VS Code debugger toolbar buttons disabled during debugging session - debugging

I am a beginner C programmer. Currently, I have Visual Studio version 1.61 September 2021 installed
on my windows 64-bit system. I also installed MingW64 and set up the environment variables to compile and debug with the purpose of writing, debugging and running my c programs.
I have been able to write and run my programs without any issues. I did notice that whenever I wish to debug my program, the debug toolbar that hovers on top has the buttons disabled and no line is pointed by the "yellow arrow".
I modified the "launch.json" file where I set the following:
"stopAtEntry": true,
This set the yellow arrow to point at the beginning of the program instead of the breakpoint and the debug toolbar buttons were activated. Though whenever I step-over on to the next line of code, the yellow arrow disappears and the debug toolbar buttons are deactivated once again.
This happens often on lines where I assign values to variables.
I am a beginner and I find VS Code quite frustrating, I would appreciate your input and suggestions. Thanks

UPDATE: I solved it.
So it turns out that there is nothing wrong with my debugger and it was behaving as it should. I noticed that it would always fall into that behavior whenever the gcc compiler was to execute the line including scanf(). The registers and variables in the watchlist would suddenly become "unavailable" this is because the compiler was waiting for user input.
Since VS Code did not show the running program on PowerShell, I modified the "launch.json" certain configurations to the following:
"externalConsole": true,
This allows for Command Prompt to open up, display the running program and allows for user input.
Once the user input is received the debug toolbar buttons are activated again and I could continue debugging. The watchlist variable also become available to analysis.
"stopAtEntry": false,
I set this configuration to false because I did not wish for the debugger to begin at the beginning of the program.
This was certainly frustrating but after finding the solution to this "issue", I bet that my endorphin and oxytocin levels are off the charts.
Very thrilling, this is what I love the most about problem solving.


How Can Watch Variables be Configured in a Watch Window Before Running a Debug Session in VS2017?

In all of my searching, I have not come across any trick, plug-in, or setting that would allow me to pre-populate a Watch Window for use during debugging.
The well-known steps to watch a variable in Visual Studio 2017 is to set a breakpoint (perhaps on the first instance of a variable being assigned a value), then, adding the variable to a Watch Window. On subsequent runs, that watched variable should remain in the Watch Window.
Is there a way to accomplish pre-populating the Watch Window before a debugging session? I have code that runs in a timed sequence. Taking the extended time during an execution break to pause and set up a watch causes the program to crash. Such timeout crashes while setting up variable watch objects makes for difficult interaction with the debugger. Pre-populating the watch list would help considerably.
I know that I could use a technique such as using Debug.Print(...) statements, which are printed to the Output Window during code execution. However, this doesn't allow me the control and visual feedback to my debugging efforts that comes from a Watch Window.
Watches can only be evaluated when you are paused in the debugger, say on a breakpoint. They can't be evaluated during normal execution. Your options to get around this limiation are:
Add Debug.Print(...) or something similar to your code that outputs a value.
Similar to #1 add a TracePoint which you'll find in the actions setting of a breakpoints setting (that's the gear icon when you hover over a breakpoint). When the TracePoints are hit they will then evaluate the expression that you specficied in the actions window and log it to the Output window. The advantage of TracePoints over adding your own logging is that you can turn it off and on without building your code. More info at: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/using-breakpoints?view=vs-2019#BKMK_Print_to_the_Output_window_with_tracepoints
Use the VS Enterprise only feature Snapshots which is part of IntelliTrace. Basically set your breakpoints but rather than stopping on them to look at the watch just continue. Each time you stop a snapshot of the process will be taken capturing the state of your application at that time. Then once you're finished use the Diagnostic Tools window to select each of the snasphots and activate them. For each snapshot you can use the debugger just as if you stopped the application. So you can use watches and inspect etc. Of course you can't step as the app has already ran but you can go to the next snapshot etc. More info at: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/view-snapshots-with-intellitrace?view=vs-2019 and https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/step-back-while-debugging-with-intellitrace/
How Can Watch Variables be Configured in a Watch Window Before Running
a Debug Session in VS2017?
I'm afraid the answer is negative.For now,the Watch window can only be configured after the debug session start.It's like a runtime window only occurs during debugging.
So we can't pre-populate it before debug session for now. In other words, it's by design.
As alternative ways,you can follow Andy's detailed suggestions above.
And since your needs is meaningful in some specific debugging situation, you can also post your suggestion on development community like a user voice to add a new feature.

