How to make Thin run on a different port? - ruby

I've a very basic test app. When I execute this command the server ignores the port I specify and runs Thin on port 4567. Why is the port I specify ignored?
$ruby xxx.rb start -p 8000
== Sinatra/1.3.3 has taken the stage on 4567 for production with backup from Thin
>> Thin web server (v1.4.1 codename Chromeo)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
xxx.rb file
require 'Thin'
rackup_file = ""
argv = ARGV
argv << ["-R", rackup_file ] unless ARGV.include?("-R")
argv << ["-e", "production"] unless ARGV.include?("-e")
puts argv.flatten! file
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/base'
class SingingRain < Sinatra::Base
get '/' do
return 'hello'

#\ -p 8000
put this at the top of the

Your problem is with the line:!
This is Sinatra’s run method, which tells Sinatra to start its own web server which runs on port 4567 by default. This is in your file, but is just Ruby, so this line is run as if it was in any other .rb file. This is why you see Sinatra start up on that port.
When you stop this server with CTRL-C, Thin will try to continue loading the file to determine what app to run. You don’t actually specify an app in your, so you’ll see something like:
^C>> Stopping ...
== Sinatra has ended his set (crowd applauds)
/Users/matt/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/rack-1.4.1/lib/rack/builder.rb:129:in `to_app': missing run or map statement (RuntimeError)
from `<main>'
This error is simply telling you that you didn’t actually specify an app to run in your config file.
Instead of!, use:
run SingingRain
run is a Rack method that specifies which app to run. You could also do run – Sinatra takes steps to enable you to use just the class itself here, or an instance.
The output to this should now just be:
>> Thin web server (v1.4.1 codename Chromeo)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
You don’t get the == Sinatra/1.3.2 has taken the stage on 4567 for production with backup from Thin message because Sinatra isn’t running its built in server, it’s just your Thin server as you configured it.

in your add
set :port=> 8000
Also i would highly suggest using Sinatra with something like passenger+nginx which makes deploying to production a breeze. But You need not worry about this if you are going to deploy to heroku.


Sinatra is using Thin instead of Puma

I'm building a Sinatra application that needs to be threadable, as I'm using sucker-punch for jobs, and I want to use the Puma server to do it though I've never used it before.
For some reason, when I start my application it runs Thin.
I uninstalled Thin and it uses Puma, which is good, but how do I stop it from starting with Thin in the future in the case this happens again?
I start my application with rackup and I have in my main app.rb file:
class App < ::Sinatra::Base
configure do
set :show_exceptions, true
set :root, Info[:root]
set :threaded, true
set :server, :puma
Tilt.register Tilt::ERBTemplate, 'html.erb'
enable :logging
use Rack::CommonLogger, Log.file
set :environment, :production
set :bind, '', HOST
set :show_exceptions, false
You need to set your server in the rackup file. In this file you can set
Documentation is available in "Module: Rack::Handler".
However an even better way is to just run Puma explicitly:
bundle exec puma
OR as suggested by #matt:
rackup -s puma
Just run it with bundle exec. That ensures the gems available are only the ones specified on your Gemfile.
So, even if you have thin installed, but you have puma on your Gemfile, it will pick puma.

How to designate a Rack handler

Rackup is successfully running any Rack app via Rack's default handler. e.g.:
class RackApp
def call(environment)
{'Content-Type' => 'text/html'},
["Hello world"]
But rackup is giving "NoMethodError at / undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass" when the last line is changed to instead use Rack's built-in CGI handler:
The same objection is raised for Rack's other built-in handlers. e.g. Rack::Handler::Thin, Rack::Handler::FastCGI, even Rack::Handler::WEBrick (which is the handler Rack selects above in default mode).
What's the correct syntax here?
The rackup command reads the config file and starts a server. The methods also start a server, independently of the rackup command (CGI is slightly different as it isn't actually a server as such).
What happens when you change the line
and run rackup is as follows. The server starts and parses the config file. When the line is reached it is executed as any other Ruby code would be. In the case of the CGI handler this calls the app and writes the output to the standard output as it would if running as a CGI script (have a look at your terminal when you run rackup). Afterwards the 'rackup' server is started as normal, but without an app to run. When you try to access the page you'll get the NoMethodError, since the app is nil.
Using Rack::Handler::Thin is similar, but in this case, as Thin actually is a web server, it is started and will serve RackApp, but listens on Thin's default port of 8080 (not the rack default of 9292). After stopping Thin (e.g. with Ctrl-C) the default rackup server (Mongrel or Webrick) will start listening on port 9292, again with no app specified so you'll get the NoMethodError.
If you run your modified '' as a plain Ruby script rather than using rackup you'll see the same behaviour, but without the rackup server being started. (You'll need to require rack first, so use ruby -rrack In the CGI case the output of a single call to your app will be printed to the console, in the Thin case Thin will be started serving your app.
In order to specify the server to use with rackup, you can use the -s option, e.g. rackup -s thin will start the app using Thin (this time on the rackup default port of 9292). You can also do rackup -s cgi but this won't really work in any useful way - it just prints out the html of an error page to the console.
If you're trying to run your app as a CGI there are a couple of options. You need to create a CGI script that calls your app using the CGI handler. This could itself be a ruby script that calls directly, in fact you could use your modified directly (you might want to rename it first and add an explicit require 'rack' line).
Alternatively you can use a shell script which then calls rackup In this situation rackup detects that it's running as CGI and automatically uses the correct handler (see point 3.5)
also interesting:

