Go run greeter_server/main.go - protocol-buffers

I don't know how to access the server which is listent at [::]:50051
$ go run greeter_client/main.go
Greeting: Hello world
I'm a new bie to the world of programming!
I try the below code on the same laptop listening from aforementioned server!
$ go run greeter_client/main.go
Greeting: Hello world


Got 404 when running quarkus "code-with-quarkus" app in dev mode

I followed the instructions on https://quarkus.io/get-started/ and build this demo using the latest quarkus(2.7).
My java environment is:
when I run quarkus dev it turns out fine like this:
But when I access http://localhost:8080/hello I got an 404 like this:
I should have got a string "Hello RESTEasy" as the demo code is like:
Can any one tell me why would this happen?

Why won't my flask command work on Heroku?

I have a simple CLI took in Flask that I use to create dummy data. It works fine on my local machine but not on Heroku. Here's a terminal session:
(venv) $ flask create-dummy-data
(venv) $ git push staging master
Everything up-to-date
(venv) $ heroku run bash --remote staging
Running bash on ⬢ app-name... up, run.8533 (Free)
~ $ flask create-dummy-data
Usage: flask [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Try "flask --help" for help.
Error: No such command "create-dummy-data".
Here's my app/cli.py file:
import lorem
from app import db
from app.models import Survey, Question, Option, Answer, Response
def register(app):
def create_dummy_data():
"""Create lorem ipsum questions and answers for testing."""
survey = Survey()
for _ in range(3):
question = Question(survey=survey, category='likert', question=lorem.sentence())
for _ in range (2):
question = Question(survey=survey, category='word', question=lorem.sentence())
And my run.py file:
from app import create_app, db, cli
from app.models import Survey, Question, Option, Answer, Response
app = create_app()
def make_shell_context():
return {'db': db,
'Survey': Survey,
'Question': Question,
'Option': Option,
'Answer': Answer,
'Response': Response
Why would this work locally but not on the Heroku shell?
It was the simplest thing: Heroku didn't have $FLASK_APP set in the staging environment's variables. Adding that allowed the command line tool to run.

AppFog background worker 'failed to start'

I'm trying to follow the AppFog guide on creating a background worker in ruby, and I'm running into some (probably noob) issues. The example uses Rufus-scheduler, which (according to the Ruby docs on AppFog) means I need to use Bundler to include/manage within my app. Nonetheless, I've run bundle install, pushed everything to AppFog in the appropriate ('standalone') fashion, and still can't seem to get it running.
my App & Gemfile:
...and via the AF CLI:
$ af push
[...creating/uploading/etc. etc... - removed to save space]
Staging Application 'chservice-dev': OK
Starting Application 'chservice-dev': .
Error: Application [chservice-dev] failed to start, logs information below.
====> /logs/staging.log <====
# Logfile created on 2013-06-27 20:22:23 +0000 by logger.rb/25413
Need to fetch tzinfo-1.0.1.gem from RubyGems
Adding tzinfo-1.0.1.gem to app...
Adding rufus-scheduler-2.0.19.gem to app...
Adding bundler-1.1.3.gem to app...
====> /logs/stdout.log <====
2013-06-27 20:22:28.841 - script executed.
Delete the application? [Yn]:
How can I fix (or troubleshoot) this? I'm probably missing a large step/concept... very new to ruby =)
Thanks in advance.
I think the app might be exiting immediately. The scheduler needs to be joined to the main thread in order to keep that app running.
require 'rubygems'
require 'rufus/scheduler'
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
scheduler.every '10s' do
puts 'Log this'
### join the scheduler to the main thread ###
I created a sample rufus scheduler app that works on appfog: https://github.com/tsantef/appfog-rufus-example

How to make Thin run on a different port?

