Godot. Animations tracks call scripts functions don't work - animation

This is an animationPlayer created from a Blender import. Then I created a function call track and added a key to call a script function. This worked for idle and walk animation but not for attack animation.
My scene
My animatorPlayer, walk animtion. this work fine:
But this calls dont work:
my AnimationTree, only relevant nodes:
Thanks in advance.
I need it to function calls to functions anywhere. it is a critical functionality.

I found a solution thanks to:
"In the animation tree on that blend node's bone filter there was a no name track/bone at the top that was filtered out, it is the call method track."
It's hard to see this.


WebAudio changing of orientation of Listener and/or Panner

I am trying to understand how the WebAudio API would work. I have two objects; one representing the listener and one the source. And have used the below link as an example. I am able to move the source and the sound position changes.
The command to change the orientation has been provided: viz this.panner.setOrientation or this.listener.setOrientation. The question I have is: if I have a source or listener object (in canvas mode using ThreeJS viz. we know its position and rotation) how do I change the orientation of either the panner or listener (as the case may be) via JS.
An example would greatly help. Thanks
Any reason not to use THREE's PositionalAudio object? https://threejs.org/docs/index.html#api/audio/PositionalAudio. That lets you add a sound to mesh object, and THREE will take care of moving it. If you want to source a different sound than an AudioBuffer, just connect the audio source to the .gain of the PositionalAudio object.

Three.js calling clipAction.play() makes animated objects vanish

In Three.js, Calling action.play() makes objects just vanish, without any error or warning on the console.
I use THREE.ObjectLoader to load a JSON file created in blender. The srt (position/scale/quaternion) animation is in the generated file. As are the morphtargets. To optimise filesize I animated the srt as a series of null objects. The morphtargets tracks are in the main object, which I clone 5 times to build the characters (balloons to be exact).
I previously did extensive testing to introduce shape/morph animation. After being succesfull I finalised all the animations. Only to be trumped by the disappearing models. The srt (position/scale/quaternion) animation was working fine before. But after refactoring the code, to be less spagettied, upon calling action.play(). The objects just vanish, exactly then. Echoeing the mixers and the array containing the clips, everything looks correct (ie I see the tracks, the names are right etc). Also examining the newly generated JSON, it seems the same and correct (also I have not changed the SRT animations, only introduced shapeanimation)
So I am lost, and think this looks more and more like a bug. From previous experience I do know it works (or has worked).
I created a jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/oompol/3ya6sqed/
[edit] I turned on the action.play and call the function from the link in the div [/edit] please note I commented out calling action.play(). So you see the load and init work. See the function listed below
function playScene(scene) {
for (parentName in srtMixers) {
var clpName = "balloon1_fly";
var clp = THREE.AnimationClip.findByName(animLib, clpName);
var action = srtMixers[parentName].clipAction(clp);
action.clampWhenFinished = true;
console.log("playScene:", clpName, clp, parentName, srtMixers);
//this is when the problem happens
This is the JSON I am loading:
there was something very wrong with the scaling indeed.
The io_three JSON exporter for Blender (r87 dev) writes incorrect matrix transformation data in the geometry object (really tiny scaling values). The animation track with the scaling keys were correctly written as 1,1,1. So all the objects just scaled out of view immediately.
Hard to see because the geometry has no separate scaling value but a matrix. Seems to happen when you set "Scene" to true on export.
Worked around the problem by entering the scaling value in the keyframe tracks. But this will only work if you have no scaling animation (so the keys are all one).
Meanwhile I have extensively edited the JSON by hand. Because this is not the only incorrect data. The formatting of the animation object is also wrong. The durations for the morphTargetInfluence Keys is also incorrect. The formatting of these keys is also not always correct.
Hope this helps some other ppl

Modifying animation to match a keyframe in another

I have an Idle animation with arms holding a weapon which I have tweaked so It would work with a weapon I had created, I also have a running animation for the same arms which I need to tweak as well to work with my weapon, Is It possible to use the first keyframe from the Idle animation to offset the running animation's key to match it?
Ok so if anybody needs this in the future, I ended up using 3ds max's merge animation, it worked perfectly.
I've edited my previous answer to clearly state how this is done.
First, you want to export your idle animation. This can be done using the ATOM exporter in Maya or a third party plugin like PAIE or Studio Library. From here you can choose to only export the first frame or all frames. Make sure to select all the relevant controllers.
Secondly, you open up your running animation and select the same controllers as before, and then create a new animation layer with that selection. Animation layers are found in Channel Box / Layer Editor as a tab called Anim.
After setting up the layer, you can import your idle animation onto the layer. Again, this can be done using ATOM or a third party plug-in. Perhaps lock the BaseAnimation layer to prevent accidentally changing it. If you only wish to merge certain parts, like the arms, make sure to only export, import and add that animation to the animation layer.

Three.js (r71) - Assigning the animation name to import it to three.js

I was wondering if a Blender file contains many animations, how will the three.js library know which animation you want to open on the browser?
Because since the THREE.AnimationHandler.add() was deprecated, you should use the THREE.Animation (mesh, geometry.animation) function, which does not requires the animation name.
Does someone know how three.js does it?
I have just figured this out. When calling the THREE.Animation (mesh, geometry.animations[0]) function, you are already calling the first animation in the array 'animations', so there is no need to call it by name.

Animating Multi-Part Object

I've got a model of a car imported into Unity. It's got multiple parts, and these have been organized into a hierarchy in the project explorer window.
I want to be able to "explode" the model - move each part outwards, so that each individual part can be seen.
Do you know how I can do this in one script? So far, I can use a translate function call to move individual parts, and I've had to make separate scripts for each part.
Any guidance on how I could do this would be great.
i dont know what you really want to do. if you want to make an car exlosion that you want to do it with a simple code you can use addForce function. it receives a paramter as a direction. you can use this code to throw parts of your car to diffrent directions and trigger the code in some event, but if you want something cinematic and controlled you should just start animating.
