apt-offline seems like a really great option if you have a server that does not have network connectivity and you want to install a few packages on it.
The problem I have is that I only want to install a few packages and there seem to only be options for an upload or an upgrade and to also install the few packages I want. How do I get apt-offline to only create an install database for the packages I want to install?
You can install other packages. If you use apt-offline with the --install-packages option like for example:
sudo apt-offline set package-offline.sig --install-packages package_name
It will create a signature for the installation of package_name and its dependencies.
I have to install pyez using pip. This at least is stated as requirement to use the role Juniper.junos to run ansible commands against Juniper routers. I'm using cygwin on a windows laptop without any adminrights in a corporate network. The problem is, I cannot use the corporate proxy because of that proprietary Microsoft NTLM protocol so a simple "pip install junos-eznc" is not possible. But what I could do is download the software, tarball or whatever and run pip against that downloaded stuff. I tried several things and failed miserably and google doesn't return anything useful. Can anyone help? What am I supposed to do to get that installed successfully? Many thanks in advance.
Youcan download required package and install it like this
pip install <file_name>
I solved it.
First issue: Proxy
px.exe on https://github.com/genotrance/px/releases.
Second issue: missing libs:
I had to install several libs and make on cygwin in order to get junos-eznc installed:
Third issue: cryptography
Don't use latest version of cryptography because it'll need rust which is pita on cygwin
pip install cryptography==3.2
... and then ...
pip install junos-eznc
After that, installation of ...
ansible-galaxy install Juniper.junos
... was quite smooth
I want to use the package "Dask", but there is one problem.
"Dask dataframe requirements are not installed."
Obviously, we can use pip install "dask[dataframe]" or pip install "dask[complete]".
However, in the secured server where I work, there is no internet connection.
So, I transfer the file of package and install manually.
But, I cannot find the package dask[dataframe] for downloading.
How can I install the rest of packages manually without internet connection?
Thank you
You should look at the setup.py requirements file in the dask repository to see which dependencies it requires.
I am getting the below error on running this query CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";
SQLSTATE[58P01]: Undefined file: 7 ERROR: could not open extension control file "C:/Program File
s/2ndQuadrant/PostgreSQL/9.6/share/extension/uuid-ossp.control": No such file or directory (SQL:
Old question but I found it when I had a similar problem.
To install the uuid-ossp extension, you need to have some extra modules installed on the server you're on.
You can get those modules by installing postgresql-contrib, for example, on a Red Hat server, you'd do
sudo yum install postgresql-contrib
Also, note that if you need specific Postgres versions of the modules, you can do something like:
sudo yum install postgresql13-contrib
I had this problem and the first answer solved it for me.
Probably you are missing modules.
sudo yum install postgresql-contrib and try again.
So, with my .travis.yml, I'm installing some packages via apt-get which doesn't take too long to download, but a very long time to install.
Is there a way to make Travis CI remember the installed packages, so I won't have to install them from scratch for every build?
There seems to be no easy or convenient way to cache all of the packages you need to install via apt-get. According to the Caching Dependencies and Directories documentation, Travis CI currently only provides "convenience" caching for Bundler, CocoaPods, Yarn (and a few others).
However! If you can determine where apt-get installs each of the packages you need (as install locations vary from one package to the next), you can cache each of those install directories individually by following the steps in the Arbitrary directories documentation.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions and I'd be happy to help in any way I can. Cheers!
If the packages you need are in Travis' whitelist, you can install them more simply by adding to your .travis.yml:
- cmake
- package-xy
And cache them with:
apt: true
I'm using pip to install a software package with multiple dependencies onto a linux environment. Everything runs smooth when I call the pip install <package> up until the very end, when I get the error that a globally installed dependency package is out of date, meaning I should update the global version. Due to reasons beyond my control, doing this is out of the question. So, I installed an updated version to ~/bin. How do I tell pip to look there for the updated version?