Adding custom time to date - ruby

the timestamp is in a format that I am not able to add to the ruby date. How can I do this?
How do I add z into sd?

You can't add time to date but you can parse time like this (just concatenate date and time)
date = '2016-01-01'
time = '4:00am'
require 'time'
Time.parse("#{date} #{time}")
# => 2016-01-01 04:00:00 +0300
To avoid some parsing misinterpretation you can explicitly point directives
DateTime.strptime("#{date} #{time}", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%p')


Change timezone with Carbon

I have a date that is coming from database (type date):
This date is in french timezone.
When I do:
$from = Carbon::parse("2018-08-25", 'Europe/Paris');
I get:
date: 2018-08-24 22:00:00.0 UTC (+00:00)
Which is what I want
But when I use field from DB:
$operation = Operation::findOrFail($request->operation);
$from = Carbon::parse($operation->date_ini, 'Europe/Paris');
I get:
date: 2018-08-25 00:00:00.0 UTC (+00:00)
In my DB, field is saved as : 2018-08-25, so literraly, it means 2018-08-25 UTC. So result is coherent. But I'm not sure how to deal with it to get what I want. The implication would be that I have to store my date like a datetime in DB so that I can store it in UTC with 1 or 2 hours less. Is there anyway to avoid this and keep it simple ?
Any idea ?
I solved it using:
$from = Carbon::parse($operation->date_ini)->shiftTimezone('Europe/Paris');;
shiftTimezone with change timezone without changing the date. So, it do the trick for me !
If you call setTimezone() on an existing instance of Carbon, it will change the date/time to the new timezone, for example
$changeTimeZone = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($operation->date_ini)->setTimezone('Asia/Dhaka')->format('H:i');

How do you set a default format for dates in a hash? [duplicate]

I am trying to return a date with this format
I have tested that
=> "2015-10-21T09:47:50-04:00"
but i didn't have same format
You can use strftime yourself and create the format you want as described here
The format you specified should be %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z
And so the complete Ruby statement would be'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z')
Various ISO 8601 formats:
%Y%m%d => 20071119 Calendar date (basic)
%F => 2007-11-19 Calendar date (extended)
%Y-%m => 2007-11 Calendar date, reduced accuracy, specific month
%Y => 2007 Calendar date, reduced accuracy, specific year
%C => 20 Calendar date, reduced accuracy, specific century
%Y%j => 2007323 Ordinal date (basic)
%Y-%j => 2007-323 Ordinal date (extended)
%GW%V%u => 2007W471 Week date (basic)
%G-W%V-%u => 2007-W47-1 Week date (extended)
%GW%V => 2007W47 Week date, reduced accuracy, specific week (basic)
%G-W%V => 2007-W47 Week date, reduced accuracy, specific week (extended)
%H%M%S => 083748 Local time (basic)
%T => 08:37:48 Local time (extended)
%H%M => 0837 Local time, reduced accuracy, specific minute (basic)
%H:%M => 08:37 Local time, reduced accuracy, specific minute (extended)
%H => 08 Local time, reduced accuracy, specific hour
%H%M%S,%L => 083748,000 Local time with decimal fraction, comma as decimal sign (basic)
%T,%L => 08:37:48,000 Local time with decimal fraction, comma as decimal sign (extended)
%H%M%S.%L => 083748.000 Local time with decimal fraction, full stop as decimal sign (basic)
%T.%L => 08:37:48.000 Local time with decimal fraction, full stop as decimal sign (extended)
%H%M%S%z => 083748-0600 Local time and the difference from UTC (basic)
%T%:z => 08:37:48-06:00 Local time and the difference from UTC (extended)
%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z => 20071119T083748-0600 Date and time of day for calendar date (basic)
%FT%T%:z => 2007-11-19T08:37:48-06:00 Date and time of day for calendar date (extended)
%Y%jT%H%M%S%z => 2007323T083748-0600 Date and time of day for ordinal date (basic)
%Y-%jT%T%:z => 2007-323T08:37:48-06:00 Date and time of day for ordinal date (extended)
%GW%V%uT%H%M%S%z => 2007W471T083748-0600 Date and time of day for week date (basic)
%G-W%V-%uT%T%:z => 2007-W47-1T08:37:48-06:00 Date and time of day for week date (extended)
%Y%m%dT%H%M => 20071119T0837 Calendar date and local time (basic)
%FT%R => 2007-11-19T08:37 Calendar date and local time (extended)
%Y%jT%H%MZ => 2007323T0837Z Ordinal date and UTC of day (basic)
%Y-%jT%RZ => 2007-323T08:37Z Ordinal date and UTC of day (extended)
%GW%V%uT%H%M%z => 2007W471T0837-0600 Week date and local time and difference from UTC (basic)
%G-W%V-%uT%R%:z => 2007-W47-1T08:37-06:00 Week date and local time and difference from UTC (extended)
If you just want to include the fractional number of seconds, you can use DateTime#iso8601([n=0]) → string:
pry(main)> require 'date'
=> "2017-01-17T12:31:26.695+11:00"
Or in Rails:
=> "2017-01-17T12:31:26.695+11:00"
It seems like the main issue is that you want the output to be UTC encoded ISO 8601 timestamp, while Ruby by default uses the timezone of the Time value - which is most likely, especially if you create the value using, your local time zone.
The solution would be to convert the Time value to a UTC timezone using #utc method:
now =
# convert to UTC and format
puts now.utc.iso8601
This would output 2020-04-20T20:46:31Z - the Z there is equivalent to +00:00 and means UTC (or "Zulu time" in US military jargon). Any ISO-8601 compliant implementation should accept Z being identical to +00:00.
The iso8601 method on the Time instance is an extension. It is part of the standard library, but you have to load it explicitly using require 'time'. This also loads other useful extensions for the Time class.
Did you try with Date?,5,25).iso8601 # returns "2018-05-25"
For today, it would be:
For a UTC time in ISO 8601:
require 'date'
# => "2022-04-15T16:33:17+00:00"
(This works even outside of Rails.)

