUX_VERSION_CODE ... in the code.
Thanks a lot for your answers.


Can Windows device drivers have dependencies?

I wrote a kernel-mode driver using C. When I examined it using dependency walker I saw that it depends on some NT*.dll and HAL.dll.
I have several questions:
When does the OS load these DLLs? I thought kernel is responsible for loading DLLs in that case how can driver load a DLL if it is already in kernel-mode
Why don't the standard C dependencies show up like ucrtbase, concrt, vcruntime, msvcp etc? Would it be possible for a driver to have these dependencies and still function?
(A continuation of the last question). If Windows will still load DLLs even in kernel mode, I don't see why drivers cannot be written in (MS) C++
Most of the API in the driver is exported from ntoskrnl.exe.
Your driver is actually a "kernel module", which is part of a process, just like the modules in Ring3.
The driver's "process" is "System", with a Pid of 4, which you can see in the task manager.
ntoskrnl.exe and HAL.dll are modules in the "System", they will Loaded at system startup, while other modules are loaded at time of use (such as your drivers).
You can write and load "driver DLLs", but I haven't done so yet, so I can't answer that.
Ring3 modules are not loaded into the kernel, so you can't call many common Ring3 APIs, but Microsoft has mostly provided alternative APIs for them.
You can't load the Ring3 module directly into the kernel and call its export function. There may be some very complicated methods or tricks to do this, but it's really not necessary.
You can write drivers in C++, but this is not officially recommended by Microsoft at this time as it will encounter many problems, such as:
Constructors and destructors of global variables cannot be called automatically.
You can't use C++ standard libraries directly.
You can't use new and delete directly, they need to be overridden.
C++ exceptions cannot be used directly, and will consume a lot of stack space if you support them manually. Ring0 driver stack space is usually much smaller than Ring3 application stack space, indicating that BSOD may be caused.
Some great people have solved most of the problems, such as the automatic calling of constructors and destructors and the use of standard libraries.
GitHub Project Link (But I still don't recommend using standard libraries in the kernel unless it's necessary, because they are too complex and large and can lead to some unanticipated issues)
My friend told me that Microsoft seems to have a small team currently trying to make drivers support C++. But I don't have time to confirm the veracity of this claim.

CUDA Build Error with CUDA 5.5.targets [duplicate]

The CUDA FAQ says:
CUDA defines vector types such as float4, but doesn't include any
operators on them by default. However, you can define your own
operators using standard C++. The CUDA SDK includes a header
"cutil_math.h" that defines some common operations on the vector
However I can not find this using CUDA SDK 5.0. Has it been removed/renamed?
I've found a version of the header here. How is it related to the one that's supposed to come with SDK?
The cutil functionality was deleted from the CUDA 5.0 Samples (i.e. the "SDK"). You can still download a previous SDK and compile it under CUDA 5, you should then have everything that came with previous SDK's.
The official notice was given by nvidia in the CUDA 5.0 release notes (CUDA_Samples_Release_Notes.pdf, installed with the samples). As to why, I imagine that the nvidia sentiment regarding cutil probably was something like what is expressed here "not suitable for use in a real application. It is completely unsupported" but people were using it in real applications. So one way to try put a stop to that is to delete it, I suppose. That's just speculation.
Note some additional useful info provided in the release notes:
CUTIL has been removed with the CUDA Samples in CUDA 5.0, and replaced
with helper functions found in NVIDIA_CUDA-5.0/common/inc:
helper_cuda.h, helper_cuda_gl.h, helper_cuda_drvapi.h,
helper_functions.h, helper_image.h, helper_math.h, helper_string.h,
These helper functions handle CUDA device
initialization, CUDA error checking, string parsing, image file
loading and saving, and timing functions. The CUDA Samples projects no
longer have references and dependencies to CUTIL, and now use these
helper functions going forward.
So you may find useful functions in some of those header files.
in latest SDK helper_math.h implement most of required operator, however its still missing logical operators like OR or AND

how to write cross-version/platform Linux kernel modules?

I'm new to programming Linux kernel modules, and many getting started guides on the topic include little information about how to build a kernel module which will run on many versions and CPU platforms of Linux. Most of the guides I've seen simply state things like, "Linux doesn't ensure any ABI/API compatibility between versions." However, other OSes do provide these guarantees for major versions, and the guides are mostly targeting 2.7 (which is a bit old now).
I was wondering if there is any kind of ABI/API compatibility now, or if there are any standard ways to deal with versioning other than isolating the kernel-dependent bits of my code into files with a ton of preprocessor directives. (Also, are there any standard preprocessor symbols I should be using in the second case?)
There isn't a stable ABI for the kernel and most likely never will be because it'd make Linux suck. The reasons for not having one are all pretty much documented in that link.
The best way to deal with this is to get your driver merged upstream where it'll be maintained by other kernel developers.
As to being cross-platform, that pretty much comes free with the Linux kernel as long as you only use the standard, platform-independent functions provided in the API.
Linux, the ying and the yang. Tangrs answer is good; it answers your question. However, there is the linux compat projects. See the backports wiki. Basically, there are libraries that provide shim functionality for newer Linux ABI's which you can use to link your code. The KERNEL_VERSION macro that Eugene notes is inspected in a compat.h, and appropriate compat-2.6.38.h, etc are included where each version has either macros and/or library functions to provide a forward API.
This lets the Linux Wifi group write code for the bleeding edge kernel, while still making it possible to compile on older kernel versions.
I guess this answers the question,
if there are any standard ways to deal with versioning?
The compat library is not a panacea, but at least it is there and under development.
Open source - There are many mutations. They all have a different plan.