Microsoft Visual Studio. Registers

When I am debugging in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 my "Registers" window shows no data available. What can I do to fix this?
As Sneftel stated, you cannot inspect data in the debugger unless you break the execution of the process. During execution, things would be changing far too quickly for any data display to be meaningful.
You can use the "Pause" button in the toolbar to break execution, and then you will see everything in the debugger: the current source line, the contents of registers, your "watch" variables, the full contents of memory in the "Memory" window, etc.
You can also set a breakpoint on a particular line of code, and then execution will break once that point is reached.
Once paused, you can then single-step through your program's code. This means that one line of code (the very next one) will be executed, and then the program will break again so that you can see everything in the debugger. This is an excellent troubleshooting technique—one that you should be well-acquainted with. In fact, I recommend that you single-step through every line of code that you write, just to make sure that it works correctly. You can also modify the contents of registers and variables (or, really, any location in memory) while you are single-stepping, giving yourself a way to test potential bug fixes or even introduce bugs (e.g., invalid input) to see how your code handles them. The default keyboard shortcut for single-step is F11.
You'll find more information about using the debugger, and the available keyboard shortcuts, here on MSDN. As you can see, that article confirms my answer:
Most debugger features, such as viewing variable values in the Locals window or evaluating expressions in the Watch window, are available only while the debugger is paused (also called break mode). When the debugger is paused, your app state is suspended while functions, variables, and objects remain in memory. While in break mode, you can examine the elements' positions and states to look for violations or bugs.
(Edit-and-continue is not available in assembly projects. You will need to stop execution and rebuild if you want to make changes to your code.)
For those with the "No data available" message, you can right click in the Registers window and choose what you want to see (UC, MMX, SSE, etc). It seems like by default there's nothing selected in Visual Studio 2019. At least, on mine there was nothing selected.

Visual Studio debugging program locked in memory

When i am debugging my program and an error occur, the debug session ends, but the program remains in memory. Using the activity manager of Windows to close it does not work. I need to close Visual Studio in order to kill the process.
Why is this happening?
When during debugging a program error occurs, the program usually does not "end". Instead, the debugger (VS2010) pauses execution, allowing you to inspect the code resulting in the error. Depending on the language used (e.g. C#) and the way you compiled your program, you may even be able to edit the program on the fly, move the execution cursor back a bit and continue the program from there.
If the Debug toolbar is visible (in my case it shows up automatically whenever I'm debugging), you should see a couple of "playback" buttons, allowing you to start/continue, pause, stop your program etc. If you stop your program, it will be gone from the task manager too.
As I mentioned in a comment on your question, you can also use the Debug menu to accomplish these tasks.

Visual Studio 2010 suddenly stops displaying Debug output

So there I am, working on a Silverlight app, and between one build & run and the next, my debug output goes away. Where before I had dozens of lines of Debug.Writeline text, I now have only the module load and thread messages.
Yes, I'm in debug mode (vs. release mode).
Yes, my Output window says "Show output from: Debug".
Yes, when I right-click on the output window, every option is checked.
No, my Tools > options > debugging > general > "Redirect all output text to the immediate window" is not checked.
All I can figure (and it's a wild guess) is that for some reason, the VS debugger isn't attaching to the Silverlight app like it should.
What's weird is this has been happening for the last couple of days, out of the blue. And just as suddenly, all my debug messages start showing up again.
This is VERY frustrating.
EDIT: Of course, after returning to the project after the weekend, all Debug messages are back. No idea what was causing the issue, so I'm sure it will happen again.
Now the question is: should I leave this question open in case the problem arises again in the near future? What happens to an unawarded bounty?
I found the same problem and just by setting options → debugging → output window → Thread Exit Messages to true the output windows was begin to send the right messages !?
I had exactly the same issue. Out of the blue, debug.print stopped working. In my case, it used to go to the Immediate Window. Nothing there. Nothing in the Output window. I followed several suggestions to no avail until I found this one at http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/26894732/Debug-Print-and-Debug-Write-no-longer-work-in-Visual-Studio-2010.html
There is a context menu in the Output/Debug pane. The "Program Output"
menu item was accidentally cleared.
Checked the item and it started working again (even though my output was the immediate window). What a relief...
Ensure that the DEBUG conditional compilation symbol is defined. The Debug class suggests that you "add the /d:DEBUG option to the compiler command line when you compile your code using a command line, or add #define DEBUG to the top of your file".
Did you create or modify an Application config? If yes: the initial created configuration by VS does contains the necessary wiring configurations to enable the debugging at all. Not sure what and if there are counterparts in Silverlight, but in WPF environments simply replacing the app.config will have the same effect as you expierience.
Check the Immediate Window. Check the options. There is a general setting that says "send Debug output to Immediate Window"

MS Access 2003 does not enter into debug mode and ignores breakpoints

I developed a small VBA procedure in MS Access 2003 module (just one public Sub)
The database is locked for me only, nobody else has access to the file.
My code works but there is a small bug I want to find and fix
I need to debug my VBA code. I put breakpoint at the first line of the procedure.
However, when I run this code, it never stops at the breakpoint and never enters to debug mode. Seems like VBA debugger is not working or disabled. I was not able to find any option how it is possible to disable/enable VBA debugger, I supposed it should be always enabled. Now I can debug this code only with the help of putting a lot of message boxes, but it takes a lot of time...
Please see:
ACC2002: Breakpoints Are Ignored in Visual Basic for Applications Code
Enable the Use Special Access Keys startup option.
To do so, follow these steps:
Open the database in which the breakpoint has been set.
On the Tools Menu, click Startup.
In the Startup dialog box, click to select the Use Special Access Keys
check box.
Click OK to close the Startup dialog box.
Close and then reopen the database.
Run the code that contains the breakpoint. Note that execution of the
code pauses at the breakpoint, as you
would expect.
Office 2010 Steps to resolve:
Current Database
Make sure "Use Access Special" is checked.
Close and reopen Database.