Ruby on Rails 3 convert time to DateTime in specific timezone

I have column which stores only time. I want to convert to it into datetime and then to a specific timezone. When I do it on console using only the attribute, it shows correct conversion value. But when I use it in query the query shows the current time in UTC. Suppose I have time "05:15" stored in Central time. Now when I want to fetch records for a interval of 30 minutes plus and minus of this time, I do following,
day =
# departure_time_from _db below is the name of column in table which store time
departure = departure_time_from _db.change(:day =>, :month => date.month, :year => date.year)
departure = departure.in_time_zone("Central Time (US & Canada)")
When I execute above code on console and see the value, it shows correct converted value. But when I use this variable in below query, current time gets used instead of the departure time.
Model.where("column_name > ? and "column_name < ?, departure - 30.minutes, departure + 30.minutes)
The time used in above query should be the time I want i.e Central time zone, but in query output, it shows UTC being used.
Please let me know what i am missing.
It shouldn't matter what time zone the query uses in the where clause as long as it's the same time representation. The time you're seeing in your query output from Rails is most likely the UTC equivalent of the ruby DateTime object being passed to the where statement. So if departure is 12:00 noon (UTC -6) in your Ruby code then the time shown in the SQL query will be 18:00, which corresponds to noon CST.

Return date if within date range

I have an object which contains a list of due dates, I am trying to build a system which returns the due date when a specified date is 1 month or less before the due date. It should return the due date in this format "1st Feb 2009". Let me clarify, using my current code
#Build array of estate objects
estate.due_dates = "1st Feb, 3rd May, 1st Aug, 5th Nov"
estate2.due_dates = "28th Feb, 31st May, 31st Aug, 30th Nov"
estates = [estate,estate2]
set_due_date_on_estates("1st Jan 2009",estates) #Run function - should return "1st Feb 2009,28th Feb 2009"
def set_due_date_on_estates(date,estates)
((date)..(date >> 1)).each{|current_date|
estate.set_reminder(due_date + current_date.strftime("%Y")) if current_date.strftime('%d %m') ==
Date.parse(due_date).strftime('%d %m')
The issue I am having, is that my list of due dates doesnt have a Year, so I am looping through my range and checking if the dates are equal using the format "%d %m". If so I am setting the reminder in the estate object by using the current "due date" in the loop concatenated with the Year of the "current date" in the loop.
Am not too happy with the code, in particular the nested loops and wondered if there was a better way I could deal with checking that the due_dates where in the date range, even though the due_dates dont have a year. Thanks
You could use date parsers: Kronos, chronic
Example for kronos:
def parse_date(date)
Kronos.parse(date.sub(/\d{4}$/, ''))
This function gives you a Kronos object without year which is more easily to compare, build range and so on.
Yes you can use Chronic and also you can write a worker which will keep checking if the specified date is 1 month or less before the due date at regular interval. And ask that worker to do something if result is true (say send you an email or anything if date is within due date) you can find more information about worker by googling Resque and Redis. Another option would be to convert both dates on some base reference and then do the calculations.

How can I compare a date field with and display the differance?

I have a table of accounts, each with an expiration date. The expiration date is saved in a date field (day, month and year).
How can I compare this to the current date and display the number of days until the expiration date is reached?
Thanks for any help it's much appreciated!
simple ( - account.expiration_date).to_i will give you the integer number - the difference in days :)
You can convert your components into a target date and use some of the methods in DateHelper to display a human readable distance:
target_date =, model.month,
=> "4 months"