Can I mix arm-eabi with arm-elf?

I have a product which bootloader and application are compiled using a compiler (gnuarm GCC 4.1.1) that generates "arm-elf".
The bootloader and application are segregated in different FLASH memory areas in the linker script.
The application has a feature that enables it to call the bootloader (as a simple c-function with 2 parameters).
I need to be able to upgrade existing products around the world, and I can safely do this using always the same compiler.
Now I'd like to be able to compile this product application using a new GCC version that outputs arm-eabi.
Everything will be fine for new products, where both application and bootloader are compiled using the same toolchain, but what happens with existing products?
If I flash a new application, compiled with GCC 4.6.x and arm-none-eabi, will my application still be able to call the bootloader function from the old arm-elf bootloader?
Furthermore, not directly related to the above question, can I mix object files compiled with arm-elf into a binary compiled with arm-eabi?
I think is good to make clear I am building for a bare metal ARM7, if it makes any difference...
No. An ABI is the magic that makes binaries compatible. The Application Binary Interface determines various conventions on how to communicate with other libraries/applications. For example, an ABI will define calling convention, which makes implicit assumptions about things like which registers are used for passing arguments to C functions, and how to deal with excess arguments.
I don't know the exact differences between EABI and ABI, but you can find some of them by reading up on EABI. Debian's page mentions the syscall convention is different, along with some alignment changes.
Given the above, of course, you cannot mix arm-elf and arm-eabi objects.
The above answer is given on the assumption that you talk to the bootloader code in your main application. Given that the interface may be very simple (just a function call with two parameters), it's possible that it might work. It'd be an interesting experiment to try. However, it is not ** guaranteed** to work.
Please keep in mind you do not have to use EABI. You can generate an arm-elf toolchain with gcc 4.6 just as well as with older versions. Since you're using a binary toolchain on windows, you may have more of a challenge. I'd suggest investigating crosstool-ng, which works quite well on Linux, and may work okay on cygwin to build the appropriate toolchain.
There is always the option of making the call to bootloader in inline assembly, in which case you can adhere to any calling standard you need :).
However, besides the portability issue it introduces, this approach will also make two assumptions about your bootloader and application:
you are able to detect in your app that a particular device has a bootloader built with your non-EABI toolchain, as you can only call the older type bootloader using the assembly code.
the two parameters you mentioned are used as primitive data by your bootloader. Should the bootloader use them, for example, as pointers to structs then you could be facing issues with incorrect alignment, padding and so forth.
I Think that this will be OK. I did a migration something like this myself, from what I remember I only ran into a problem to do with handling division.
This is the best info I can find about the differences, it suggests that if you don't have struct alignment issues, you may be OK.

GCC: disguising between GCC versions

This question was emerged from this question.
The problem is that there is a NVidia driver for Linux, compiled wth GCC 4.5. The kernel is compiled with GCC 4.6. Well, the stuff doesn't work because of the version number difference between GCCs. (the installer says the driver won't work - for details please visit the link above)
Could one disguise a binary compiled with GCC 4.5 to a binary compiled with GCC 4.6? If it is possible, under what circumstances would it work well?
Your problem is called ABI: Application Binary Interface. This is a set of rules (among others) how functions in a piece of code get their arguments (ordering, padding of types on the stack), naming of the function so the linker can resolve symbols and padding/alignment of fields in structures.
GCC tries to keep the ABI stable between compiler versions but that's not always possible.
For example, GCC 4.4 fixed a bug in packed bit-fields which means that old/new code can't read structures using this feature properly anymore. If you would mix versions before and after 4.4, data corruption would occur without any crashes.
There is no indication in the 4.6 release notes that the ABI was changed but that's something which the Linux kernel can't know - it just reads the compiler version used to compile the code and if the first two numbers change, it assumes that running the code isn't safe.
There are two solutions:
You can compile the Nvidia driver with the same compiler as the kernel. This is strongly recommended
You can patch the version string in the binary. This will trick the kernel into loading the module but at the risk of causing data corruption to internal data structures.