How to start and stop a Sinatra application using Thin on Windows?

class App < Sinatra::Base
def hello
From documentation I found that I can start the application like this:
Although this does not return the control.
How do I start the application in the background and how can I then stop it.
My environment is: Windows, Ruby 1.9.2
Use a file like Dmitry Maksimov suggested:
require './your_app_file'
run YourApp
And then start with rackup -D which means deamonize and therefore it runs in the background.
I wouldn't recommend this for development though. Better have a look at Shotgun
Create in the top directory of your application rackup file - - with the following content:
$: << File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
require 'your app'
run Sinatra::Application
Then just run your app with the thin start

Running Sinatra on port 80

I installed Sinatra and it works but it uses port 4567 by default. I want it to run on port 80.
In an effort to get it to work on port 80, I tried this:
require 'rubygems'
require 'rack/handler/webrick'
require 'sinatra'
:run => false,
:env => :production,
:port => 80
get '/' do
"Hello World"
But I get this error:
$ ruby -rubygems index.rb
index.rb:5:in `<main>': undefined method `default_options' for Sinatra::Application:Class (NoMethodError)
Any idea what's going on?
Can't you just use (
set :port, 80
Note that in order to bind a socket to port 80, you'll need to have superuser privileges.
And, by the way,
Using Sinatra.default_options to set base configuration items is obsolete
An alternate way to accepted answer
rvmsudo rackup -p 80
In case one is using RVM to manage Ruby versions, you may not be able to use sudo that easily (or else would need to setup ruby in path).
Any port below 1024 is for privileged processes only. You'd have to run as root to run the sinatra app directly on 80. You could reverse proxy -
Yes, running anything other than Apache, Nginx, Varnish or HAProxy or port 80 is in my opiniona dangerous game. Those tools are very good at what they do. A reverse proxy setup is the way to go.

Passing options to rackup via a Sinatra application

I'm new to ruby, learning Sinatra. While creating a Sinatra site by requiring 'sinatra' and setting up the routes directly under is pretty easy and rather well documented, creating an application by requiring 'sinatra/base' and writing a class that inherits from 'Sinatra::Base', while still relatively easy, is very poorly documented (maybe because it's a pretty recent feature of Sinatra).
And that's exactly what I am doing. I am not having too much trouble on the Sinatra part, however I am having a bit of trouble on the rackup/thin/server part. Apparently there are two ways to deploy the application: using Sinatra itself (using the run! method) and using a rackup file (typically
Using Sinatra's run! method is extremely intuitive and works like a charm, but apparently it doesn't work if I want to deploy my app on heroku. As a matter of fact, almost all the Sinatra apps that I have encountered on GitHub use a file.
Using a rackup file might be equally intuitive, but I can't manage to understand how to pass options from the Sinatra app to the server (ir: the port). I tried to merge options to rackup's default options array:
:run => false,
:env => :production,
:port => 4567
run MyApp::App
by adding options directly to the app:
MyApp::App.set :port, 4567
MyApp::App.set :run, false
MyApp::App.set :env, :production
run MyApp::App
by setting options from within the application class:
module MyApp
class App < Sinatra::Base
set :port, 4567
set :run, false
set :env, :production
# ...
require 'app'
run MyApp::App
All the methods above failed, either by showing error messages or by just not taking any of the options into consideration. So is there any way to pass options to rackup/thin/the sever via a Sinatra app when using a rackup file? Or the options in questions should be passed directly to rackup/thin/the sever via command-line options?
As a reference to the problem, here is the little Sinatra application I am building:
You're actully going to pass options to thin on the command line directly or via a configuration file. See all options:
$ thin -h
For production, use a configuration file:
$ thin -C thin-production.yml -R start
Here is an example thin-production.yml file:
address: localhost
port: 3020
servers: 4
max_conns: 1024
max_persistent_conns: 512
timeout: 30
environment: production
pid: tmp/pids/
log: log/thin-production.log
daemonize: true
I know I'm resurrecting an ancient question here, but I came across another useful solution not yet mentioned. As stated in this rack wiki tutorial:
the first line starting with #\ is treated as if it was options, allowing rackup arguments to be specified in the config file.
So if you wanted to set your host to and port to 5656, you would add the following line to the beginning of your file:
#\ -o -p 5656
