I'm using IMX6DL, there the OS which it is running on it contains OPKG package manager, but while install gtk2.0 I'm getting
$ opkg install libgtk-2.0-dev
opkg_prepare_url_for_install: Couldn't find anything to satisfy 'gtk+2.0'
Can anyone tell me how manage this?
I want to use the package "Dask", but there is one problem.
"Dask dataframe requirements are not installed."
Obviously, we can use pip install "dask[dataframe]" or pip install "dask[complete]".
However, in the secured server where I work, there is no internet connection.
So, I transfer the file of package and install manually.
But, I cannot find the package dask[dataframe] for downloading.
How can I install the rest of packages manually without internet connection?
Thank you
You should look at the setup.py requirements file in the dask repository to see which dependencies it requires.
I'm having trouble setting up 2 factor authentication in Ubuntu Server 18.04.
I'm following this tutorial: http://www.ubuntuboss.com/how-to-set-up-2-factor-authentication-in-ubuntu-server-18-04/
But on the first step when I try to install the package I get the package not found error as seen in the title.
sudo apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator
I have looked around to see if the package has been updated and goes by a different name and I am sure I have the most recent version of the package manager.
Has the package changed or is there anyway around this problem.
Had the same problem. Turned out it's because Ubuntu Server doesn't include the Universe Repository.
Add this line
sudo add-apt-repository universe
Then run the command again and it will install.
I found a way round this issue,
/tmp$ wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/326531917/libpam-google-authenticator_20170702-1_amd64.deb
I was able to manually install it via this link and installed the missing dependencies the same way and was able to finish the tutorial as normal.
Just started using docker.
I want to install numphy, scipy etc from bash
PS H:> docker run -it python:3.4 bash
....:/# install requests
....:/# pip install numphy
I'd expect this to work but for some reason I get the error:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement numphy (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for numphy
Not really sure what to do from here - any help would be most appreciated.
Are you trying to install numpy? You need to use:
pip install numpy
pip install numphy
That package (numphy) isn't found because it doesn't exist. You either misspelled it as noted or you don't have the files (if it's a package you'r developing locally) inside the container to install it.
Libvirt was installed with "dnf install". For libvirt-go - $ go get github.com/libvirt/libvirt-go.
As a result:
enter image description here
How I can change PKG_CONFIG_PATH? Or how to install libvirt-go right?
You need to install the libvirt development package, eg libvirt-devel on Fedora/RHEL/Centos, or libvirt-dev on Debian/Ubuntu.
The libvirt-go build process will just query 'pkg-config' to find out where it is installed, so if you did have it installed in a non-standard location (eg /opt/libvirt), then you would do 'export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/libvirt/lib/pkgconfig' and then libvirt-go would find that.
apt-offline seems like a really great option if you have a server that does not have network connectivity and you want to install a few packages on it.
The problem I have is that I only want to install a few packages and there seem to only be options for an upload or an upgrade and to also install the few packages I want. How do I get apt-offline to only create an install database for the packages I want to install?
You can install other packages. If you use apt-offline with the --install-packages option like for example:
sudo apt-offline set package-offline.sig --install-packages package_name
It will create a signature for the installation of package_name and its dependencies.