I've a very basic test app. When I execute this command the server ignores the port I specify and runs Thin on port 4567. Why is the port I specify ignored?
$ruby xxx.rb start -p 8000
== Sinatra/1.3.3 has taken the stage on 4567 for production with backup from Thin
>> Thin web server (v1.4.1 codename Chromeo)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
xxx.rb file
require 'Thin'
rackup_file = "config.ru"
argv = ARGV
argv << ["-R", rackup_file ] unless ARGV.include?("-R")
argv << ["-e", "production"] unless ARGV.include?("-e")
puts argv.flatten
config.ru file
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/base'
class SingingRain < Sinatra::Base
get '/' do
return 'hello'
#\ -p 8000
put this at the top of the config.ru
Your problem is with the line:
This is Sinatra’s run method, which tells Sinatra to start its own web server which runs on port 4567 by default. This is in your config.ru file, but config.ru is just Ruby, so this line is run as if it was in any other .rb file. This is why you see Sinatra start up on that port.
When you stop this server with CTRL-C, Thin will try to continue loading the config.ru file to determine what app to run. You don’t actually specify an app in your config.ru, so you’ll see something like:
^C>> Stopping ...
== Sinatra has ended his set (crowd applauds)
/Users/matt/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/rack-1.4.1/lib/rack/builder.rb:129:in `to_app': missing run or map statement (RuntimeError)
from config.ru:1:in `<main>'
This error is simply telling you that you didn’t actually specify an app to run in your config file.
Instead of SingingRain.run!, use:
run SingingRain
run is a Rack method that specifies which app to run. You could also do run SingingRain.new – Sinatra takes steps to enable you to use just the class itself here, or an instance.
The output to this should now just be:
>> Thin web server (v1.4.1 codename Chromeo)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
You don’t get the == Sinatra/1.3.2 has taken the stage on 4567 for production with backup from Thin message because Sinatra isn’t running its built in server, it’s just your Thin server as you configured it.
in your config.ru add
set :port=> 8000
Also i would highly suggest using Sinatra with something like passenger+nginx which makes deploying to production a breeze. But You need not worry about this if you are going to deploy to heroku.

Job handler serialization incorrect when running delayed_job in production with Thin or Unicorn

I recently brought delayed_job into my Rails 3.1.3 app. In development
everything is fine. I even staged my DJ release on the same VPS as my
production app using the same production application server (Thin),
and everything was fine. Once I released to production, however, all
hell broke loose: none of the jobs were entered into the jobs table
correctly, and I started seeing the following in the logs for all
processed jobs:
2012-02-18T14:41:51-0600: [Worker(delayed_job host:hope pid:12965)]
NilClass# completed after 0.0151
2012-02-18T14:41:51-0600: [Worker(delayed_job host:hope pid:12965)] 1
jobs processed at 15.9666 j/s, 0 failed ...
NilClass and no method name? Certainly not correct. So I looked at the
serialized handler on the job in the DB and saw:
"--- !ruby/object:Delayed::PerformableMethod\nattributes:\n id: 13\n
event_id: 26\n name: memememe\n api_key: !!null \n"
No indication of a class or method name. And when I load the YAML into
an object and call #object on the resulting PerformableMethod I get
nil. For kicks I then fired up the console on the broken production
app and delayed the same job. This time the handler looked like:
"--- !ruby/object:Delayed::PerformableMethod\nobject: !ruby/
ActiveRecord:Domain\n attributes:\n id: 13\n event_id: 26\n
name: memememe\n api_key: !!null \nmethod_name: :create_a\nargs: []
And sure enough, that job runs fine. Puzzled, I then recalled reading
something about DJ not playing nice with Thin. So, I tried Unicorn and
was sad to see the same result. Hours of research later and I think
this has something to do with how the app server is loading the YAML
libraries Psych and Syck and DJ's interaction with them. I cannot,
however, pin down exactly what is wrong.
Note that I'm running delayed_job 3.0.1 official, but have tried upgrading to
the master branch and have even tried downgrading to 2.1.4.
Here are some notable differences between my stage and production
In stage I run 1 Thin server on a TCP port -- no web proxy in front
In production I run 2+ Thin servers and proxy to them with Nginx.
They talk over a UNIX socket
When I tried unicorn it was 1 app server proxied to by Nginx over a
UNIX socket
Could the web proxying/Nginx have something to do with it? Please, any insight is greatly appreciated. I've spent a lot of time
integrating delayed_job and would hate to have to shelve the work or, worse,
toss it. Thanks for reading.
I fixed this by not using #delay. Instead I replaced all of my "model.delay.method" code with custom jobs. Doing so works like a charm, and is ultimately more flexible. This fix works fine with Thin. I haven't tested with Unicorn.
I'm running into a similar problem with rails 3.0.10 and dj 2.1.4, it's most certainly a different yaml library being loaded when running from console vs from the app server; thin, unicorn, nginx. I'll share any solution I come up with
Ok so removing these lines from config/boot.rb fixed this issue for me.
require 'yaml'
YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'syck'
This had been placed there to fix an YAML parsing error, forcing YAML to use 'syck'. Removing this required me to fix the underlying issues with the .yml files. More on this here
Now my delayed job record handlers match between those created via the server (unicorn in my case) and the console. Both my server and delayed job workers are kicked off within bundler
cd #{rails_root} && bundle exec unicorn_rails -c #{rails_root}/config/unicorn.rb -E #{rails_env} -D"
export LANG=en_US.utf8; export GEM_HOME=/data/reception/current/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1; cd #{rail
s_root}; /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 /data/reception/current/script/delayed_job start staging
