JDA 5 SelectMenu create notwork? - discord-jda

When I use the code written in the wiki, an error occurs in create.
● https://jda.wiki/using-jda/interactions/#select-menus-dropdowns
I'm not sure if I'm missing something.

You are probably looking for StringSelectMenu and StringSelectInteractionEvent.


Laravel 8 project is giving serialize error

When I use the php artisan serve command, the project gives the following error.
Laravel\SerializableClosure\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException Your
serialized closure might have been modified or it's unsafe to be
What is the reason for that? How can I solve this?
I also had similar type of issue like this as shown in attached image and I was able to resolve that by referring this article. check this article clearly

Reporting to Sentry to proof that it's working, like on start up?

We are using Sentry for finding some errors.
How do you proof, that a reporting is working?
I had a Spring-Boot project, which was not sending any error to Sentry, so it looks like it was working without an error, but I saw in Kibana, that there have been errors.
So, my configuration was wrong. After fixing the setup, it's now sending the errors to Sentry too.
Is there any way to proof that the sending to Sentry is working?
Something like on startup of my Spring-Boot application sending a first string?
I found 2 possible solutions which both sucks, so that's why I ask for a more professional way:
I can make just on application start up a log.error("sentry is working")
I can set the log-level from warning / error to info just to see that it's working and if see it in Sentry, you change it back?
But as i mentioned, both methods are not good, so let me know how you are resolving problems like this
are unprofessional to me, so let me know
There isn't a real "answer" here currently, as part of Sentry's simplicity is it doesn't do anything until an error happens. One potential solution is to introduce a path like example.com/500 that deliberately errors.

Force 500 error in Laravel

I'm building my first app in laravel 5.4 and I did a custom 500 error view (resource/error/500.blade.php) and I was wondering if there is any way that I could force the error.
Obviously nobody would want to have this error, but I was just wondering how would it look if it occurs.
Thanks in advance
Add abort(500) snippet somewhere in the flow your testing to view the page.
Optionally, you may provide a response:
App::abort(500, 'What you want to message');
Link to the docs here

Parse stopped initializing (Unity)

I just work with project as always but now Parse does not want initialize.
I have placed Parse Initialize Behaviour at the very start in Scripts execution order but it does not help and I still getting this error
InvalidOperationException: Parse must be initialized before making any calls.
How to fix it?
What is the version that you are using?
Do you have init script to share? or is it done by your SDK?
I found this helpful to me:
1. Edit->Project Settings->Script Execution Order.
2. Add Parse.ParseInitializeBehaviour.
3. Place it above any script using Parse in the order, or just place it at the top to be sure.
And finally i'm done. The problem was in Parse.settings, I have deleted it and now all right!

Twitter handler (sensu and ruby) troubleshooting

I'm trying to get Sensu twitter-handler working on my environment. The issue is that I'm not getting any errors on screen or logs when I cat a .json event into the twitter-handler and, the tweets are not being shown on the linked account.
Here're are my config files:
This is the output I get:
One important note is that in sensu-api.log the request are being recieved:
So, my question is: is there a way to troubleshoot this issue? Any way to debug the handler.rb?
Finally got it working! Thing was the new 'twitter' gem (in my case v5.6) won't work with the code as it was written. I needed to follow this great answer and this thread too. Was just a matter of sintaxis (as usual).
